Zanussi ZV210R User Manual [es]

ZV 210 R
2222 050-51
¥ This appliance is designed to be operated by
adults. Children should not be allowed to tamper with the controls or play with the product.
¥ It is dangerous to alter the specifications or modi-
fy this product in any way.
¥ Before any cleaning or maintenance work is car-
ried out, be sure to switch off and unplug the appliance.
¥ This appliance is heavy. Care should be taken
when moving it
¥ ce lollies can cause frost burns if consumed
straight from the appliance.
¥ Any electrical work required to install this appli-
ance should be carried out by a qualified electri­cian or competent person
¥ This product should be serviced by an authorized
Service Centre, and only genuine spare parts should be used.
¥ Under no circumstances should you attempt to
repair the appliance yourself. Repairs carried out by inexperienced persons may cause injury or more serious malfunctioning. Refer to your local Service Centre, and always
¥ The domestic refrigerators and freezers are
designed to be used specifically for the storage of edible foodstuffs only.
¥ Frozen food must not be re-frozen once it has
been thawed out.
¥ ManufacturersÕ storage recommendations should
be strictly adhered to. Refer to relevant instruc­tions.
¥ The inner lining of the appliance consists of
channels through which the refrigerant passes. If these should be punctured this would damage the appliance beyond repair and cause food loss. DO NOT USE SHARP INSTRUMENTS to scrape
off frost or ice. Frost may be removed by using the scraper provided. Under no circumstances should solid ice be forced off the liner. Solid ice should be allowed to thaw when defrosting the appliance. See defrost instructions.
¥ Do not place carbonated or fizzy drinks in the
freezer as it creates pressure on the container, which may cause it to explode, resulting in dam­age to the appliance.
¥ There are working parts in this product which
heat up. Always ensure that there is adequate ventilation as a failure to do this will result in component failure and possible food loss. See installation instructions.
¥ Care must be taken to ensure that the appliance
does not stand on the electrical supply cable. Important: if the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by a special cord or assembly avail­able from the manufacturer or its service agent.
¥ Parts which heat up should not be exposed.
Wherever possible the back of the product should be against a wall.
¥ If the appliance has been transported horizontal-
ly, it is possible that the oil contained in the com­pressor flows in the refrigerant circuit. It is advis­able to wait at least two hours before connecting the appliance to allow the oil to flow back in the compressor.
Environment Protection
This appliance does not contain gasses which could damage the ozone layer, in either its refrigerant circuit or insulation materials. The appliance shall not be discarded together with the urban refuse and rubbish. Avoid damaging the cooling unit, especially at the rear near the heat exchanger. Information on your local dis­posal sites may be obtained from municipal authorities. The materials used on this appliance marked by the symbol are recyclable.
It is most important that this instruction book should be retained with the appliance for future refer­ence. Should the appliance be sold or transferred to another owner, or should you move house and leave the appliance, always ensure that the book is supplied with the appliance in order that the new owner can be acquainted with the functioning of the appliance and the relevant warnings.
If this appliance featuring magnetic door seals is to replace an older appliance having a spring lock (latch) on the door or lid, be sure to make that spring lock unusable before you discard the old appli­ance. This will prevent it from becoming a death-trap for a child.
These warnings are provided in the interest of safety. You must read them carefully before installing or using the appliance.
Printed on recycled paper2
Warnings 2 Use 3
Cleaning the interior 3 Control panel 3 Operation 3 Temperature regulation 4 Fast freezing 4 Warning light 4 Freezing fresh food 4 Storage of frozen food 4 Thawing 4 Ice-cube production 4 Cold accumulator 4 Hints 5
Hints for freezing 5 Hints for storage of frozen food 5
Maintenance 6 Periodic cleaning 6
Periods of no operation 6 Defrosting 6
Customer service and spare parts 7 Installation 7
Location 7 Electrical connection 7
Rear spacers 8 Door reversal 8
Cleaning the interior
Before using the appliance for the first time, wash the interior and all internal accessories with luke­warm water and some neutral soap so as to remove the typical smell of a brand-new product, then dry thoroughly.
Do not use detergents or abrasive powders, as these will damage the finish.
This freezer has been marked with the symbol, which means that it is suited to the freezing of fresh foods, the conservation of frozen foods and the production of ice-cubes.
The control panel
A. N/S knob B. Thermostat knob C. Function indicator light D. Quick-freezing indicator light E. Temperature alarm light
Insert the plug into the wall socket. The pilot light will light up, indicating that the appliance is in operation.
To stop the appliance, turn the thermostat knob to position Ç0È.
2222 050-51
Espa•adores traseiros
Dentro do envelope de pl‡stico juntamente com toda a documenta•‹o relativa ao electrodomŽstico, tambŽm existem dois espa•adores para inserir nos furos apropriados, que se encontram nas traseiras do aparelho. Inserir os espa•adores nos furos antepostos, assegurando-se que a seta (A) esteja orientada no sentido que demonstra a Ilustra•‹o. Sucessivamente rod‡-los de 45¡ (seta (A) na direc•‹o vertical) atŽ que se bloqueiem na posi•‹o correcta.
Reversibilidade da porta
Desligue o aparelho da corrente antes de efectuar qualquer opera•‹o. Para mudar o sentido de abertura da porta proceda da seguinte maneira:
1. desmontar a dobradi•a inferior (1), e o pŽ (2);
2. retirar a porta do perno (G), desaparafusar este e voltar a aparafus‡-lo no lado oposto;
3. desaparafusar o pŽ anterior esquerdo (3) e voltar a aparafus‡-lo no lado oposto;
4. desaparafusar, no lado anterior esquerdo, os dois parafusos que disfar•am os furos para a fixa•‹o da dobradi•a;
5. voltar a montar a porta;
6. voltar a montar a dobradi•a inferior (1), e o pŽ (2) no lado oposto seguindo as indica•›es da figura;
7. inverter o puxador tirando primeiro as pe•as de cobertura dos parafusos, aplicadas por engate. Os furos n‹o utilizados s‹o disfar•ados por pequenas tampas de pl‡stico que v•m dentro do saco de acess—rios.
Depois de mudado o sentido de abertura da porta, controre se a veda•‹o magnŽtica fica pegada ao m6vel. Se a temperatura ambiente for fria (por ex. no inverno) pode acontecer que a veda•‹o n‹o pegue perfettamente ao m6vel. Nesse caso, pode esperar pela natural recupera•‹o da veda•‹o ou tornar mais r‡pido esse processo aquecendo a parte interessada com um normal secador de cabelos.
Temperature regulation
The temperature is automatically regulated and can be increased to achieve a higher temperature (warmer) by rotating the thermostat knob towards minimum or reduced (colder) by rotating the knob towards maximum. However, the exact setting should be chosen keeping in mina that the temperature inside the refrigerator depends on:
room temperature; how often the door is opened; the quantity of food stored; location of appliance.
A medium setting is generally the most suitable.
To stop operation, simply turn the thermostat knob to position Ç0È.
Fast freezing
For quick-freezing, turn the N/S knob (A) to the ÇSÈ symbol. The quick-freezing indicator light (D) will then light up.
Warning light
Warning light (E) lights up when the temperature inside the freezer compartment has increased to a value which might endanger the long-term storage of food in the compartment. When the appliance is switched on for the first time or when food is placed in the compartment for freezing, it is normal for this light to remain on until the temperature has reached the level required for correct storage.
Freezing food
Set the freezer to quick-freezing operational status. Wait at least 3 hours before introducing fresh foods into the freezer if it has only recently been turned on. If the freezer has already been working for some time, turn the respective knob to the ÇSÈ position at least 24 hours before introducing the food into the freezer in order to ensure better freezing results. This period of time may be shortened according to the quantity of food. When quick-freezing is being performed, the compressor works continuously, employing all of its refrigerating power to the maximum. Keep the knob as it is for another 24 hours after the introduction of the food into the freezer and then return the knob to the ÇNÈ position. Bear in mind the freezing capacity of your freezer; that is, the maximum quantity of food that may be frozen in 24 hours. This freezing capacity is 22 kg. Distribute the packages in the two upper baskets.
Arrange the foods to be frozen in the upper compartments. When the necessary freezing time has elapsed, distribute the newly-frozen foods into the drawers to free the compartments for new foods to be frozen.
When electrical current happens to be cut off, the freezer door must not be opened. If the power failure is short (up to 6-8 hours) and the freezer is full, there is no risk that the food will spoil. If the power failure lasts longer, the food must be consumed as rapidly as possible, or otherwise cooked and re-frozen again.
On the inner door you will find a list of foods followed by a number. These numbers indicate the maximum period of time for which the food in question may be conserved (in months).
Frozen food storage
When the freezer is being turned on for the first time, or after a prolonged period of disuse, turn the N/S knob to the Quick-freezing position and then wait at least two hours before introducing the food to be conserved. You may then return the knob to the ÇNÈ position. This two-hour waiting period may be avoided if the freezer has already been in operation.
Thawing out frozen foods
Frozen foods must be allowed to thaw out before use either in the refrigerator (meat, poultry, fish, etc.) or at room temperature (ali other foods) according to the available time. Frozen products which come in small-sized or separate packages may be cooked directly without thawing; obviously, in this case, the cooking time will fast a little longer.
Ice-cube production
Fill the trays with water to 3/4 of their height, to permit the expansion of the ice, then put them in the space below the quick-freezing compartment (see the diagram). If the water in your area is rich in minerai salts (limestone, in particular), we advise you to use noncarbonated mineral water for the production of ice cubes. The ice-cubes may be shaken out of the plastic trays with a slight twist.
Cold accumulator
A cold accumulator is supplied in the freezer; this increases the leght of time for which food will keep in the event of the power failure or breakdown. It must be placed in the top drawer.
Coloque o aparelho longe de qualquer fonte de calor (aquecimento, fog›es, ou raios solares demasiado intensos). Para conseguir bons resultados, o aparelho deve ser colocado num local onde a temperatura seja compreendida entre
+18¡C e +43¡C (classe T); +18¡C e +38¡C (classe ST); +16¡C e +32¡C (classe N); +10¡C e +32¡C (classe SN).
A classe Ž indicada na placa sinalŽtica.
Verifique que nas partes posterior, superior e inferior o ar pode circular livremente. Para um melhor funcionamento verifique que a parte superior t•m pelo menos 100 mm de distancia de algum m—vel suspenso por cima do aparelho (A). A solu•‹o prefir’vel Ž indicada na Fig. B (sem m—vel). Um ou v‡rios pŽs niveladores situados na base t•m a fun•‹o de nivelar o aparelho correctamente.
Verifique se a tomada de corrente da parede est‡ em bom estado e apta a receber a ficha do fio de alimenta•‹o do aparelho.
Esta œltima est‡ conforme ˆs normas em vigor e possui uma entrada para a liga•‹o ˆ terra. Essa ficha pode ser ligada a qualquer tomada de corrente desde que esta tenha uma ponta de liga•‹o ˆ terra. No caso em que a tomada n‹o tenha a liga•‹o ˆ terra, ligar o aparelho a uma instala•‹o de liga•‹o ˆ terra separada, conforme as normas em vigor, consultandopara isso um tŽcnico especializado.
A Casa Construtora declina toda e qualquer responsabilidade no caso de esta norma contra os acidentes n‹o ser cumprida e se verificarem
acidentes originados por deficiente liga•‹o ˆ terra, ou falta dela .Este aparelho est‡ conforme com a Directiva da C.E.E n¡ 87/308 de 2/6/87 respeitante ˆ supress‹o das interfer•ncias radio­elŽctricas.
Este aparelho est‡ conforme as seguintes
Directrizes Comunit‡rias:
- 73/23 CEE 19/02/73 (Baixa Tens‹o) e sucessivas
- 89/336 CEE 03/05/89 (Compatibilidade
ElectromagnŽtica) e sucessivas modifica•›es.
Liga•‹o elŽctrica
Verifique, antes de ligar o aparelho, se a voltagem e a frequ•ncia indicadas na placa sinalŽtica correspondem ˆs da sua rede.
100 mm10 mm
10 mm
Caso o aparelho apresentar anomalias de funcionamento, controle:
¥ se a ficha est‡ bem inserida na tomada de
corrente e se o interruptor da instala•‹o elŽctrica
est‡ fechado; ¥ se falta a energia elŽctrica; ¥ se os comandos est‹o na posi•‹o correcta; ¥ se, havendo sinais de ‡gua no fundo do
refrigerador, o orif’cio de escoamento da ‡gua de
descongela•‹o est‡ obstruido (veja cap’tulo
Ap—s esses controlos, se a anomalia de funcionamento persistir, dirija-se ao Centro de Assist•ncia TŽcnica mais pr—ximo.
Para uma interven•‹o sol’cita Ž importante, no momento da chamada, indicar as refer•ncias completas do aparelho, ou seja moderlo e nœmero de sŽrie, que figuram no cart‹o da garantia ou na placa sinalŽtica no interno do aparelho, lado esquerdo em baixo.
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