FORM 201.19-NM1 (204)
In complying with YORK’s policy for continuous prod uct improvement, the information contained in this
doc u ment is subject to change without notice. Literature updates that may occur will be printed on the
Revision Sheet and included with the Installation, Operation & Maintenance (IOM) man, which is provided
with new equipment. If not found with the manual, the current Revision Sheet containing any applicable
revisions, and the manual, can be found on the internet at www.york.com. The Renewal Parts (RP) manual
and revision sheet for this equipment can also be found at this internet site.
It is the responsibility of installing/operating/service personnel to determine prior to working on the equip ment, that they have all of the applicable literature, that it is current and that the equipment has not been
modifi ed since manufacture.
Revision Sheets are available for
the IOM and Renewal Parts
Each update will be assigned a
sequential Rev. Level with the
date it was introduced
The Description/Change will explain
the change. If necessary it will
refer the reader to an additional
supplement or bulletin.
YORK part number for the Revision
Sheet to aid manufacturing and
Web address for the Revision Sheet
FORM 201.19-NM1 (204)
This equipment is a relatively complicated ap pa ra tus.
Dur ing installation, operation, maintenance or service,
in di vid u als may be exposed to certain com po nents or
conditions in clud ing, but not limited to: re frig er ants,
oils, materials un der pressure, rotating com po nents, and
both high and low voltage. Each of these items has the
po ten tial, if misused or handled im prop er ly, to cause
bodi ly injury or death. It is the obligation and re spon si bil i ty of operating/service per son nel to iden ti fy and
rec og nize these inherent hazards, protect them selves,
and pro ceed safely in completing their tasks. Failure
to com ply with any of these requirements could re sult
in se ri ous dam age to the equipment and the prop er ty in
which it is sit u at ed, as well as severe personal injury or
death to them selves and people at the site.
This document is intended for use by owner-authorized
operating/service personnel. It is expected that this in di vid u al possesses independent training that will en able
them to perform their assigned tasks properly and safe ly.
It is essential that, prior to performing any task on this
equipment, this individual shall have read and un der stood this document and any referenced materials. This
in di vid u al shall also be familiar with and comply with
all ap pli ca ble governmental standards and regulations
per tain ing to the task in question.
The following symbols are used in this document to alert the reader to areas of potential hazard:
DANGER indicates an im mi nent ly
hazardous situation which, if not
avoid ed, will re sult in death or se ri ous
CAUTION identifi es a hazard which
could lead to damage to the ma chine,
damage to other equip ment and/or
en vi ron men tal pollution. Usually
an in struc tion will be given, together
with a brief ex pla na tion.
WARNING indicates a potentially
haz ard ous sit u a tion which, if not
avoid ed, could result in death or se ri ous in ju ry.
External wiring, unless specifi ed as an optional connection in the man u fac tur er’s prod uct
line, is NOT to be connected inside the micro pan el cab i net. De vic es such as re lays, switch es,
transducers and controls may NOT be installed inside the mi cro pan el. NO external wiring
is al lowed to be run through the micro panel. All wir ing must be in ac cor dance with YORK’s
pub lished spec i fi ca tions and must be per formed ONLY by qual i fi ed YORK personnel. YORK
will not be re spon si ble for dam ag es/problems re sult ing from im prop er con nec tions to the
con trols or ap pli ca tion of im prop er con trol sig nals. Failure to fol low this will void the
man u fac tur er’s warranty and cause serious dam age to property or injury to per sons.
NOTE is used to highlight ad di tion al
information which may be helpful to
YORK YCAS chillers are manufactured to the high est
design and construction standards to en sure high
performance, reliability and adaptability to all types of
air conditioning installations.
The unit is intended for cooling water or glycol so lu tions
and is not suitable for purposes other than those spec i fi ed
in this manual.
This manual and the Microprocessor Operating
In struc tions contain all the information required for
correct in stal la tion and commissioning of the unit,
together with operating and maintenance instructions.
The manuals should be read thoroughly before
attempting to operate or service the unit.
All procedures detailed in the manuals, including
in stal la tion, commissioning and maintenance tasks
must only be performed by suitably trained and
qualifi ed per son nel.
The manufacturer will not be liable for any injury or
dam age caused by incorrect installation, com mis sion ing,
op er a tion or maintenance resulting from a failure to
fol low the procedures and instructions detailed in the
For warranty purposes, the following conditions must
be satisfi ed:
• The initial start of the unit should be carried out
by trained personnel from an Authorized YORK
Ser vice Cen ter. See Commissioning, page 42.
• Only genuine YORK approved spare parts, oils
and re frig er ants must be used. Recommendations
on spare parts can be found on page 199.
• All the scheduled maintenance operations detailed
in this manual must be performed at the specifi ed
times by suitably trained and qualifi ed personnel.
See Main te nance Section, page 194.
• Failure to satisfy any of these conditions will
au to mat i cal ly void the warranty. See Warranty
Policy, page 202.
Standards for Safety
YCAS chillers are designed and built with in an ISO
9002 accredited design and manufacturing or ga ni za tion.
The chillers comply with the applicable sec tions of the
following Standards and Codes:
York International warrants all equipment and ma te ri als
against defects in workmanship and materials for a
pe ri od of eighteen months from deliveryunless extended
warranty has been agreed upon as part of the contract.
The warranty is limited to parts only replacement and
ship ping of any faulty part, or sub-assembly which has
failed due to poor quality or manufacturing errors. All
claims must be supported by evidence that the failure
has oc curred with in the warranty period, and that the
unit has been op er at ed within the designed parameters
specifi ed.
All warranty claims must specify the unit model, serial
number, order number. These de tails are print ed on the
unit identifi cation plate.
The unit warranty will be void if any modifi cation to the
unit is carried out without prior written approval from
York International.
• ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15, Safety Code for
Me chan i cal Refrigeration
• ANSI/NFPA Standard 70, National Electrical Code
• ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section
VIII Division 1
• ARI Standard 550/590-98, Centrifugal and Rotary
Screw Water Chilling Packages
In addition, the chillers conform to Underwriters
Lab o ra to ries (U.L.) for construction of chillers and
provide U.L./cU.L. listing label.
General Chiller Information & Safety
FORM 201.19-NM1 (204)
Every care has been taken in the design and man u fac ture
of the unit to ensure compliance with the safety requirements listed above. However, the individual op er at ing
or working on any machinery is primarily re spon si ble
• Personal safety, safety of other personnel, and the
ma chin ery.
• Correct utilization of the machinery in accordance
with the procedures detailed in the manuals.
The following terms are used in this document to alert
the reader to areas of potential hazard.
A Warning is given in this document
to identify a haz ard which could lead to
per son al injury. Usually an in struc tion
will be given, to geth er with a brief ex pla na tion and the possible result of ignoring
the in struc tion.
A Caution identifi es a hazard which could
lead to dam age to the machine, dam age to
other equip ment and/or en vi ron men tal pollution. Usu al ly an in struc tion will be given,
together with a brief explanation and the
pos si ble result of ig nor ing the in struc tion.
A Note is used to highlight additional
in for ma tion which may be helpful to you
but where there are no special safety im pli ca tions.
Suitability for Application
The unit is intended for cooling water or glycol so lu tions
and is not suitable for purposes other than those spec i fi ed
in these instructions. Any use of the equip ment oth er than
its intended use, or operation of the equip ment con trary
to the relevant procedures may re sult in injury to the
op er a tor, or damage to the equip ment.
The unit must not be operated outside the design pa ram e ters specifi ed in this manual.
Structural Support
Structural support of the unit must be provided as in di cat ed in these instructions. Failure to provide proper
support may result in injury to the operator, or damage
to the equipment and/or building.
Mechanical Strength
The unit is not designed to withstand loads or stresses
from adjacent equipment, pipework or structures. Ad di tion al components must not be mounted on the unit.
Any such extraneous loads may cause structural fail ure
and may result in injury to the operator, or damage to
the equipment.
General Access
There are a number of areas and features which may
be a hazard and potentially cause injury when working
on the unit unless suitable safety precautions are tak en.
It is important to ensure access to the unit is restricted
to suitably qualifi ed persons who are familiar with the
po ten tial hazards and precautions necessary for safe
op er a tion and maintenance of equipment containing
high temperatures, pressures and voltages.
The contents of this manual include sug gest ed best
working practices and pro ce dures. These are issued for
guidance only, and they do not take pre ce dence over
the above stated individual responsibility and/or local
safety regulations.
This manual and any other document supplied with
the unit, are the property of YORK which reserves all
rights. They may not be reproduced, in whole or in part,
with out prior written authorization from an authorized
YORK representative.
Pressure Systems
The unit contains refrigerant vapor and liquid under pres sure, release of which can be a danger and cause in ju ry.
The user should ensure that care is taken during in stal la tion, operation and maintenance to avoid dam age to
the pressure system. No attempt should be made to gain
ac cess to the component parts of the pressure sys tem other
than by suitably trained and qualifi ed per son nel.
The unit must be grounded. No in stal la tion or main te nance work should be attempted on the electrical
equip ment without fi rst switching OFF, isolating and
lock ing-off the power supply. Work on live equipment
must only be carried out by suitably trained and qualifi ed
FORM 201.19-NM1 (204)
per son nel. No attempt should be made to gain access to
the con trol panel or electrical enclosures during nor mal
op er a tion of the unit.
Rotating Parts
Fan guards must be fi tted at all times and not removed
unless the power supply has been isolated. If ductwork is
to be fi tted, requiring the wire fan guards to be re moved,
alternative safety measures must be taken to protect
against the risk of injury from rotating fans.
Sharp Edges
The fi nning on the air cooled con dens er coils has sharp
metal edges. Reasonable care should be taken when
working in contact with the coils to avoid the risk of
mi nor abra sions and lac er a tions. The use of gloves is
Refrigerants and Oils
Refrigerants and oils used in the unit are generally nontoxic, non-fl ammable and non-corrosive, and pose no
spe cial safety hazards. Use of gloves and safety glass es
are, however, recommended when working on the unit.
The build up of refrigerant vapor, from a leak for ex-
am ple, does pose a risk of asphyxiation in confi ned or
enclosed spac es and attention should be given to good
ven ti la tion.
High Temperature and Pressure Cleaning
High temperature and pressure cleaning methods (e.g.
steam cleaning) should not be used on any part of the
pressure system as this may cause operation of the pres sure relief device(s). Detergents and solvents which may
cause corrosion should also be avoided.
In case of emergency the electrical option panel is fi t ted
with an emergency stop switch CB3 (Circuit Break er
3). Separate Circuit Break ers, CB1 (Sys tem 1) and CB2
(Sys tem 2), can also be used to stop the re spec tive sys tem in an emer gen cy. When op er at ed, CB3 re moves the
elec tri cal supply from the con trol sys tem, thus shut ting
down the unit.
Product Description
1 System Fans
2 System 1 Power Panel
3 System 2 Power Panel
4 Control Panel
5 Power Entry
6 System 1 Compressor
7 Evaporator
8 System 2 Compressor
9 System 1 Condenser
10 Option Box
FORM 201.19-NM1 (204)
YORK YCAS chillers are designed for water or wa ter-glycol cooling. All units are designed to be lo cat ed
outside on the roof of a building or at ground level.
The units are completely assembled with all in ter con nect ing refrigerant piping and internal wiring, ready for
fi eld installation.
Prior to delivery, the unit is pressure tested, evacuated,
and fully charged with refrigerant and oil in each of the
two independent refrigerant circuits. After assembly,
an operational test is performed with water fl owing
through the evaporator to ensure that each refrigerant
cir cuit operates correctly.
The unit structure is manufactured from heavy gauge,
galvanized steel. All external structural parts are coat ed
with “Desert Sand” baked-on enamel powder paint. This
provides a fi nish which, when subjected to ASTM B117,
500 hour, 5% salt spray conditions, shows breakdown
of less than 1/8" either side of a scribed line (equiv a lent
to ASTM D1654 rating of “6”).
All exposed power wiring is be routed through liquidtight, non-metallic conduit.
General Description
The Air Cooled Screw Chiller utilizes many com po nents
which are the same or nearly the same as a stan dard
reciprocating chiller of a similar size. This in cludes
mod u lar frame rails, condenser, fans and evap o ra tor.
The chiller consists of 2 screw compressors in a cor re spond ing number of separate refrigerant circuits, a sin gle
shell and tube DX counterfl ow evaporator, econ o miz ers,
an air cooled condenser, and expansion valves.
The semi-hermetic rotary twin-screw compressor is
designed for industrial refrigeration applications and
ensures high operational effi ciencies and reliable per-
for mance. Capacity control is achieved through a sin gle
slide valve. The compressor is a positive dis place ment
type characterized by two helically grooved rotors which
are manufactured from forged steel. The 60 Hz motor operates at 3550 RPM to direct drive the male rotor which
in turn drives the female rotor on a light fi lm of oil.
FORM 201.19-NM1 (204)
Refrigerant gas is drawn into the void created by the
unmeshing of the fi ve lobed male and seven lobed
fe male rotor. Further meshing of the rotors closes
the ro tor threads to the suction port and progressively
com press es the gas in an axial direction to the discharge
port. The gas is compressed in volume and increased
in pressure before exiting at a designed volume at the
dis charge end of the rotor casing. Since the intake and
dis charge cy cles overlap, a resulting smooth fl ow of gas
is maintained.
The rotors are housed in a cast iron compressor hous ing
precision machined to provide optimal clearances for
the rotors. Contact between the male and female rotor
is pri ma ri ly rolling on a contact band on each of the
rotor’s pitch circle. This results in virtually no rotor
wear and in creased reliability, a trademark of the screw
com pres sor.
The compressor incorporates a complete anti-friction
bearing design for reduced power input and increased
reliability. Four separated, cylindrical, roller bearings
handle radial loads. Angular-contact ball bearings
han dle axial loads. Together they maintain accurate rotor
po si tion ing at all pressure ratios, thereby min i miz ing
leak age and maintaining effi ciency. A springless check
valve is installed in the compressor discharge housing
to pre vent compressor rotor backspin due to system
re frig er ant pressure gradients during shut down.
The compressor is lubricated by removing oil from
the refrigerant using an external oil separator. The
pres sur ized oil from the oil separator is then cooled in
the condenser coils and piped back to the compressor for
lubrication. The com pres sor design working pressure is
450 PSIG (31 bar). Each chill er receives a 300 PSIG (21
bar) low side and a 450 PSIG (31 bar) high side factory
test. A 350 watt (115-1-60) cartridge heat er is located
in the com pres sor. The heat er is tem per a ture activated
to prevent re frig er ant condensation.
The following items are also included:
• An acoustically tuned, internal discharge muffl er to
min i mize noise, while maintaining max i mum fl ow
and performance.
• Discharge shutoff valve.
• A rain-tight terminal box.
• A suction gas screen and serviceable, 0.5 - 3.0
micron full fl ow oil fi lter within the compressor
The system uses a high effi ciency Shell and Tube type
Di rect Ex pan sion Evaporator. Each of the 2 re frig er ant
circuits consists of 4 passes with the chilled liq uid
cir cu lat ing back and forth across the tubes from one
end to the other.
Motor cooling is provided by suction gas from the
evap o ra tor flowing across the motor. Redundant
over load pro tec tion is provided using both thermistor
and cur rent over load protection.
The design working pressure of the standard evaporator
on the shell side is 150 PSIG (10 bar), and 350 PSIG (24
bar) for the tube (refrigerant side). The water baffl es
are fab ri cat ed from galvanized steel to resist corrosion.
Re mov able heads are provided for access to internally
en hanced, seamless, copper tubes. Water vent and drain
con nec tions are included.
The evaporator is equipped with a heater for protection
to -20°F (-29°C) ambient and in su lat ed with 3/4" (19
mm) fl exible closed-cell foam.
The water nozzles are provided with grooves for
me chan i cal couplings and should be insulated by the
con trac tor after pipe installation.
The fi n and tube condenser coils are manufactured
from seamless, internally enhanced, high condensing
co ef fi cient, corrosion resistant copper tubes arranged in
Product Description
FORM 201.19-NM1 (204)
stag gered rows and mechanically expanded into cor ro sion
resistant aluminum alloy fi ns with full height fi n col lars.
They have a design working pressure of 450 PSIG
(31 bar). Each coil is rested to 495 PSIG (34 bar).
Multiple fans move air through the coils. They are
dy nam i cal ly and statically balanced, direct drive with
cor ro sion re sis tant glass fi ber reinforced composite
blades mold ed into low noise, full airfoil cross section,
pro vid ing vertical air discharge from extended orifi ces
for ef fi cien cy and low sound. Each fan is located in a
sep a rate com part ment to prevent cross fl ow during fan
cy cling. Guards of heavy gauge, PVC coated galvanized
steel are pro vid ed.
The fan motors are high effi ciency, direct drive, 6-pole,
3-phase, Class- “F,” current overload protected, totally
en closed (TEAO) type with double sealed, per ma nent ly
lubricated ball bearings.
Economizer is a refrigerant to refrigerant, compact platetype heat exchanger to maximize chiller capacity and
effi ciency by subcooling liquid refrigerant delivered to
the cooler expansion valve. Constructed of corrosion
resistant stainless steel plates formed to induce turbulent
fl ow and enhance heat transfer, then oven brazed and
pressure tested for reliability. Designed and constructed
with ASME and TÜV certifi cation for 31 bar (450 psig).
UL/CSA listed.
Oil Separator/System
The external oil separator, with no moving parts and
de signed for minimum oil carry-over, is mounted in
the dis charge line of the compressor. The high pressure
dis charge gas is forced around a 90 degree bend. Oil is
forced to the outside of the separator through cen trif u gal
action and captured on wire mesh where it drains to the
bottom of the oil separator and fl ows to the condenser
for cooling before returning to the compressor.
assure re frig er ant compression (volumetric ef fi cien cy).
The oil also provides cooling by transferring much of
the heat of com pres sion from the gas to the oil keeping
dis charge tem per a tures down and reducing the chance
for oil breakdown. Oil injected into the rotor cage fl ows
into the ro tors at a point about 1.2x suction. This assures
that a required minimum differential of at least 30 PSID
(2.1 bar) exists between discharge and 1.2x suc tion, to
force oil into the rotor case. A minimum of 10 PSID
(0.6 bar) is all that is re quired to assure pro tec tion of
the compressor. Oil pressure safety is mon i tored as the
dif fer ence between suction and the pres sure of the oil
en ter ing the ro tor case.
Maximum working pressure of the oil separator is 450
PSIG (31 bar). Oil level should be above the midpoint
of the “low er” oil sight glass when the compressor is
run ning. Oil level should not be above the top of the
“up per” sight glass.
Oil Cooling
Oil cooling is provided by routing oil from the oil sep a ra tor through several of the top rows of the con dens er
coils and back to the compressor.
Capacity Control
The compressors will start at the minimum load po si tion
and provide a capacity control range from 10% - 100%
of the full unit load using a continuous function slide
valve. The microprocessor modulates a voltage signal to
a 3-way pres sure reg u lat ing capacity control valve which
controls com pres sor capacity, in de pen dent of system
pressures, and balances the com pres sor ca pac i ty with
the cool ing load. Loading is ac com plished by varying
pressure through the pressure regulating ca pac i ty control
valve to move the slide valve against the spring pressure
to promote stable smooth loading.
Automatic spring return of the slide valve to the min i mum load position will ensure compressor start ing at
min i mum motor load.
The oil (YORK “L” oil – a POE oil used for all re frig er ant applications), which fl ows back into the com-
pres sor through a replaceable 0.5 - 3.0 micron oil fi lter,
is at high pressure. This high pres sure “oil injection”
forces the oil into the com pres sor where it is fed to the
bearings for lubrication. After lubricating the bearings,
it is injected through orifi ces on a closed thread near
the suction end of the rotors. The oil is automatically
in ject ed because of the pressure difference between the
discharge pres sure and the reduced pressure at the suc tion end of the rotors. This lubricates the rotors as well as
provides an oil seal against leakage around the ro tors to
Power and Control Panel
All controls and motor starting equipment are factory
wired and function tested. The panel enclosures are
de signed to IP55 and are manufactured from powder
paint ed galvanized steel.
The Power and Control Panel are divided into power
sec tions for each compressor and associated fans, a con trol section and an electrical options section. The pow er
and control sections have separate hinged, latched, and
gasket sealed doors equipped with wind struts.
FORM 201.19-NM1 (204)
Each power compartment contains:
Compressor and fan starting contactors, fan motor
ex ter nal overloads, control circuit serving compressor
ca pac i ty control, compressor and fan contactor coils and
compressor motor overloads. (Fig #1, page 12)
Current transformers in the 2ACE module provide
compressor motor over load protection and sense each
phase. This protects the compressor motors from
dam age due to: low current input, high input current,
un bal anced current, single phasing, phase reversal, and
com pres sor locked rotor.
The control section contains:
ON/OFF switch, microcomputer keypad and display,
mi cro pro ces sor board, I/O expansion board, relay boards
and power supply board.
The options sections contain:
A control circuit transformer complete with service
switch providing 115/1/60 Hz power to the unit con trol
Electrical options as described in “Accessories and
Microprocessor Controls
The microprocessor has the following functions and
• A liquid crystal 40 character display with text pro vid ed on two lines and light emitting diode back light ing out door viewing.
Motor Current Protection
The microprocessor motor protection provides high
cur rent protection to assure that the motor is not
damaged due to voltage, excess refrigerant, or other
problems that could cause excessive motor current. This
is ac com plished by sending a current signal pro por tion al
to motor current from the Motor Protector mod ule to the
I/O Expansion board to be multiplexed and sent to the
Microprocessor Board. If the motor cur rent exceeds
the 115% FLA trip point after 3 seconds of op er a tion
on either Wye-Delta or ACL starters, the mi cro will
shut the system down and lock it out after one fault.
A manual reset of the re spec tive system switch is
re quired to clear the fault and restart the system. A
thor ough check of the mo tor, wiring, and refrigerant
system should be done be fore restarting a system that
has fault ed on high motor current.
The micro also provides low motor current protection
when it senses a motor current less than 10% FLA.
The micro will shut the system down whenever low
motor current is sensed and will lock out a system if
three faults occur in 90 minutes. Low motor current
pro tec tion is activated 4 seconds after start on both
Wye-Delta and ACL starters to assure the motor starts,
the sys tem doesn’t run with out refrigerant, the motor
protector is not tripped, and the mechanical high pres sure
cut-out is not tripped. Once the system is locked out
on Low Motor Current, it must be manually reset with
the sys tem switch. See also Motor Protection Module
section below.
• A color coded, 35 button, sealed keypad with sec tions for Display, Entry, Setpoints, Clock, Print,
Pro gram and Unit ON/OFF.
The standard controls shall include: brine chilling,
ther mal storage, automatic pump down, run signal
con tacts, demand load limit from external building
automation sys tem input, remote reset liquid temperature
reset in put, unit alarm contacts, chilled liquid pump
control, au to mat ic reset after power failure, automatic
system op ti mi za tion to match operating conditions.
The software is stored in non-volatile memory (EPROM)
to eliminate chiller failure due to AC power failure. The
Programmed Setpoints are stored in lithium battery
backed memory.
The micro senses low motor current whenever a HPCO
or Motor Protector contact opens. This occurs because
the MP and HPCO contacts are in series with the mo tor
contactor. Whenever either of these devices are open,
the contactor de-energizes and the motor shuts down.
Since the micro is sending a run signal to the contactor,
it senses the low motor current below 10% FLA and
shuts the system down.
Product Description
FORM 201.19-NM1 (204)
Motor Protection Modules (2ACE)
The mechanical motor protector is a Texas In stru ments
2ACE Three Phase Protection Module (Fig. 45, page
127), provides thermal and cur rent motor overload pro tec tion. This mod ule also pro tects against phase to phase
cur rent im bal ance, over cur rent, under current, and phase
ro ta tion. The mod ules, mount ed in the power pan els,
uti liz es a 7 seg ment display which provides op er at ing
sta tus and fault di ag nos tic in for ma tion. The 7 segment
dis play will dis play ei ther a sta tion ary or a fl ash ing al-
pha nu mer ic value which can be de cod ed by the op er a tor.
A list of the codes follows:
HAXXX Normal motor OFF display. Sequentially
sweeps through the motor protection dip
switch setting.
0 Normal - no fault detected (Running)
Flashing “0” Motor off or un load ed < 5A (Running)
AC current lev el.
1 High cur rent fault.
Loaded phase to phase cur rent
imbalance >
Unloaded phase to phase cur rent
imbalance >
4 Improper in com ing phase ro ta tion.
High motor tem per a ture. Trip point =
13kW, re set = 3.25kW.
6 Communication error.7 Unload imbalance ( >
8 Phase Loss (> 60%)
E Out of range of RLA cal i bra tion.
Other symbols Defective module or supply volt age.
Working voltage 18 - 30 VAC, 24 VAC nominal.
Low volt age trip = 15 VAC.
Whenever a motor protector trips, the motor pro tec tor
contacts wired in series with the motor contacts opens
and the motor contactor de-energizes causing the mo tor
to stop. The micro senses the low motor current and
shuts the system down. The micro will try two more
starts be fore locking the system out. The system locks
out be cause the motor protector is a man u al re set
de vice. Af ter the fi rst start, the modules’ contacts
will be open pre vent ing the motor contactors from
en er giz ing. Power must be removed and re applied to
re set the mod ule. Use CB3 in the Micro Panel to cycle
Current Overload
The 2ACE module design uses one integral current
trans form er per phase to provide protection against
rap id current over load conditions. The module re sponds
to changes in current and must be cal i brat ed using DIP
switches lo cat ed on the module. Integral trip curves al low for in-rush cur rents dur ing Wye-Delta, part wind,
or ACL starts with out nuisance tripping.
To check the factory setting of the 2ACE module cur rent
overload trip value. See Table 1 (pages 18 and 21).
For the location of the dip switches and determining the
ON side of the switches, refer to Fig ure 45, page 127. As
in di cat ed, to place a switch in the ON po si tion re quires
push ing the switch to the left.
A switch must be pushed to the left to
place the switch in the ON position.
The numerical value for the combination of "ON" switches equals the
overload setting.
It is recommended that a YORK Ser vice Tech ni cian or the YORK fac to ry
be con sult ed before chang ing these
settings for any rea son, since dam age to the com pres sor could re sult.
Chang es should nev er be made un less it is ver i fi ed that the set tings are
in cor rect.
Anytime a dip switch change is made,
pow er must be cycled off and on to the
module to re pro gram the mod ule to the
new value.
FORM 201.19-NM1 (204)
Thermal Overload
Three PTC (positive temperature co ef fi cient) ther mistors
in the motor windings provides thermal pro tec tion. The
sensor re sis tance stays rel a tive ly con stant at 1k
a tem per a ture of 266°F (130°C) is sensed. The sensor
ex pe ri enc es a rapid rise in re sis tance be yond this tem per a ture. When ev er the re sis tance of one of the sen sors
reach es 13k
Ω, +/− 3kΩ, the 2ACE module trips, which
ul ti mate ly de-energizes the mo tor’s pi lot cir cuit. Re set
is manual after the mo tor cools and the sen sor re sis tance
drops to 3.25k
Ω, +/− 0.5kΩ.
Current Imbalance (Loaded & Unloaded)/
Loss of Phase
A 2 second delay at start-up allows for any imbalances
resulting during normal starting conditions. After this
ini tial delay, the 2ACE module compares the “Op er at ing Current” to the measured half line current. The
“Op er at ing Current” is given by 0.65 X factory overload
cur rent setting.
An unloaded compressor condition occurs when any
measured half line current is less than the “Operating
Current.” A current imbalance exceeding an unloaded
level of 25% will result in the motor pilot circuit being
A loaded compressor condition occurs when any mea-
sured half line current is great er than or equal to the
“Operating Current.” A cur rent imbalance exceeding a
loaded level of 17% will result in the motor pilot cir cuit
being de-energized.
Imbalance is defi ned as
(High Phase - Low Phase)/High Phase
Improper Phase Sequence
The 2ACE module calculates the phase sequence at
start-up using the three cur rent transformers to de ter mine wheth er the three phase sequence on the load
side of the main contactor is miswired. Upon de tec tion
of a miswired motor load, the mod ule will de-energize
the main contactor pi lot circuit within 50 millisecond
re sponse time.
Additional information on the 2ACE MP module may
be found on page 125.
* Indicates one lead/phase through motor protector.
Product Description
FORM 201.19-NM1 (204)
Two types of compressor motor starting are available:
Across-the-Line and optional Wye-Delta Open Tran si tion Start er.
Across-the-Line starters will utilize one contactor and
one start relay per compressor. The optional Wye-Delta
start er utilizes 4 motor contactors, a transition delay
re lay, a start relay, and a start-wye relay.
The Wye-Delta start allows inrush current to be limited
to approximately 33% LRA for the fi rst 4 to 7 sec onds,
with current increasing to normal running cur rent when
the Delta connection is completed.
When the micro initiates a start signal at Relay Output
Board #1 (SYS 1) Terminal 20 or Relay Output Board
#2 (SYS 2) Ter mi nal 20 to run a com pres sor, the 1CR
(SYS 1) or 2CR (SYS 2) relay is en er gized. The tran si tion of the 1CR (SYS 1) or 2CR (SYS 2) relay contacts
en er giz es the 1S (SYS 1) or 2S (SYS 2) relay approx.
16ms later. The 1S/2S con tacts in turn en er gize the 1M
(SYS 1) or 3M (SYS 2) mo tor con tacts 16ms later. This
com pletes the “WYE” con nec tion of the motor start.
At the same time, the normally closed 1S/2S auxiliary
in ter lock con tact opens pre vent ing the 2M and 1 TRX
(SYS 1) or 4M and 2 TRX (SYS 2) mo tor contactors
from en er giz ing. 2 sets of aux il ia ry con tacts from 1M
(SYS 1) or 3M (SYS 2) close, in ter lock ing the 1M (SYS
1) or 3M (SYS 2) contactors, keep ing them en er gized
in par al lel with 1S (SYS 1) or 2S (SYS 2).
The “WYE” connection of the motor start is enabled
for 4 to 7 seconds depending upon motor current as
sensed by the microprocessor. The tran si tion to Delta
takes 7 seconds if current is below 110% FLA. If mo tor current exceeds 110% FLA, the transition is made
to Delta as long as the WYE has been enabled for at
least 4 seconds.
After the “WYE” connection is enabled for 4 to 7
sec onds, the 1TR (SYS 1) or 2TR (SYS 2) transition
delay relay is enabled by the microprocessor from Relay
Out put Board #1 Terminal 8 (SYS 1) or Relay Out put
Board #2 Terminal 6 (SYS 2). The 1TR (SYS 1) or 2TR
(SYS 2) contacts open, de-energizing 1S (SYS 1) or 2S
(SYS 2). 1M (SYS 1) or 3M (SYS 2) remain energizes
through 2 sets of interlocking con tacts 1M (SYS 1) or
3M (SYS 2). Open ing of the 1TR (SYS 1) or 2TR (SYS
2) con tacts deenergizes 1S/2S and clos es the nor mal ly
closed 1S (SYS 1) or 2S (SYS 2) con tacts, en er giz ing
1 TRX (SYS 1) or 2 TRX (SYS 2). 1TRX or 2TRX
subsequently energizes motor contactor 2M (SYS 1) or
4M (SYS 2), com plet ing the “DELTA” con nec tion of
the motor.
1 TR, 1 TRX, 2 TR, and 2 TRX are
NOT “tim ing” re lays. These devices
are sim ply pilot relays iden ti cal to
1CR and 2CR.
Parameters are displayed in English (°F and PSIG) or
Metric (°C and Bars) units, and for each circuit, the
following items can be displayed:
• Return and leaving chilled liquid, and ambient tem per a ture.
• Day, date and time. Daily start/stop times. Holiday
and Manual Override status.
• Compressor operating hours and starts. Automatic or
manual lead/lag. Lead compressor iden ti fi ca tion.
• Run permissive status. No cooling load condition.
Com pres sor run status.
• Anti-recycle timer and anti-coincident start timer
sta tus per compressor.
• System suction (and suction superheat), discharge,
and oil pressures and temperatures.
• Percent full load compressor motor current per phase
and average per phase. Compressor ca pac i ty con trol
valve input steps.
• Cutout status and setpoints for: supply fl uid tem-
per a ture, low suction pressure, high discharge pres sure and temperature, high oil temperature, low and
high am bi ent, phase rotation safety, and low leav ing
liq uid tem per a ture.
• Unloading limit setpoints for high discharge pres sure and compressor motor current.
• Status of: evaporator heater, condenser fans, load
and unload timers, chilled water pump.
• “Out of range” message.
• Up to 6 fault shut down conditions.
The standard display language is English, with 4 other
languages available.
FORM 201.19-NM1 (204)
Entry – Used to confi rm Set Point changes, cancel
in puts, advance day, and change AM/PM.
Setpoints – For setting chilled liquid temperature,
chilled liquid range, remote reset temperature range.
Clock – Used to set time, daily or holiday start/stop
schedule and manual override for servicing.
Print – Used to display or print operating data or sys tem fault shutdown history for last six faults. Printouts
through an RS-232 port via a separate print er.
For setting low leaving liquid temperature cutout, 300
to 600 second anti-recycle timer, average motor cur rent
unload point, liquid temperature setpoint reset sig nal
from YORK ISN or building automation system.
Additional functions (password protected) for pro gram ming by a qualifi ed service technician:
Cutouts for low and high ambient, low suction pres sure and high discharge pressure, refrigerant type, high
dis charge pressure unload setpoint.
Multiple Point Power Connection (Standard)
Standard fi eld power wiring connection on all models
is Multiple Point Power Connection. Field provided
pow er supply circuits, with appropriate branch circuit
pro tec tion, are connected to factory provided terminal
blocks, non-fused disconnect switches or circuit break ers
with lockable external handles located in the two power
com part ments.
Single-Point Power Connection with Individual
Circuit Protection
A single-point supply circuit with fi eld provided pro-
tec tion is connected to a factory provided terminal block
or non-fused disconnect switch located in the options
com part ment. Factory wiring is provided from the ter mi nal block or disconnect switch to factory supplied
internal branch circuit breakers with lockable external
handles in the power compartments.
Single-Point Power Connection with Combined
Cir cuit Protection
A single-point supply circuit with field provided
pro tec tion is connected to a factory provided circuit
break er with lockable external handle located in the
options com part ment. Factory wiring is provided from
the cir cuit breaker to factory supplied terminal blocks
in the power compartments.
Single-Point Power Connection without Circuit
A single-point supply circuit with fi eld provided pro-
tec tion is connected to a factory provided terminal block
or non-fused disconnect switch located in the options
com part ment. Factory wiring is provided from the ter mi nal block or disconnect switch to factory supplied
terminal blocks in the power compartments.
Control Circuit Terminal Block
A 120V, 20A control circuit power terminal strip lo cat ed
in the control panel to accept a fi eld provided control
power supply, rather than the standard factory mounted
control circuit transformer. The supply with appropriate
branch circuit protection in accordance with applicable
Local codes, provides the unit control cir cuit power sup ply via the panel mounted Emergency Stop Switch.
Building Automation System (BAS) Interface
Provides a means to reset the leaving chilled liquid tem per a ture or percent full load amps (current limiting) from
the BAS (Factory-mounted):
Printed circuit board to accept 4 to 20mA, 0 to 10VDC,
or dry contact closure input from the BAS.
A YORK ISN Building Automation System can pro vide a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signal direct to
the standard control panel via the standard on-board
RS485 port.
Condenser Coil Protection
The standard condenser coils have Aluminum fi ns, cop-
per tubes, and galvanized steel supports for generally
adequate corrosion resistance. However, these ma te ri als
are not adequate for all environments.
Product Description
FORM 201.19-NM1 (204)
The following options provide added protection:
Black fi n condenser coils – Condenser coils con struct ed
using black epoxy coated Aluminum fi n stock for cor-
ro sion resistance comparable to copper fin coils in
typ i cal seashore locations.
Copper fi n condenser coils – Coils constructed with
corrosion resistant copper fi ns. Not recommended in
areas where units may be exposed to acid rain.
Phenolic coated condenser coils – Completed con dens er coil assemblies are covered with a cured Phe nol ic
coating. Probably the most suitable selection for seashore locations where salt spray may come into con tact
with the fi ns, and other corrosive applications ex cept:
strong alkalis, oxidizers, and wet bromine, chlo rine, and
fl uorine in concentrations greater than 100 PPM.
300 PSIG (21 bar) Waterside Design Working
Pressure – The DX evaporator waterside is designed
and con struct ed for 300 PSIG (21 bar) working pressure.
1-1/2" (38 mm) Insulation – Double thickness in su la tion provided for enhanced effi ciency.
Flange Accessory – Consists of raised face fl anges to
convert grooved water nozzles to fl anged evaporator
connections. Includes companion flanges for fieldmount ing. (See Page 33.)
Wire enclosure – Heavy gauge welded wire mesh
guards mounted on the exterior of the unit (Factory- or
fi eld-mounted).
Louvered panels and wired guards – Louvered pan-
els mounted over the exterior condenser coil faces, and
heavy gauge welded wire mesh guards mounted around
the bottom of the unit (Factory- or fi eld-mounted).
Louvered panels (condenser coils only) – Lou vered
panels are mounted over the exterior condenser coil faces
on the sides of the unit to visually screen and pro tect the
coils (Factory- or fi eld-mounted).
Louvered panels (full unit) enclosure – Louvered
panels over condenser coils and around the bottom of
the unit (Factory- or fi eld-mounted).
High static fans: Fans and motors suitable for High
External Static conditions to 100 Pa.
Low speed fans – Reduced RPM fan motors and al ter -
na tive fan selection for low noise applications.
Compressor sound enclosures – Acoustically
treated metal compressor enclosures.
Remote DX Evaporator – Includes the main con dens ing unit less the evaporator, re frig er ant and liquid
line de vic es. The insulated evaporator and fi eld acces-
sory kits per re frig er ant circuit are sup plied separately.
The condensing unit is shipped with a nitrogen holding
charge and the evaporator is shipped with a ni tro gen
hold ing charge.
Flow Switch Accessory – Johnson Controls model
F61MG-1C Vapor-proof SPDT, NEMA 4X switch, 150
PSIG (10 bar) DWP, -20°F to 250°F (-29°C to 121°C),
with 1" NPT (IPS) con nec tion for upright mounting in
horizontal pipe. A fl ow switch must be fi eld installed
with each unit. Optional 300 PSIG switch available.
Star-Delta Compressor Motor Starter – Provides approximately 65% reduced inrush current compared to
across-the-line start (Factory-mounted).
Neoprene pad isolation – Recommended for normal
installations. (Field-mounted)
1" (25 mm) spring isolators – Level adjustable, spring
and cage type isolators for mounting under the unit base
rails (Field-mounted).
2" (51 mm) seismic spring isolators – Restrained
Spring-Flex Mountings incorporate welded steel hous ing with vertical and horizontal limit stops. Housings designed to withstand a minimum 1.0 g accelerated force in
all directions to 2" (51 mm). Level ad just able, de fl ec tion
may vary slightly by application. (Field- mount ed).
: Design Series G
: Engineering
or PIN Level
: 200/3/60
: 230/3/60
: 380/3/60
: 460/3/60
: 380/3/50
: 575/3/60
: Leaving Water Temp = Degrees
: Thermal Storage
: Special LWT Requirements
: No Chicago Code Kit Required
: Chicago Code Kit Required
: Service Isolation Valve
: Both Isolation Valve and Chicago Code
: Special Chicago Code Kit Required
: Standard Valves Required
: Special Optional Valves Required
: No Option Required
: Special Quote
: No Option Required
: Special Quote
: No Option Required
: Special Quote
: No Option Required
: Wye (Star) Delta
: Across-the-Line
: Special Quote
: No Option Required
: Special Quote
FORM 201.19-NM1 (204)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
To ensure consistent quality and maximum reliability, all
units are tested and inspected before leaving the fac to ry.
Standard units are shipped completely assembled and
con tain ing refrigerant under pressure. Units are shipped
with out export crating unless this has been specifi ed on
the Sales Order.
Units with remote evaporators will have the chiller and
remote evaporator charged with nitrogen.
If the unit is to be put into storage, prior to installation,
the following precautions should be observed:
• Unit must be “blocked” so that the base is not
per mit ted to sag or bow.
• Ensure that all openings, such as water con nec tions,
are securely capped.
• Do not store where exposed to ambient air tem per a tures exceeding 110°F (43°C).
• The condensers should be covered to protect the fi ns
from potential damage and corrosion, par tic u lar ly
where building work is in progress.
• The unit should be stored in a location where there
is minimal activity in order to limit the risk of ac ci den tal physical damage.
Remove any transit packing and inspect the unit to en sure that all components have been delivered and that
no damage has occurred during transit. If any dam age
is evident, it should be noted on the carrier's freight bill
and a claim entered in accordance with the in struc tions
giv en on the advice note.
Major damage must be reported immediately to your
lo cal YORK representative.
Prior to moving the unit, ensure that the installation
site is suitable for installing the unit and is capable of
sup port ing the weight of the unit and all associated
ser vic es.
The units are designed to be lifted using ca bles. A
spread er bar or frame 88" (2250 mm) wide should be
used in order to prevent damage to the unit from the
lifting chains (See Figures 3 and 4).
Units are provided with lifting eyes extending from the
sides of the base frame which can be attached to di rect ly
using shackles or safety hooks (See Figure 4).
The unit must only be lift ed by the base frame at the
points provided. Nev er move the unit on roll ers, or
lift the unit using a forklift truck.
• To prevent inadvertent operation of the pressure
relief devices the unit must not be steam cleaned.
• It is recommended that the unit is periodically in spect ed during storage.
Care should be taken to avoid damaging the con dens er
cooling fi ns when moving the unit.
Lifting Weights
For details of weights and weight distribution refer to
the Technical Data Section.
Handling and Storage
FORM 201.19-NM1 (204)
88" (2250mm)
To achieve optimum performance and trouble-free
ser vice, it is essential that the proposed installation
site meets with the location and space requirements
for the model being installed. For dimensions, weight
and space requirements, including service access, refer
to the Technical Data Section.
It is important to ensure that the minimum service ac cess space is maintained for cleaning and main te nance
The units can be installed at ground level, or on a
suitable rooftop location. In both cases an adequate
sup ply of air is required. Avoid locations where the
sound out put and air discharge from the unit may be
ob jec tion able.
The location should be selected for minimum sun ex po sure and away from boiler fl ues and other sources of
airborne chemicals that could attack the condenser coils
and steel parts of the unit.
If located in an area which is accessible to un au tho rized
persons, steps must be taken to prevent access to the
unit by means of a protective fence. This will help to
prevent the possibility of vandalism, accidental dam age,
or possible harm caused by unauthorized re mov al of
pro tec tive guards or opening panels to expose ro tat ing
or high voltage components.
For ground level locations, the unit must be installed
on a suitable fl at and level concrete base that extends
to fully support the two side channels of the unit base
frame. A one-piece concrete slab, with footings ex tend ing be low the frost line is recommended. To avoid
noise and vibration transmission the unit should not be
se cured to the building foundation.
FORM 201.19-NM1 (204)
Any ductwork or attenuators fi tted to the unit must
not have a total static pressure resistance, at full unit
air fl ow, exceeding the capability of the fans installed
in the unit.
The unit can be installed in an enclosed plant room
pro vid ing the fl oor is level and of suitable strength
to sup port the full operating weight of the unit. It is
es sen tial that there is adequate clearance for airfl ow
to the unit. The discharge air from the top of the unit
must be duct ed away to prevent recirculation of air
within the plant room. If common ducts are used for
fans, non-return damp ers must be fi tted to the outlet
from each fan.
The discharge ducting must be properly sized with a
total static pressure loss, together with any intake stat ic
pressure loss, less than the available static pressure
ca pa bil i ty for the type of fan fi tted.
The discharge air duct usually rejects outside the build ing through a louver. The outlet must be positioned to
pre vent the air being drawn directly back into the air
in take for the condenser coils, as such recirculation
will affect unit performance.
Adequate clearances around the unit(s) are required for
the unrestricted airfl ow for the air-cooled con dens er
coils and to prevent recirculation of warm discharge
air back onto the coils. If clearances given are not
main tained, airfl ow restriction or recirculation will
cause a loss of unit performance, an increase in power
con sump tion and may cause the unit to malfunction.
Con sid er ation should also be given to the possibility of
down drafts, caused by ad ja cent buildings, which may
cause recirculation or un even unit airfl ow.
On rooftop locations, choose a place with adequate
struc tur al strength to safely support the entire op er at ing
weight of the unit and service personnel. The unit can
be mount ed on a concrete slab, similar to ground fl oor
locations, or on steel channels of suitable strength. The
channels should be spaced at the same centres as the
vibration mounting holes in the unit base frame and
must be at least 4-3/4" (120 mm) wide at the con tact
points. This will allow vibration isolators to be fi tted
if required.
For locations where signifi cant cross winds are ex-
pect ed, such as exposed roof tops, an enclosure of
sol id or lou ver type is recommended to prevent wind
tur bu lence in ter fer ing with the unit airfl ow.
When units are installed in an enclosure, the en clo sure
height should not exceed the height of the unit on more
than one side. If the enclosure is of louvered con struc tion the same requirement of static pres sure loss ap plies
as for ducts and at ten u a tors stated above.
FORM 201.19-NM1 (204)
Where accumulation of snow is likely, ad di tion al height
must be provided under the unit to ensure normal air fl ow
to the unit.
The clearance dimensions given are
nec es sary to main tain good airfl ow
and en sure cor rect unit op er a tion. It
is also nec es sary to con sid er access
re quire ments for safe op er a tion and
maintenance of the unit and power
and control pan els. Lo cal health and
safe ty reg u la tions, or prac ti cal con sid er ations for ser vice re place ment
of large com po nents, may require
larg er clear anc es than those given
in the Tech ni cal Data Section of this
manual, (page 90).
After the chiller is placed in the fi nal location, remove
the four bolts, 1 , attaching the compressor feet to the
frame rails. These bolts are only used for shipping
purposes. The bolts are screwed into the compressor
feet from the bottom side of the frame rail. Refer to
Figure 5.
After the four shipping bolts are removed from the
compressor feet, the compressor will be held in place
by the four corner brackets, 2.
This assembly reduces compressor noise by isolating
the compressor from the base rails.
DO NOT remove the four 3/8" bolts, 3, mounting the
corner brackets, 2, to the frame rails.
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