Thank yo u for usi ng t he YN36 0S
LED vide o light. Pl ease re ad t he
manu al c arefu ll y and kee p th is
user m an ual pro pe rly for
refe re nce.
1.T he YN3 60S adop ts 148 LED lamp beads ,
la rge vi ewing an gle,c ombined with s uper
lo ng lam p board l ighti ng angle , whic h is
mo re nat ural,wi der an d suitab le for stereo
an d wide -angle l ighti ng.
2.T he YN3 60S adop ts hig h displa y inde x
LE D lamp beads,t he RA is hi gher t han 95,
wh ich is close to natur al light ,make s the
co lor re store tr uly an d natura lly.
3.S uppor ts the mo bile A PP remot e cont rol
th e vide o light, which is more c onven ient to
re mote a djust th e brig htness o f the v ideo
li ght.
4.T he YN3 60S adop ts YONGNUO exclusive
LE D cons tant cur rent d rive tec hnolo gy,
de finit ely not a ppear the corr ugate d,
st robos copic an d othe r negati ve phe nomena
wh en sho oting.
5.T he YN3 60S adop ts dua l LED dig ital
di splay screen, the po wer outp ut wil l be
mo re int uition.
6.D ouble power su pply m odes,su pport NP-F
se ries l ithium b atter ies and 1 2V2A D C
po wer su pply.
7.B rand n ew key di mming mode,Co arse/ Fine
ad justm ent inte grate d, which is eas ier for
op erati on..
1. Battery slot
2.Battery lock
3.3200k brightness
increase button
4.3200k brightness
decrease button
5.LED digital
display screen
6.power switch
7.5500K brightness
increase button
8.5500K brightness
decrease button
9.DC power jack
1.Battery Installation
a. When the lithium battery is mounted , the battery
is mounted to a card groove according to the arrow
NOTE: It's recommended to use YONGNUO
NP-F750 battery to get a more lasting shooting
experience. The battery capacity of YONGNUO
NP-F750 reaches up to 5200mAh. When YN360S is
set to the maximum luminous intensity, it will keep
working about 150 minutes. Please take the batteries
out when this video light is not used.
b. When removing the lithium batteries, please
press the battery lock and then taake out the
lithium batteries.
2.External power supply
It is recommended to use YONGNUO power
adapter with YN360S to obtain lasting service time.
When using external power supply, the video light
will stop the battery power supply automatically and
will not get the battery charged. The
external power supply inter face outside is
positive and the interface inside is negative.
The input voltage is 12V and the electric
current is 2A.Note:If YN360S defective
when it is used with power adapter of other
brands, YN360S will no longer be
guaranteed for repair.
2. El ect ric Q uan tit y Test
Ho ld th e lef t or ri ght 5 500k br igh tn ess incr eas e
an d dec re ase but ton f or el ect ric q uan tity tes t,
th e LED s cre en wi ll di spl ay th e val ue of el ec tri c
qu an tit y.T he va lue o f ele ctr ic qu ant ity w ill b e
sh ow n a s P0- P9, wh ich m eans 0% -90 % of th e
el ec tri c qua nti ty, th e elect ric q uan tit y as th e
pi ct ure s hown is 3 0%.
(N ot e: Th e batte ry re mai nin g cap ac ity tes ted
wh en th e lum ino us in te nsity i s low w ill b e
di ff ere nt fr om th e b at tery re mai ni ng capa cit y
te st ed wh en the lu min ous i nte nsi ty is h igh . The
ba tt ery c apaci ty te st ed is how lo ng th e ser vic e
ti me of Y N60 0 Air w ill l ast und er th e cur ren t
lu mi nou s int ens ity .)
8.Mobile APP Remote Control
The product supports mobile remote control ,
the APP can be downloaded from the
YONG NU O of fi ci al w eb si te o r do wn lo ad
through scanning the two-dimension code on
the gift box, Moible phone APP will be updated
continuously. Please pay attention to
YONG NU O of fi ci al w eb si te f or l at es t ve rs io n
of APP to get better remote control experience.
(The YN360S is just support the mobile remote
control single video light,but not supports
YONG NU O LE D wi re le ss c on tr ol s ys te m) .
1.Please use the video light in the ventilated
2.Do not disassemble the product,
maintenance or repair of this product
should be carried through by technical
maintenance personnel of our company or
technical maintenance personnel authorized.
3.Do not use this product in flammable and
explosive place, or where it can be exposed
to moisture.
4.Please keep this product away from the
148 LED lamp beads
3200K-5500 K
12V 2 A DC powe r suppl y
465 *64*3 5mm
1.Startup &Shutdown and Brightness Adjustment
First install the battery or insert DC power, then
switch the power switch, the LED video light is lit,
press the 5500K and 3200K brightness adjustment
button, adjust the brightness of the video light.
The r emote
con trol di stanc e
is wi thin1 5 meter s
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
Warning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
Reorient or relocate the receiving an tenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an
uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated
with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body.