Yepzon YPZN1C Users Manual

Android and Windows Phone iOS
Front Back
Strap Loop
Micro USB Connector
The Yepzon includes a standard Micro USB connector, which is located on the back of the device under a rubber plug (fig.). We recom­mend charging the Yepzon’s battery before using the device for the first time. It takes about 2 hours to fully charge the battery. You can use any approved Micro USB charger.
Beginning to Use Your Device
There are two options to connect your new Yep zon to your sma rt p hon e o r ta blet: NFC (Android and Windows Phone) or Bluetooth (iOS). Please note that you can only pair your phone or tablet to a Yepzon which has not already been paired to another device. If you want to monitor a Yepzon which has already been paired, skip to the section on Access and Control.
111... VVVeeerrriiifffyyy ttthhhaaattt ttthhheee NNNFFFCCC fffeeeaaatttuuurrreee hhhaaasss bbbeeeeeennn eeennnaaabbbllleeeddd ooonnn yyyooouuurrr ppphhhooonnneee...
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222... IIInnnssstttaaallllll ttthhheee YYYeeepppzzzooonnn AAApppppp...
YYYooouuu cccaaannn iiinnnssstttaaalll lll ttt hhheee AAApppppp fffrrrooommm yyyooouuurrr ppphhhooonnneee mmmaaannnuuufffaaaccctttuuurrreeerrr’’’sss aaappppppllliiicccaaatttiiiooonnn ssstttooorrreee... GGGeeettt aaa dddiiirrreeecccttt llliiinnnkkk tttooo iiittt bbbyyy ssscccaaannnnnniiinnnggg ttthhheee NNNFFFCCC tttaaaggg ooonnn yyyooouuurrr YYYeeepppzzzooonnn dddeeevvv iiiccceee... (((IIIfff yyyooouuu dddooo nnnooottt kkknnnooowww ttthhheee lllooocccaaattt iiiooonnn ooofff ttthhheee NNNFFFCCC aaannnttteeennnnnnaaa ooonnn yyyooouuurrr ppphhhooonnneee,,, pppllleeeaaassseee ccchhheeeccckkk yyyooouuurrr ppphhhooonnneee’’’sss uuussseeerrr mmmaaannnuuuaaalll...))) RRReeeccceeeiiivvveee ttthhheee cccooonnnttteeennnttt... TTThhheeennn yyyooouuu wwwiiillllll bbbeee dddiiirrreeecccttteeeddd tttooo ttthhheee ppphhhooonnneee mmmaaannnuuufffaaaccctttuuurrreeerrr’’’sss aaappppppllliiicccaaatttiiiooonnn ssstttooorrreee wwwhhheeerrreee yyyooouuu cccaaannn iiinnnssstttaaallllll ttthhheee YYYeeepppzzzooonnn AAApppppp...
333... SSStttaaarrrttt ttthhheee AAApppppp aaannnddd aaadddddd aaa YYYeeepppzzzooonnn...
IIIfff yyyooouuu aaarrreee aaalllrrreeeaaadddyyy mmmooonnniiitttooorrriiinnnggg aaa YYYeeepppzzzooonnn,,, ssseeellleeecccttt “““+++””” tttooo aaadddddd aaa nnneeewww ooonnneee...
555... SSScccaaannn ttthhheee YYYeeepppzzzooonnn’’’sss NNNFFFCCC tttaaaggg...
TTThhheee AAApppppp wwwiiillllll ssshhhooowww aaa nnnoootttiiifffiiicccaaatttiiiooonnn::: “““NNNeeewww YYYeeepppzzzooonnn dddeeettteeecccttteeeddd...””” SSSeeellleeecccttt “““CCCooonnnnnneeecccttt...””” (((WWWiiinnndddooowwwsss PPPhhhooonnneee::: CCChhhoooooossseee “““RRReeejjjeeecccttt””” iiifff ttthhheee ppphhhooonnneee ppprrrooommmppptttsss yyyooouuu tttooo rrreeeccceeeiiivvveee ttthhheee cccooonnnttteeennnttt...)))
666... PPPllluuuggg YYYeeepppzzzooonnn tttooo ccchhhaaarrrgggeeerrr...
777... AAAdddddd aaa nnnaaammmeee aaannnddd pppiiiccctttuuurrreee fffooorrr yyyooouuurrr YYYeeepppzzzooonnn (((oooppptttiiiooonnnaaalll)))...
AAA vvviiieeewww wwwiiillllll dddiiisssppplllaaayyy wwwhhheeerrreee yyyooouuu cccaaannn ccchhhoooooossseee tttooo gggiiivvveee yyyooouuurrr YYYeeepppzzzooonnn aaa dddeeessscccrrriiippptttiiivvveee nnnaaammmeee (((rrreeecccooommmmmmeeennndddeeeddd))) aaannnddd aaadddddd aaa pppiiiccctttuuurrreee... TTThhheee nnnaaammmeee aaannnddd pppiiiccctttuuurrreee wwwiiillllll nnnooottt bbbeee ssstttooorrreeeddd ooonnn ttthhheee YYYeeepppzzzooonnn ssseeerrrvvveeerrr...
888... TTThhheee YYYeeepppzzzooonnn iiisss nnnooowww cccooonnnnnneeecccttteeeddd tttooo yyyooouuurrr ppphhhooonnneee...
1. Verify that Bluetooth has been enabled on your phone.
iOS: Settings - Bluetooth.
2. Install the Yepzon App.
You can in stall th e Ye pzo n A pp from th e A pp Store.
3. Connect your Yepzon to a charger.
If you have connected it earlier, disconnect it now and plug it in again to restart the Yepzon.
4. Start the App.
5. Add a Yepzon.
Select “+” to add a Yepzon. Your phone’s Bluetooth function will locate any Yepzons near you waiting to be connected. The App will prompt you to enter the last 5 digits of the IMEI number on the Yepzon to be connected. You can find the IMEI number on the back of your Yep zon .
6. Add a name and picture for your Yepzon (optional).
A view will display where you can choose to give your Yepzon a descriptive name (recommended) and add a picture. Snap one using your camera or select one from your phone’s memory. The name and picture will not be stored on the Yep zon serv er.
7. The Yepzon is now co nnected to your phone.
In the Yepzon App there is an option to subscribe a backup message to your email. Aer giving the email address you will get an auto-reply message containing a link. Using the link will clear all users and reset the Yepzon to its factory settings.
Aer it is reset, the Yepzon may be paired again with any device as if it was new. This is useful if you accidentally remove the Yepzon App from your phone without removing the access rights first, or if your phone is lost or damaged and you have not shared the control of the Yepzon with another device.
Access and Control
We strongly recommend that you share the control of each Yepzon with at least one other smartphone or tablet, since if control of a Yepzon is only via one phone and that phone is lost or damaged, the Yepzon cannot be paired with another phone without resetting it first (see the section on Reset).
Aer pairing the Yepzon with one device, the access rights can be shared by the existing user from the Yepzon App. There is no limit on how many people can follow one Yepzon.
To share the control, open the Yepzon App and tap the icon of the Yepzon whose control you want to share. Tap the sharing icon and follow the instructions on the screen. Depending on the platform there are dierent options for how to share. All platforms give the option to share the control via email. Windows Phone and Android also give an option to share by NFC. Android gives further options, including Bluetooth and SMS. We recommend sharing via email, as this works best across all platforms.
Example 1: Mary pairs a Yepzon with her iPhone. She also shares the control to her old Android phone without NFC functionality. One day her iPhone is broken. She takes the Android phone, removes the access rights from the broken iPhone, and shares them via email to her brand new Win­dows Phone.
Example 2: Lisa wants to use a Yepzon to know where her elderly father is going. She pairs the Yepzon to her Android tablet and shares the control with her brothers and sisters, some of whom live on the other side of the world.
To locate a Yepzon, open the App and tap “Locate.” The App will show you the status of the device and ask if you want to start locating it. If you agree, the location request is sent to the Yepzon the next time it connects to the server. If you cancel, the request will not be sent. The map view will anyway show both your own location and the last known (GSM base station) location of the Yepzon. At the same time, the top of the screen will display the time remain­ing before the Yepzon will connect to the server, receive the location request, and start satnav detection.
Yepzon uses a network of GSM base stations and GPS satnav to determine its location. If the device is indoors, or if the GPS signal is not strong enough, the GPS location data may not be received. In this case, an accurate loca­tion cannot be determined via GPS.
However, the location request will also activate the Yepzon’s Bluetooth transmitter. If the Yepzon is within the range of a Bluetooth signal (<50m), the phone (only Android and iOS) will inform you of this and show a rough distance to the Yepzon. Note that buildings and other obstacles can drastically reduce the range of the Bluetooth signal.
The location data is refreshed on the map for three minutes. If you want to continue the tracking, you can start a new 3­minute locating session aer the previous session is over.
The Yepzon has two basic modes: Moving and Sleeping. Moving, obviously, means that the device is on the move. Once Yepzon’s acceleration sensor detects that move­ment has stopped, aer 20 minutes the device will switch to Sleeping mode in order to save battery life. When the sensor detects that the device is moving again, it will im­mediately switch Yepzon back to Moving mode.
You can set how frequently the Yepzon will connect to the server in each mode. Setting a long interval will save Yepzon’s battery, but will also create a longer delay before you receive the Yepzon’s location data. Therefore, you should choose the settings based on your personal requirements and use. Default settings for connection intervals are 5 minutes on the move and 6 hours when sleeping.
Note that a short refresh rate will also use up more data transfer capacity, as well as more power. You can find more information in the section on Recommended Use.
Example 1: Peter takes his lively son to a big playground. He places the Yepzon in his son’s pocket and sets the refresh rate in the Moving mode to 1 minute, because he wants to know his son’s location as quickly as possible in case the child disappears from sight. Battery consumption is not a concern because Peter has fully charged the Yepzon in the morning.
Example 2: Paul is forced to park his car for a month. He is worried about thieves. He hides the Yepzon under
the hat shelf of the car and sets the refresh rate in the Mov­ing mode to 10 minutes. He sets the refresh rate in Sleep­ing mode to 12 hours. During the week, he occasionally checks the Yepzon’s status on his phone. Paul finds out that the Yepzon had quickly entered Sleeping mode and remained there, meaning that his car has not been moved. The battery will easily last for the entire month.
Find more information about dierent modes in our website at
This view lets you check the Yepzon’s previous modes and location data. 100 latest entries are shown.
Recommended Use
We recommend sharing control of each Yepzon with at least one other user. This way, the device can still be controlled even if the primary controlling device has been lost or damaged.
If you want to remove the Yepzon App from your phone, you should first remove every instance of Yepzon control.
When the Yepzon App is updated, details of the con­trolled Yepzons will be maintained.
Yepzon GPS locator utilizes cellular network data connection. When you purchase a Yepzon, a certain amount of data transfer may be included in the purchase price. The amount can vary by retailer. The App will inform you when the data is about to end. When Yepzon has run out of data, you can buy more via the App. With Yepzon’s default settings and an av­erage usage of 8 hours per day and one locating request per day, the data consumption would be about 5MB/month.
Check Yepzon’s functionality in your country of residence and the countries to which you plan to travel at support/.
Yepzon utilizes cellular networks. With any device, the func­tionality of the networks may vary depending on availability, trac, or environmental factors.
The accuracy and scope of the location data may vary due to factors such as location, environment, and third party activities, and may sometimes be limited. For example, accurate location data may not be received underground or inside buildings.
You can re ad mo re on rec omm end ed u se at htt p:/ /
Yep zon i s no t a s ubst itu te fo r p are nt al s upe rvi si on. Al ­ways adhere to local laws and regulations. Switch o the Yepzon in places where the use of cellular phones is not permitted or where it can create interference, for example on board airplanes, in the vicinity of medical equip­ment, and at blasting sites.
Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installa­tion.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. . Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
FCC Caution: To assure continued compliance, any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party respons­ible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment. (Example - use only shielded interface cables when connecting to computer or peripheral devices).
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in con­junction with any other antenna or transmitter.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Oper­ation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This product meets applicable national SAR limits of
1.6W/kg. The specific maximum SAR values can be found at When carrying the product or using it while worn on your body, either use an accessory such as a holster or otherwise maintain a distance of 0,5 cm from the body to ensure compliance with RF exposure requirements.
All wireless devices are sensitive to interference, which can impair the functionality of the device.
In principle Yepzon is waterproof, as long as the rubber plug covering the USB port is tightly closed. If fastened e.g. to a schoolbag, rainfall on the way home will not bother it at all. However, we recommend not to wear it while swimming, nor drop it underwater. Also, do not allow it to fall onto hard surfaces or be hit by sharp objects, as this may damage the electronics.
The device is designed to be used at temperatures between
-10 – +40°C. Coldness may impair the battery capacity. Do not subject the device to great temperature variation to pre­vent condensation from forming inside the device.
The device includes an integrated rechargeable battery, which cannot be removed. You should not dispose of the device with household waste. Instead, return it to the place of purchase or to a recycling point. You can check the location of the nearest recycling point from the local waste manage­ment authorities. Do not attempt to remove or modify the bat­tery, as this may damage the device and create a hazard.
Only use standard undamaged chargers equipped with a Mi­cro USB connector. Avoid using excessive force when plug­ging the connector into the Yepzon port.
You c an re ad mor e on sa fet y at w pzo n.c om/ sup­port.
You ca n f ind the ma nufa ctu rer ’s Decl ara tion of Co nfo rmi ty at