FRONT PANEL ............................................................................................................................................................................6
LEFT SIDE ..................................................................................................................................................................................9
RIGHT SIDE ..............................................................................................................................................................................10
MAIN MENU .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
SUB MENUS ............................................................................................................................................................................12
ASSIGNING INPUTS TO A FADER / BANK ..................................................................................................................... 13
SETTING A CROSS POINT ...........................................................................................................................................................13
HOW TO NAME A TRACK ...........................................................................................................................................................14
SELECTING FROM THE LIST OF PRESET TRACK NAMES ..................................................................................................................14
MEMORY MENU ............................................................................................................................................................. 15
STORE /RECALL MEMORY .......................................................................................................................................................15
How to store and recall a setup parameter ............................................................................................................... 15
FACTORY RESET TO DEFAULT ....................................................................................................................................................15
STORE /RECALL TO MIRROR CARD ...........................................................................................................................................15
SETTING UP HEADPHONE PRESETS .............................................................................................................................................16
NAMING THE HEADPHONE SETUP .............................................................................................................................................16
INVERTING THE PHASE OF A SELECTION .....................................................................................................................................16
HEADPHONE MATRIX SETUP TO DECODE MS STEREO ...............................................................................................................16
ENG MENU ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Compressor Parameters Set ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Extra Input Gain .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
PLAY TO OUTPUTS ...................................................................................................................................................................18
GPREMOTE ROLL ENABLE .......................................................................................................................................................19
TONE FREQUENCY ADJUST .......................................................................................................................................................19
TONE LEVEL .............................................................................................................................................................................19
ETER PEAK HOLD SET ...........................................................................................................................................................19
TRANSPORT KEYS .....................................................................................................................................................................19
TRACK NAME PRESET EDIT .......................................................................................................................................................19
ABOUT NOVA MENU ...............................................................................................................................................................20
SETUP POWER .........................................................................................................................................................................20
Prevent Empty Pan ......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Slate Always On .............................................................................................................................................................. 21
EXT Meter Decay ............................................................................................................................................................ 21
EXT Meter Hold............................................................................................................................................................... 21
Button Hold Time ........................................................................................................................................................... 22
SETTING THE INPUT PARAMETERS ............................................................................................................................... 23
NAVAGATING THE INPUT SETUP MENU ......................................................................................................................................23
TIME CODE ...................................................................................................................................................................... 24
JAMMING TIME CODE AND USER BITS ......................................................................................................................................24
MANUALLY ENTERING TIME CODE AND USER BITS ....................................................................................................................24
Entering time code ......................................................................................................................................................... 24
TIME CODE SETUP MENU ........................................................................................................................................................25
Increment User Bits ....................................................................................................................................................... 25
UB Date Style .................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Auto Date Jam ................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Set Time and Date .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Time Code Slate .............................................................................................................................................................. 26
ASSIGNING INPUTS TO THE RECORD TRACKS ............................................................................................................. 27
NAVAGATING THE TRACK ASSIGN MATRIX. .................................................................................................................................27
SETTING A RECORD CROSS POINT ..............................................................................................................................................27
ZAXNET SETUP MENU .................................................................................................................................................... 28
POWER ............................................................................................................................................................ 28
END ERXDELAY .................................................................................................................................................. 29
TEST TONE ...................................................................................................................................................... 29
How to select and enter a note from the preset list of notes ........................................................................ 30
CUE / PLAYBACK CONTROL MENU .................................................................................................. 31
LAYING BACK A FILE ............................................................................................................................................ 31
IRELESS AUDITION AND RE-RECORD .................................................................................................................. 31
How to audition and Re-Record a file ............................................................................................................. 31
RECORD ENABLES MATRIX ................................................................................................................ 32
NABLING RECORD TRACKS ................................................................................................................................... 32
Output busses 5 and 6 ..................................................................................................................................... 33
ETTING A CROSS POINT ....................................................................................................................................... 33
MEDIA MENU .......................................................................................................................................... 34
RIMARY CARD MENU ........................................................................................................................................... 35
Delete Last Segment ........................................................................................................................................ 35
Erase Current Folder ....................................................................................................................................... 35
Format Primary Card ....................................................................................................................................... 35
ISO Attenuation ............................................................................................................................................... 36
ISO Attenuation Enable ................................................................................................................................... 36
Edit Current Folder Name .............................................................................................................................. 36
IRROR SETTINGS MENU ....................................................................................................................................... 37
Folder to Mirror .............................................................................................................................................. 37
End Segment..................................................................................................................................................... 37
File Type Select ................................................................................................................................................ 37
Time Code Offset ............................................................................................................................................ 38
Format Mirror Card ........................................................................................................................................ 38
CAN MENU .......................................................................................................................................................... 40
ENTER FREQUENCY SET ....................................................................................................................................... 40
PROGRAM .................................................................................................................................................... 40
ADJUSTING INPUT TRIM AND REMOTE TRANSMITTER GAIN .................................................. 41
DJUSTING THE INPUT TRIM .................................................................................................................................. 41
DJUSTING THE TRANSMITTER GAIN ..................................................................................................................... 41
SETTING UP AND ENGAGING TONE ............................................................................................... 42
SSIGNING TONE TO OUTPUT BUSSES .................................................................................................................... 42
SSIGNING TONE TO CARD TRACKS ...................................................................................................................... 42
DJUSTING THE TONE FREQUENCY AND LEVEL ....................................................................................................... 42
URNING ON/OFF TONE ........................................................................................................................................ 42
USING THE ONSCREEN KEYBOARD ................................................................................................. 43
RE FADER LISTINING ............................................................................................................................................ 44
PDATING THE RECEIVER MODULES FIRMWARE USING A ZAXCOM TRANSMITTER ................................................... 50
PRODUCT SUPPORT ............................................................................................................................. 51
NOVA SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 52
ZAXCOM WARRANTY POLICY AND LIMITATIONS ..................................................................... 54
Zaxcom Nova Front Panel
Front Panel
Record Key
Press to put Nova into record. The press duration is set in the ENG advanced menu. When Nova is recording the
REC key will glow red.
Stop Key
Press to stop recording or stop playback. The press duration is set in the ENG advanced menu. When stopped
the STOP key will glow blue.
Play / Input key
• A quick press will enter the input setup menu.
• Press and hold will play back the last recorded file. The press duration is set in the ENG advanced menu.
When playing back the REC and STOP key will flash green.
TC / Bank key
• A quick press will cycle through the banks and the key will glow the color associated with the fader bank.
Please note if nothing is assigned to a bank that bank will not be cycled through.
• Press and hold will open TC menu, additional presses will cycle through the additional TC menus.
Tracks / Trim
• A quick press will cause the TRIM key to blink. When the key is blinking the input trim for the source that is
assigned to a fader can be adjusted by turning that fader. Pressing the BANK will allow for adjustments to
other input trims for those banks. Pressing the TRIM key again will take Nova out of trim mode.
• Press and hold will open the track assign menu.
ZNET / Z-Net
• A quick press will cause the ZNET key to blink. When the key is blinking turning the fader that has a Zaxcom
transmitter assigned to it will remotely adjust the input gain for that transmitter via ZaxNet. Pressing the
ZNET key again will take Nova out of ZaxNet remote gain mode.
• Press and hold will open the ZaxNet setup menu for the internal ZaxNet transmitter.
Back key
Press to go back one menu.
Zaxcom Nova Front Panel
Multi-Function Keys 1 thru 5
• A quick press will PFL (pre fader listen) to the input that is assigned to that fader. When PFL is engaged the
key will blink. Additional inputs can be combined by pressing another PFL key. To return to normal
monitoring press the PFL key again.
• Pressing and holding a key will open the menu for that key
- F1 - Meta Data Menu - This is where Meta Data can be entered and edited.
- F2 - Cue Menu - This is where files can be played back from and Audition and Re-Record can be launched.
- F3 - Record Enable Menu - This is where the Primary and Mirror track are enabled from.
- F4 - Output Assign Matrix - This is where the 6 output busses are assigned.
- F5 - Media Menu - This is where that parameters for the record cards are set.
Multi -Function Keys F6 thru F11
• From the meter screen these are shortcut keys.
- F6 - Headphone selector.
- F7 - Track Assign Matrix.
- F8 - Output Assign Matrix.
- F9 - Receiver Menu
- F9 - Fader Assign Matrix.
- F10 - TC Slate.
• Navigate within a menu. When a key has a function it will be labeled in the menu page.
Color LCD Screen
Daylight-readable color LCD screen.
Faders x 5 with LEDs
• Adjust the level for that input.
• When the TRIM key is blinking turning a fader will adjust the trim of the input assigned to that fader.
• When the ZNET key is blinking turning a fader will remotely adjust the input gain of the transmitter assigned
to that fader.
• The 15 LEDs around each fader will act as an input meter and will modulate with the audio, the brightest LED
will act as a pointer for the fader, the color LEDs will display the bank that is selected. If multiple inputs are
assigned to a fader there will be 3 point LEDs. When no LEDs are illuminated that indicates that noting is
assigned to that fader.
Primary and Mirror LEDs
These LEDs will illuminate when the primary or mirror card is being read or written to.
Internal Slate Microphone
When internal sale is selected this will be the slate microphone.
Headphone Volume knob
Star key
• From the any home meter screen, press it to advance to the next meter screen.
• When in a menu screen, press it to go to the home meter screen.
• In the output bus routing matrix, head phone setup matrix, and card mix matrix pressing it adds phase
reverse to the cross point options, when inverted cross points are enabled in the ENG Setup menu.
• If pressed while powering-up, Nova will look for software on the mirror card and start the software update
Zaxcom Nova Front Panel
Menu knob
• Press to access the main menu - Press and hold for 2 seconds when in the ENG meter screen.
• Rotate and press to select and enter a parameter.
Tone / Com key
• Press and hold to activate the com microphone.
• Shift (press a hold the MENU key) and press to turn on/off tone.
SLT key
Press and hold it to activate the slate microphone.
SMA antenna x 2
These are the antenna connectors for the internal UHF receivers..
Zaxcom Nova Left Side Panel
Left Side
Outputs 1 - 6 (TA-5M) x 4
Outputs 6 channels of audio via output buses 1 thru 6
All outputs can be individually adjusted between Mic Level -35dBu, -10dBu and line level 0dBu.
• TA5 Out 1/2 carries output busses 1 and 2
• TA5 Out 1A/2A is a duplicate of busses 1 and 2
• TA5 Out 3/4 carries output busses 3 and 4
• TA5 Out 5/6 carries output busses 5 and 6
Return 1-2 (TA-5M)
This input accepts a headphone level or line level signal (Range -20dBu and +30dBu) and can act as an additional
line level analog input or a camera return.
This is where the external Com/Slate microphone is connected.
Time Code Input / Output connectors (BNC x 2)
AES Input / Output connector (DE-15F)
Nova has 4 AES inputs (2 pairs) and 6 AES output busses (3 pairs) available on this connector. There is an input
sample-rate converter, allowing each input to have a different sampling-rate. Nova will accept any unlocked AES
signal with a sampling-rate of 32 to 96 kHz. The dynamic range of the sample-rate conversion is 124 dB, offering
completely transparent conversion of digital audio from one sample-rate to another.
Compact Flash Card Primary and Mirror Media Slot
The Primary card is inserted in the bottom slot with the label to the bottom of the unit.
The Mirror card is inserted in the top slot with the label of the card to the top of the unit.
Headphone (1/4” stereo jack)
Power Switch
Zaxcom Nova Right Side Panel
Right Side
ZaxNet Antenna Connector (SMA)
RS422 connector future functionality
RF loop thru connectors (SMA) x 2
These are post 35MHz filter RF connectors to connect additional receivers.
Analog Mic/Line input connectors (XLR-3F) x 4
External Power Connector (Hirose-4F) x 2
This are redundant input power connector so that two batteries can be connected. Nova will automatically
switch to the higher voltage source.
Nova will run on 10 to 18 VDC
WARNING: Do NOT connect the external power connector to a source higher than 18.0 VDC.
This is the ABSOLUTE upper limit. Anything higher can damage the unit’s power supply.
Zaxcom Nova Rear
Internal Receiver Module x 2
Fan Vents - The fan speed is adjustable in the ENG menu
Please Note – Receiver arrows point down!
Zaxcom Nova Main Menu
Main Menu
To access the MAIN MENU press the MENU knob.
When in the MAIN MENU scroll the MENU knob to highlight one of the sub
To access the highlighted menu item press the MENU knob.
Sub Menus
•Fader Assign - This is where the 5 hardware faders are assigned an input. All five fader banks are assignable in
this menu.
• Track Names - The individual track names are assigned from this menu.
• Memory Store/Recall - Nova has 3 internal memory presets where the entire setup parameters of the
machine can be saved and recalled. The settings can also be saved to, and recalled from, the mirror compact
flash card so the settings can be transferred to another Nova. Nova can be reset to factory defaults from this
menu. And the faders can be cleared.
• Headphone Setup - This is where the 12 headphone presets are created and named.
• ENG Setup - The engineering menu is where Nova’s operations settings are adjusted from.
Main Menu Fader Assign
Assigning Inputs to a Fader / Bank
The fader assign matrix is where the five faders are assigned what inputs they
will control. All five fader banks are assigned from this menu. Any assortment of
analog inputs, digital inputs, or wireless receiver outputs can be assigned to any
Please note if a fader does not have any assignment the LED’s around the fader
will not illuminate.
Setting a Cross point
1. Select the type of input to be routed by pressing F9 - Analog, F10 - Digital, F11 - Wireless Receiver.
2. Rotate the MENU knob to scroll through the matrix to the desired cross point.
3. Press the MENU knob to select the cross point.
4. Pressing the F7 and F8 keys to navigate through fader banks.
Changing banks
Pressing the bank key once will display what is assigned to the faders in the bank
Additional presses will advance to the next bank.
Bank 1 is Red, Bank 2 is Yellow, Bank 3 is Green, Bank 4 is Blue and Bank 5 is purple.
Main Menu Track Naming
Naming Tracks
When a record track is named that name is displayed within the card meters on
Nova, and is contained in the file’s metadata so post production can easily identify
the source of a recorded track.
Nova also has a list of 20 preset track names that can be created and recalled
from. The preset track list is located in the ENG menu.
How to name a track
1. Scroll the MENU knob to highlight the desired track to be named.
2. Press the MENU knob to open the on-screen keyboard.
3. After the desired name is entered, click OK.
Selecting from the list of preset track names
1. Scroll the MENU knob to highlight the desired track to be named.
2. Press the F1 key to display the preset track list.
3. Scroll to the desired preset name.
4. Press the MENU knob to select the name.
Main Menu Memory Store and Recall
Memory Menu
The memory menu has three storage positions where all user settings can be
saved and recalled. The settings can also be stored to the mirror compact flash
card so the settings can be transferred between other Nova’s.
Store / Recall Memory
From the STORE and RECALL positions three full recorder setups can be saved and recalled as needed.
Please note that after doing a factory restore, all stored memories will be erased.
How to store and recall a setup parameter
1. Scroll the MENU knob to highlight the desired store / recall position.
2. Press the MENU knob.
3. Press the STAR key to store / recall or press BACK to exit.
Clear Fader Assigns
Selecting clear faders will clears all of the current fader assignments.
Factory Reset to Default
Recall factory defaults resets all of Nova’s parameters back to the factory settings. If a factory reset is done,
all user setting, will be lost and have to be re-inputted.
It is generally advised to do a factory reset when updating software.
Please note if Nova is exhibiting odd behavior there may be some conflicting settings so a factory reset is
often advised.
Store / Recall to Mirror Card
Nova has the option to save its settings to (and restore settings from) the mirror compact flash card. This
allows settings to be exchanged between multiple machines.
Main Menu Headphone Setup
Headphone Setup
Nova has 12 individual headphone setup matrices available. Each matrix can
contain any combination of the following:
• 12 Card tracks (TRK)
• 4 Output Buses (OUT)
• 2 Analog return inputs (RET)
Setting up headphone presets
1. Scroll the MENU knob to highlight the desired cross-point.
L selections are sent to the left ear and R selections are sent to the right ear.
2. Press the MENU knob to put an X in the cross point.
3. When a cross point is selected a green check will appear in the enable the tab.
When a preset is enabled that setup will be available when cycling through the headphone presets.
If the preset is not enabled that preset will be skipped over when cycling through the presets.
Pressing the F10 key will toggle between enable / disable.
4. Pressing the F8 key will advance to the next setup, pressing the F7 key will navigate back one preset.
5. To exit the setup menu, press the BACK key.
Naming the headphone setup
1. From the headphone setup matrix press the F11 key to open the monitor memory name.
2. Scroll to highlight the desired position and press the MENU knob to open the onscreen keyboard.
3. Enter the name and press OK when done.
Inverting the phase of a selection
1. When in the headphone set up matrix press the STAR key, an on screen pop-“ALLOW INVERT” will appear.
2. Then when selecting a cross point in the matrix press the MENU knob a second time to invert the phase.
3. When the phase is inverted the cross point the X will appear with a line over.
Headphone matrix setup to decode MS stereo
The following is the proper setting for M-S headphone decoding. This example
uses card track 1 as the mid and card track 2 as the side.
Main Menu ENG Setup Menu
ENG Menu
The Engineering menu is where Nova’s operations settings are adjusted from.
Compressor Enable
Placing an X in the matrix will enable the compressor for that card track or output
bus. Please note that input compressors are enabled in the input setup menu for
the specific input.
Compressor Parameters Set
This is where the compressor parameters are set for the outputs, card tracks and
input parameters. The attack, decay, threshold, and ratio settings can be
adjusted. Makeup gain can be added to the output and card compressors if
Internal & External Slate Levels
This is where the internal and external slate microphone levels are adjusted. The
levels are independently adjustable in 1 dB steps from -12dB to 21dB.
Extra Input Gain
The extra input gain adds 10dB of digital gain to the analog inputs. The extra
input gain is global, meaning that when engaged the gain is applied to all analog
XLR inputs.
TA5 Output Levels Adjust
This menu manages the output audio levels for the TA5 output connectors. Each TA5 connector can carry 2
outputs. Each output can be independently adjusted to one of the following output levels:
• 0dBu - Line Level
• -10dBu - Tape / Consumer Level
• -35dBu - Mic Level
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