ZAGG ZAGGsmartbuds User Manual

STEP 1 . Move top and middle sliders to create a
space ample enough to place over your head.
STEP 2. Place head through loop, with ear buds draping down back.
STEP 3. Pull ear buds up around head and insert into ears.
STEP 4. Adjust sliders to create custom fit.
3.5 mm JACK
Grasp the ZA GGsmartbuds ™ by the jack when remo ving the plug f rom your audio devi ce. Do not remove t he plug by pu lli n g o n the co rd, w hic h c oul d dam a ge yo ur ZAGGsmartbuds.
Avoid puttin g strain on the p lug an d your devi ce’s a udio jack if you wind the ZAGGsmartbuds cord around the device. Do not wi nd t he c ord tigh tly, whi ch c ould dam age your ZAGGsmartbuds.
Be sure to test the different ear bud caps to find the best fit. Optimal audio quality will come from the best fitting caps.
To create our Hangin’ Tight style, adjust top and middle sliders to creat e an op ening la rge enough to f it over your head. Place head through loop, with ear buds draped towards back. Pull ear buds up and place in ears. Move sliders up or down to createa secure fit and optimal comfort.
ZAGG does not rec ommen d sh arin g yo ur ear bu ds w ith others f or hygienic reasons.
Congrat ulation s, and thank you for purcha sing your new ZAGGsmartbuds™. Get ready to fall in love with your gadget all over again, thanks to the amazing engineering and design of ZAGGsmartbuds.
With th e p ate nte d, gro und br eak ing design of Ha ngi n’ Tight™, unb eatable cor d stre ngth a nd p rotect ion of the invisibleSHIELD™, and the lush sounds of AudioScape™, ZA GG sm art bu ds ™ earn t heir n ame. C ombi ni n g th e convenience and quality of digital music with top-of-the-line equipment, the clear, balanced sound of ZAGGsmartbuds allow gadget lovers to get the most out of their devices. The pr emi u m len gth , t ang le- f re e c ord is co ver e d wit h in vi si bl eSHI EL D™ mat er i al f or t op-n ot ch du ra bi l it y. ZAGGsmartbuds can be worn in a specific slider alignment cal le d "Ha ng in ' Tight ," w hi ch ke ep s t he b uds a ro un d your ne ck, ev en when no t i n u se. ZA GGsm art bud s a re multifunctional; including a microphone and in-line music control to easily switch between music and phone calls on an Apple iPhone
ZAGGsmartbuds invite you to step into the vivid world and trademark sound of AudioScape™. The superior sound of ZAGGsmartbuds™ will transport you on a true musical journey. ZAGGsmartbuds are especially designed to elevate the listening experience with AudioScape™; discover new details you’ve ne ver be for e h ear d i n f ami l ia r t une s. T he ca ref u l craf tma nsh ip and sou nd engi nee rin g o f Au dio Sca pe™ results in a quality balance of the highs and lows, bringing a new dimension to the audio realm.
For a comp rehe nsive loo k at our exten sive prod uct l ine, please visit us at
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