CompuStar 2000AS
Fir s tech, Inc . 801 E. 82
Suite 1
Anchorage AK. 99518
(907) 563-8648
Thi s dev i ce complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following tw o conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) t his device mu st accept any interferen ce
received , includ ing interference that may cau se
undesired operat i on.
CAUTION: Changes or modificati ons not expressly approved by the party
respon sible for com pli ance could void the user’s authori t y t o operat e this device.
This equ ipment has been test ed and found to comply wit h the l im its for a Class
B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
des ign ed to provide reasonable protect ion ag ainst harm ful interf er ence in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequ enc y energy and, if not ins talled and used in accor dance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
Howev er , there is no guarantee that inter feren ce will not occur in a part icu lar
ins tallation . If this equ ipment does c ause har m ful in terfer ence to radio or
television reception, whic h can be deter m ined by turn ing the equ ipment off an d
on, the user is encouraged to try to corr ec t the int er ference by one or mor e of
the following m eas ures:
Reori ent or r elocate the rec eiv ing antenn a.
Incr eas e the s eparation bet ween th e equip m ent and receiv er .
Connect the equ ipment into an outlet on a circu it different from that to
which th e r ec eiver is c onnected.
Cons ult the deal er or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
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Thank you for choosing COMPUS TAR, a st at e-of-the-art TWO WAY
alarm/remote start systems for your vehicle. We, at FIRSTECH, INC., are
constantly researchi ng and developing t o make you and your vehicle safe and
m o re co mfort a ble. SE CURITY & COMFORT, tha t’s what FIRSTECH, INC. i s all
1. Transmitter Button functions ---------------------------------------------------Page 3
2. Alarm Function------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 3
3. Panic-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 3
4. Start Function--------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 3
5. Safety Shutdown----------------------------------------------------------------------Page 4
6. VPS(Vehicl e Paging System)------------------------------------------------------Page 4
7. Aux 1 and Aux 2-----------------------------------------------------------------------Page 4
8. Valet Mode and Valet Switch------------------------------------------------------Page 4
9. Shock Sensor--------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 4
10. Timer Start-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 4
11. 2
Car----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 4
12. Transmitter Lear ning P r oc edure-------------------------------------------------Pag e 4
13. Programming Options with Transmitter----------------------------------------Page 5
14. Warranty Statement-----------------------------------------------------------------Page 7
15. Registration Card---------------------------------------------------------------------Page 8
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1. Transmitter Button Functions
Button Press
Function Factory
1. I 1/2 sec Arm/Disarm; VPS on/off
2. II 1/2 sec Aux 1
3. III 1/2 sec Aux 2
4. IV 1/2 sec Query
5. I - 2 sec Panic
6. II - 2 sec Remote Star tin g - On/ Off
7. II I- 2 sec Tru nk
8. IV- 2 sec CompuGlo Back Light On/Off On
9. (I+II) 1/2 sec Siren Chip - On/Of f On
10. (I+III) 1/2 sec Valet Mode - On/Off Off
11. (I+I V) 1/2 sec Shoc k Sen s or On/Of f On
12. (II+III) 1/2 sec Transmitter Beep - On/Off On
13. (II+IV) 1/2 sec Timer Mode 1.5 hour - On/Off Off
14. (III+IV) 1/2 sec 2nd Car Off
15. (I+I I)- 2 sec Option P r ogram m ing 1
16. (I+I II)- 2 sec Option Programm ing 2
2. Alarm Function
Upon arming, your alarm will be triggered by:
Light Impact (first stage shock sensor). The siren will chirp 4 times and the parking
lights will flash for a few seconds. The transmitter will be paged and the vibration
icon will appear in the LCD.
Heavy impacts (second stage shock sensor). The siren will go off and the parking
lights flash for 60 Seconds. The transmitter will be paged and the Hammer in the
LCD will appear.
Door opened. The siren will go off and the parking lights will flash for 60 Seconds.
The transmitter will be paged and the door icon will appear in the LCD.
If you have installed the Optional starter kill function, your vehicle will not start with
key when system is armed.
(Siren duration 30Sec. or 60Sec. refer to programming section)
3. Panic
In Case of an emergence and you want to track attention. Press Button I for 2 Seconds
and you will enter Panic Mode. The siren will go off and the parking light will start
flashing. To disengage Panic Mode. Press Button I for ½ Second.
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