Zebra 160S, 105Se User Manual

Customer Order # 11991L Manufacturer Part # 11991LB Rev. 2
Continuous improvemen t of pro ducts is a policy of Zebra Technologies Corporation. All spec i fic at ions and signs are subject to change without notice.
Note: This equipment has been tested and fou n d to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits a re de sig ned to provide reasonable prote ction against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a comme rcial environment. This equipment generate s, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not inst al le d and used in accordance with the inst ructions manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residen tial area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user w il l be required to corre ct the interference at hi s own expense.
In order to ensure compliance, this printer must be used with a Shielded Power Cord and Shielded Communication Cables.
“The user is cautioned tha t an y changes or modifications not expre ssly approved by Zebra Technologies Corporation could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.”
This digital apparatus does not exc ee d the Cl ass A limi ts for ra di o noi s e em i s sions from digital apparatus as set out in the radio interference regulations of the Canadian Depart m en t of Communications.
Zebra Technologies Corporation takes steps to assure that its published Engineering Specifications and Manuals are correct; however, errors do occur. Zebra Technologies Corporation reserves the right to correct any such errors and disclaims liabilit y resu lting therefrom.
In no event shall Zebra Technologies Corporation or anyone else involve d in the cre at ion, production, or delivery of the accompanying product (including hardware and softw a re ) be liable for any damages whatsoev er (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business pro fits, busine ss inter rupt io n, loss of bu sine ss information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of th e use of or the results of use or inability to use such pro duct, even if Zebra Technologies Corporation has been advised of the po ssi bi lity of such damages. Because some states so not allow the exclusion or limitation of l iab ility for consequential or inci dental damages, the above limita ti on may not apply to you.
This copyrighted manual and the label printer described herein are owned by Zebra Technologies Corporation. All rights are reserved. Unauthorized reproduction of this manual or the software in the label printer may result in imprisonment of up to one year and fines of up to $10,000 (17 U.S.C.506). Copyright violators may be subject to civil liability.
© 2001 Zebra Technologies Corporation. All ri ght s rese rve d. All products and brand nam es ar e tr ademarks of their respective com panies. All rights reserved.
Zebra S-Series User’s Guide ii
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Model Designation...................................................................................................1
System Overview.....................................................................................................2
Communication Capabilities ..............................................................................2
Thermal Transfer Printer Internal Functions ......................................................2
Print Mechanism Capabilities.............................................................................2
Media Transport Mechanism Capabilities..........................................................3
Additional System Requirements ............................................................................3
Media and Ribbon Requirements.............................................................................4
Warnings and Precautions........................................................................................ 4
230 VAC Operation............................................................................................4
Use of Shielded Cable ........................................................................................5
Ribbons and Printhead Wear..............................................................................5
Reporting Damage...................................................................................................7
Storage and Reshipping........................................................................................... 8
Power Connection....................................................................................................8
AC Voltage Selection Procedure........................................................................8
AC Power Fuse Replacement.............................................................................9
115 VAC Operation..........................................................................................10
230 VAC Operation..........................................................................................10
Site Requirements..................................................................................................10
Ribbon Loading (105Se)........................................................................................11
Ribbon Loading (160S)..........................................................................................14
Zebra S-Series User’ s Guide iii
Media Loading....................................................................................................... 15
Roll Media................................................... ......... ......... ................................... 15
Tear-Off Mode ................................................................................................. 17
Rewind Mode............................ ......... ......... ..................................................... 17
Peel-Off Mode..................................................................................................17
Cutter Mode...................................................................................................... 18
Fanfold Media ...................................................... ............................................ 18
Removing Used Ribbon (105Se)........................................................................... 19
Removing Used Ribbon (160S)............................................................................. 20
Initial Printer Power Up......................................................................................... 21
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Operating Your Zebra S-Series Printer .................................................................23
Printer Operating Modes....................................................................................... 23
Media Sensing Modes......................................................................................23
Media Transport Modes...................................................................................24
Front Panel Keys ................................................................................................... 26
PAUSE Key...................................................................................................... 26
FEED Key ........................................................................................................26
CANCEL Key .................................................................................................. 26
MODE Key ...................................................................................................... 27
Front Panel Lights................................................................................................. 27
Power-On Self Test ............................................................................................... 28
Printer Self Tests ...................................................................................................28
CANCEL Key Self Test................................................................................... 30
PAUSE Key Self Test......................................................................................31
FEED Key Self Test......................................................................................... 32
FEED Key and PAUSE Key Self Test.............................................................33
MODE Key Self Test.......................................................................................33
PAUSE Key and CANCEL Key Self Test.......................................................33
FEED Key and CANCEL Key Self Test .........................................................34
Extended Printer Diagnostics................................................................................34
Sample ZPL II® Label Formats............................................................................35
Format 1: Simple Text and a Barcode............................................................. 36
Format 2: Saving a Label Format as a Graphic Image....................................36
Format 3: Using a Serialized Data Field ......................................................... 37
Zebra S-Series User’s Guide iv
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Option Switches.....................................................................................................39
Bank 1...............................................................................................................40
Bank 2...............................................................................................................41
Configuration Mode...............................................................................................42
Calibration ........................................................................................................43
Adjusting the Print Darkness............................................................................44
Adjusting the Media Rest Position...................................................................44
Adjusting the Position of the Top of the Label.................................................44
System Components...............................................................................................45
System Considerations...........................................................................................45
Communications Code......................................................................................45
Data Specifications...........................................................................................46
RS-232 Serial Data Port.........................................................................................46
RS-232 Pinouts.................................................................................................46
Hardware Control Signal Descriptions.............................................................47
RS-232 Cabling Requirements...................... ......... ..........................................47
Interconnect to DTE Devices............................................................................48
Interconnect to DCE Devices...........................................................................48
Parallel Cabling Requirements .........................................................................49
Parallel Interface...............................................................................................49
Signal Descriptions...........................................................................................50
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Exterior Surfaces ..............................................................................................51
Interior ..............................................................................................................51
Printhead and Platen Roller..............................................................................52
Media, Ribbon, and Label Available Sensors ..................................................57
Cutter Module...................................................................................................57
Zebra S-Series User’s Guide v
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Toggle Positioning................................................................................................. 59
Printhead Pressure Adjustment.............................................................................. 59
Black Mark Media Sensor Position Adjustment ...................................................60
Transmissive Media Sensor Position Adjustment................................................. 60
Upper Transmissive Media Sensor Position Adjustment................................. 61
Lower Transmissive Media Sensor Position Adjustment ................................62
Media and Ribbon Sensor Sensitivity Adjustment................................................63
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Printer Specifications.............................................................................................71
Printing Considerations.................................................................................... 71
Print Speeds...................................................................................................... 71
Media Handling................................................................................................ 72
Media................................................................................................................ 72
Zebra Programming Language II (ZPL II®)....................................................73
Bar Codes.........................................................................................................73
Standard Fonts..................................................................................................74
Physical ............................................................................................................ 76
Communications Interface............................................................................... 77
Environmental Ranges..................................................................................... 77
Options and Accessories.................................................................................. 77
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Peel-Off ................................................................................................................. 79
Cutter Module........................................................................................................ 79
Media Rewind ....................................................................................................... 79
Fanfold Supply Bin............................................................. ................................... 80
External ZebraNet™ (Ethernet) Interface .............................................................80
Black Mark (Reflective) Sensor ............................................................................80
Optional Printer Fonts ........................................................................................... 81
230 VAC Factory Setup ........................................................................................ 82
512 KB DRAM Memory Expansion..................................................................... 82
12-Dot/mm and 6-dot/mm Printhead..................................................................... 82
Zebra S-Series User’s Guide vi
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230 VAC Power Cord............................................................................................83
ASCII Code Chart..................................................................................................84
Adjusting Darkness for “In-Spec” Bar Codes........................................................85
Label Darkness Levels......................................................................................86
Optional Printer Fonts............................................................................................88
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Zebra S-Series User’ s Guide vii
Zebra S-Series User’s Guide viii
This user’s guide contains descriptive information and operational instructions for the Zebra 105Se and the 160S thermal transfer dema nd printers. It contains information on how to set up and operate the printer as well as adjustment and maintenance procedures that can be perf ormed by the operator. Information covering the use and operation of Zebra S-Series Printer options is also included.
Additional documentation for the Zebra S-Series Printer is available:
• The ZPL II
• The two-volume Maintenance Manual: Volume 1: General Maintenance (part # 38452L) contains the information you need to maintain your printer. Volume 2: Circuit Descriptions and Electrical Schematics (part # 38453L) contains the information you need to repair the circuit boards at the co mp onen t le vel. You may order both vol umes as a set (part # 31452L).
Programming Guide (part # 46469L).
Labels located inside the media compartment above the frame support at the rear of the S-Series Printer include both the serial number and model designation. If you need to contact our technical support staff for assistance, please have both the model designation and serial num ber available so that we may help you more efficiently.
Zebra S-Series User’s Guide 1
The S-Seri es Printe r , when conne cted to an ap propri ate ASCII data s ource, functions as a complete label, ticket, and tag printing system. Customer­supplied asynchronous modems may be used to connect remote hosts to the S-Series Printer.
Connection of the S-Series Printer to data sources using data codes other than ASCII requires the use of an appropriate protocol converter.
Connection to data source s using int erfa ces othe r than the ty pe insta lled in the printer requires the use of an appropriate interface converter.
The S-Series Printer comes with either an Electronics Industries Association (EIA) RS-232 serial data interface or a factory-installed parallel interface. In both cases, the required interface cable is not supplied with the printer.
Command/control data signals are received via the RS-232 port, parallel port, or DIP switches and are sent to the main logic board. The microprocessor continuously monitors these signals along with the inputs received from the control panel and various sensors. The microprocessor interprets this information and contro ls the S-Ser ies Printer’s mechanics, printhead, communications, command int er pre tation, label formatting, media control, and mechanical drive.
The print mechanism has been designed to print random information labels, tickets, and tags . It uses a thermal pr inthead t hat heat s a ribbon as it passes beneath the print elements, melting its ink onto the media (direct thermal uses heat-sensitive media instead of an inked ribbon). Constant print speeds may be selected via software control.
2Zebra S-Series User’s Guide
The standard printhead for the S-Series Printer has a print resolution of 8 dots/mm (203.2 dots/inch). Optional printheads are available for the 105Se for either 6 dots/mm ( 152 dot s/ in ch) o r 12 dot s/ mm (3 00 dot s/ inc h) resolution.
The media transport mechanism of the S-Series Printer has been designed to accommodate various types of media, including die-cut labels, ticket and tag stock, continuous roll, and fanfold media.
Media may be rewound internally onto standard 3" cores if the rewind spindle option is inst alle d. With the peel-off option, ba cking mat erial may be rewound internally.
Ribbons for the S-Series Printer are supplied on 1" cores in standard widths and lengths.
In addition to the Zebra S-Series Printer, you need the following items to form a comp lete label preparation system:
• Label, ticket, or tag stock.
• An intelligent devic e, such a s a comput er, for data entry or entry of ZPL II formats.
• A data communication cable to connect the controlling device to the printer (remote installations may require additional cables and communication devices, such as modems and/or protocol converters).
• Thermal transfer ribbon (if using thermal transfer mode).
Zebra S-Series User’s Guide 3
Print quality not only depends on the Zebra S-Series Printer, but also on the print media. Fact ors such as reflectivity and contrast ar e i mp ort ant for bar code scanning applications. Factors such as paper abrasion and temperature requirements are important in maintaining the life of the printhead.
We STRONGLY RECOMMEND the use of Zebra-brand media for continuous high quality printing. A wide range of paper, polypropylene, polyester, and vinyl stock has been specifically engineered to enhance the printing capabilities of the printer and to ensure against premature printhead wear.
Continuous roll form paper, fanfold media, or cardstock with optional perforations and registration holes may be used. The standard 160S Printer and 105Se Printer with an optional reflective sensor can use “black-mark media” (media having a black mark printed on the liner side for use in positioning the labels) .
Since print quality is affected by media and ribbon, printing speeds, and printer operating modes, it is very important to run tests for your applications. This is especially true if you’re operating in peel-off mode, where these variables combine with label size, backing con tent, diecut depth, and even humidity to affect printer operation.
4Zebra S-Series User’s Guide
Zebra S-Series User’s Guide 5
6Zebra S-Series User’s Guide
When unpacking the Zebra S-Series Printer, make sure you save all packing materials. Once the printer is out of the box, raise the printer’s media access door and remove the power cord.
Inspect the printer for possible damage incurred during shipment.
• Check all exterior surfaces for damage.
• Raise the media access door and inspect compartment for damage to components.
If you discover shipping damage upon inspection:
• Immediately notify the shipping company of the damage.
• Retain all packaging material for shipping company inspection.
• File a damage report with the shipping company and notify your local distributor and Zebra Technologies Corporation of the damage. Zebra
Technologies Corporation is not responsible for any damage incurred during shipment of t he equ ipme nt and will not repair this damage under warranty. Immediate notification of damage to the shipping company
or its insuring agency generally results in ensuring any damage claim validity and ultimate monetary compensation.
Zebra S-Series User’s Guide 7
If you are not placing the printer into operation immediately, repackage it using the original packing materials. The S-Series Printer may be stored under the following conditions:
• Temperature: –40° to +158° F (–40° to +70° C)
• Relative humidity: 20% to 85% non-condensing Should it become necessary to ship your printer, remove any ribbon and
paper roll from the supply spools, otherwise damage to the printer could result. Carefully pack t he printer in a suitable container to av oid damage during transit. Whenever possible, use the original container and packaging material from the factory. If you use a different container, a procedure similar to the original factory packaging should be followed.
The S-Series Printer’s AC voltage may be set for either 115 VAC or 230 VAC operation. To match the printer’s power entry selection to the available power sour ce, refer to Figure 1 and follow th e procedure outl ined below:
1. Locate the AC power area at the rear of the printer.
2. Using a small flatblade screwdriver or similar tool, move the voltage selection switch to the 115 V or 230 V position as required. (The initial position of the switch dep ends on how the pri nter was ordere d.) Make sure that the appropriate fuse is in place.
8Zebra S-Series User’s Guide
A user-replaceable AC power fuse is located just above the power ON/OFF switch (see Figure 1). For a 115 VAC installation, the replacement fuse is a 3AG Fast Blow style r ated a t 5 Amp/25 0VAC. For a 230 VAC installation, the fuse is the same style but rated at 3 Amp/250 VAC. Make sure the fuse you use is correct for the voltage source.
Note: Before replacing the fuse, turn the AC power swi tch OFF and
unplug the AC power cable.
1. To replace the fuse, insert the tip of a fl atblade screwdriver int o the
slot in the end of the fuse holder end cap.
2. Press in slightly on the end cap and turn the screwdriver slightly
counterclockwise. This disengages the end cap from the fuse holder and allows you to remove the fuse.
3. To install a new fuse, remove the old fuse and insert the new fuse into
the fuse holder.
4. Push the end cap in slightly, then insert the tip of a flatblade
screwdriver into the sl ot in the end cap and turn clo ckwise to engage it.
Figure 1
Zebra S-Series User’s Guide 9
1. Confirm tha t the voltage selector swit ch is set to 115 V.
2. Attach the supp lied powe r cord to the AC po wer recept acle lo cated on the rear of th e printer.
3. Connect the opposite end of the power cord to a properly grounded source of 115 VAC (50 or 60 Hz) power rated for at least 5 Amps.
1. Confirm that the voltage selector switch is set to 23 0 V.
2. Depending on how the printer was ordered, a power cord may or may not be provided for 230 VAC ope rati on. If not pr ovided, obta in a cord set with the proper AC power plug. The cord may then be connected to the standard (international) IEC-type 3-prong AC connector provided on the S-Series Printer. Refer to “230 VAC Power Cord” on page 83 for m ore information.
The S-Series Prin ter may be inst alled on any solid, level surface of sufficient size and strength to accommodate the unit. The area in which the printer operates must meet th e enviro nment al condi tions specif ied (s ee page 77).
Since the Zebra S-Series Printer was designed and is fabricated as an industrial-ty pe unit , it f unctio ns sat isfac to rily i n area s such a s a warehous e or factory floor that conform to the specified environmental and electrical conditions (see page 76).
10 Zebra S-Series User’s Guide
Refer to Figure 4 throughout this procedure. Note: When placing the ribbon roll on the ribbon supply spindle, make
sure that the core is pushed up against the stop on the ribbon supply spindle and that the ribbon is aligned squarely with its core. If this is n ot done, the ribbon may not cov er the ins ide ed ge of the printhead, ex posing pr int el ements to poten tial ly damagi ng contact with the media.
Do not load ri bbon if the pr inter is to be use d in the di rect ther mal mode.
1. Align the segments of the ribbon supply spindle. See Figure 2.
2. Place the ribbon roll on the ribbon supply spindle.
3. Open the printhead by moving the handle to the OPEN position.
Figure 2
Zebra S-Series User’s Guide 11
4. Important...To make ribbon loading and unloading easier, make a leader for your ribbon roll if it doesn’t already have one (refer to Figure 3). Tear off a str ip of media (labe ls a nd b acking) about 6" - 12" long from the roll. Peel off a label from this strip and remove the remaining labels. Apply half of this label to the end of the strip and the other half to the end of the ribbon. This acts as a ribbon leader.
Figure 3
5. Thread the leader and attached ribbon as shown in Figure 4. Be careful not to crease or wrinkle the ribbon.
6. Remove the hook from the ribbon take-up spindle.
7. Place the leader under the long leg of the hook and wind for several turns.
8. Close the printhead by moving the lever to the CLOSED position.
12 Zebra S-Series User’s Guide
Figure 4
Zebra S-Series User’s Guide 13
Refer to Figure 4 throughout this procedure. Note: When placing the ribbon roll on the ribbon supply spindle, make
sure that the core is pushed up against the stop on the ribbon supply spindle and that the ribbon is aligned squarely with its core. If this is n ot done, the ribbon may not cov er the ins ide ed ge of the printhead, ex posing pr int el ements to poten tial ly damagi ng contact with the media.
Do not load ri bbon if the pr inter is to be use d in the di rect ther mal mode.
1. Align the segments of the ribbon supply spindle. See Figure 2.
2. Place the ribbon roll on the ribbon supply spindle.
3. Open the printhead by moving the handle to the OPEN position.
4. Important...To make ribbon loading and unloading easier, make a leader for your ribbon roll if it doesn’t already have one (refer to Figure 3). Tear off a str ip of media (labe ls a nd b acking) about 6" - 12" long from the roll. Peel off a label from this strip and remove the remaining labels. Apply half of this label to the end of the strip and the other half to the end of the ribbon. This acts as a ribbon leader.
5. Thread the leader and attached ribbon as shown in Figure 4. Be careful not to crease or wrinkle the ribbon.
6. Place the leader around the ribbon take-up spindle and wind counterclockwise for several turns.
7. Close the printhead by moving the lever to the CLOSED position.
14 Zebra S-Series User’s Guide
To load media, move the printhead locking lever to the OPEN position. Refer to Figures 5, 6, 7, and 8. When the media is loaded, close the printhead by moving the lever on the upper printhead mechanism to the CLOSED position.
Note: The first time you load media and whenever you subsequently
change the media type, you must re- calibrate the printer. See “Calibration” on page 43 for details.
Roll media may contain labels of a fixed length with gaps in between or it may be formed as one continuous length with no gaps (see “Continuous Media” on page 91 for a complete definition). Both types of roll media mount inside the printer in the same manner. To load roll media, refer to Figures 5 and/or 6 and do the following:
1. Move the media guide and media supply guide as far away from the
printer frame as possible.
2. Place the media roll on the media supply hanger.
3. Push the media supply guide inward until it is just touching the outer
side of the media supply roll. (The guide must not cause pressure or excessive drag on the media supply roll.)
4. Thread the media through the printhead as shown in the illustrations.
5. Adjust the media gu ide unt il it jus t touches the outer e dge of the medi a
without causing it to buckle.
6. Close the printhead by moving the lever located on the upper
printhead assembly to the CLOSED position.
Zebra S-Series User’s Guide 15
Figure 5
Figure 6
16 Zebra S-Series User’s Guide
Follow the instructions described in “Roll Media” on page 15.
Note: Rewind option required. To initially configure the p rinter for this mode, follow these ste ps:
1. Remove the media rewind plate from its storage location in front of
the printhead inside th e media compartment.
2. Invert the rewi nd plat e so that the li p on the at tache d hook plate po ints
3. Insert the hook plate lip a short distance (1/2") into the lower opening
in the side plate.
4. Align the upper end of the rewind plate with the corresponding
opening in the side plate and slide the rewind plate in so that it stops against the main frame.
5. Remove the hook from the take-up spindle shaft.
6. Route the media as shown in Figures 5 and 6 and wind it 1-2 times
around a 3" core.
1. Remove the rewind plate if one is present and store it on the two
mounting screws on the inside of the front panel. Align the notch or web in the media so that the take label sensor can sense a peeled label.
2. Load media as shown in Figures 5 and 6.
3. Remove the hook from the take-up spindle shaft.
4. Remove several labels from the media backing and then wind the
backing 1-2 times around the media take-up spindle and reinstall the hook.
Zebra S-Series User’s Guide 17
Follow the instructions described in “Roll Media” on page 15 with the exception of step 6: first route the media through the cutter module (see Figures 5 and 6) and then close the printhead assembly by moving the lever located on the upper printhead assembly to the CLOSED position.
To load fanfold media, place the fanfol d media in the bottom or to the rear of the media compartment or fan fold s upply bi n (105 Se only) a nd thre ad it through the printhe ad as shown in Figure s 7 and 8. Ad just the medi a guid e using the thumb screw to keep the media from drifting left or right.
Fanfold media fr om outside the pri nter f eeds thr ough one o f the t wo access slots: one at the bottom of the printer, and one at the rear.
Figure 7
18 Zebra S-Series User’s Guide
Figure 8
To remove used ribbon, refer to Figure 9 and follow the steps below.
1. Pull the hook out slightly, then rotate the hook back-and-forth several
times as sh own and rem ove it from the spindle.
2. Grasp the used ribbon and remove it from the ribbon take-up spindle.
3. Remove the empty core from the ribbon supply spindle.
4. Follow the ribbon loading procedure on page 11 to load the new
Figure 9
Zebra S-Series User’s Guide 19
Refer to Figure 10.
1. Turn the knob at the end of the ribbon take-up spindle (1) clockwise until it stops. This causes the ribbon release bars to pivot down (2), easing the spindle’s “grip” on the wound ribbon.
2. Slide the ribbon off of the ribbon take-up spindle. Once the used ribbon has been removed, ensure that the arrow on the knob aligns with the indented notch in the ribbon take-up spindle (see inset).
3. Remove the empty core from the ribbon supply spindle.
4. Follow the ribbon loading procedure on page 14 to load the new ribbon.
Figure 10
20 Zebra S-Series User’s Guide
After you finish loading the ribbon and media, continue reading through “Operation” beginning on page 23 and “Configuration and Calibration” beginning on page 39. Perform the following initial printer power-up steps as you come to them:
1. Power-On Self Test (POST)
2. Calibration Note: Subsequent power-ups do not necessarily require step 2 to be
Zebra S-Series User’s Guide 21
22 Zebra S-Series User’s Guide
+ 80 hidden pages