All controls and indicators for the print engine are located on the control panel (Figure 29).
The power switch is located to the side of the control panel.
170PAX4 Quick Reference Guide
Figure 29 • Control Panel (Right Hand)
Control Panel
Power switch
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
Control Panel Buttons
The control panel buttons are described in Table 7.
Table 7 • Control Panel Buttons
The two black ovals are used to change parameter values for a parameter being displayed
on the LCD. Common uses include increasing or decreasing a value, answering yes or no,
indicating ON or OFF, and scrolling through choices.
PREVIOUSScrolls the LCD to the previous parameter.
NEXTScrolls the LCD to the next parameter.
SETUP/EXITEnters and exits configuration mode.
PAUSEStops and restarts the printing process or removes error messages and clears the LCD. If a
label is printing, it is completed before the printing process stops. When the print engine is
paused, the PAUSE light is ON.
CANCEL functions only in Pause mode. Pressing CANCEL has these effects:
• Cancels the label format that is currently printing.
• If no label format is printing, the next one to be printed is canceled.
• If no label formats are waiting to be printed,
To clear the print engine’s entire label format memory, press and hold
CANCEL is ignored.
CANCEL until the
DATA light turns off.
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170PAX4 Quick Reference Guide
Control Panel
Table 7 • Control Panel Buttons (Continued)
FEEDFeeds a blank label.
• If the print engine is idle or paused, the label is fed immediately.
• If the print engine is printing, the label is fed after the current batch prints.
CALIBRATE functions only in Pause mode. Press CALIBRATE to recalibrate for proper
media length, to set media type (continuous/non-continuous), and to set print method
(direct thermal/thermal transfer).
Control Panel Indicator Lights (LEDs)
The control panel lights are described in Table 8.
Table 8 • Control Panel Lights
OFF IndicatesON IndicatesFLASHING Indicates
Print engine is
OFF, or no power
Power switch is ON, and power is being
supplied to print engine.
to print engine.
Normal operation.One of the following:
• Print engine is paused because of an
error condition (printhead, ribbon, or
paper error). Usually occurs in
conjunction with another LED.
PAUSE was pressed.
• A pause was requested from the
Applicator Port.
• A pause was received as part of the
label format.
No data being
received or
Data is processing or printing is taking
place. No data is being received.
Print engine is receiving data
from or sending status
information to the host
Normal operation.
Media properly
Normal operation.
Ribbon properly
Out of media. (Print engine is paused,
LCD displays error message, and
PAUSE light is ON).
Ribbon in when print engine is in direct
thermal mode, or no ribbon in when print
engine is in thermal transfer mode. Print
engine is paused, LCD displays error
message, and PAUSE light is ON .
The print engine can use various types of media (Table 9).
Table 9 • Types of Media
Media TypeHow It LooksDescription
170PAX4 Quick Reference Guide
Non-Continuous Roll
Roll Media
Fanfold MediaThe media is folded in a zigzag pattern.
The media is wound on a core. Individual
labels are separated by a gap, notch, hole,
or black mark, which enables you to see
where one label ends and the next one
begins. When using media that has holes or
notches, position the media sensor directly
over a hole or notch.
The media is wound on a core and is
without gaps, holes, notches, or black
marks. This allows the image to be printed
anywhere on the label.
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170PAX4 Quick Reference Guide
Ribbon is a thin film that is coated on one side with wax or wax resin, which is transferred to
the media during the thermal transfer process.
When To Use Ribbon
Thermal transfer media requires ribbon for printing while direct thermal media does not.
To determine if ribbon must be used with a particular media, perform a media scratch test.
To perform a media scratch test, complete these steps:
1. Sc ratch the print surface of the media with your fingerna il.
2. Did a bl ack mark appear on the media?
If a black mark...Then the media is...
Does not appear on the mediaThermal transfer. A ribbon is required.
Appears on the mediaDirect thermal. No ribbon is re quired, though ribbon
may be used to help protect the printhead from
abrasion with the media.
Coated Side of Ribbon
Ribbon can be wound with the coated side on the inside or outside (Figure 30). This print
engine can only use ribbon that is coated on the outside.
Figure 30 • Ribbon Coated on Outside or Inside
To determine which side of a ribbon is coated, complete these steps:
1. Peel a label from its liner.
2. Press a corner of the sticky side of the label to the outer surface of the roll of ribbon.