Johnson Controls
Unitary Products
S1-CVD090T01 / S1-CVD135T01
Central Ventilating Dehumidifier
Owner’s Manual
Control Inlet
Thank you for your purchase of the Central Ventilating Dehumidifier. Your dehumidifier is designed to remove humidity from your home,
maintaining the humidity at a comfortable level and reducing the unwanted effects of high humidity. Use your Central Ventilating Dehumidifier to
control the humidity that comes into the home from opening doors and infiltration (i.e. outdoor air entering through the building envelope). You
can reduce the amount of humidity that enters the home by closing windows, doors and/or fireplace flues when the outdoor humidity is high and
by drying clothes outside. Whirlpool tubs and saunas will also increase the amount of humidity in the home. Direct exhaust from kitchen vents
and bath fans is the best means of controlling humidity due to cooking and showers/baths. Your Central Ventilation Dehumidifier is not designed
to eliminate or reduce condensation on windows in the winter and works best when the indoor temperature is above 65°F (18°C).
The Central Ventilating Dehumidifier controls the humidity level in your entire home. A powerful blower inside the dehumidifier draws air into the
cabinet, filters and removes moisture from the air, and then discharges the dry air to the home. Inside the cabinet, a sealed refrigeration system
removes moisture by moving the air through a series of tubes and fins that are kept colder than the dew point of the incoming air. The dew point
is the temperature at which moisture in the air will condense, much like what occurs on the outside of a cold glass on a hot summer day. The
condensed moisture drips into the dehumidifier drain pan to a drain tube routed to the nearest floor drain – no need to empty a tub every day.
After the moisture is removed, the air moves through a second coil where it is reheated before being sent back into the home. It is normal for the
air leaving the dehumidifier to be warmer than the air entering the dehumidifier.
At the inlet side of the unit, a humidity control knob sets the desired
humidity level between 1 (less dry, dehumidifier runs less) and
7 (more dry, dehumidifier runs more), or can be used to turn the
dehumidifier OFF. The ON/OFF switch on the front of the unit should
be left ON and only be used to turn the dehumidifier off when
performing maintenance (see page 3 for maintenance requirements).
Set the control at a Normal level, between 3 and 4, when first
installed. Allow the dehumidifier to run for 24 hours before deciding if
you want to change the setting.
Humidity Control Knob

• If you prefer the air to be more dry, increase the setting; this
will increase the amount of time that the dehumidifier runs.
• If you prefer the air to be less dry, decrease the setting; this
will reduce the amount of time that the dehumidifier runs.
The settings on the dial can be approximated to relative humidity (RH)
using the table to the right.
Your comfort is the best measure of how to adjust your setting. When
first installed, your dehumidifier has to remove all the moisture that
is initially in your home. The home acts like a sponge so the moisture
in the materials of your home is at the same level as the air. After
drying the air, the materials of the home will release moisture back
into the air until they are again at the same level. As a result, it is
not uncommon for the dehumidifier to operate for an extended period
when first installed.
Adjust the setting to be as low as is comfortable to reduce dehumidifier run time – if it feels clammy or smells damp, raise the setting.
To save energy, turn the dehumidifier setting to OFF when you open your windows just as you would with air conditioning.
Control Knob Setting
1 84% 71% 60%
2 86% 73% 61% 52%
3 74% 63% 53% 45%
4 64% 54% 45% 39%
5 55% 46% 39% 33%
6 47% 39% 33% 28%
7 40% 34% 28% 24%
Note: This table is for reference only.
Indoor Temperature (°F)
65 70 75 80
The dehumidifier turns on the first time that the blower in your home heating and cooling system turns on (i.e. air conditioning comes on or you
run the fan continuously) within the Cycle Period. Your installing contractor set the Cycle Period when the dehumidifier was first installed; it
may be set for once every 30 minutes, once per hour, once every two hours or once every three hours. If the heating and cooling system blower
does not turn on within the Cycle Period, the dehumidifier will turn itself on at the end of the Cycle Period. The Cycle Period setting determines
how frequently the dehumidifier measures the humidity level in the air; once per hour is usually sufficient to maintain comfort. If you want the
dehumidifier to check the humidity level more or less often, contact your installing contractor.
An optional thermostat, S1-TTSCC01, can be mounted directly in the home for easy access to the humidity setting, and continuously measures the
humidity level to turn on the dehumidifier on-demand. Consult your installing contractor for more information about the S1-TTSCC01 thermostat.
The dehumidifier can be installed to dehumidify the whole home and separately
dehumidify a spot location such as a basement or crawl space. In this
arrangement ductwork connects the dehumidifier to the heating and cooling
system and to the spot location. Dampers in the ductwork are opened and closed
to direct where air is drawn from and to where it is sent. One example of how this
might look is shown to the right (if you are unsure of whether your dehumidifier
has been installed for Convertible operation, contact your installing contractor).
If installed in Convertible configuration, the dehumidifier turns on and opens/
closes the dampers to dehumidify the whole home the first time that the blower
in your home heating and cooling system turns on within the Cycle Period. If not
actively dehumidifying the whole home three minutes before the end of the Cycle
Period, the dehumidifier will turn on and open/close dampers to dehumidify the
spot location. If your dehumidifier is actively drying the whole home at the end of
the Cycle Period, spot dehumidification is put off until the next Cycle Period.