YHJD M o d e l | 14 s e e r
Everyone wants time to relax and be comfortable. That’s why we created
LX Split System Heat Pumps, so you can feel cool in summer and warm in
winter. And you’ll like the confident feeling that comes with dependable
performance, energy efficiency and operating economy. We give you
the best design so you don’t have to sweat the details. And because it’s
built by York — the industry leader in innovative design — you know your
system won’t be down when you want some down time.

04_GoodHousekeeping.eps (ALL BRANDS)
Less can be so much more.
temperatures down.
09_Footprint_AC-HP.eps (LX & Latitude ONLY)
Affordable peace of mind.
Contractor for details.
06_Warranty_13_AC-HP.eps (13 SEER, TCGD (AC) & THGD (HP), Latitude ONLY)
Relax, we’ve got comfort under control.
With several affordable designs to choose from, it’s easy to find the model that will keep your
home cool and comfortable, control humidity and maintain indoor air quality on hot summer and
cold winter days. And while you’re feeling comfortable indoors, you’ll also feel good knowing your
system is using environmentally friendly R-410A refrigerant to protect the outdoors.
Feel good with the Good Housekeeping Seal.
York® products that bear the Good Housekeeping Seal give you the added
assurance of product replacement or refund of the purchase price if the
product proves to be defective within two years from the date sold by an
authorized contractor.
This compact design has one of the smallest footprints of any unit with
a similar SEER rating. When replacing older units, you can save time
and money, since you can reuse your existing pad. Less space required
outside, more cooling capacity inside. Trust York to keep costs and
Select York® systems using R-410A include a 10-year limited warranty on the
compressor and parts as standard coverage (when you register qualifying
products online within 90 days of installation, otherwise the compressor and
parts warranties each revert to a 5-year limited warranty). See your York
Complete your home comfort system by asking your York® Contractor
about ways to improve your indoor environment and protect your
family’s health with our indoor air quality options.
For additional product details, such as weight and dimensions, visit www.york.com or ask your York® Contractor.
* For 10- year limited p arts war ranty on R- 410A models, system must be registere d online within 90 days of inst allation.
Other wise the par ts warranty reverts to a 5-yea r limited par ts warrant y.
† R-22 models are c overed by a 5- year par ts limited war ranty and d o not qualif y for the 10-year limited parts war ranty.
14 SEER/8.2 HSPF
(requires ECM indoor unit)
1-1/2–5 Ton R-410A or R-22 10-Year compressor/10 -Year par t s*
• Exceptionally quiet sound levels
• Attractive appearance
• Trouble-free enclosed, permanently
lubricated fan motor
• Environmentally friendly
R-410A refrigerant
• Compact design saves space
Stay comfortable for years to come.
York is proud to offer the YorkCare™ Comfort Plan. It’s
designed to maintain your system as well as your peace of
mind. With YorkCare™ you get total protection that ensures
your unit is effective and efficient for years to come.
What’s more, your York® Contractor offers maintenance
agreements that provide upkeep while maximizing the
warranty provisions. Ask about the YorkCare™ Comfort Plan.
A little extra coverage is always a comforting idea.
Long story short — our history.
You may not know it, but York® products have been
all around — from the world’s most famous buildings,
including the U.S. Capitol — to the entire U.S. Navy
nuclear submarine fleet, as well as your local mall and
corner bank. For over 140 years, the York® brand has
earned trust as the first successful room air conditioner and for the
world’s first mechanically cooled theater, hotel and office building.
Today, we’re constantly leading the industry in our residential
product design, signified by the Good Housekeeping Seal and
ENERGY STAR® qualified products.
You can depend on York® to give you the choices you trust for comfortable performance all day long, year after year.
Want to know more? Contact your York® Contractor.
The York brand of Johnson Controls, Inc. ©2015 Johnson Controls, Inc.
5005 York Dri ve, Norma n, OK 73069 w ww.york.com S ubject to c hange wi thout not ice.
PUBL-6219-D-0315 Super sedes : PUBL-6219-C-1012. All rig hts rese rved.