Intelli-Comfort II™
with IntelliSpeed
Tech nolog y
Simplicit y®
ntelli-comfort ii
Air Volume fAn cont rol
multiple Speed

More intelligence for more capabilities.
Intelligent Simplicity® hardware and software give you better monitoring,
more fl exibility in control set-up, and fi ner control of every aspect of
your HVAC system. Plus, smarter control adds up to greater savings by
realizing the operational health of the HVAC system and providing system
component protection and troubleshooting.
Enjoy powerful capabilities without
complexity. Easy to set-up, program,
and use, Intelli-Comfort™ controls
give you everything you need to
monitor and control Sunline™ and
Predator™ units. And because they
can be connected with your HVAC
Energy Management System, you
can save even more by making the
Simplicity® controls intelligence part
of your building automation strategy.
More control for greater comfort.
More fl exible control means more comfortable, happier, and more productive
occupants—thanks to the ability to optimize temperature, humidity, and indoor
air quality simultaneously.
More compatibility for more fl exibility.
Simplicity® controls are compatible with the MODBUS RTU protocol and
are factory-installed and wired to simplify installation on a wide range
of systems. Also, the optional factory or fi eld installed SimplicityLINC
allows the control to communicate with popular ASHRAE supported
MSTP protocol.
Cut costs three ways:
1. Use less energy through smarter control of fans, economizer dampers,
compressors and other equipment functions.
2. Centralize control and monitoring for convenient access.
3. Improve monitoring for predictive maintenance and fewer service calls.