Zazzle Liquid Highlighter(all color except Tangerine, USA)
Safety Data Sheet
Date of issue:2014-11-20
Revision Date:-
1.Identification of the mixture and of the company
Product name : Ink for Zazzle Liquid Highlighter(Orange, Red, Pink, Orchid, Violet, Dark Blue,
Light.Blue, Green, Yellow)
Company : ZEBRA CO., LTD.
2-9 Higashi-gokencho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo JAPAN
TEL: +81-3-3268-1193
FAX: +81-3-3268-1197
Emergency telephone : +81-3-3268-1193
This phone number is available only during office hours: 9 a.m. to half past 5 p.m.
(Japan time)
Product use : Infill Ink for writing implement
2.Hazards identification
GHS classification
Physical hazards
Flammable liquids Not classified
Pyrophoric liquids Not classified
Self-heating mixtures Not classified
Corrosive to metals Not classified
Health hazards
Acute toxicity-Oral Not classified
Acute toxicity-Dermal Not classified
Acute toxicity-Inhalation:vapour Not classified
Acute toxicity-Inhalation:mist Not classified
Skin corrosion / irritation Not classified
Serious eye damage / eye irritation Category 2
Respiratory or skin sensitization Not classified/Category 1
Germ cell mutagenicity Not classified
Carcinogenicity Not classified
Reproductive toxicity Not classified
Specific target organ toxicity (Singel exposure) Not classified
Specific target organ toxicity(Repeated exposure) Not classified
Aspiration hazard Not classified
GHS label elements
Pictograms or Symbol
Exclamation mark
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Zazzle Liquid Highlighter(all color except Tangerine, USA)
Signal Word
Hazard statement
・Causes serious eye irritation
・May cause an allergic skin reaction
・Harmful to aquatic life
・May cause long lasting harmful effects to aquatic life
Precautionary Statements
・Read label and Material Safety Data Sheet before use.
・Avoid breathing dust/vapours
・Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace
・Wear protective gloves/eye protection.
・Wash hand throughly after handling
・Avoid release to the environment
・IF IN EYES: Rinse continuously with water for several minutes.
Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do . Continue rinsing
・If eye irritation persists : Get medical advice/attention
・IF ON SKIN: Wash with soap and water
・If skin irritation or a rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention
・Wash contaminated clothing before reuse
・Store in a well ventilated place. Keep cool and container tightly closed.
・Dispose of contents/container to in accordance with local government regulation.
3.Composition/information on ingredients
Component and Amount
Reference Number in Gazetted List in Japan
Component Amount CAS No. (Japanese Chemical Substances Control Act)
Dyes 0-5% Nondisclosure Nondisclosure(registered)
Resins 10-15% Nondisclosure Nondisclosure(registered)
Water 65-75% 7732-18-5 ―
Glycerol 10-15% 56-81-5 (2)-242
Additives 1-5% Nondisclosure Nondisclosure(registered)
4.First-aid measures
After inhalation:
Call a doctor/physician if you feel unwell.
Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.
After skin contact:
Wash with soap and water
If skin irritation or a rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention
Wash contaminated clothing before reuse
Call a doctor/physician if you feel unwell.
After eye contact:
Rinse continuously with water for several minutes.
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