To avoid fire or el ec tr ical shock , do not expose thi s pr oduct to rain o r mo is ture. To avoid short circuit, please make sure the batteries contacts are securely packed and use the batte ry in accord an ce with the local p ro visions. Please place the batteries and the parts which can be swallowed mistakenly away from children. If swallowed, please get medical help immediately. To avoid any poss ib le i njur y to e yes, do not use t he f la sh i n a shor t di stance from t he e yes. To avoid any poss ib le s afety accid en t, d o not use the flash o n the people focusing attention. Please take out the batteries and st op using this produc t immediately in case of the following situation:
This prod uc t is d ropped or s ho cked seriou sl y an d the inner par t of t hi s product is ba re d.
Wea r gl oves and ta ke t he batter ie s ou t if the corros ive liquid in si de t he batter ie s le aks. This prod uc t gi ves off s tr ange smell, h ea t or s mokes.
Do not dissemble or maintain this product because the internal high voltage circuit may cause the elect ri c sh oc k. Please ta ke o ut all the ba tt er ies if this pro du ct is not used fo r a lo ng t ime.
Adopts lithium battery power supply design, ultra-fast charging recy cl e system
Equippe d with 1800mAh li th iu m ba tter y, recy cl e time is o nl y 1. 5s , flas h firing times of f ull ou tp ut i s
over 70 0.
Supports radio transmission master control, realizes 6-group flash contr ol f unction easil y.
As master unit,YN860Li is equipped with 6-group flash control function ,which supports remote control of flash mode, flash output, focal length, stroboscopic times and stroboscopic frequency of YN860Li/YN560III/YN560IV/YN660/YN968N
Supports Radio Transmission Slave Function
As slave unit,YN860Li can receive the control and trigger signal from YN860Li/YN560IV/YN660/ YN560-TX(II)/RF603 (II)/RF605/RF-602,and realizes M/Multi flash.
High Guide NumberGn60@ ISO 10 0, 200mm,sup po rts ma nu al and Multi fl as h.Supports Lamp Head Electric Zoom Function.Supports manual zoom, you can set flash coverage in the range of 24~200MM.
Supports USB Firmwa re U pgrade
Equipped USB interface, supports firmware upgrade, please visit YONGNUO official website to
downloa d firmware up grade pac ka ge to upgrade t he f lash.
Supports S1,S2 preflash avoidance trigger modeSupports auto-save setting, custom functions setting(C.Fn)Equippe d wi th LCD sc re en , standard PC p or t, sou nd p rompt syste m.
Quic k Star t
If you don't have much time to rea d the whole user manual, we ad vi se you to re ad thi s
1.Please avoid the excessive use of the output with maximum power. It can effectively extend the ser vi ce life of this prod uc t. (It is recommended that th e speedlite should be idle for more than 10 minutes when entering the overheat protection).
2.Short press [ ]to switch to various trigger modes, including on-camera/radio transmission master control/radio transmission slave /optical transmission slave (S1 or S2)mode,in the mode of radio tra ns mi ssion mode, l on g press thi s bu tton for chan ne l se tting.
3.Pre ss [ MODE] to set flash mo de :M/MULTI
4.In the mast er control mode of radi o tran smission, pre ss [ ]to switch to various groups,the setting o f master un it s et ting is the sam e as t hat of gr ou p A .
5.Short press function button [ ] to enter focal length settings, flash frequency and flash times setting s in t he s trobo sc op ic mode. Long p ress this but to n to turn on/ off sound pro mpt.
6.According to the wireless flash trigger model used,user can set the radio signal at RF603 or RF602 throu gh t he custom f un ct ions settin g.
7.Pre ss [MODE] a nd [ ] and h ol d togethe r to restore the se tt ing of fl ash shooting and wireless shootin g to d efault re gu lar on-came ra m od e.
Components Description
Bounce angle index
Radio transmission confirmation lamp (LINK lamp)
[ ]
Trigger mode/
Channel button
Fla sh mode b utton
[Gr/Fn]Group/Custom Function button
Charging lamp/ Test flas h but ton
Mounting foot loc k lever
Lock-release button
Dus t- and wat er­resistant adapter
Flash head
LCD pane l
Battery Lock-release button Li-ion Battery(kit only)
[ ] Set /Soun d Butto n
Power sw itch
Selection/Setting but ton set
Optical transmission wireless sensor
Terminal cov er
Wid e refec tion bo ard
Wid e panel
USB p ort
PC port
Mini st an d
Hotshoe contact
LCD Pan el
M:Manual flash MULT I:Multi f lash
Gr:Group Ch:Channel
Manual Flash Mode
:On-Camera Mode :Ra dio wir eless m ast er m ode
:Ra dio wir eless s lav e mo de
:Op tical w irele ss sl ave mod e
:Op tical w irele ss slav e mod e
:Battery level
:Ove r he at
M:Manual Flash Mode
Flash Mode
MULT I:Multi F lash
Flash output
Flash output
Flash frequency Num ber of fl ashes
LCD Pan el
Shor t press [ ]button to switch the mode to on-camera,radio transmission master control,or radio transmi ss io n sla ve ,long p ress th is button to s witch to S1/ S2 of optical slave mode.In on-camera and maste r co nt rol mod e, th e LCD b acklight is o n in g reen,in s la ve m ode,LCD backli gh t is on in orange .
:Radio wireless slave mode
Optical wireless
slave mode
:On-Camera Mode
Radio wireless
master mode
Optical wireless
slave mode
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