York ZR MagnaDry R410A 15 SEER, ZR R410A 11.2 EER, ZR Sunline MagnaDry R410A, ZR Sunline MagnaDry R410A 13 SEER Brochure

MagnaDRY™ Series Packaged Rooftops
MagnaDRY™ SeRieS
3–25 TOnS
Nice place to visit.
Wouldn’t want to stay there. Neither would your customers. Conventional air conditioning systems can’t handle conditions when the temperature is moderate, but the humidity is high. In these cave-like conditions, users have only two options, and both are bad. They can either endure uncomfortably high humidity levels with a moderate room temperature, or they can lower the humidity level with the unwanted side effect of the space getting too cold.
For many facility owners, a
conventional air conditioning system
creates a dilemma— you either get
the temperature or the humidity level
you want, but not both. Now there’s
one solution to your dilemma. The
system from York uses
proven technology to provide the
temperature and humidity levels you
need all in one high-quality, energy-
effi cient design.
Get one answer for both issues: the MagnaDRY™ system.
Instead of either-or, now you can meet temperature and humidity requirements with MagnaDRY to conventional air conditioning dehumidifi cation, MagnaDRY remove moisture and use a reheat mode of operation that doesn’t rely on expensive electricity or natural-gas. Because the MagnaDRY remove moisture without increasing sensible cooling, you can maintain temperatures and humidity within the comfort zone without signifi cant added energy cost.
reheat series packaged units. Superior
design can
Protection guaranteed.
With more than a century of innovation behind our name, you can depend on York for year-round comfort and long-lasting durability. Built for years of trouble-free service and reliable operation, the MagnaDRY backed by a ten-year limited warranty on the heat exchanger, a fi ve-year warranty on the compressor, and a one-year warranty on all other parts. That’s protection you can count on.
system is
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