Yedoo Dragstr, Rodstr, Friday User Manual

User manual
EN 6 CZ 12 DE 18 RU 24 SK 30
Dragstr 20″/ 20″ Maximal load: 150 kg
Friday 16″/ 16″ Maximal load: 150 kg
Rodstr 20″/ 16″ Maximal load: 150 kg
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Yedoo Dragstr
5 mm4 mm 6 mm
5 mm5 mm 4 mm4 mm 6 mm6 mm
Yedoo FridayYedoo Rodstr
Installation manual
2. 3.1.
The installation is the same for all three models (Dragster, Roadster, Friday), it diers only in minor details (seeadditional pictures). When tightening the connections do not exceed the specified tightening torque.
Installing the front wheel
Insert the quick release into the wheel, so on the both sides of the wheel the narrow ends of the springs face the center of the wheel.
Firstly, check the front fork of the scooter if it is in the right direction (V-brakes shoulders should point forwards), then release the brake wire from the guide.
Insert the wheel into the front fork so it is exactly in the middle. Caution: The tyre tread should face forward in the riding direction (see arrow on the side of the casing).
Tighten the adjustment nut of the quick release so you will feel a noticeable resistance just before you close it completely. Close the quick release lever in a position so it does not touch the fork and simultaneously it cannot be opened accidentally while riding.
Handlebars installation
Install the handlebar on the stem. Tighten the screws only slightly so you can adjust the angle of the handlebars later on.
5–6 Nm
6–8 Nm
6–8 Nm
We recommend to entrust the installation, adjustment and regular maintenance to a specialised bicycle shop. Improper intervention can lead to damage of the scooter or to an accident with serious health consequences.
If you are technically capable, do not worry and let’s assemble this scooter with us.
Send your questions, comments and suggestions for improvement of our products to our e-mail box:
More information from the world of scooters and the list of distributors can be found at
6.a 7.a
7.b 7.c
Insert the stem into the frame tube of the scooter and adjust the handlebar height, do not put it above the marked line, see pic. 6.b. Make sure that the handlebars are straight and then tighten the screw on the stem.
The highest possible height of the handlebars is marked with vertical grooves, at the maximum height the grooves should be visible only partly.
Installing the rear wheel dier from the
front wheel installation.
Release the brake wire from the guide (1), Put the wheel in one of the two fork dropouts (see 7.b, 7.c.) then center the wheel and tighten the quick release (2).
Installing the brake wires
Squeeze the brake lever to the maximum and insert the end of the brake wire into the round lug (1). Insert the wire into the groove and tighten the set screw (2) and the nut (3). Repeat the process with the other brake. The rear brake wire is usually mounted to the right brake lever and the front brake wire to the left.
Two-position rear fork enables to adjust the height of the footrest above the ground. Use the bottom position for riding in a terrain. Close the quick release lever. It should point upwards.
The upper fork position, which reduces the height of the footrest, is designed to ride on a smooth, flat surface. Riding will be less physically demanding. Theclosed quick release lever should point downwards.
9. 10.a
Adjusting the handlebars
Adjust the angle of the handlebar according to the needs and height of the rider and tighten the screws. The larger the angle of the handlebar is the more space for the rider is available. It is also suitable for sporty riding style.
Adjusting the angle of the brake levers
On both brake levers loosen the screw on the sleeve.
For the best results, stand on the footrest, grab the handlebars and stretch your fingers so they extend the straight line of your hands. Set the brake levers in this position and tighten the two mounting screws, see 10.a.
For both the front and the rear wheel
thebrake adjustment is the same.
Insert the brake wire back into the guide (1) and check the brake pads during braking if their entire surface fit tightly to the side of the rim. If not, adjust the screw (2), which attaches the brake pads to the shoulders of V-brakes. Brake pads must not touch the tyre.
Check the brake pads if they moved away from the rim suiciently (1–2mm) when the brake lever is released. Thedistance of the brake pads can be adjusted by tightening or losing the brake wire anchor bolt (1). If the brake pads come across in contact with the rim while the wheel spins, adjust the spacing of the brake arms symetrically with tensioning bolts (2).
11. 12.
2 2
20–22 Nm
5–6 Nm
5–6 Nm
6–8 Nm
6–8 Nm
Installation manual
13.a 14.13.b
Adjusting the bowden cables
Adjust the position of the cables and make sure they do not exceed over the frame of the scooter (especially in the rear fork area).
Anti-slip tapes
Use the spare anti-slip tapes to enhance the anti-slip eect of the footrest. Easily stick them into the empty slots of the footrest. Caution: Clean and degrease the footrest thoroughly before the installation.
Attach the footrest to the socket in front of the frame.
1. 2. 3.
Assembling the stand
The stand is not included. You can purchase it together with other Yedoo accessories at your local dealer. See
Mount the stand in the area where the front profile of the frame is spread out. For the best stability for a given model choose the right height for the stand to mount. The stand should not exceed the frame of the scooter in the location designated for riding.
The maximum capacity of the stand is about 15 kg. Do not stand on the parked scooter.
Installation manual
Safety recommendations
The scooter in the basic equipment was designed for riding in daylight in areas designated for sport and recreation, ideally on a smooth, dry surface.
For riding on roads and in the dark you must equipped the scooter with additional safety devices (lights, reflectors etc.) in compliance with applicable regulations in your country. Observe traic rules, principles of safe riding and wear personal protective equipment (helmet, bike gloves, knee and elbow pads, boots, etc.).
Before each ride check your brakes and overall technical condition of the scooter. Inflate the tires to the recommended maximum pressure value (see the side of the tire). Do not exceed its capacity. The scooter is designed only for one rider. Do not overload the scooter thus it is not intended for jumps or an acrobatic ride.
All components decreasing the speed (brake pads, rims, tires, etc.) get hot while in use. Do not touch any of the parts until they have cooled down!
Riding instructions
Keep both hands on handlebars while riding. While you use one leg for taking o, use your second leg for standing on the footrest. Alternate your legs regularly. Press the brake levers on the handlebars to apply the brakes. Caution: Sudden braking may cause a fall.
Proper maintenance will improve safety and extend the life of your scooter. Therefore, tighten the screw connections, check the condition of the quick release, tire pressure and lubricate moving parts (bearings in the wheels and handlebars, brake lever pins, brake pads, brake wires, etc.) regularly.
Make sure that the applied lubricant has not get on the rims and brake pads. Grease reduces their eect! If that happens, degrease soiled areas with for example technical gasoline. Check the height of the tread of the tires regularly and replace the tires with new ones with the same parameters if necessary. Properly mark the scooter, which is not ready for use.
Check the condition of self-locking nuts regularly, if they get loose spontaneously, replace them with new ones). Regularly check the wheel spokes, uneven tension of the wires can cause cracking or decentralization of the wheels.
The product complies with the relevant EU standards (EN14619) and it also received certificates of quality and safety by a leading Czech testing institute (Strojírenský zkušební ústav,s.p.) as well as by an internationally recognized TÜV SÜD Czech s.r.o.
The manufacturer and importer in the EU is INTREA – PIKO, Ltd., Sasanková 2657/2, 106 00 Prague 10, Czech Republic,
Exercise of rights arising from defective performance
General provisions
Content, scope and duration of the purchaser’s rights arising from defective performance is governed by the applicable laws of the Czech Republic, in particular the relevant regulations of the Civil Code (Act No. 89/2012 Coll.) And the Consumer Protection Act (Act No. 634/1992 Coll.). The rights of the purchaser within these regulations are not aected by this document or the information contained in it.
Period for exercise of rights arising from defective performance
The purchaser can apply the right from defects in newly bought scooter Yedoo (hereinafter goods) within a period of 24 months from the day of receipt. If the buyer defines the defect of the goods legitimately, the period for exercising rights arising from defective performance is suspended for the time during which the buyer cannot use the goods.
Specifications of application of rights arising from the defective performance
Rights arising from the defective performance are applied to the dealer where the goods were purchased (see details below). We recommend to submit this document, proof of purchase and a complete scooter free from any impurities when applying the rights from defects.
The seller will issue a written confirmation of the exercise of rights arising from defective performance or a confirmation of repair.
Specification of rights of defective performance
When assembling the scooter the instructions given in the installation manual must be followed. The scooter must be used exclusively for the purpose for which it was made. The scooter must be stored and maintained according to the provided manufacturer’s instructions. The manufacturer’s liability does not apply to defects caused exclusively by improper installation or use of scooters in conflict with the user manual.
Model of the scooter:
Serial number of the frame:
Date of sale:
Stamp and signature:
Více informací ze světa koloběžek a seznam distributorů najdete na
Montážní návod
Postup montáže je pro všechny tři modely koloběžek (Dragstr, Rodstr, Friday) stejný, liší se jen v detailech, viz doplňující obrázky. Při utahování spojů nepřekračujte uvedený moment utažení.
Montáž předního kola
Do kola vložte rychloupínák tak, aby na každé straně byla jedna pružinka se zúžením směřujícím ke středu kola.
Dotáhněte seřizovací matici rychloupínáku tak, abyste těsně před dovřením rychloupínací páčky cítili znatelný odpor. Páčku zavřete v takové pozici, aby se nedotýkala vidlice a zároveň nemohlo dojít k jejímu náhodnému otevření během jízdy.
Instalace řídítek
Řídítka nainstalujte na představec. Šrouby utáhněte jen lehce, abyste později mohli upravit náklon řídítek.
Nejprve zkontrolujte, zda je přední vidlice koloběžky natočená ve správném směru (ramena V-brzdy směřují dopředu), pak uvolněte brzdové lanko z vodítka.
Kolo vsaďte do přední vidlice tak, aby bylo přesně uprostřed. Pozor: Vzorek pneumatiky by měl směřovat dopředu po směru jízdy, viz směrová šipka na boku pláště.
5–6 Nm
6–8 Nm
6–8 Nm
Montáž, seřízení a pravidelnou údržbu doporučujeme svěřit odbornému cykloservisu. Neodborné zásahy mohou vést k poškození koloběžky či nehodě s vážnými zdravotními následky.
Pokud jste ale technicky zdatní, ničeho se nebojte a s chutí sedomontáže pusťte s námi.
Dotazy, připomínky a náměty na zlepšení našich výrobků námprosím posílejte na e-mail:
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