Zanussi ZFC21JE User Manual

By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential damaging consequences for the envi­ronment and human health.
The symbol on the product indicates that this product may not be treated as household waste, but must be taken
instead to a suitable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. For more detailed infor­mation about recycling of this product, please contact your local city office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the appliance.
Safety Information
Before installing and using the appliance read this user's instruction book carefully. It contains safety precautions, hints, information and ideas. If the freezer is used in compliance with the instructions written, it will operate properly and provide you with greatest satisfaction. These warnings are provided in the interest of safety. You must read them carefully before installing or using the appliance.
Use the freezer only for storing frozen food, freezing fresh food and making ice cubes. Do not eat ice cubes or ice lollies immediately after taking them out of the freezer, since they may cause frost burns. Do not allow children to play or hide inside the freezer, since they may become trapped inside and suffocate. Do not store glass containers with liguids in the freezer, since they may burst. Ensure that the freezer is not resting on the power supply cable. Before servicing or cleaning, always unplug the appliance or disconnect the power supply. Do not use other electrical appliances (such as ice cream makers) inside the appliance. Your appliance contains an environmentally friendly natural gas, isobuthane (R600a). Caution is required however, since isobuthane is flammable. Therefore it is essential to ensure that the refrigerant pipelines are not damaged.
It is most important that this instruction book should be retained with the appliance for future reference.
Product Description
Control panel
A. Red light: Illuminates when the freezer temperature is not sufficiently low. B. Green light: Illuminates when the appliance is on. C. Yellow light: Illuminates when the Super Freeze function is activated. D. Super Freeze button: Activates/deactivates the Super Freeze function for large
quantities for fresh food and switches off the beeping alarm.
Wait at least 2 hours before connecting the freezer to the power supply to ensure the refrigerant circuit is fully efficient. Install the freezer in a dry, well ventilated room. Avoid locations near a source of heat or in direct sunlight. The room temperature should correspond to the climatic classification for which the freezer was designed, see chap­ter "Technical data". Place the freezer horizontally on a firm surface, resting on all four feet. For optimum operation and in order to avoid damage when the lid is opened, leave a space of at least 5 cm from the rear wall and 5 cm at the sides. Before connecting the freezer to the power supply, ensure that the voltage corresponds to that indicated in chapter "Technical data" under "Voltage".
Ensure that the freezer is not resting on the power supply cable. Do not remove the power supply cable by pulling on its lead, particularly when the freezer is being pulled out of its niche.
1. Deckelgriff
2. Dichtung
3. Schmelzwasserabfluss
4. Schalttafel
5. Thermostatknopf: Temperatureinstellung
6. Oberkante
7. Ventil: Deckel leicht wieder zu öffnen
The power supply cable may only be replaced by a qualified service personel. Ensure that the power plug is not squashed or damaged by the back of the freezer. There must be adequate ventilation around the appliance. Any electrical work required to install this appliance should be carried out by a qualified electrician.
Warning! This appliance must be earthed.
First use
Before first use, the freezer should be cleaned inside, see chapter "Care and cleaning". Plug in the appliance. The green light will come on. The red light will also switch on and the alarm will beep, since the temperature inside the freezer is not yet sufficient­ly low for food storage. Press button (D) to switch the alarm off. The red light will normally switch off after several hours. Only place food inside the freezer once the red light has switched off.
Switch on-off
Switch on the freezer
Turn the thermostat knob to a postion between and .
Switch off the freezer
Turn the thermostat knob to the Off position
Daily use
Temperature adjustment
To adjust the temperature of the freezer, proceed as follows:
Turn the thermostat knob clockwise towards for a colder storage temperature. Turn the thermotat knob counter-clockwise towards for a less cold storage temperature.
Super Freeze function
If more than 3-4 kg of fresh food is to be frozen, the freezer needs to be pre-cooled.
At least 24 hours before placing fresh food in the freezer, press button (D). The yellow light comes on. Place the food in the freezer. After 52 hours this function will automatically switch off and the freezer will return to nor­mal storage temperature. This function can be de-activated any time by pressing button (D) again.
If the freezer temperature is not sufficiently low, the alarm will beep and the red light will come on.
Press button (D) to switch the sound off. The red light remains on as long as the temperature in the freezer is higher than the thermostat setting.
The alarm can be due to:
Insertion of a large amount of fresh food. Opening the lid too long. A defect in the system, see chapter "What to do if...".
Storage baskets
Hang the baskets on the upper edge (X) or place the stackable baskets inside the freezer (Y). Turn and fix the handles for these two positions, as shown in the drawings.
Spare baskets can be obtained from your local Service Force Centre or from the Electrolux website (depending on coun­try). The illustrations on this page show how many baskets can be placed in the various freezer models.
Opening and closing the lid
As the lid is fitted with a tightly closing seal, it will not re-open easily immediatedly after closing.
Wait a few minutes before re-opening the lid. A valve will allow the lid to be re-opened easily. Never pull the handle vio­lently.
Care and Cleaning
Defrosting the freezer
When the ice layer is 10-15 mm thick, the freezer should be defrosted. We suggest that you defrost your freezer when there is little or no food inside.
Disconnect the appliance from the power supply. Remove the contents of the freezer, wrap them in newspapers, and keep them in a cold place. Leave the appliance lid open. Remove the plug from the water drain. The defrost water can be collected in a tray as shown in the drawing. If available, use the divider. Speed up defrosting by using the enclosed scraper to detach the ice from the appliance walls. Dry the interior of the appliance thoroughly. Remember to replace the plug in the water drain.
Important! Never use a knife or any other sharp implement to remove frost or ice.
The best time to clean your freezer is after defrosting.
Disconnect the appliance from the power supply and remove all loose accessories. Use a damp cloth to clean your freezer. Use hot water and a mild, non-aromatic detergent. Clean the loose accessories, before replacing them again.
Important! Never use strong detergents, scouring powder or aromatic detergents to clean your freezer.
When not in use
Disconnect the appliance from the power supply. Remove all food from the freezer. Clean the freezer as described above. Leave the lid slightly open.
Helpful hints and tips
Freezing food
Before freezing, fresh food must be packed in airtight and moisture-proof packaging to prevent it from drying out. Only use fresh food of the best quality. Always leave hot food to cool to room termperature before placing in the freezer. Divide food into small portions before freezing; this ensures that freezing is more rapid, and that you only need to defrost the amount needed for immediate consumption. Mark the freezer packaging with the date of freezing. Place fresh food for freezing close to the cold sides of the freezer, making sure that it is not in contact with the frozen food already in the freezer.
Frozen food can be stored anywhere inside the freezer, but should be kept at least 5 mm below the upper edge. If freezing is too slow, the quality of the food being frozen deteriorates. The amount of fresh food (expressed in kg) that can be frozen in 24 hours is indicated in the chapter "Technical data" under "Freezing capacity".
Food storage
For fresh frozen food, please refer to the storage period table underneath.
For purchased frozen food, never exceed the expiry date.
When you buy frozen food, make sure that it has been stored at the correct temperature. Do not buy products which
have wet or damaged packaging. Place purchased products in your freezer as quickly as possible. We recommend
using an insulated bag to bring such products home with you. Important! Remember that fully or partially defrosted food must not be re-frozen. However, dishes which have been cooked using defrosted food may be frozen.
In the case of a power failure or breakdown
Do not open the lid. Important! If the power has been off for longer that the value shown in the chapter "Technical data" under "Hold-over time", the defrosted food must be consumed quickly or cooked immediately and then refrozen (after cooling).
What to do if...
Try the solutions suggested here first to avoid the cost of an unnecessary service call.
Your freezer will not operate
Is the power supply cord unplugged?
Has a household fuse blown?
Is there a power failure?
Is the temperature control set to the Off position?
The alarm remains audible and/or the red light/symbol ( ) is on
Is the lid not closed completely? See underneath.
Is the temperature control set correctly for the surrounding conditions?
Is the freezer too close to a source of heat?
The inside light does not work
Is the power supply cord unplugged?
Is the light bulb loose in the socket or burned out?
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