Affinity™ Series
Indoor Air
Quality Products
Affinit y™ SerieS
Comfort without overcooling.
Never again overcool your home to reduce humidity. Using our central
dehumidifi er integrated with your home comfort system, you can cut annual
cooling costs up to 18%. Dehumidifi cation lets you raise your thermostat by
several degrees, making you feel more comfortable while running your air
conditioner less.
“It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity”—
that’s what folks say to describe
the discomfort of high humidity.
Running the air conditioner more
frequently doesn’t always help lower
indoor humidity. Often, it just runs
up the electric bill. The smart way to
reduce humidity is to use the York®
Affi nity™ Series Central Dehumidifi er
for whole house dehumidifi cation. It
removes water vapor from your entire
home, leaving you more comfortable
while reducing air conditioning costs.
Whole home dehumidifi cation.
Portable dehumidifi ers cannot handle the continual infi ltration of water
vapor throughout your home. A more effective solution is to have a central
dehumidifi er integrated into your central cooling system to effi ciently
dehumidify every room.
Protect your health against mold, allergens.
When indoor relative humidity is above 60%, allergens, dust mites and molds
thrive— triggering asthma, allergies and respiratory infections. Our high
capacity central dehumidifi ers reduce humidity to lower levels to protect
against the spread of mold and other allergens.
Protect your home.
High humidity affects wood fl ooring, cabinets and furniture with warping and
structural damage. Bathroom and kitchen fi xtures and basement walls that get
wet with condensation are a breeding ground for mold. By removing excessive
humidity, a central dehumidifi er preserves your furnishings—and your peace
of mind.
Five-year warranty.
You can count on the performance and dependability of a York® Affi nity™
central dehumidifi er because it’s backed by a 5-year limited warranty.
Portab le units.
Premium whole house
air cle aners.
Easy to maintain.
A central dehumidifi er is easy to maintain. Instead of emptying messy water
trays, moisture is automatically drained away. Simply change the on-board air
fi lter once every 12 months.