The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment
on the part of yellow tools GbR. The software described by this document is subject to a License Agreement
and may not be copied to other media. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or otherwise
transmitted or recorded, for any purpose, without prior written permission by yellow tools GbR. All product and
company names are ™ or ® trademarks of their respective owners.
Index ...................................................................................................................................... 155
Thank you very much for purchasing INDEPENDENCE - your ultimate Sonic Workstation.
With the introduction of Independence, yellow tools once again sets new standards for sample based
instruments and offers by far the fastest, most powerful and easiest way of performing, customizing,
and creating authentic instruments on your computer.
Enabled by the fusion of innovative Virtual Instrument technology with state-of-the-art sampler
architecture, this sophisticated creativity tool meets the demands of music producers, filmcomposers, sound designers, songwriters and remixers.
Enhanced by a clear user interface, the flexibility of a full-modular structure, stunning effects and
filters and many unique features Independence is still easy to use and offers immediate access to a
fantastic and intuitive handling.
Independence comes with a vast 18 GB sound library of premium instruments. Next to a “best-of”
collection of the award-winning instruments from yellow tools products Independence also contains
totally new and specially optimized instruments.
Additionally Independence is fully compatible with all yellow tools Modular Virtual Instruments
and you can also import WAV and AIFF files (up to 32bit/192kHz). The amazing Auto-MappingImport feature lets you import your sound libraries and creates your custom mappings within just a
few seconds.
Independence is the first product that is based on yellow tools’ innovative Advanced Instrument
Technology (A.I.T.). In combination with RF-HDD ultra fast streaming and the Auto-RamCleaner you will experience an unmatched performance: Unlimited layers and samples, unlimited
polyphony, unlimited insert effects and filters, unlimited custom channels (internal virtual channels)
and BUS channels... Independence manages all this simultaneously and automatically in the
So you can care about the really important things - making music!
yellow tools INDEPENDENCE 1.0
Independence comes with a multipage user interface that contains any controls and parameters you
need for authentic instrument performances, available in clearly designed categories for an intuitive
and user-friendly workflow.
One of the most powerful features of Independence is the MODULES EDITOR, in particular
the Flexible Modifiers. They let you customize your sounds and instruments at will as you can
connect any source with any destination. Tempo-synchronized LFOs, the use of any external MIDI
controller, randomizers and flexible free envelopes - Independence offers anything you need to
modify your music. The ingenious structure of the modifiers and the perfect integration into the user
interface enable a quick, easy and unmatched workflow.
With Independence’s clearly arranged MAPPING EDITOR it has never been so easy to create your
custom mappings in just a few seconds. The sophisticated editing options and the amazing graphical
representation enable you to edit multi-velocity instruments with any kind of x-fades, fade-ins,
fade-outs and individual curves for each fade. To facilitate the process of creating mappings for your
sounds, Independence includes an unique Auto-Import feature:
Independence recognizes the name-structure of multiple samples that belong together and offers in
addition the following import options for the files: multi key mapping (for melodic instruments),
one key mapping (for percussive instruments), chromatic mapping (loops and FX), and the unique
yellow tools import for auto recognizing Sections and Alternates.
The visual display of the audio files contains next to the waveform and the file name also all
information on sample rate, bit rate, file type, length, number of frames and file size.One of the most
innovative features of the Mapping Editor is the unique “Auto Groove Recognition”. In the Audio
Editor you can switch to the „Slice“ mode at any time. Using the „sensitivity“ settings you can adjust
the automatic groove recognition for the selected loop. Furthermore the Slice Editor allows many
more flexible and intuitive editing options: Zoom, fixing amd moving slice markers, manual deletion
and adding of slice markers and finally the frame accurate movement and adjustment of all slice
markers. To get the best possible overview about your current settings and adjustments you can simply
click on a slice to play back only this one, so you can always check the results of your adjustments
immediately... as usual for Independence all this is possible in real-time!!! For the first time it is now
possible to slow down your audio loop in its original tune up to 60% without loss of quality!
yellow tools INDEPENDENCE 1.0
The PERFORMANCE MODE of Independence is the „humanizer“ for your sampled instruments.
With up to 32 different variations per sample (Section) any static sounding performance is a thing
of the past. The playback of the alternate steps can be at random or also assigned individually. It
is the unique sample and file management architecture of Independence that allows such realistic
performances that are far away from previous sample based instruments.
Thus the typical “machine gun” effect definitely is a thing of the past.
To make these instruments sound even more authentically, Independence also offers an amazing
Advanced Legato Mode. The legato parameters can be assigned to each Section individually to
achieve an unmatched simulation of the realistic behavior of an instrument played with legato.
Separate start, option and target values enable you to perfect your legato sequence on the keyboard
up and down.
To achieve even more spectacular results you can combine the Advanced Legato Mode with
Independence’s Tune Model. More than 50 different presets of arabic, turkish, indian, historic and
many more tunes for your instruments. Furthermore you can also create your own tunes and add
them to your preset list.
The professional built-in MIXER of Independence allows you to edit, mix and finish your
instrument projects completely independent from your host.
You can assign UNLIMITED BUS channels to your project. For your individual settings each Layer
channel contains 5 BUS sends (selectable as pre and post). Furthermore you can add an unlimited
number of „Custom“ channels (internal virtual channels) which let you customize the Sections of
each Layer. Thus you can create additional virtual channels for an easier and more comfortable
editing of your Layer.
Especially for the mixer it is very important to have fast access to your tracks, pure control and a
best possible overview of your channels.
All these features, the individual assignment of your channels in groups and the quick show/hide
overview turn this Independence feature by far into the most professional and most powerful plug-in
yellow tools INDEPENDENCE 1.0
Installation & Product Activation
Installing Independence is very easy.
The package contains 1 Software Installation CD-ROM and 3 Sound Content DVDs, a printed
manual, the yellow tools authorization key (depending on the version you purchased) and the
registration card with your serial number and Activation Code (Depending on the version you
purchased). Please register Independence immediately at our website after you‘ve opened the
package. As a registered user you get exclusive access to the yellow tools user area where you will
get free software updates and many more add-ons for Independence.
On the software CD-ROM you will find the software installers for your OS. The Content DVDs 1,
2 and 3 contain the sound content of Independence. For technical reasons we could not include the
sound library into the software installer.
IMPORTANT: Before you install the software from the CD-ROM please check out the yellow tools
website for available updates of Independence. So you can be sure that you will
install the latest version.
Depending on the version of Independence you purchased you maybe first have to activate the
software on your yellow tools authorization before you can use it.
If you purchased a BOX version the yellow tools authorization key is included in delivery.
If you first have to activate the software on your yellow tools authorization key, please use the
„Activation Code“ that is printed on your registration card. You can activate Independence with
the yellow tools key manager software that has to get installed separately and is available on the
software CD-ROM.
Independence system requirements
To use Independence 1.0.0 you need a computer with at least the following specifications:
MAC OS X: • PowerMac G4 1GHz, 512MB RAM
• MAC OS 10.4 or higher
• 18GB free hard disk space, DVD drive
• free USB port for yellow tools authorization key
• recommended: PowerMac G5 1.8 GHz, 1GB RAM
WINDOWS: • Pentium/Athlon XP 1.4GHz, 512MB RAM
• Windows XP
• 18GB free hard disc space, DVD drive
• free USB port for yellow tools authorization key
• recommended: Pentium IV/Athlon XP 3GHz, 1GB RAM
Available Interfaces for Independence
Mac OS X: VST 2.0, RTAS, AudioUnits, standalone
Windows: VST 2.0, RTAS, DXi, standalone
Installation & Activation
Installing Independence for Mac OS X
Insert the Independence Installation CD-ROM and double-click “independence installer”.
To continue with the installation please read the information and agree to the license agreement.
You can now select your destination directory for Independence - please keep in mind that also the
Independence Sound Content (up to 18GB) has to get copied to the destination you select.
Select „Easy Install“ to install all components of Independence or "custom install" to install only
selected components.
yellow tools INDEPENDENCE 1.0
The installer will create the folder „yellow tools Independence“ on your hard disk. The standalone
version gets installed into this folder. All other interfaces get installed automatically.
You can now register Independence online at
After the software installation was finished successfully please quit the application.
To install the Key Manager, open the Independence Software CD-ROM on your desktop again.
Open the „Key Manager“ folder and double-click the installer application.
The installation of Independence‘s sound library can last a few minutes as you are copying several
GB of sounds. The sound library comes on three DVDs. There is no installer for the sound content
since you only have to copy the folders from the DVDs into the „Independence Basic Path“ folder
on your hard disk. Please insert the Content DVD 1 and follow the instructions of the „readme“ file.
Installation & Activation
Installing Independence for Windows XP
Insert the Independence Software CD-ROM and double-click the Independence Installer”.
Please read the upcoming information and agree to the license agreement to continue. You can now
select your destination directory for Independence - please keep in mind that also the Independence
Sound Content (up to 18GB) has to get copied to the destination you select.
Select „Typical“ to install all components of Independence or "Custom" to install only selected
yellow tools INDEPENDENCE 1.0
The installer will create the folder „yellow tools Independence“ on your hard disk. The standalone
version gets installed into this folder. All other interfaces get installed automatically or you get asked
if there should be more than one option.
You can now choose if you want to register Independence online at
The yellow tools Key Manager and the sound library of Independence are not part of this installer
and have to get installed separately.
After the software installation was finished successfully please quit the application. You can
now install the sound library and/or the Key Manager. To install the Key Manager, open the
Independence Software CD-ROM on your desktop again. Open the „Key Manager“ folder and
double-click the installer application.
The installation of Independence‘s sound library can last a few minutes as you are copying several
GB of sounds. The sound library comes on three DVDs. There is no installer for the sound content
since you only have to copy the folders from the DVDs into the „Independence Basic Path“ folder
on your hard disk.
Please insert the Content DVD 1 and follow the instructions of the „readme“ file.
As soon as the installation of the sound library is finished, Independence is installed on your
computer with the options you selected.
Installation & Activation
Yellow Tools Authorization Key
It is because we want to be able to offer you high-quality sound-libraries, fast and knowledgeable
support, as well as continuous development of our software and sounds that we have to protect our
products against illegal piracy. Because we don‘t want to overcharge the honest customer in order to
make up for our losses, we have decided to implement the flexible yellow tools Authorization Key.
Besides functioning as a copy protection device, the Key also has the following advantages for our
You can save all your yellow tools authorizations on one robust Key and take all of your instruments
with you to sessions, home, on the road etc.
With the Yellow Tools Key Manager software you can additionally program and update the Key.
This flexible Key management gives the you the freedom to put certain authorizations on certain
Keys, move your products between the Keys, activate new products on your Keys etc.
Here is how the Yellow Tools Authorization Key works:
The Authorization Key gets plugged into a free USB port on your computer. Every Key has its own
serial-number and is capable of saving plenty of authorizations.
The yellow tools Authorization Key is compatible with Mac OS 9, Mac OS X and Windows. As
soon as a product is activated on one Key it can be used on all three platforms.The Authorization
Key allows you to use the yellow tools products on as many computers as you want. All you have to
do is plug-in your Key, and you can start making music!
Because you can save multiple authorizations on one Key you only need one Key for all of our
products. If you already possess a Key you can keep adding new authorizations of new products
from yellow tools.
To give you full control over your Authorization Key we developed the Yellow Tools Key Manager.
This software is available as free preference panel in your System Preferences (Mac OS X) and as
standalone application (Windows XP) and enables you to exercise the following options:
• Status of the Key and updates:
You get a read out of all products currently available on your Keys. Should there be an update
for your Authorization Key software, you can update your Key immediately.
• Activation of additional products via entering an Activation Code:
If you have purchased a new yellow tools product that includes an Activation Code, you can
enter this code here and activate your new product on your Authorization Key.
• Moving of authorizations between multiple Keys:
If you own multiple Authorization Keys, you can move certain authorizations to the Key of
your choice. This way you have the ability to use our products with greater flexibility among
multiple work spaces.
• If you don‘t want to program your Key online, you can also program the Key manually.
Programming the Key online is not in any way connected to the computer where you are installing
our products; the Key can be managed on any MAC OS X or WINDOWS XP computer you might
have, providing it has a USB port, internet connection and you installed the Yellow Tools Key
Depending on the version of Independence you purchased, maybe the product activation on your
Authorization Key is required before you can use it. This activation can be done with the yellow
tools Key Manager and is a very comfortable and simple process.
The Yellow Tools Key Manager gets installed together with the Independence software installation.
To start the Key Manager please open the preference pane (Mac OS X) or the standalone application
(Windows XP)
Installation & Activation
Key Pull-Down:
Pull-down menu that includes all currently connected Yellow Tools Authorization Keys.
The Key Manager always reads out the currently selected key. Any operation you may execute
will always affect the selected Authorization Key.
Product Column:
List of all products that are currently saved on the selected Yellow Tools Authorization Key.
Company Column:
List of manufacturers of the products.
Status Column:
Shows the current status of each product. At the moment there are four different status types:
• „activated“: The product is usable without any restrictions.
• „... starts left“: The product is connected with a counter. When expired the product can not be
used anymore.
• „expires in ... days“: The product is connected to an expiration date. When expired the product can not be used anymore.
• „has expired“: The product has expired and can not be used anymore.
Product Activation (online connection required!):
In this area you can activate additional products on the selected Authorization Key. For any
activation you need an „Activation Code“. If the product you purchased first has to get activated on your Authorization Key, you will find this Code on your registration card. The
Code is NOT the serial number of the product and contains five sections, each with six characters.
To activate a product please first select the Authorization Key on which you want to activate
the product. Now enter the Activation Code and please pay attention to the upper and lower
case of the characters. Before you start the activation please make sure your Authorization Key is still connected to your computer and your computer is connected to the internet. Click the „Activate Product“ button afterwards to start the online activation. If the activation
was successful the following message will show up and the product will now be listed in your
„Product Column“:
Product Movement (online connection required!):
yellow tools INDEPENDENCE 1.0
If you have several Yellow Tools Authorization Keys you can here move your products between these Keys at will.
This process is also very easy: First of all click on the product (in the product list)
you want to move. Then select the destination key on which you want to move the product in the pull-down menu of the Product Movement area.
The pull-down will only include connected and valid Keys for this process. Before
you start the activation please make sure your Authorization Keys are still connected
to your computer and your computer is connected to the internet. Click the „Move
Product“ button afterwards to start the online product movement.
If the movement was successful the following message will show up:
Now the product is no longer available on the currently selected Key and thus was
deleted from the Product List. Select the Destination Key from the Key Pull-Down
menu and you will see that the product you moved is now available on this Key.
If there is an update for your Authorization Key available just click this button to start the online update. Before you start the online update please make sure your Authorization Key is still connected to your computer and your computer is connected to the internet. The following message will show up when the update is
Installation & Activation
Whenever a Key update is possible you first have to pass this update before you can
continue with any other online process. If the „Update Key“ option is not available
your key is up to date.
This button will launch your web browser and load the yellow tools website where
you can register your products.
„Options“ button:If your computer should require any custom proxy settings for the online connection
of the Yellow Tools Key Manager you can enter these details in the „Options“ area.
If you are not sure about the required information please contact your system- or network administrators.
The „Options“ window also contains the details of the currently installed version of the Yellow Tools Key Manager. The application number refers to the software version installed on your computer, the webservice number refers to the currently
used webservice version installed on the yellow tools webservers.
„Save Key File (RTC)“ button:
If you do not want to make use of the online programing options of the Yellow Tools
Key Manager you can also manage your Key manually. The first step for this process
is the read out of the Key information into a file. These files are so-called RTC files and contain the file extension *.rtc. Then you have to send this file via email to
our support, we activate the product and send the file back to you.
yellow tools INDEPENDENCE 1.0
EXAMPLE: If you want to activate a product on your Authorization Key manually, you
have to create a RTC file of the Key on which you want to activate the product and then send this RTC file via email to the yellow tools support.
Please always add the serial number and the Activation Code of the product you want to activate to your email. Only if we receive all these details we are able to activate the additional product on your Key. Our support will send an email back to you. This email contains the activated
file for your Authorization Key.
To create this file please select the Key you want to read out from the Key pull-down
menu and click the „Save Key File (RTC) button. The Key Manager for Mac OS X
will always save RTC files directly onto your desktop. The Windows XP version will
save RTC files always into your local „Key Manager“ program folder. The name of the RTC file is always the serial number of the selected Key.
If the Key was read out successfully, the following message will show up - of course
with a different user name (Mac OS X):
The file that was created on your desktop looks like this - the number depends on the
serial number of your Authorization Key:
Send this *.rtc file together with the other required product information to „
Installation & Activation
Please read number
for all further information about the transfer of the file you
receive from our support back to your Authorization Key.
„Load Key File (RTU)“ button:
The yellow tools support center can now activate your product using the received
RTC file. Edited RTC files get saved as so-called RTU files. These files contain the
updated information, in this case the product activation.
In short: You send a RTC file and get back a RTU file and save it at the same location
as your RTC file.
The RTU file you will receive has the same name as your RTC file, only the file extension changed to *.rtu.
Save the RTU file from the email onto your desktop (Mac OS X) or into your local
„Key Manager“ program folder, start the Yellow Tools Key Manager again, select
the Key you‘ve created the RTC file from and click the „Load Key File (RTU) button. The following message will show up and the product was activated on your
Authorization Key successfully.
„Refresh“ button:
Click this button to refresh the Key Manager if you connected/disconnected Authorization Keys during your session.
yellow tools INDEPENDENCE 1.0
Architecture & Operation
Projects, Layer Sets, Layers, Alternates, Sections & Zones
To give you any option for a personal customization of your instruments Independence is based on
an very sophisticated architecture and file management - but still very easy and intuitively to use.
Even as you can start playing Independence‘s premium instruments right out of the box without
being concerned why it sounds that incredibly authentic, it is still important that you know and
understand the hierarchy and structure of instruments in Independence.
The smallest but of course most basic element is the Zone. One Zone can be a sample of a multisampled instrument as well as an audio loop. Zones are shown in the Mapping Editor as single
quads which you can move and edit at will. If you use Independence‘s „slicer“ in the Audio Editor
you can additionally divide a Zone into several Parts (most commonly used with the auto-grooverecognition feature for loops). Parts of a Zone are marked yellow in the waveform display.
If you have a multi-sampled instrument which contains several articulations for the same note you
can combine several Zones that belong together into Sections.
Sections are a group of Zones and thus very useful elements to edit multiple Zones simultaneously.
The Independence core library uses Sections mainly to combine the different articulations, dynamics
or playing styles of an instrument into groups for easier editing. Sections get created in the Mapping
Editor of Independence. Simply select one or multiple Zones you want to combine to one Section
and enter a new name for this Section.
If each note of an instrument was recorded in multiple articulations you will have one Section
for each articulation. For an easier and much faster editing, you can now group all these Sections
to one „Alternate“. So an Alternate enables you to edit the parameters of an entire group of
Sections simultaneously with simply one mouse click. Alternates are also the basic elements for
Independence‘s Performance Mode. Here you create a new Alternate and then assign any of the
available Sections to this Alternate to make your instruments sound incredibly real.
„Layer“ is the most important item of Independence and the basic element that contains ALL
settings of an instrument, including all Module, Mapping and Performance settings.
See chapter „User Interface & Basics“ on page 34 for all details about Layers.
Layer Set
Each Independence Layer Set can contain an unlimited number of Layers. Use the Layer Sets for
an easier management and customization of groups of instruments that have some basic settings in
common. See chapter „User Interface & Basics“ on page 33 for all details about Layer Sets.
Projects contain ALL settings of the integrated Layer Sets, Layers, Alternates, Sections and Zones.
See chapter „User Interface & Basics“ on page 31 for all details about Project.
Architecture & Operation
For a better understanding of Independence‘s architecture, here an example:
Your Independence Project compares well to your song. The project contains ALL instruments and
sounds you want to use in this song.
Thus a reasonable layout of your Layer Sets is the subdivision into groups of instruments that
belong together:
Layer Set A: Drums
Layer Set B: Percussion
Layer Set C: Basses
Layer Set D: Guitars
Layer Set E: Saxophones
Layer Set D: ...
Layer 3 (Baritone Saxophone mf+f) contains the following Alternates:
Alternate 1: long notes f
Alternate 2: long notes mf
Alternate 3: vibrato notes f
Alternate 4: vibrato notes mf
Alternate 5: short notes f
Alternate 6: ...
Alternate 2 (long notes mf) contains the following Sections:
Section 1: long notes mf - articulation 1
Section 2: long notes mf - articulation 2
Section 3: long notes mf - articulation 3
Section 4: long notes mf - articulation 4
Section 5: long notes mf - articulation 5
Section 6: ...
Each Section contains multiple Zones (samples) of the respective articulation.
In general you do not have to group Zones into Sections or Sections into Alternates. You can also
create Sections only for an easier editing. Layer 4 (Tenor Saxophone classic mouthpiece) in the
example could also include Sections that are not part of any Alternate, like a single Section for noteoff samples, a single Section for FX, etc.
yellow tools INDEPENDENCE 1.0
General Operation
The operation of Independence is extremely intuitively and user-friendly. There are some basic
control that we will explain in the following overview:
Input Fields
These are the most common operating controls of Independence. We deliberately decided not to use
many different control types for the basic operation of Independence. Only the Mixer and the Insert
FX contain rotary knobs and faders. All other parameters get adjusted by the input fields.
There are several ways to use the input fields:
1.) With the keyboard:
Double-click on an input field, enter a new value and press the return key to activate the new
2.) With the mouse:
Click and hold the mouse button on an input field. Keep the mouse button pressed and move
upwards to increase the value or move downwards to decrease the value. Release the mouse
button when you reached the desired value. The faster you move the mouse the faster the parameter value of the input field will change.
If you use the mouse for adjusting your values, you can additionally use the following keyboard short cuts:
• For a better finetuning, press and hold the „shift“ key before you move up or down.
• To reset the input field to its „default“ value, press and hold the „command“ key (Mac OS X)
or the „ctrl“ key (Windows XP) and click on the respective input field.
As soon as you start editing the value of an input field (whether with the keyboard or with the
mouse), the area of this input field and the value itself get displayed inversely:
Pull-Down Menus
Independence‘s „pull-down“ menus are labeled with a little triangle icon in front of the parameter
name. You can click anywhere on the name or the triangle to open the pull-down menu.
Most of the buttons of Independence are self-explanatory. Nevertheless there are some special
buttons we want to mention separately:
• „content“ button:
The different Working Areas of Independence contain a „content“ button in the upper
right corner. Use this button to switch the left Layer parameter area into the Content
Browser display for the selected Layer. The Content Browser gives you an immediate
overview and choice of all available Sections and Alternates of the selected Layer.
• „bypass“ buttons:
Many of Indepencence‘s features and parameters have additional „bypass“ buttons
which enable you to deactivate your changes and settings temporarily. Thus you can
better compare the effect of your new settings with the prior/original ones.
User Interface & Basics
User Interface & Basics
The user interface of Independence is divided into the basic part on the left and the different
working areas on the right. The multipage structure allows you to switch between the multiple
working areas immediately. For an even better overview some working areas allow an additional
„Content“ view which enlarges the working area to the entire width of Independence and hides the
Layer details on the left as long as activated.
1: Project Area with global volume settings, pitch settings in semitones or Hertz, sync selection and content search option.
2: Layer Set Area with custom volume settings, pitch settings in semitones or Hertz and selection between 16 Layer Sets (from A to P)
3: Layer Area with individual settings for each Layer. The position of the Layers can get changed by drag‘n‘drop. Priority option for immediate solo playback of one Layer.
4: Working Area Selection for immediate switching between the main working areas „Modules“, „Mapping“, Performance“, „Mixer“, „Preferences“ and „Key Status“.
5: Working Area that always shows the settings of the selected Layer patch.
+ 130 hidden pages
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