Zanussi ZDI11004XA User Manual

Upute za uporabu 2
ȅįȘȖȓİȢ ȋȡȒıȘȢ 26
Használati útmutató 40
Manual de utilizare 53
Navodila za uporabo 65
Perilica posuÿa
ȆȜȣȞIJȒȡȚȠ ʌȚȐIJȦȞ Mosogatógép Maúină de spălat vase Pomivalni stroj
Sigurnosne upute _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 Opis proizvoda _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 Upravljaþka ploþa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 Programi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 Prije prve uporabe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 Svakodnevna uporaba _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7
Savjeti _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9 ýi!üenje i odr"avanje _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 Rje!avanje problema _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11 Tehniþki podaci _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13 Briga za okoli! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13
Zadr"ava se pravo na izmjene.
Sigurnosne upute
Prije postavljanja i uporabe ureÿaja, pa"ljivo proþitajte isporuþene upute. Proizvoÿaþ nije odgovoran ako nepravilno postavljanje i uporaba ureÿaja uzrokuje ozljede i o!te­üenja. Upute uvijek þuvajte s ureÿajem, za buduüe potrebe.
Sigurnost djece i slabijih osoba
Upozorenje Opasnost od gu!enja,
ozljede ili trajne nesposobnosti.
# Osobama, ukljuþujuüi i djecu, sa
smanjenim fiziþkim, osjetilnim ili men­talnim funkcijama ili osobama bez iskustva i znanja nikada nemojte dozvoliti da kori­ste ureÿaj. Njih prilikom rukovanja ure-
ÿajem mora nadzirati ili u rukovanje ure- ÿajem uputiti osoba odgovorna za njihovu
sigurnost. # Ne dozvolite djeci da se igraju s ureÿajem. # Svu ambala"u þuvajte izvan dohvata
djece. # Sve deterd"ente þuvajte izvan dohvata
djece. # Djecu i kuüne ljubimce dr"ite podalje od
vrata ureÿaja dok su otvorena.
# Odstranite svu ambala"u. # Ne postavljajte i ne koristite o!teüeni ure-
ÿaj. # Ureÿaj nemojte postavljati na mjesta na
kojima je temperatura manja od 0°C. # Pridr"avajte se uputa za postavljanje ispo-
ruþenih s ureÿajem.
# Provjerite je li ureÿaj postavljen ispod i
blizu sigurnih konstrukcija.
Elektriþni prikljuþak
Upozorenje Opasnost od po"ara i
strujnog udara.
# Ureÿaj mora biti uzemljen. # Provjerite podudaraju li se elektriþni pod-
aci na nazivnoj ploþici s elektriþnim na­pajanjem. Ako to nije sluþaj, kontaktirajte elektriþara.
# Uvijek koristite pravilno ugraÿenu utiþnicu
sa za!titom od strujnog udara.
# Ne koristite adaptere s vi!e utiþnica i pro-
du"ne kabele.
# Pazite da ne o!tetite utikaþ i kabel na-
pajanja. Ako je potrebno zamijeniti elektriþni kabel, to mora izvr!iti na! servis.
# Utikaþ kabela napajanja utaknite u utiþni-
cu tek po zavr!etku postavljanja. Provjeri­te postoji li pristup utikaþu nakon po­stavljanja.
# Ne povlaþite kabel napajanja kako biste
utikaþ izvukli iz utiþnice. Uvijek uhvatite i povucite utikaþ.
# Kabel napajanja ili utikaþ ne dodirujte
vla"nim rukama.
# Ovaj je ureÿaj usklaÿen s direktivama EU.
Spajanje na dovod vode
# Pripazite da ne o!tetite crijeva za vodu. # Prije prikljuþivanja ureÿaja na nove cijevi
ili cijevi koje se dugo nisu koristile neka voda teþe sve dok ne postane potpuno þi­sta.
• Prilikom prve upotrebe ureÿaja provjerite da nema curenja.
• Crijevo za dovod vode ima sigurnosni ven­til i oblogu s unutarnjim glavnim vodom.
Upozorenje Opasan napon.
• Ako je crijevo za dovod vode o!teüeno, odmah iskopþajte utikaþ iz utiþnice elektriþne mre"e. Za zamjenu crijeva za dovod vode kontaktirajte servisera.
• Ovaj ureÿaj je namijenjen za upotrebu u kuüanstvu i za sliþne namjene kao !to su:
# ýajne kuhinje koje upotrebljavaju za-
posleni u prodavaonicama, uredima i
drugim radnim prostorima # Kuüe za odmor (vikendice) # Turistiþki apartmani u ili izvan hotela,
motela i drugih vrsta smje!taja # Za þajne kuhinje u prenoüi!tima (tipa
bed and breakfast) .
Upozorenje Opasnost od ozljede,
opeklina, strujnog udara ili po"ara.
• Ne mijenjajte specifikacije ovog ureÿaja.
• No"eve i pribor s o!trim vrhovima u ko!a­ru za pribor za jelo stavite vrhom okrenu­tim prema dolje ili u vodoravan polo"aj.
• Ne dr"ite vrata ureÿaja otvorena bez nad­zora kako biste sprijeþili pad preko njih.
• Ne sjedajte i ne stojte na otvorenim vra­tima.
• Deterd"enti za perilicu posuÿa su opasni. Pridr"avajte se sigurnosnih uputa na ambala"i deterd"enta.
• Ne pijte i ne igrajte se s vodom u ureÿaju.
• Ne vadite posuÿe iz ureÿaja prije za­vr!etka programa. Na posuÿu mo"e ostati deterd"enta.
• Ureÿaj mo"e ispu!tati vruüu paru ako ot­vorite vrata dok je program u tijeku.
• Zapaljive predmete ili predmete namoþe­ne zapaljivim sredstvima ne stavljajte u ureÿaj, pored ili na njega.
• Za þi!üenje ureÿaja ne koristite raspr!i­vanje vode i pare.
Upozorenje Opasnost od ozljede ili
• Ureÿaj iskopþajte iz elektriþne mre"e.
• Odre"ite elektriþni kabel i bacite ga.
• Uklonite bravicu vrata kako biste sprijeþili da se djeca i kuüni ljubimci zatvore u ure­ÿaj.
• Za popravak ureÿaja kontaktirajte servis. Preporuþujemo kori!tenje iskljuþivo origi­nalnih rezervnih dijelova.
• Kada kontaktirate servis, provjerite imate li sljedeüe informacije, dostupne na nazivnoj ploþici. Model: PNC: Serijski broj:
Opis proizvoda
Donja mlaznica
Nazivna ploþica
Spremnik sredstva za ispiranje
Spremnik za deterdžent
Spremnik soli
Tipka za odabir tvrdoüe vode
Gornja mlaznica
Gornja košara
Upravljaþka ploþa
1 2 3
Programske tipke
Indikator ukljuþeno/Iskljuþeno
Tipka za ukljuþivanje/iskljuþivanje
Tipka za odgodu poþetka
Funkcijske tipke
Indikatori Opis
Indikator faze pranja.
Indikator faze sušenja.
Indikator završetka programa.
Indikator za sol. Ovaj je indikator iskljuþen dok program radi.
Indikator sredstva za ispiranje. Ovaj je indikator iskljuþen dok program radi.
Vrsta punjenja
Normalno zaprljano Posuÿe i pribor za jelo
Predpranje Pranje 50 °C Ispiranja Su!enje
168 1.01 12.4
Jako zaprljano Posuÿe, pribor za jelo, tave i posude
Predpranje Pranje 70 °C Ispiranja Su!enje
90 - 100 1.7 - 1.9 19 - 21
Normalno zaprljano Posuÿe i pribor za jelo
Predpranje Pranje 65 °C Ispiranja Su!enje
100 - 110 1.3 - 1.4 15 - 16
Svje"e zaprljano posu­ÿe Posuÿe i pribor za jelo
Pranje 65 °C Ispiranje
30 0.8 8
Sve Predpranje 12 0.1 3
1) Tlak i temperatura vode, oscilacije u napajanju elektriþne mre"e, opcije te koliþina posuÿa mogu promijeniti trajanje programa i potro!nju.
2) Pomoüu ovog programa mo"ete najuþinkovitije iskoristiti vodu i u!tedjeti energiju za uobiþajeno zaprljano posuÿe i pribor za jelo. (Ovo je standardni program za ustanove za testiranje).
3) Ovim programom mo"ete prati svje"e zaprljano posuÿe. Daje sjajne rezultate pranja u kratkom vremenu.
4) Ovaj program koristite za brzo ispiranje posuÿa. Time se sprjeþava da se ostaci hrane zalijepe za posuÿe i da iz ureÿaja izlaze neugodni mirisi. Uz ovaj program nemojte koristiti deterd"ent.
Informacije za ustanove za testiranje
Za sve potrebne informacije po pitanju karakteristika testiranja po!aljite poruku elektronskom po!tom:
Zapi!ite broj proizvoda (PNC) koji se nalazi na nazivnoj ploþici.
Prije prve uporabe
1. Provjerite odgovara li postavka omek!i-
vaþa vode tvrdoüi vode u va!em pod­ruþju. Ako nije usklaÿena, podesite omek!ivaþ vode. Obratite se lokalnom di­stributeru vode kako biste saznali tvrdo­üu vode u svom podruþju.
2. Napunite spremnik za sol.
3. Napunite spremnik sredstva za ispiranje.
4. Otvorite slavinu.
5. Ostaci obrade mogu se zadr"ati u ure­ÿaju. Pokrenite program kako biste ih uklonili. Ne koristite deterd"ent i ne puni­te ko!are.
Pode•avanje omek•ivaþa vode
Tvrdoüa vode
Omek•ivaþ vode
Njemaþki stupnjevi
mmol/l Clarkeovi
47 - 50 84 - 90 8.4. - 9.0 58 - 63 10 43 - 46 76 - 83 7.6 - 8.3 53 - 57 9 37 - 42 65 - 75 6.5 - 7.5 46 - 52 8 29 - 36 51 - 64 5.1 - 6.4 36 - 45 7 23 - 28 40 - 50 4.0 - 5.0 28 - 35 6 19 - 22 33 - 39 3.3 - 3.9 23 - 27
15 - 18 26 - 32 2.6 - 3.2 18 - 22 4 11 - 14 19 - 25 1.9 - 2.5 13 - 17 3
4 - 10 7 - 18 0.7 - 1.8 5 - 12 2
< 4 < 7 < 0.7 < 5
1) Tvorniþki postavljeno.
2) Nemojte koristiti sol na ovoj razini.
Elektroniþko prilagoÿavanje
1. Za ukljuþivanje ureÿaja, pritisnite tipku za ukljuþivanje/iskljuþivanje. Ukljuþuje se in­dikator ukljuþeno/iskljuþeno. Provjerite je li ureÿaj u naþinu postavljanja.
2. Istovremeno pritisnite i dr!ite pritisnutima funkcijske tipke (B) i (C) dok indikatori funkcijskih tipki (A), (B) i (C) ne zapoþnu treptati.
3. Pritisnite funkcijsku tipku (A). # Indikatori funkcijskih tipki (B) i (C) se
# Indikator funkcijske tipke (A) nastavlja
# Indikator kraja programa prikazuje po-
stavku omek$ivaþa vode. % Broj treptaja indikatora kraja pro-
grama prikazuje razinu omek$ivaþa vode. Na primjer: 5 treptaja + pauza + 5 treptaja = razina 5.
4. Za promjenu postavke priti$üite
funkcijsku tipku (A). Svakim pritiskom funkcijske tipke (A) prelazite na sljedeüu razinu.
5. Za potvrdu iskljuþite ureÿaj.
Punjenje spremnika za sol
Pozor Voda i sol mogu izlaziti iz
spremnika za sol tijekom punjenja. Opasnost od korozije. Kako biste je sprijeþili, nakon punjenja spremnika za sol pokrenite program.
1 2
Stavite 1 litru vode u spremnik za sol (samo prvi put).
Punjenje spremnika sredstva za ispiranje
3 4
Za pode!avanje ispu!tene koliþine sred­stva za ispiranje, okreüite biraþ izmeÿu polo"aja 1 (najmanja koliþina) i polo"aja 4 (najveüa koliþina).
Svakodnevna uporaba
1. Otvorite slavinu.
2. Za ukljuþivanje ureÿaja pritisnite tipku za ukljuþivanje/iskljuþivanje. Provjerite je li ureÿaj u naþinu rada postavljanje,
pogledajte “Odabir i pokretanje pro­grama”.
• Ako je indikator soli ukljuþen, napunite
spremnik za sol.
• Ako je indikator sredstva za ispiranje
ukljuþen, napunite spremnik sredstva za ispiranje.
3. Napunite ko!are.
4. Dodajte deterd"ent.
5. Postavite i pokrenite odgovarajuüi pro­gram koji odgovara vrsti i zaprljanosti punjenja.
Upotreba deterd•enta
1 2
Stavite deterd•ent ili tabletu u odjeljak (A) .
Ako program pranja ima fazu pretpranja, stavite malu koliþinu deterd•enta u spremnik (B).
Kombinirani deterd!ent u tableti
Te tablete sadr•e deterd•ent, sredstvo za ispiranje i ostale dodatke. Provjerite jesu li te tablete prikladne za tvrdoüu vode u va!em
podruþju. Pogledajte upute na pakiranju pro­izvoda.
Kada koristite tablete koje sadr•e sol i sred­stvo za ispiranje, nemojte puniti spremnik za sol i spremnik sredstva za ispiranje. In­dikator sredstva za ispiranje uvijek se
ukljuþuje kada je spremnik sredstva za ispi­ranje prazan.
1. Omek!ivaþ vode postavite na najni•u ra- zinu.
2. Postavite koliþinu sredstva za ispiranje u najni•i polo•aj.
Ako prekinete uporabu kombiniranih tableta s deterd!entom, prije poþetka odvojene uporabe deterd!enta, sredstva za ispiranje i soli za perilicu posuÿa obavite sljedeüe korake:
1. Pritisnite tipku za ukljuþivanje/iskljuþi­vanje za ukljuþivanje ureÿaja.
2. Postavite omek!ivaþ vode na najvi!u ra­zinu.
3. Provjerite jesu li spremnik za sol i spremnik sredstva za ispiranje puni.
4. Pokrenite najkraüi program s fazom ispi-
ranja, bez deterd•enta i bez posuÿa.
5. Omek!ivaþ vode prilagodite tvrdoüi vode u va!em podruþju.
6. Podesite ispu!tenu koliþinu sredstva za ispiranje.
Postavljanje i pokretanje programa
Naþin postavljanja
Za prihvaüanje nekih radnji, ureÿaj mora biti u naþinu rada postavljanje. Ureÿaj je u naþinu rada postavljanje kada, nakon ukljuþivanja:
" se ukljuþe svi indikatori programa. Ako upravljaþka ploþa prikazuje ostale uvjete, istovremeno pritisnite i dr•ite pritisnu­tima funkcijske tipke (B) i (C) dok ureÿaj ne prijeÿe u naþin rada postavljanje.
Pokretanje programa bez odgode poþetka
1. Otvorite slavinu.
2. Za postavljanje programa, vrata ureÿaja ostavite pritvorena.
3. Za ukljuþivanje ureÿaja pritisnite tipku za ukljuþivanje/iskljuþivanje. Ukljuþuje se in­dikator ukljuþeno/iskljuþeno.
4. Provjerite je li ureÿaj u naþinu rada za postavljanje.
5. Pritisnite tipku programa kojeg •elite po­staviti.
• Ukljuþuje se odgovarajuüi indikator
• Ukljuþuju se indikatori faze po-
stavljenog programa.
6. Zatvorite vrata ureÿaja. Program se pokreüe.
• Ukljuþeno je indikatorsko svjetlo faze u
Pokretanje programa s odgodom poþetka
1. Postavite program.
2. Ponovno pritisnite tipku odgode poþetka sve dok se ne ukljuþi indikator broja sati koje •elite postaviti. Mo•ete postaviti 3, 6 ili 9 sati.
3. Zatvorite vrata ureÿaja. Zapoþinje od­brojavanje.
• Indikator odgode poþetka prestaje
• Iskljuþuju se indikatori faze po-
stavljenog programa.
• Kada odbrojavanje zavr!i, program se
" Ukljuþen je indikator faze u tijeku. " Indikator odgode poþetka se iskljuþuje.
Mo•ete odabrati program pranja i odgo-
du poþetka i kada su vrata zatvorena. U tom sluþaju imate samo 3 sekunde do po­þetka rada ureÿaja nakon svake postavke.
Otvaranje vrata dok ureÿaj radi
Ako otvorite vrata, ureÿaj se zaustavlja. Ka­da zatvorite vrata, ureÿaj nastavlja raditi od toþke u kojoj je prekinuo rad.
Poni!tavanje odgode poþetka
Istovremeno pritisnite i dr•ite pritisnutima funkcijske tipke (B) i (C) dok se ne iskljuþi in­dikator odgode poþetka, a ukljuþe se svi in­dikatori programa.
Kada poni!tite odgodu poþetka, ureÿaj se vraüa u naþin rada za postavljanje.
Morate ponovno postaviti program.
Otkazivanje programa
Istovremeno pritisnite i dr•ite pritisnutima funkcijske tipke (B) i (C) dok se ne ukljuþe svi indikatori programa.
Prije pokretanja novog programa provjerite nalazi li se deterd•ent u
spremniku za deterd•ent.
Po zavr!etku programa
Kada program zavr!i, ukljuþuje se indikator kraja programa.
1. Za iskljuþivanje ureÿaja pritisnite tipku za ukljuþivanje/iskljuþivanje. Indikator ukljuþeno/iskljuþeno se iskljuþuje.
2. Zatvorite slavinu.
• Pustite da se posuÿe ohladi prije ne­go ga izvadite iz ureÿaja. Vruüe posu­ÿe mo•e se lako o!tetiti.
• Najprije ispraznite predmete iz donje ko!are, zatim iz gornje ko!are.
• Na stranicama i na vratima ureÿaja mo•e biti vode. Nehrÿajuüi þelik hladi se br•e od posuÿa.
Omek!ivaþ vode
Tvrda voda sadr•i visoku koliþinu minerala koji mogu uzrokovati o!teüenje ureÿaja i lo!e rezultate pranja. Omek!ivaþ vode neu­tralizira te minerale. Sol za perilicu posuÿa odr•ava omek!ivaþ vode þistim i u dobrim uvjetima. Va•no je po­staviti pravu razinu omek!ivaþa vode. To
osigurava da omek!ivaþ vode koristi isprav­nu koliþinu soli za perilicu posuÿa i vode.
Upotreba soli, sredstva za ispiranje i deterd"enta
• Upotrebljavajte samo sol, sredstvo za ispi­ranje i deterd•ent za perilice posuÿa.
Ostali proizvodi mogu prouzroþiti o!te- üenja na ureÿaju.
" Sredstvo za ispiranje, tijekom zadnje faze
ispiranja, poma#e u su!enju posuÿa bez crtica i mrlja.
" Kombinirane tablete za pranje sadr#e de-
terd#ent, sredstvo za ispiranje i ostale do­datke. Provjerite jesu li te tablete prikladne za tvrdoüu vode u va!em podruþju. Pogledajte upute na pakiranju proizvoda.
" Deterd#ent u tabletama ne otapa se do
kraja prilikom kori!tenja kratkih programa. Kako bi se sprijeþila pojava tragova deter­d#enta na posuÿu preporuþujemo upotre­bu sredstva za pranje u tabletama samo za du#e programe pranje.
Nemojte koristiti vi!e od toþne koliþine deterd#enta. Pogledajte upute na
pakiranju deterd#enta.
Punjenje ko•ara
Pogledajte isporuþeni letak s primjerima punjenja ko!ara.
" Ureÿaj koristite iskljuþivo za pranje
predmeta namijenjenih za pranje u perilici.
" U ureÿaj ne stavljajte predmete od drveta,
roga, aluminija, kositra i bakra.
" Nemojte u ureÿaj stavljati predmete koji
mogu apsorbirati vodu (spu#ve, kuüanske krpe).
" Uklonite preostalu hranu s predmeta.
" Za lak!e uklanjanje zagorjele hrane,
namoþite lonce i tave prije nego !to ih sta­vite u ureÿaj.
" Stavite !uplje predmete (!alice, þa!e i lon-
ce) otvorom okrenutim prema dolje.
" Provjerite da se pribor i posuÿe meÿusob-
no ne preklapa. $lice pomije!ajte s drugim priborom.
" Stakleni predmeti ne smiju se meÿusobno
" Male predmete polo#ite u ko!aru za pribor
za jelo.
" Lagano posuÿe stavite u gornju ko!aru.
Pazite da se ne miþe.
" Prije poþetka programa provjerite mogu li
se mlaznice slobodno kretati.
Prije pokretanja programa Provjerite sljedeüe:
" Filtri su þisti i pravilno postavljeni. " Mlaznice nisu zaþepljene. " Polo#aj predmeta u ko!arama je ispravan. " Program odgovara vrsti i zaprljanosti
" Upotrebljava se odgovarajuüa koliþina de-
" U ureÿaju ima soli i sredstava za ispiranje
za perilice posuÿe (osim ako ne upo­trebljavate kombinirane tablete s deter­d#entom).
" Poklopac spremnika za sol je þvrst.
ýi•üenje i odr!avanje
Upozorenje Prije odr#avanja, iskljuþite
ureÿaj i izvucite utikaþ iz utiþnice
elektriþne struje.
Neþisti filtri i zaþepljene mlaznice
smanjuju rezultate pranja. Redovno ih provjeravajte i ako je potrebno oþistite ih.
ýi•üenje filtara
Za skidanje filtara (B) i (C), okrenite ruþicu u smjeru su­protnom od smjera kazaljke na satu i skinite. Odvojeno iz­vucite filtar (B) i (C). Operite filtre vodom.
Skinite filtar (A). Operite filtar vodom.
Postavite filtar (A) u poþetni polo!aj.
Provjerite je li pra­vilno spojen pod dvije vodilice (D).
Spojite filtre (B) i (C). Stavite ih u polo!aj u filtru (A) . Okrenite ruþicu u smjeru kazaljki na satu dok se ne zakljuþa.
Neispravan polo!aj filtara mo!e uz-
rokovati slabe rezultate pranja i ošte-
üenje ureÿaja.
ýüenje mlaznica
Ne uklanjajte mlaznice. Ako se otvori u mlaznicama zaþepe, uklonite ostatke zaprljanja tankim oštrim predmetom.
Vanjsko þüenje
Obrišite ureÿaj vlažnom mekom krpom. Koristite samo neutralna sredstva za þiš­üenje. Nikada ne koristite abrazivna sred­stva, jastuþiüe za ribanje ili otapala.
Unutrašnje þüenje
Ako redovito upotrebljavate program kratkog trajanja, može doüi do taloženja masnoüa i kamenca unutar ureÿaja. Kako bi se to sprijeþilo, preporuþujemo da najmanje 2 puta mjeseþno pokrenete pro­gram s dugim trajanjem.
Rješavanje problema
Ureÿaj se ne pokreüe ili se zaustavlja tijekom rada. Prije nego što kontaktirate servis pogledajte sljedeüe informacije kako biste našli rješenje problema.
Kod nekih problema, neki indikatori isto­vremeno stalno ili isprekidano trepere kako bi pokazali kod alarma.
Kod alarma Problem
# Indikator postavljenog programa stalno treperi. # Indikator kraja programa povremeno 1 put za-
Ureÿaj se ne puni vodom.
Kod alarma Problem
• Indikator postavljenog programa stalno treperi.
• Indikator kraja programa povremeno zatreperi 2 puta.
Ureÿaj ne izbacuje vodu.
• Indikator postavljenog programa stalno treperi.
• Indikator kraja programa povremeno zatreperi 3 puta.
Ukljuþen je ureÿaj za za!titu od poplave.
Upozorenje Prije kontrole iskljuþite ureÿaj.
Problem Moguüe rje!enje
Ne mo"ete ukljuþiti ureÿaj. Provjerite je li kabel glavnog napajanja ukljuþen u utiþni-
Provjerite da u kutiji s osiguraþima nema o!teüenog osi-
guraþa. Program ne zapoþinje s radom. Provjerite jesu li vrata ureÿaja zatvorena. Ako je postavljena odgoda poþetka, poni!tite postavku ili
priþekajte zavr!etak odbrojavanja. Ureÿaj se ne puni vodom. Provjerite je li slavina otvorena. Provjerite da tlak dovoda vode nije prenizak. Ovu in-
formaciju potra"ite kod lokalnog distributera vode. Provjerite da slavina nije zaþepljena. Provjerite da filtar u dovodnom crijevu nije zaþepljen. Provjerite da dovodno crijevo nije prignjeþeno ili savijeno. Ureÿaj ne izbacuje vodu. Provjerite da sifon nije zaþepljen. Provjerite da odvodno crijevo nije prignjeþeno ili savijeno. Ukljuþen je ureÿaj za za!titu od poplave. Zatvorite slavinu i kontaktirajte servis.
Nakon zavr!etka provjera, ukljuþite ureÿaj. Program se nastavlja iz toþke u kojoj je prekinut. Ako se problem i dalje javlja, kontaktirajte servis. Ako se pojavi neki drugi kod alarma, kon­taktirajte servis.
Ako rezultati pranja i su!enja nisu zadovoljavajuüi
Bijele crte i mrlje ili plaviþasti slojevi na þa!ama i posuÿu.
• Ispu!tena koliþina sredstva za ispiranje je prevelika. Postavite biraþ sredstva za ispi­ranje u ni"i polo"aj.
• Koliþina deterd"enta bila je prevelika.
Osu!ene kapljice vode ostaju na þa!ama i posuÿu
• Ispu!tena koliþina sredstva za ispiranje nije dovoljna. Postavite biraþ sredstva za ispiranje u vi!i polo"aj.
• Uzrok mo"e biti kvaliteta deterd"enta.
Posuÿe je mokro
• Program nema fazu su!enja ili ima fazu su!enja na niskoj temperaturi.
• Spremnik sredstva za ispiranje je prazan.
• Uzrok mo"e biti kvaliteta sredstva za ispi­ranje.
Ostale moguüe uzroke potra"ite u
Tehniþki podaci
Dimenzije irina!/!Visina!/!Dubina!(mm) 596!/!818!-!898!/!575 Spajanje!na!elektriþnu!mre"u Pogledajte!natpisnu!ploþicu. ! Napon 220-240!V ! Frekvencija 50!Hz Tlak!dovoda!vode Min.!/!maks.!(bar!/!MPa) (0.5!/!0.05!)!/!(8!/!0.8!)
Kapacitet Broj!kompleta!posuÿa 12 Potro#nja!energije Ukljuþen 0.99!W
Iskljuþen 0.10!W
1) Crijevo za dovod vode spojite na slavinu s navojem 3/4".
2) Ako topla voda dolazi iz alternativnih izvora energije (npr., solarni paneli, energija vjetra), upotrijebite
toplu vodu kako biste smanjili potro!nju energije.
Briga za okoli!
Reciklirajte materijale sa simbolom .
Ambala#u za recikliranje odlo#ite u prikladne spremnike. Pomozite u za!titi okoli!a i ljudskog zdravlja, kao i u recikliranju otpada od elektriþnih i elektroniþkih ureÿaja. Ureÿaje oznaþene
simbolom ne bacajte zajedno s kuünim otpadom. Proizvod odnesite na lokalno recikla#no mjesto ili kontaktiraje nadle#nu slu#bu.
$ Ispravno odlo#ite ambala#u. Reciklirajte
materijale koji na sebi imaju oznaku
Safety instructions _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14 Product description _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16 Control panel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16 Programmes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 17 Before first use _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 17 Daily use _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 19
Hints and tips _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 21 Care and cleaning _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 22 Troubleshooting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 23 Technical information _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 25 Environment concerns _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 25
Subject to change without notice.
Safety instructions
Before the installation and use of the appli­ance, carefully read the supplied instructions. The manufacturer is not responsible if an in­correct installation and use causes injuries and damages. Always keep the instructions with the appliance for future reference.
Children and vulnerable people safety
Warning! Risk of suffocation, injury or
permanent disability.
• Do not let persons, children included, with reduced physical sensory, reduced mental functions or lack of experience and knowl­edge use the appliance. They must have su­pervision or instruction for the operation of the appliance by a person who is responsi­ble for their safety.
• Do not let children play with the appliance.
• Keep all packaging away from children.
• Keep all detergents away from children.
• Keep children and pets away from the appli­ance door when it is open.
• Remove all the packaging.
• Do not install or use a damaged appliance.
• Do not install or use the appliance where the temperature is less than 0 °C.
• Obey the installation instruction supplied with the appliance.
• Make sure that the appliance is installed be­low and adjacent to safe structures.
Electrical connection
Warning! Risk of fire and electrical
• The appliance must be earthed.
• Make sure that the electrical information on the rating plate agrees with the power sup­ply. If not, contact an electrician.
• Always use a correctly installed shockproof socket.
• Do not use multi-plug adapters and exten­sion cables.
• Make sure not to cause damage to the mains plug and to the mains cable. Should the appliance power supply cable need to be replaced, this must be carried out by our Service Centre.
• Connect the mains plug to the mains socket only at the end of the installation. Make sure that there is access to the mains plug after the installation.
• Do not pull the mains cable to disconnect the appliance. Always pull the mains plug.
• Do not touch the mains cable or the mains plug with wet hands.
• This appliance complies with the E.E.C. Di­rectives.
Water connection
• Make sure not to cause damage to the wa­ter hoses.
• Before you connect the appliance to new pipes or pipes not used for a long time, let the water flow until it is clean.
• The first time you use the appliance, make sure that there is no leakage.
• The water inlet hose has a safety valve and a sheath with an inner mains cable.
Warning! Dangerous voltage.
• If the water inlet hose is damaged, immedi­ately disconnect the mains plug from the mains socket. Contact Service to replace the water inlet hose.
• This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as:
– Staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and
other working environments – Farm houses – By clients in hotels, motels and other resi-
dential type environments – Bed and breakfast type environments.
Warning! Risk of injury, burns, electrical
shock or fire.
• Do not change the specification of this ap­pliance.
• Put knives and cutlery with sharp points in the cutlery basket with the points down or in a horizontal position.
• Do not keep the appliance door open with­out supervision to prevent to fall on it.
• Do not sit or stand on the open door.
• Dishwasher detergents are dangerous. Obey the safety instructions on the deter­gent packaging.
• Do not drink and play with the water in the appliance.
• Do not remove the dishes from the appli­ance until the programme is completed. There can be detergent on the dishes.
• The appliance can release hot steam if you open the door while a programme operates.
• Do not put flammable products or items that are wet with flammable products in, near or on the appliance.
• Do not use water spray and steam to clean the appliance.
Warning! Risk of injury or suffocation.
• Disconnect the appliance from the mains supply.
• Cut off the mains cable and discard it.
• Remove the door catch to prevent children and pets to get closed in the appliance.
• Contact the Service to repair the appliance. We recommend only the use of original spare parts.
• When you contact the Service, ensure that you have the following information that is available on the rating plate. Model : PNC : Serial Number :
Product description
Lower spray arm
Rating plate
Rinse aid dispenser
Detergent dispenser
Salt container
Water hardness dial
Upper spray arm
Upper basket
Control panel
1 2 3
Programme buttons
On/off indicator
On/off button
Delay button
Function buttons
Indicators Description
Washing phase indicator.
Drying phase indicator.
End indicator.
Salt indicator. This indicator is off while the programme operates.
Rinse aid indicator. This indicator is off while the programme operates.
Degree of soil
Type of load
Normal soil Crockery and cutlery
Prewash Wash 50 °C Rinses Dry
168 1.01 12.4
Heavy soil Crockery, cut­lery, pots and pans
Prewash Wash 70 °C Rinses Dry
90 - 100 1.7 - 1.9 19 - 21
Normal soil Crockery and cutlery
Prewash Wash 65 °C Rinses Dry
100 - 110 1.3 - 1.4 15 - 16
Fresh soil Crockery and cutlery
Wash 65 °C Rinse
30 0.8 8
All Prewash 12 0.1 3
1) The pressure and the temperature of the water, the variations of the mains supply, the options and the quantity of dishes can change the programme duration and the consumption values.
2) With this programme you have the most efficient use of water and energy consumption for crockery and cutlery with normal soil. (This is the standard programme for test institutes).
3) With this programme you can wash a load with fresh soil. It gives good washing results in a short time.
4) Use this programme to quickly rinse the dishes. This prevents the remaining food to bond on the dishes
and bad odours to come out from the appliance. Do not use detergent with this programme.
Information for test institutes
For all the necessary information for test performance. send an email to:
Write down the product number (PNC) that is on the rating plate.
Before first use
1. Make sure that the set level of the water
softener agrees with the water hardness in your area. If not, adjust the water softener. Contact your local water authority to know the water hardness in your area.
2. Fill the salt container.
3. Fill the rinse aid dispenser.
4. Open the water tap.
5. Processing residues can stay in the appli­ance. Start a programme to remove them. Do not use detergent and do not load the baskets.
Adjusting the water softener
Water hardness
Water softener
German degrees
mmol/l Clarke
47 - 50 84 - 90 8.4. - 9.0 58 - 63 10
43 - 46 76 - 83 7.6 - 8.3 53 - 57 9
37 - 42 65 - 75 6.5 - 7.5 46 - 52 8
29 - 36 51 - 64 5.1 - 6.4 36 - 45 7
23 - 28 40 - 50 4.0 - 5.0 28 - 35 6
19 - 22 33 - 39 3.3 - 3.9 23 - 27
15 - 18 26 - 32 2.6 - 3.2 18 - 22 4
11 - 14 19 - 25 1.9 - 2.5 13 - 17 3
4 - 10 7 - 18 0.7 - 1.8 5 - 12 2
< 4 < 7 < 0.7 < 5
1) Factory position.
2) Do not use salt at this level.
Electronic adjustment
1. Press the on/off button to activate the ap­pliance. The on/off indicator comes on. Make sure that the appliance is in setting mode. Refer to ‘SETTING AND STARTING A PROGRAMME’.
2. Press and hold function buttons (B) and (C) at the same time until the indicators of function buttons (A), (B) and (C) flash.
3. Press function button (A).
• The indicators of function buttons (B)
and (C) go off.
• The indicator of function button (A) con-
tinues to flash.
• The end indicator flashes showing the
setting of the water softener. – The number of flashes of the end indi-
cator shows the level of the water softener. Example: 5 flashes + pause + 5 flash­es = level 5.
4. Press function button (A) again and again to change the setting. Each time you press function button (A) you go to the next level.
5. Deactivate the appliance to confirm.
Filling the salt container
Caution! Water and salt can come out
from the salt container when you fill it. Risk of corrosion. To prevent it, after you fill the salt container, start a programme.
Put 1 litre of water in the salt container (only for the first time).
Filling the rinse aid dispenser
3 4
To adjust the released quantity of rinse aid, turn the selector between position 1 (lowest quantity) and position 4 (highest quantity).
Daily use
1. Open the water tap.
2. Press the on/off button to activate the ap­pliance. Make sure that the appliance is in setting mode, refer to “Setting and starting a programme”.
• If the salt indicator is on, fill the salt con-
• If the rinse aid indicator is on, fill the
rinse aid dispenser.
3. Load the baskets.
4. Add the detergent.
5. Set and start the correct programme for the type of load and the degree of soil.
Using the detergent
Put the detergent or the tablet in compart­ment (A).
If the programme has a prewash phase, put a small quantity of detergent in com­partment (B).
Combi detergent tablets
These tablets contain detergent, rinse aid and other added agents. Be sure that these tablets are applicable to the water hardness in your area. Refer to the instructions on the packag­ing of the products. When you use tablets, that contain salt and rinse aid, do not fill the salt container and the rinse aid dispenser. The rinse aid indicator al­ways comes on if the rinse aid dispenser is empty.
1. Adjust the water softener to the lowest lev­el.
2. Set the rinse aid dispenser to the lowest position.
If you stop to use the combi detergent tablets, before you start to use separately detergent, rinse aid and dishwasher salt, do these steps:
1. Press the on/off button to activate the ap­pliance.
2. Set the water softener to the highest level.
3. Make sure that the salt container and the rinse aid dispenser are full.
4. Start the shortest programme with a rins­ing phase, without detergent and without dishes.
5. Adjust the water softener to the water hardness in your area.
6. Adjust the released quantity of rinse aid.
Setting and starting a programme
Setting mode
The appliance must be in setting mode to ac­cept some operations. The appliance is in setting mode when, after the activation:
• All the programme indicators are on.
If the control panel shows other conditions, press and hold function buttons (B) and (C) at the same time until the appliance is in setting mode.
Starting a programme without delay start
1. Open the water tap.
2. To set a programme, keep the appliance door ajar.
3. Press the on/off button to activate the ap­pliance. The on/off indicator comes on.
4. Make sure that the appliance is in setting mode.
5. Press the button of the programme you want to set.
• The related programme indicator comes
• The phase indicators of the set pro­gramme come on.
6. Close the appliance door. The programme starts.
• The indicator of the phase in operation is
Starting a programme with delay start
1. Set the programme.
2. Press the delay button again and again un­til the indicator of the number of hours you want to set flashes. You can set 3, 6 or 9 hours.
3. Close the appliance door. The countdown starts.
• The delay indicator stops flashing.
• The phase indicators of the set pro-
gramme go off.
• When the countdown is completed, the pro-
gramme starts. – The indicator of the phase in operation
comes on.
– The delay indicator goes off.
You can set a programme and the delay
start also with the appliance door closed. In this condition, you have only 3 seconds after each setting before the appliance starts to op­erate.
Opening the door while the appliance operates
If you open the door, the appliance stops. When you close the door, the appliance con­tinues from the point of interruption.
Cancelling the delay start
Press and hold function buttons (B) and (C) at the same time until the delay indicator goes off and all the programme indicators come on.
When you cancel a delay start, the appli­ance goes back to setting mode. You
have to set the programme again.
Cancelling the programme
Press and hold function buttons (B) and (C) at the same time until all the programme indica­tors come on.
Make sure that there is detergent in the detergent dispenser before you start a
new programme.
At the end of the programme
When the programme is completed, the end indicator comes on.
1. Press the on/off button to deactivate the appliance. The on/off indicator goes off.
2. Close the water tap.
• Let the dishes become cold before you remove them from the appliance. Hot dishes can be easily damaged.
• First remove the items from the lower basket, then from the upper basket.
• There can be water on the sides and on the door of the appliance. Stainless steel becomes cool more quickly than the dishes.
Hints and tips
The water softener
Hard water contains a high quantity of miner­als that can cause damage to the appliance and bad washing results. The water softener neutralises these minerals. The dishwasher salt keeps the water softener clean and in good conditions. It is important to set the right level of the water softener. This makes sure that the water softener uses the correct quantity of dishwasher salt and water.
Using salt, rinse aid and detergent
• Only use salt, rinse aid and detergent for dishwasher. Other products can cause damage to the appliance.
• The rinse aid helps, during the last rinsing phase, to dry the dishes without streaks and stains.
• Combi detergent tablets contain detergent, rinse aid and other added agents. Be sure that these tablets are applicable to the wa-
ter hardness in your area. Refer to the in­structions on the packaging of the products.
• Detergent tablets do not fully dissolve with short programmes. To prevent detergent residues on the tableware, we recommend that you use the tablets with long pro­grammes.
Do not use more than the correct quantity of detergent. Refer to the instructions on
the detergent packaging.
Loading the baskets
Refer to the supplied leaflet with exam­ples of the load of the baskets.
• Only use the appliance to wash items that are dishwasher-safe.
• Do not put in the appliance items made of wood, horn, aluminium, pewter and copper.
• Do not put in the appliance items that can absorb water (sponges, household cloths).
• Remove remaining food from the items.
• To remove easily remaining burned food, soak pots and pans in water before you put them in the appliance.
• Put hollow items (cups, glasses and pans) with the opening down.
• Make sure that cutlery and dishes do not bond together. Mix spoons with other cut­lery.
• Make sure that glasses do not touch other glasses.
• Put the small items in the cutlery basket.
• Put the light items in the upper basket. Make sure that they do not move.
• Make sure that the spray arms can move freely before you start a programme.
Before starting a programme Make sure that:
• The filters are clean and correctly installed.
• The spray arms are not clogged.
• The position of the items in the baskets is correct.
• The programme is applicable for the type of load and for the degree of soil.
• The correct quantity of detergent is used.
• There is dishwasher salt and rinse aid (un­less you use combi detergent tablets).
• The cap of the salt container is tight.
Care and cleaning
Warning! Before maintenance,
deactivate the appliance and disconnect
the mains plug from the mains socket.
Dirty filters and clogged spray arms de-
crease the washing results. Make a check regularly and, if necessary, clean them.
Cleaning the filters
To remove filters (B) and (C), turn the han­dle counterclockwise and remove. Pull apart filter (B) and (C). Wash the filters with water.
Remove filter (A). Wash the filter with water.
Put filter (A) to its ini­tial position. Make sure that it assem­bles correctly under the two guides (D).
Assemble filters (B) and (C). Put them in­to position in filter (A). Turn the handle clockwise until it locks.
An incorrect position of the filters can cause bad washing results and damage
to the appliance.
Cleaning the spray arms
Do not remove the spray arms. If the holes in the spray arms are clogged, re­move remaining parts of soil with a thin poin­ted object.
External cleaning
Clean the appliance with a moist soft cloth. Only use neutral detergents. Do not use abra­sive products, abrasive cleaning pads or sol­vents.
Internal cleaning
If you regularly use short duration pro­grammes, these can leave deposits of grease and limescale inside the appliance. To prevent this, we recommend to run long duration programmes at least 2 times per month.
The appliance does not start or it stops during operation. Before you contact the Service, refer to the in­formation that follows for a solution to the problem.
With some problems, different indicators flash continuously or intermittently at the same time to show an alarm code.
Alarm code Problem
• The indicator of the set programme flashes con­tinuously.
• The end indicator flashes 1 time intermittently.
The appliance does not fill with water.
Alarm code Problem
• The indicator of the set programme flashes con­tinuously.
• The end indicator flashes 2 times intermittently.
The appliance does not drain the water.
• The indicator of the set programme flashes con­tinuously.
• The end indicator flashes 3 times intermittently.
The anti-flood device is on.
Warning! Deactivate the appliance before you do the checks.
Problem Possible solution
You cannot activate the appliance. Make sure that the mains plug is connected to the mains
Make sure that there is not a damaged fuse in the fuse box.
The programme does not start. Make sure that the appliance door is closed.
If the delay start is set, cancel the setting or wait for the end
of the countdown.
The appliance does not fill with water. Make sure that the water tap is open.
Make sure that the pressure of the water supply is not too
low. For this information, contact your local water authority.
Make sure that the water tap is not clogged.
Make sure that the filter in the inlet hose is not clogged.
Make sure that the inlet hose has no kinks or bends.
The appliance does not drain the water. Make sure that the sink spigot is not clogged.
Make sure that the drain hose has no kinks or bends.
The anti-flood device is on. Close the water tap and contact the Service.
After the checks are completed, activate the appliance. The programme continues from the point of interruption. If the problem occurs again, contact the Serv­ice. If other alarm codes appear, contact the Serv­ice.
If the washing and drying results are not satisfactory
Whitish streaks or bluish layers on glasses and dishes
• The released quantity of rinse aid is too much. Adjust the rinse aid selector to a low­er position.
• The quantity of detergent is too much.
Stains and dry water drops on glasses and dishes
• The released quantity of rinse aid is not suf­ficient. Adjust the rinse aid selector to a higher position.
• The quality of the detergent can be the cause.
Dishes are wet
• The programme is without a drying phase or with a low temperature drying phase.
• The rinse aid dispenser is empty.
• The quality of the rinse aid can be the cause.
Refer to ‘HINTS AND TIPS’ for other pos­sible causes.
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