Yukai Engineering RB002 W Users manual

Motion sensor
Installation location
Signals from BOCCO
What’s in the box?
Motion sensor
AC adapter
BOCCO main unit
An iPhone, iPad or Android phone an d Wi-Fi a cces s point a re requi red for us ing BOC CO.
Adhesive tape
Download the App
Please s earch for "BOCCO" in the App Stor e or Goog le Play to download the lates t versi on
of the BOC CO app.
OS Compatibility iOS 8 or late r
Android 4.4
Device Compatibility iPhone 5 / iPa d Retina o r later
Nexus 5 / Galaxy S6 / Xperia Z4
First-time setup
1. Downl oad and a ctivate the BOCCO app.
2. Plug in and switc h on the BOCCO main unit.
3. Connect the B OCCO main unit to yo ur home Wi-Fi ro uter by
following the instructions from the BOCCO app.
4. When BOCCO’ s eyes turn blue, he’ s rea dy for setup.
5. Comp lete setup and send a test me ssage t o BOCCO.
6. Once B OCCO ha s recei ved the me ssage, switch o n the
motion sensor and plac e it next to the BOCCO main un it.
The motion sensor will a utomaticall y conne ct to BOC CO.
7. Afte r the motion sensor is co nnected to BOCCO, wait for 6 0
secon ds, the n shake th e senso r until you recei ve a
notification on the BOCCO app.
8. That’ s it! You’ re ready to enj oy using BOCCO.
* You can find th e PIN number f or setup on t he under side of BO CCO's foo t.
How to switch on and off
BOCCO main unit
Use a cross slot s crewdr iver to lo osen th e screw on the rever se side of the mot ion sen sor
and insert the provid ed AA A batteries. T he sens or will b oot up aut omatic ally. The A AA
batteries are provided for first-time setup; replacement batteries may be required for
prolonged use.
* Boot up th e motion s ensor af ter completing t he first- time setu p of the BOCCO main uni t. If the sen sor does not conn ect to the B OCCO main u nit, reb oot it next t o the BOCCO main unit .
BOCCO Key features
Receive a notification from the motion sensor
A notific ation will be disp layed in the BOCCO ap p once the m otion sensor receives a signal.
Place the m otion sensor on a do or, drawer, or any thing tha t moves to receive a notific ation each time it m oves.
Send a voice message from BOCCO
When BOCC O receives a voice message, the play button will display.
To send a 6-se cond voi ce message, press th e record b utton.
Send a voice message from the BOCCO app
Press the m icroph one button. Record a vo ice message by holdin g your fing er on the but ton. When you li ft your fi nger, the messag e will be sen t.
Send a text message from the BOCCO app
Press the p lay butto n to listen to the latest message.
BOCCO main unit
Place th e BOCCO ma in until in a location where the Wi -Fi si gnal is strong. Avo id area s with
weak signals or in terference from othe r devic es or app lianc es.
Motion sensor
BOCCO wi ll send a m essag e to the BOCCO app when the motion se nsor de tects m otions.
Place th e motio n senso r in the desired location of detection, such as o n a door or drawer. To
install the mot ion sen sor, use the included adhe sive ta pe or the s trap. Th e motio n senso r
has an operatin g range of 3 3ft (10m), but ob struc tions such as wa lls or ap plian ces may
reduce this. Pl ease ensure the m otion s ensor i s within the operating r ange of the BOCCO
main unit.
Avoid att aching t he motio n sensor’ s adhesiv e tape to
walls, fur niture, and delic ate surfa ces, since there i s a risk that t he tape will damage t he surface. To remove the motion s ensor fr om the sur face, twist it. Do n ot pull it straig ht off the s urface.
Twist and remov e
Reset button
(To reset the B OCCO
Play button
Record button
* If there is n o sound, please ch eck the volume.
main uni t to facto ry
setti ngs, us e a pointe d
objec t such as a t oothp ick
to hold the butt on for 3 or
more seconds)
BOCCO main unit
Product dimensions W90mm x D55mm x H195mm
Item weight 220g
Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g
Bluetooth Bluetooth Low Energy
Power source type 100-240V AC Adaptor Type A (US/Japan)
Voice synthesis
Status (functioning normally)LED colo r
During boot-up
During the first-time setup
When receiving a message
Now playing
Now recording
Now sensing
Now updating the firmware
LED colo r Status (error)
Disco nnecting BOCCO from t he Wi-Fi network
Place BO CCO within rang e of the Wi -Fi rou ter and re set the BOCCO
main unit.
No Internet connection
Please use another device to ensure your Wi -Fi router is co nnect ed to
the Internet, th en restart the BOCCO ma in unit.
Failed to update firmware
Restar t the BO CCO main unit. Th e firmware will be u pdated
automat icall y, which mi ght take s everal mi nutes. Pl ease do not switch
off or restart the BOCCO main unit until t he updat e has com pleted.
Replac e the bat terie s in the motion sensor af ter 1 year of u sage. Th ere is ri sk of leak age if
the battery is not replaced.
Use of the a dhesi ve tape is at your own risk. Do n ot atta ch adhesive tape to a sens itive or
valuabl e surface. The m anufac turer wi ll bear n o respo nsibi lity fo r any dama ge caused by
usage of the included adhesive tape.
Do not or re model o r embellish this product.
To clean the BO CCO main unit and m otion sensor, use a m oist clothand soap or ot her
neutra l detergent. Do not use organic so lvents s uch as al cohol, thinn er, or polis hing
Use bet ween 30˚F to 100˚F (0˚C to 40˚C)
Do not use i n a sauna or very hum id room .
Do not use n ear to water. None of the included contents are wa terproof.
Do not leave in direc t sunli ght for an ex tend ed peri od of time.
Do not use n ear to fir e.
Do not dro p, throw, or step on.
Do not pul l, twis t, or use excessi ve force on movabl e part s.
Damage may occur to the internal mot ors if th e BOCCO main unit i s used in a tipped -over
posit ion. Please use the BOCCO m ain unit in an upri ght pos ition , stand ing on it s feet.
Do not compress the BOCCO main unit while i t is switched on.
Place th e BOCCO ma in unit in a flat and s table place to r educe t he risk of it falli ng.
Keep the B OCCO mai n unit and AC adapter out of reac h of pets.
Do not dis connect the AC a dapter w hile the BOCCO ma in unit is booting up.
Use only w ith the i nclud ed AC adapter. Never attempt to us e a third p arty adapter.
This dev ice co mplies with par t 15 of the FCC Ru les. Op eration is subj ect to th e follow ing
two con ditions: (1) This devic e may not cause harmful inte rfere nce, an d (2) this device must
accep t any inter feren ce rec eived, includ ing inte rfere nce that may cause undesi red
This equipmen t complies wit h FCC radiation exposure l imits s et fort h for an unc ontrolled
environment. T his equ ipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20
cm between the radiator & your body. This tran smit ter must n ot be co -located or op eratin g
in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
Plug the AC adaptor into the jack on the back of the B OCCO ma in unit, t hen plu g the other
end into a n outlet . Once p lugged in to a power supply, BOCCO will b oot up automatically.
This may take a few minu tes. When setup has been c ompleted, BOC CO will ma ke a
start-up chi me and hi s eyes will c ease blinkin g.
* Never disc onnect the AC adapt er while BO CCO is booting up. Do ing so may ca use the main unit to become defective. * When rest arting BOCCO, dis connect the AC ada pter and wai t 10 secon ds before p lugging i t back in.
Touch the text b ox to open a new window, whe n you can write a messag e. Press the s end button to send th e messag e to BOCCO, and BOCCO w ill read text message aloud.
Press the p lay butto n to listen to the latest message.
Motion sensor
Product dimensions W34mm x D30mm x H68mm
Item weight 30g (without batteries)
Bluetooth Bluetooth Low Energy
Sensor Acceleration sensor
Power supply 2x AAA batteries
Battery lifetime Approximately 1 year (light or regular use)
If you have any questi ons, pl ease email us.
Main uni t FCC ID : 2AF XT-RB0 02-W FCC ID : 2AF XT-RB0 02-B Sensor FCC ID : 2AF XT-RB0 02
RB00 2-QR1 R ev.01 2015.10