LX Series
Air Handlers
Everyone wants time to relax and
be comfortable. That’s why we created
LX Air Handlers, so you get a perfect
match with your air conditioner or heat
pump. And you’ll like the confi dent feeling
that comes with dependable performance,
energy effi ciency and operating economy.
We give you the best design so you don’t
have to sweat the details. And because
it’s built by York
— the industry leader
in innovative design — you know your
system won’t be down when you want
some down time.
L X Series
AHE Model
Single -Pie ce Design

Relax, we’ve got comfort under control.
With York, it’s easy to fi nd the model that will keep your home comfortable, control
humidity and maintain indoor air quality. And while you’re feeling comfortable indoors,
you’ll also feel good knowing that our air handlers are perfectly compatible with
technology using environmentally friendly R-410A refrigerant to protect the outdoors.
Feel good with the Good Housekeeping Seal.
York® products that bear the Good Housekeeping Seal give you the
added assurance of product replacement or refund of the purchase
price if the product proves to be defective within two years from the
date sold by an authorized dealer.
Keeping it quiet.
You value peace and quiet, and so do we. That’s why York
incorporates a special sound-dampening design to reduce vibration
and noise during start up, operating and shut off periods so you
enjoy the sound of silence.
Multi-position fl exibility fi ts your needs.
Thanks to multi-position design, your air handler can be installed in
downfl ow, upfl ow, or horizontal positions without an additional fi eld
installation kit — fi tting your comfort needs while saving some cash.
• Tighter cabinet keeps contaminates
out of the air fl ow
• Better drainage of coil moisture
• Compact design saves space
• Foil faced insulation keeps fi berglass
from entering air stream
• Pre-painted steel cabinet for
added durability
• Effi cient multi-speed motor
saves energy
Complete your home comfort system by asking your York® Dealer
about ways to improve your indoor environment and protect your
family’s health with our indoor air quality options.
For additional p roduct de tails, s uch as weig ht and dim ension s, visit w ww.york.com o r ask your York® Dealer.
* For 10-year li mited part s warranty, system mu st be registe red online within 9 0 days of installati on.
Other wise the warrant y reverts to the sta ndard warra nty as publishe d in the produc t warranty cer tifi cate.
Stay comfortable for years to come.
York is proud to offer the YorkCare™ Comfort Plan. It’s
designed to maintain your system as well as your peace of
mind. With YorkCare
your unit is effective and effi cient for years to come.
What’s more, your York
agreements that provide upkeep while maximizing the
warranty provisions. Ask about the YorkCare
A little extra coverage is always a comforting idea.
you get total protection that ensures
Single-Piece design with
multi-speed X13 motor
Dealer offers maintenance
Comfort Plan.
1-1/2– 5 Ton AC/HP 10-Year parts*
Long story short — our history.
You may not know it, but York® products have been
all around — from the world’s most famous buildings,
including the U.S. Capitol — to the entire U.S. Navy
nuclear submarine fl eet, as well as your local mall and
corner bank. For over 135 years, the York
earned trust as the fi rst successful room air conditioner and for
the world’s fi rst mechanically cooled theater, hotel and offi ce
building. Today, we’re constantly leading the industry in our
residential product design, signifi ed by the Good Housekeeping
qualifi ed products.
brand has
You can depend on York to give you the choices you trust for comfortable performance all day long, year after year.
Want to know more? Contact your York
5005 York Dri ve, Norman, OK 73 069 www.york.co m Subject to ch ange withou t notice.
Dealer. They have over 135 years of innovation to tell you about.
The York brand of Johnson Controls, Inc. ©2011 Johnson Controls, Inc.
PUBL-6754-A-0711 Supersede s: Nothing. Al l rights rese rved.