Zaxcom Deva 24 User Manual

Published February 2018
Software Version Deva 1.42
Zaxcom Deva24
Elevating Recording
................................................................................................................................................................... 6
LEFT SIDE ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
RIGHT SIDE ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
REAR ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
HOME SCREEN ................................................................................................................................................................ 11
MAIN MENU .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
TRACK MIX ...................................................................................................................................................................... 13
ASSIGNING INPUTS TO A MIX TRACK ..........................................................................................................................................13
Selecting the track to assign ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Naming a mix track ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Setting the paramaters for the input(s) that will be assigned ................................................................................. 13
Assiging the inputs to the track.................................................................................................................................... 14
Setting the paramaters for the track ........................................................................................................................... 14
OUTPUT ROUTING .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
ROUTING RECORD TRACKS TO AN OUTPUT BUS ..........................................................................................................................15
Selecting the output bus to be routed ........................................................................................................................ 15
Selecting the track(s) ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Adding delay to the outputs ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Assiging coms to an output bus ................................................................................................................................... 15
Naming the output bus ................................................................................................................................................. 16
ADJUSTING OUTPUT LEVELS ......................................................................................................................................................17
Attenuating an output bus............................................................................................................................................ 17
ISO ROUTING ................................................................................................................................................................... 18
ASSIGNING AN INPUT TO A ISO TRACK ......................................................................................................................................18
Setting the ISO track as pre or post fader .................................................................................................................. 18
Routing an input to the ISO track ................................................................................................................................ 18
Enabling ISO attenuation .............................................................................................................................................. 18
Naming an ISO track ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
FADER ASSIGN................................................................................................................................................................. 20
ASSIGNING A FUNCTION TO A FADER .........................................................................................................................................20
Setting the function of the fader ................................................................................................................................. 20
Assigning an input to the fader .................................................................................................................................... 20
Selecting a fader preset position ................................................................................................................................. 21
Naming a fader preset position.................................................................................................................................... 21
Assigning an output bus(s)to Aux knob 1 & 2 ............................................................................................................ 22
Selecting an Aux knob preset position ........................................................................................................................ 22
Naming the Aux knob preset position ........................................................................................................................ 22
................................................................................................................................................................... 23
SAMPLE RATE ..........................................................................................................................................................................23
MIX AHEAD - FUTURE FEATURE ................................................................................................................................................23
PRE-RECORD TIME SET .............................................................................................................................................................23
TONE LEVEL .............................................................................................................................................................................23
MODES MENU ........................................................................................................................................................................24
Transport Control ........................................................................................................................................................... 24
Remote Roll Enable ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
Serial Remote .................................................................................................................................................................. 24
ISO Effects ....................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Slate microphone select ................................................................................................................................................ 24
TC Slate orientation ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
Input mode ...................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Dante routing .................................................................................................................................................................. 24
METER ADJUST ........................................................................................................................................................................25
POST RECORD TIME SET ...........................................................................................................................................................26
EFFECTS COPY .........................................................................................................................................................................26
CLOCK AND DATE SET ...............................................................................................................................................................26
Maintaining the internal clock ..................................................................................................................................... 26
MEMORY MENU .....................................................................................................................................................................27
Saving a Deva 24 setup to a memory position........................................................................................................... 27
Saving a Deva 24 setup to a compact flash card ....................................................................................................... 28
Recalling factory defaults .............................................................................................................................................. 28
Clearing fader assignments ........................................................................................................................................... 28
MIXER FADERS ........................................................................................................................................................................29
Slecting a fader bank to assign ..................................................................................................................................... 29
Slecting fader groups ..................................................................................................................................................... 29
Assigining a trim pot function to a fader strip ........................................................................................................... 29
Assigining an input(s) to the fader ............................................................................................................................... 29
USER INTERFACE ......................................................................................................................................................................30
INPUT CONTROL ............................................................................................................................................................. 31
CONFIGURING AN INPUT ..........................................................................................................................................................31
Selecting an input to configure .................................................................................................................................... 31
Naming an input ............................................................................................................................................................. 31
Adjusting the input paramaters ................................................................................................................................... 31
Adjusting the equalization ............................................................................................................................................ 32
Adjusting the phase of an input ................................................................................................................................... 32
Adjusting the input trim ................................................................................................................................................ 32
Adjusting the compressor settings .............................................................................................................................. 32
Adjusting the slate and com settings .......................................................................................................................... 33
ADJUSTING WIRELESS TRANSMITTERS VIA ZAXNET .....................................................................................................................34
Setting the ZaxNet unit code ........................................................................................................................................ 34
Adjusting transmitter gain ............................................................................................................................................ 34
Adjusting the transmitter frequency ........................................................................................................................... 34
......................................................................................................................................................................... 35
PRIMARY DRIVE - INTERNAL SATA ...........................................................................................................................................35
Formatting the SATA drive ............................................................................................................................................ 35
Selecting a record folder ............................................................................................................................................... 35
Naming a folder .............................................................................................................................................................. 36
Viewing, navagating and playing back the contents of a folder ............................................................................. 36
Editing the metadata for a segment ............................................................................................................................ 36
Erasing the current folder ............................................................................................................................................. 36
Deleating the last segment ........................................................................................................................................... 37
MIRROR DRIVES - CF1 AND CF2 ...............................................................................................................................................38
Selecting a drive ............................................................................................................................................................. 38
Setting the file type ........................................................................................................................................................ 38
Setting the file resoultion ............................................................................................................................................. 38
Remember mirror mode ............................................................................................................................................... 38
Formatting the mirror drive ......................................................................................................................................... 39
Setting the file naming protocol .................................................................................................................................. 39
Selecting the folder to mirror ....................................................................................................................................... 40
Selecting the mirror start and end segments ............................................................................................................ 40
Record Enable ................................................................................................................................................................. 40
Setting the mirror mode ............................................................................................................................................... 40
WRITING A SOUND REPORT ......................................................................................................................................................40
SETTING UP THE SOUND REPORT ...............................................................................................................................................41
RECORDING TO AN EXTERNAL SATA (ESATA) DRIVE. ................................................................................................................41
CUE MODE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 42
TURNING ON TONE ........................................................................................................................................................ 43
HEADPHONE MIX ............................................................................................................................................................ 44
SELECTING A HEADPHONE PRESET POSITION ..............................................................................................................................44
SELECTING THE AUDIO TO BE MONITORED .................................................................................................................................44
INVERTING HEADPHONE PHASE .................................................................................................................................................44
‘ENABLING THE PRESET POSITION ..............................................................................................................................................44
RECORD TRACK ENABLE ................................................................................................................................................. 45
SELECTING THE MEDIA TO ENABLE.............................................................................................................................................45
ENABLING A TRACK ..................................................................................................................................................................45
DISABLING A TRACK ..................................................................................................................................................................45
CLEARING A TRACK ASSIGNMENT. .............................................................................................................................................45
ENABLING / DISABLING ALL TRACKS ..........................................................................................................................................45
ABOUT DEVA ................................................................................................................................................................... 46
PRESSING THE ZNET KEY - FUTURE FEATURE .............................................................................................................. 47
SETTING THE TRANSMITT FREQUENCY .......................................................................................................................................47
SETTING THE ZAXNET POWER LEVEL .........................................................................................................................................47
POWER ROLL ENABLE ...............................................................................................................................................................47
TRANSPORT CONTROL ENABLE ..................................................................................................................................................47
GROUP CODE ..........................................................................................................................................................................47
TRANSMITTER ..........................................................................................................................................................................47
...................................................................................................... 48
RX12 INTERFACE .....................................................................................................................................................................48
ADJUSTING THE RECEIVER PARAMATERS ....................................................................................................................................49
Setting the operating mode .......................................................................................................................................... 49
Adjusting the receiver frequency................................................................................................................................. 49
PRESSING THE CUE KEY .................................................................................................................................................. 50
PRESSING THE TIME CODE KEY ..................................................................................................................................... 51
MANUALLY ENTERING TIME CODE AND USER BITS ......................................................................................................................51
SETTING THE TC OUT AND TC DISPLAY SOURCE .........................................................................................................................51
SETTING THE TC MODE ............................................................................................................................................................51
SETTING THE TC FRAME RATE ..................................................................................................................................................51
ENABLING INCREMENT USER BITS ..............................................................................................................................................51
JAMMING TIME CODE AND USER BITS ........................................................................................................................................52
DISPLAYING THE TIME CODE SLATE ............................................................................................................................................52
PRESSING THE INPUT KEY .............................................................................................................................................. 53
PRESSING THE SCENE / TAKE / NOTE KEY .................................................................................................................... 54
METADATA ...................................................................................................................................................................... 55
ENTERING METADATA ..............................................................................................................................................................55
Increasing the scene number ....................................................................................................................................... 55
Resetting the take .......................................................................................................................................................... 55
Storing a note preset ..................................................................................................................................................... 55
Clearing the note field ................................................................................................................................................... 55
Navagating the folder .................................................................................................................................................... 56
Viewing the preset note list .......................................................................................................................................... 56
SATA DRIVES / COMPACT FLASH CARDS ...................................................................................................................... 57
SYNCING DEVA 24 TO A DENECKE SLATE ..................................................................................................................... 58
DEVA 24 CONNECTOR ASSIGNMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 59
AUDIO INPUT / OUTPUT CONNECTORS (XLR-3) ........................................................................................................................59
AUDIO INPUT / OUTPUT CONNECTORS (TA-5) .........................................................................................................................59
MONO & TAPPE OUTPUT CONNECTORS (1/8” TRS OR 1/8”TS) ..............................................................................................59
SLATE MICROPHONE INPUT CONNECTOR (1/8” TRS) ...............................................................................................................59
HEADPHONE OUTPUT CONNECTORS (1/4” TRS OR 1/8” TRS) .................................................................................................59
POWER CONNECTORS (HIROSE-4 CONNECTOR) ........................................................................................................................59
COM 1 / GPI REMOTE ROLL (DB9) ..........................................................................................................................................59
AES IN 1 THRU 16 (DB25) ......................................................................................................................................................60
AES DIRECT OUT 1 THRU 12 (DB25) .......................................................................................................................................61
AES IN 17 THRU 24 / AES OUT BUSES 1 THRU 8 (DB25) ........................................................................................................62
UPDATING FIRMWARE ................................................................................................................................................... 63
HOW TO UPDATING DEVA 24 FIRMWARE ..................................................................................................................................63
PRODUCT SUPPORT ........................................................................................................................................................ 64
DEVA 24 SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 65
Deva24 Left Side Panel
1 3 6 2 7
10 9 8
Front Panel
1. Pre fader listen keys PFL (12 total)
Press to listen to the input that is routed to that fader.
When in the fader assign menu pressing the key will jump to the fader assign matrix for that fader.
When in the input configure menu pressing the key will jump to the assigned input and PFL that input.
2. Fader knobs (12 total)
Each of 12 faders can be assigned to act as a fader, input trim knob or a ZaxNet control knob.
3. Internal slate microphone
4. Color LCD Touch Screen - Daylight-readable color LCD touch screen.
5. Headphone knob - Rotate to adjust the headphone volume.
6. ZNET key - Press to open the ZaxNet transmitter menu.
7. Setup key - Press to open the input configure menu.
8. Wireless key - Press to open the RX-12 interface page.
9. Scene / Take / Note keys - Opens the Meta Data entry pages.
10. Cue key - Press to open the cue menu on the home screen.
11. Time Code key - Press to open the time code menu. A second press will display the time code slate.
12. REC / STOP / PLAY keys - Starts and stops recording and initiates playback. Pressing stop after stopping a
segment will open the false take screen.
13. PRI / CF1 / CF2 LED - Indicates that those drives are being written to.
14. SLT / Com keys - Press to activate the internal slate microphone (SLT) or external slate microphone (COM).
15. Menu encoder knob - Pressing the menu knob will open the main menu. When a parameter key is highlighted in
orange, turning the menu knob will adjust that parameter.
16. Back key
Press to jump back one menu
Press and tap a track on the home screen to name the track.
Deva24 Left Side Panel
17. Shift key
Press and tap a track on the home screen to record enable / un-enable the track.
Press and tap the navigation arrows in the input configure menu to jump 4 inputs.
Press and tap the input name key in the input configure menu to name the input.
Press and tap the track name key in the mix track menu to name the mix track.
Press and tap the output bus in the output routing menu to name the output bus.
Press and tap the knob assign preset position to name the knob preset.
Press and tap the aux knob preset to name the aux knob assign preset.
Press and tap the headphone preset name key in the headphone assign menu to name the preset.
Press and tap the folder in the primary folder menu to name the folder.
Press and tap a segment from the folder menu to edit the metadata for the segment.
Press and press the F5 key to update the software.
18. HPH key - Press to advance to the next headphone preset. Press and hold to jump back one headphone preset.
19. Aux 1 / Aux 2 knob - Rotate to adjust aux send levels.
Deva24 Left Side Panel
1 2 3 6 4 5 11
13 7 14
15 8 9
Left Side
1. AES Input 1 thru 16 (DB-25F)
These inputs will support an AES42 microphone. The input has a sample-rate conversion, allowing each input to have a different sampling-rate. Deva will accept any unlocked AES signal with a sampling-rate of 32 to 192 kHz. The dynamic range of the sample-rate conversion is 124 dB, offering completely transparent conversion of digital audio from one sample-rate to another.
2. AES Direct Outputs (DB-25F)
Direct AES outputs of the 12 analog inputs. These outputs are direct outputs with no effects or equalization applied.
3. AES Bus outputs and AES input 17 thru 24 (DB-25F)
AES output busses 1 thru 8. AES inputs 17 thru 24 - please note these inputs do not support AES42 microphones.
4. COM1 / GPI (DB-9F)
This connector is used for word clock out and supports a general purpose serial and parallel interface.
5. Time Code Output connector (BNC)
6. Time Code Input connector (BNC)
7. SATA- Primary Drive
The drive gets inserted behind the removable door. To remove the door turn the thumb screws counterclockwise.
8. Connection for ESATA - mirror drive
9. ZaxNet antenna connector (SMA F)
10. Power switch
11. Mix16 connector
12. RX12 connector
13. USB connector - for connection to a PC or MAC
14. Compact flash 1 drive - mirror drive
15. Compact flash 2 drive - mirror drive
Deva24 Right Side Panel
12 9 4 5 6 7 11 8 10 3 13
Right Side
1. Front panel headphone output (1/8” stereo jack)
This connector mirrors the 1/4” main headphone connector
2. Analog inputs 7 thru 12 (TA-5M)
These inputs are switchable between line level and mic level. These inputs have patented NeverClip preamps with 136dB of dynamic range.
3. External Power Connector (Hirose-4F) X 2
These are redundant power inputs which will seamlessly switch to the supply with the higher voltage. Deva 24 will operate on 10 to 18 VDC {1/2 A @ 12 VDC}
WARNING: Do NOT use a source higher than 18.0 VDC. Doing so can damage the unit’s power supply.
4. Front panel slate microphone input (1/8” (3.5mm) TRS)
5. Outputs 1 - 6 (TA-5M)
Outputs 6 channels of audio via output buses 1 thru 6
6. Returns 1 - 4 (TA-5M)
These inputs accepts a headphone level or line-level signal (Range: -20dBu and +30dBu)
Line level analog inputs 13 thru 16
These inputs can be used as returns. Each input is independent so audio can be monitored from four
different sources
7. Headphone #1 (1/4” stereo jack)
Main headphone out
8. External Slate Microphone input (1/8” (3.5mm) TRS jack)
This is where the external slate microphone is plugged into.
9. Headphone #2 (1/8” (3.5mm) TRS jack) Buses 7 / 8
10. Mono Output (1/8” (3.5mm) TRS jack) Bus 10
11. Tape Output (1/8” (3.5mm) TRS jack) Bus 9
12. Outputs 1 - 4 (XLR-3M)
Outputs 4 channels of audio via output buses 1 thru 4
13. DC Output (Hirose 4-F)
Supplies DC power to another device (1 amp max)
Deva24 Rear
1. Analog inputs 1 thru 6 (XLR-3F)
These inputs are switchable between line level and mic level. These inputs have patented NeverClip preamps with 136dB of dynamic range.
MAIN MENU Meter Screens
Home Screen
1. Transport status - Displays the status of the recorder. Tapping on the transport status key is a shortcut to the
main menu.
2. Headphone status - Displays what audio is being sent to the headphones. Tapping on the headphone status
key is a shortcut to the headphone routing matrix.
3. Voltage - Displays the incoming voltage of the power supply that is powering the Deva 24. If Deva 24 has a
power supply connected to both DC power inputs, the input with the higher voltage will be the one that is powering the Deva 24 and that will be the voltage that is displayed.
4. Track Meters - Shows the record tracks levels in dBFS.
Please note that the number of track meters displayed can be adjusted in the mode menu - this example shows 16 tracks.
If the track is named that track name will be displayed within the meter.
If there is a horizontal line going through the track, that is showing that track is not record enabled. If a track
is record enabled there will be a red dot to the left of the meter. As short cut hold the shift key and tap the track will record enable that track.
If the compressor is engaged there will be a white line going from the right to the left showing the
Tap on the track will isolate that track to the headphones.
5. Time Code - Displays the time code. This is user selectable to show the time code from either the time code
generator or the card. Tapping on the time code key is a shortcut to the time code menu.
6. Record time - Displays the time left on the primary media.
7. MixAhead - Displays time in milliseconds of the MixAhead feature.
8. Sample Rate / Frame Rate / Pre Record time - Displays sample rate, time code frame rate and pre-record
buffer time.
9. Record media information - Displays the remaining capacity on the primary and mirror media, the percentage
of the file that is being mirrored and what file number of the folder is being mirrored.
10. Segment - Displays the current segment being recorded and the folder it is being recorded to.
11. Scene / Take / Note - Displays the current scene, take and note metadata. Tapping on the key opens the
metadata management screen.
9 8 7 4 3 6 5
Zaxcom Deva 24 Main Menu
Main Menu
To access the main menu, press the MENU knob or tap the transport status key. To return to the home screen, press the BACK button.
From the main menu the following menu items can be selected.
Track Mix - This is where mix tracks (tracks 1 thru 8) are assigned inputs. Please note a mix track can also be an ISO
track if only one input is assigned to the track.
Output Routing - This is where the 10 output busses get their assignments, and where the output levels are
ISO Routing - This is where the ISO tracks (tracks 9 thru 24) are assigned an input.
Fader Assign - This is where the 12 hardware knobs and 2 AUX knobs are assigned a function.
Setup - This contains the sub menus where the Deva 24’s parameters are adjusted.
Input Control - This is where the input parameters for the 16 analog and 24 digital inputs are adjusted.
My Deva - This is where the record drives are enabled and the record parameters are adjusted.
Cue Mode - This opens the cue menu on the home screen.
Tone - Tapping the tone key toggles the internal tone oscillator on and off.
HPH Mix - This is where the 10 headphone presets are set up from.
Record Enables - This is where the record tracks are enabled and assigned to a record media(s).
About Deva - This will display the information about the Deva.
Zaxcom Deva 24 Track Mix
Track Mix
The track mix menu is where the mix tracks (tracks 1 thru 8) are assigned their inputs. Any combination of the 16 analog inputs or 24 digital inputs can be assigned to the any of the mix tracks from this menu. If a single input is assigned to a track that track would become an ISO track.
Assigning inputs to a mix track
Selecting the track to assign
Select the track to be assigned by tapping on the arrow keys on either side of the track name.
Naming a mix track
A mix track can be optionally named by holding the SHIFT key and tapping on the track name key (between the arrows) which will open the on screen keyboard. After a mix track is named, that name will be displayed in the meters and will be in the metadata. A track name can contain up to 16 characters.
Setting the paramaters for the input(s) that will be assigned
From the lower left corner tap on the desired key to set the input parameter:
Phase - normal or inverted
Input type - analog or digital
Routing - pre or post fader
After the parameters have been set, any input selected will follow the chosen parameters. So for the example to the right when tapping on an input number (1 thru 24) that input will be assigned to the mix track as analog input, routed post fader with normal phase. Any combination of input parameters can be assigned to a record track.
Zaxcom Deva 24 Track Mix
Assiging the inputs to the track
Tap on the desired input(s) (1 thru 24) to route those input to the selected mix track. The number in the box represents the input number, for both analog and digital. After the box is tapped the chosen parameter for that input will be displayed as:
An analog assignment will be displayed as an “A”
A digital assignment will be displayed as a “D”
If the phase is inverted a line will appear on top of the letter
If the input is routed post fade the letter will be black
If the input is routed pre fader the letter will be white
To remove an assignment select the same parameters (phase, input and fader), then tap on the input to be removed.
Setting the paramaters for the track
Tap on the desired key to:
Enable the slate microphone for that track
Set the desired ISO attenuation (0dB, -6dB, -12dB, -18dB, -24dB) for that track
Enable tone to that track - when tone is engaged
Enable the compressor / limiter to that track
Zaxcom Deva 24 Output Routing
Output Routing
The output routing menu is where the record tracks are assigned to an output bus / busses.
Routing record tracks to an output bus
Selecting the output bus to be routed
Tap on the track box for the desired bus (1 thru 10) which will open the track select matrix. The bus numbers are listed on the left.
Output buses 1 thru 6 are routed to their corresponding XLR and TA5 output
Output bussed 7 and 8 are routed directly to the headphone 2 output.
Output busses 9 and 10 are routed the tape and mono output.
Selecting the track(s)
When the track select matrix is open, tap on the track(s) and or return input(s) to be routed to the output bus. After the track(s) have been selected the track number(s) will be displayed in the track box.
Adding delay to the outputs
Delay can be optionally added to each output bus. To add delay, tap on the delay box for the desired bus. Tap on the box once and it will turn it orange; when the box is orange the menu encoder knob can be used to adjust the delay. Tap on the box one more time to open the delay entry menu. From the menu the delay can be manually entered. Delay can be set up to 999mS.
Assiging coms to an output bus
Tap on the desired com box to route the coms (1 and 2) to output bus. An “X” will appear when a com has been routed to the bus. Please note access to com 2 is available when using the Mix 16.
Zaxcom Deva 24 Output Routing
Naming the output bus
Each output bus can be optionally named for easy identification. To name the output bus, hold the SHIFT key tap on the output bus number to open the text entry keyboard. Then from the keyboard enter the desired name.
Zaxcom Deva 24 Output Routing
Adjusting output levels
Tap on the LEVELS key on the lower right corner to open the output level menu.
From the output level adjust menu the individual output levels for the XLR and TA5 connectors can be adjusted. Tapping on the output key will cycle through Line, Mic and -10dB.
Attenuating an output bus
From the output levels menu tapping the BUS keys will allow for the individual bus output to be attenuated up to 24dB.
Zaxcom Deva 24 ISO Routing
ISO Routing
The ISO routing menu is where the ISO tracks (tracks 9 thru 24) are assigned an input. Any of the 16 analog inputs or 24 digital inputs can be assigned to the any one of the ISO tracks.
Assigning an input to a ISO track
Setting the ISO track as pre or post fader
Each ISO track can be routed as either pre or post fader. Tapping on the FADER key on the lower left will toggle between “Pre” and “Post” fade. This sets the state of how the input will be routed. So for example if the “Pre” is displayed any input selected will be routed pre fader. If the “Post” is displayed any input selected will be routed post fader.
Routing an input to the ISO track
Select the desired ISO track (9 thru 24) to be assigned by tapping on the track number. This will open the ISO source menu for that track. From the ISO source menu tap on the desired input to be routed to that track. To remove an ISO routing select the track number which will open the ISO source menu, then tap on the input to toggle it off.
An analog input routed post fader will be displayed light green and an analog input routed pre fader will be displayed dark green. A digital input routed post fader will be displayed light blue and a digital input routed pre fader will be displayed dark blue.
Enabling ISO attenuation
The NeverClip™ inputs allow large signals to travel through the digital mixing engine using 32 bit floating point numbers. Once these large signals are recorded into a 24-bit WAV (or MARF) file, the advantage of floating point math is lost and these signals can clip if not using a card limiter. ISO Attenuation allows the ISO record tracks to be attenuated by a user selectable amount of 6, 12, 18 or 24dB. This allows audio to be recorded without clipping even if its dynamic range would normally be too large. This gain reduction amount is stored in the metadata of the WAV file so post production can easily restore the amplitude of the ISO tracks when necessary. To enable ISO attenuation tap on the desired attenuation amount from the ISO attenuation matrix. Please note that the ISO attenuation is a global setting - meaning the same amount of attenuation will be applied to all tracks.
Zaxcom Deva 24 ISO Routing
Naming an ISO track
An ISO track will be named when it is assigned a named input. To name an input go to the input control menu and hold the SHIFT key and tap on the INPUT NAME key to open the on screen keyboard. Each input name can be up to 16 characters in length. Then when that input is assigned to an ISO track the inputted name will become the track name, and will be stored in the metadata.
Zaxcom Deva 24 Fader Assign
Fader Assign
The fader assign menu is where the 12 hardware faders are assigned their function. Each individual fader can be assigned to control input trim, it can be assigned to be a fader for any input or, it can be assigned to remote control the transmitter input gain, via ZaxNet, for any unit code.
Assigning a function to a fader
Setting the function of the fader
Tap the assign key on the lower left of the screen.
Fader - The knob will be a fader for the selected input.
Trim - The knob will control the input trim for the selected input.
ZNet - The knob will control the input gain of a Zaxcom transmitter.
Assigning an input to the fader
After setting the function with the assign key tap the desired fader (1 thru 12). Then, depending status of the assign key, the fader, trim or ZaxNet assign matrix will open. Then from that matrix tap on the desired input to be assigned to the fader. If desired multiple inputs or multiple trims can be assigned to a single fader. To remove or change an assignment, select the same assignment or choose a different input.
Please note that when assigning a fader to control transmitter gain via ZaxNet the unit code will need to be assigned for that input from the INPUT CONTROL menu. To do so from the INPUT CONTROL menu tap on the TX ID key and assign a unit code for that input. Then when assigning a knob for that input to ZaxNet the unit code will be displayed on the input key.
Zaxcom Deva 24 Fader Assign
Selecting a fader preset position
Deva 24 has 5 user assignable fader preset positions. To select a preset position tap the arrows on either side of the preset number.
Naming a fader preset position
Each fader preset position can be named for easy identification. Each fader preset can contain up to 8 characters. To name the fader preset position, hold the SHIFT key and tap on the preset number key to open the text entry keyboard. Then from the keyboard the desired name can be entered.
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