YPARE01 i s mini wireless r emote control le r with 4 keys;
it is one of importa nt accessi on of our company and ha s
the fu nc tion of control ling the wirele ss p roducts.Wit h special
outl oo k,it can b e d ecoration and conve nient for taking.It
is easy for usin g,has high sensib il ity in 120 meters.After
codi ng w ith wireless pr oducts,it con tr ols wireless pr oducts.
Emer ge ncy b ottom k ey fo r you to send ou t emerg ency
imme di ately.For better pro te ction of your secur ity,i t is g ood
choi ce f or your smart hom e system.
Mode l nu mber:
Usin g ra nge: 120m( in the o pen place)
Freq ue ncy: 433MHz
Working vo lt age: 3V (1*CR24 50 button batte ry )
Quie sc ent current: ≤1μA
Working cu rr ent: ≤15mA
Prom pt : The LED light is re d when transmit ti ng.
Working en vi ronment: -10℃-6 0℃(14℉-140℉)
LED in dicator
Disa rm
3. M ain funct ion
A.4 in de pendent funct ion keys
B.Fo r fa st arm/disarm ,easy and conve ni ent,emergen cy
call ,s afe and covert.
C.Sc ie ntific addres s code with milli on s of combinatio n,
whic h en able all the remo te controller t o be e xclusive
one, wi thout permitt ing,it is impos si ble to copy our
wire le ss products.
E.Lo w co nsumption for t ransmitting ,i ndication for s ignal
outp ut v isible.
F.Comp at ible with all our 4 33MHz wireles s products.
1.Fo r aw ay arm,press th e key
AWAY for 2 se co nds.
2.Fo r at home arm ,press th e key
HOME f or 2 second s.
3.Fo r di sarm, press the k ey
DISA RM f or 2 seconds.
A. Make ente r th e working mode, press any butto n on t he remote contr ol to send wirele ss signal,at the
mome nt t he panel will a ut omatically le arn the code of the r em ote control,t hen click save.
B. The user can al so manually ent er the address co de d irectly,so the proba bility of error w il l be smaller.For e xample,
you se t th e panel on manu al ly adding mode of r emote control ,t hen enter the 9-d igit address co de o n the remote cont rol
labe l.
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6. Test
When f in ished in the fact ory, has build- in batteries. Be fore testing, we w ill need to code wi reless produc ts
with , for the coding de tails,please vi ew the CODE SETTI NG o f the manual of wir eless product s. Th e testing
proc es s as following:
1. Ke ep t he distance of YP AR E01 from the wire less products a bove 3 meters;pre ss t he key with lock pi cture one the
remo te c ontroller for 1 s econd.
2. Co nf irm the wireles s products have t he s ame respons e, su ch as hear the hint v oice.
3. Op er ate in the corner o f covered zone of w ireless produ ct s, such as the place b lo cked by wall an d la rge object,to
see if t he s ystem has the sam e hint voice.
7.Change batteries
The batterie s should be chang ed every year,or t he s ignal may fade in t he process of tra ns mitting.The b atteries
shou ld b e 1 piece of CR24 50 b utton battery,plea se f ollow the below s teps to change th e ba tteries.
1. Use y ou r hand to pry the bac k cover at the open in g on the left lower s ide of the front of the r emote control .
2.Fe tc h the back cover an d pull out the old ba tt eries.
3.In pu t the new batteri es,pay attentio n to the anode and ca th ode.
4.Fi x th e back cover.
5.Test t he i nstalled batt eries:press a ny k ey,th e LED lamp on the rem ote controlle r li ghting.
8.System limited
Our wi re less produc ts a re reliable,w hile in certain s it uation,our sy stem will be limi te d,the situati on can be some
one as b el ow:
1. The recei ve r signal is block ed or does not matc h th e frequency of th e remote contro l.
2. There is th e sa me frequency in terference.
3. The volta ge o f panel is unstab le or the receivi ng d istance is too la rge.
Note: If the unauthorized ope ra ti on b y the customer cause the problem, our compa ny i s no t re sponsible.
Chan ge s or modificati ons not express ly approved by th e pa rty responsib le for complian ce c ould void the use r's authority
to ope ra te the equipmen t.
This equipment has been t es te d an d fo und to comply with the limits f or a C la ss B d ig ital device, pursuant to Pa rt 1 5 of t he F CC R ules.
These limits are design ed t o pr ov id e re asonable protection aga in st h ar mf ul interference in a reside nt ia l in st al lation. Thi s eq ui pm en t
generates uses and can radi at e ra di o fr equency energy and, if not in st al le d an d used in accordance with the i ns tr uc ti on s, may cause
harmful interferenc e to r ad io c om mu nications.However, ther e is n o gu ar an tee that interference wil l no t oc cu r in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful inte rference to radio or television r ec ep ti on , wh ich can be determined by turn in g th e eq ui pment off and on,
the user is encouraged to t ry t o co rr ec t the
-- R
eorient or relocate the r ec ei vi ng a ntenna.
-- Increase the separat io n be tw ee n the equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipment in to a n ou tl et on a circuit diffe re nt f ro m that to which the receiver is c on ne ct ed .
-- Consult the dealer or an exp er ie nc ed r adio/TV technician for he lp .
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions :
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
interference by one or mo re o f th e fo ll owing measures:
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