Package Contents: zBoost® Metro
Before you begin, make sure all of the following parts came with your zBoost® Metro:
Literature Contents:
① Set Up Overview
Product Contents:
② Base Unit Antenna - 2 dBi
③ zBoost® Base Unit
④ Power Supply
⑤ RG-59 (mini) Coaxial Cable - 40 ft
⑥ Signal Antenna
⑦ Short Suction Cup Attachments
⑧ Long Suction Cup Attachments
Cet appareillage numérique de la classe [B] répond à toutes les exigences de l’interférence canadienne
causant des règlements d’équipement. L’opéra on est suje e aux deux condi ons suivantes: (1) ce disposi f
peut ne pas causer l’interférence nocive, et (2) ce disposi f doit accepter n’importe quelle interférence
reçue, y compris l’interférence qui peut causer l’opéra on peu désirée.
Le fabricant nominale de la puissance de sor e de ce matériel est simple transporteur. Pour les situa ons
lorsque plusieurs signauxporteurs sont présents, l’évalua on devrait être réduite de 3.5 dB, en par culier
lorsque le signal de sor e est ré-émise et peut provoquer des interférences adjacentes à la bande
u lisateurs. Ce pouvoir est de la réduc on par le biais de la sor e d’alimenta on ou la réduc on de gain et
non par un a énuateur à la sor e du disposi f.
Please note: This unit has been approved for use in Canada under RSS 131, however, consent for the use
of this device to improve cellular or PCS coverage, must be obtained through your cellular or PCS provider,
prior to placing the unit in opera on. Please refer to the Industry Canada document CPC 2-1-05, Sec on 6.1
available or viewable at:
h p://www.ic.gc.ca/epic/site/smt-gst.nsf/en/sf08942e.html
Copyright Notice
This manual is copyrighted. All rights reserved. This manual, whole or in part, may not be copied,
photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form for
distribu on. This manual whole or in part, may not be modifi ed without prior consent, in wri ng, from
Wireless Extenders.
Copyright © 2010 by Wireless Extenders, Inc.
Wireless Extenders, Wi-Ex, the Wi-Ex logo, zBoost, the zBoost logo and Extending Cell Zones are registered
trademarks of Wireless Extenders, Inc.
Safety Guidelines
In accordance with FCC requirements of human exposure to radiofrequency fi elds, the radia ng element
(antenna) shall be posi oned such that a minimum separa on distance of 8 inches (20cm) is maintained
between the radia ng element and the user and/or general popula on.
Limited Liability
In no event shall Wireless Ex tenders be lia ble for any direc t, indirect, special, puni ve, incidental,
exemplary or consequen al damages, or any damages, wh ether in an ac on under contr act, negligence,
or any other theory, arising out of o r in connec on w ith the set up of, use of, inability to use, o r
performance of the inform a o n, service s, product s, and materials available fro m this manual. These
limita ons shall apply n otwithst anding any failu re of essen al purpose of any limited remedy. Be cause
some jurisdic ons d o not allow limit a o ns on how long an implied warran ty last, or the e xclusion or
limita on of liabilit y for consequen al or incidental damages, the above limita ons may not apply to you.
For full warranty guideli nes, see page 10.
Safety and Product Warranty Information
Changes or modifi ca ons not expressly approved by Wi-Ex
could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment
and/or void the product warranty.