YPHSH01 Intelligent Security System
User Manual
Thank you f or choosing the " YPHSH01" prod uct of the "Foc us" intellige nt security sys tem,
and congratul ations on you to ge t a set of certif ied, multi-fu nctional secu rity produc ts.
YPHSH01 is a secu rity for the op er ation of the ne twork and the dev elopment of a hig h-
performance , cost-effective alarm h ost, almost t o meet all the need s of the security s ystem,
mainly for the pe rformance;
32 zones: the sys tem has 32 wirele ss zones;
YPHSH01 a lso has the follo wing intimate d esign:
Designed for th ose who stay in pla ces such as dut y room, monitor ing room or famil y
bedroom, ad hoc t hree groups wit h the enemy to id entify the inte lligent maste r and slave zone
combination ;
Zone: 32 Wirele ss Zone;
Remote contro l: 8 wireless r emote control a nd 16 wireless sw itch;
Transmit/Receiving frequency: 433MHz
Password: 1 adm inistrato r password, 16 us er password;
Event records : 512 event recor ds;
Wiring diagramme
Backup power
Power supply
▲Use DC7.4V, 1800mA lithi um battery, and every 2 to 3 ye ars to replace on ce
▲Power consump tion of 150mA standar d system can supp ort 10 hours
▲The maximum cha rge current of th e battery is 15 0mA
▲Host power on: th e host is turne d off AC power
▲Host shutdown : disarm the di sc onnected AC po we r, long press th e backup power sw itch
after 3 seconds t o release the s hutdown.
traffic l ight
Alarm flow
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
1. The detector is
triggered to send
an alarm signal to
the alarm host
There i s alarm, began to
send in formation
Changes or modifications not e xpres sly app roved b y the par ty resp onsib le for co mplia nce cou ld void t he user's authority
to operate the equipment.
This equipment has been tested a nd foun d to comp ly with t he limi ts for a Cl ass B dig ital de vice, p ursua nt to Par t 15 of the F CC Rule s.
These limits are design ed to pro vide re asona ble pro tecti on agai nst har mful in terfe rence i n a resid entia l installation. Thi s equip ment
generates uses and can ra diate r adio fr equen cy ener gy and, i f not ins talle d and use d in acco rdanc e with th e instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radi o commu nicat ions.
wireles s
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particu lar in stallation . If this equipment does cause harmful interference
to radio or television re cepti on, whi ch can be d eterm ined by t urnin g the equ ipmen t off and on, the user is enc ourag ed to try t o corre ct the
interference by one or more of the follow ing mea sures :
- - Reo rient o r reloc ate the r eceiv ing ant enna.
- - Inc rease t he sepa ratio n betwe en the eq uipme nt and receiver.
- - Con nect th e equip ment in to an out let on a ci rcuit d iffer ent fro m that to w hich th e recei ver is co nnect ed.
- - Con sult th e deale r or an exp erien ced radio/TV technician for he lp .