Yashica 635
On-line users manual
Posted 4-21-'03
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1. Focusing Hood
2. Sports-finder Frame
3. Film Advance Knob
4. Focusing Knob
5. Shutter Speed Control Wheel
6. Shutter Cocking Lever
7. Shutter Release Button
8. Cable Release Mount9. Shutter
Speed/Lens Aperture Indicator
10. Viewing Lens4www.butkus.org
11. Spool Stud Knob (35 mm Film
Advance Knob)
12. Synchro Terminal
13. M-X Synchro Selector
14. Aperture Control Wheel
15. Taking Lens
16. Spool Stud Knob (35 mm Film Rewind Knob)
17. Self-timer Lever
18. Back Cover Lock Latch

19. Film Type Reminder
20. Film-stop Release (for 120 roll film)
21. Slide Lock Buckle
22. Strap Knob
23. Exposure Counter Window
24. Depth-of - Field Scale
25. Distance Scale
26. 35 mm Film Advance Knob (Spool Stud
27. 35 mm Film Rewind Release Button
28. 35 mm Film stop Release
29. Accessory Shoe
30. 35 mm Film Rewind Knob (Spool Stud Knob)

31. Tripod Socket4www.butkus.org
32. Back Cover Release Ring
33. Back Cover
34. Pressure Plate
35. 35 mm Film Take-up Spool
36. 35 mm Picture Frame
37. 35 mm Film Cassette
As a preliminary step in film loading
out the camera from its case.
1. Open the front cover and detach it by
unfastening the three snaps on the base.
2. Pull out the Slide Locks on both
3. Spread out the sides of the case and take
out the camera.
To return the camera into its case, follow
the foregoing procedure in reverse.4www.butkus.org
, take