Warning: This unit is equipped with an internal combustion engine and should not be used on or near any unimproved forest-
covered, brush-covered or grass-covered land unless the engine’s exhaust system is equipped with a spark arrester meeting
applicable local or state laws (if any). If a spark arrester is used, it should be maintained in effective working order by the operator.
In the State of California the above is required by law (Section 4442 of the California Public Resources Code). Other states may have
similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal lands. A spark arrester for the muffler is available through your nearest engine authorized
service dealer or contact the service department, P.O. Box 368022 Cleveland, Ohio 44136-9722.
Important Safe Operation Practices...................................................................3
Contents of Hardware Pack ...............................................................................5
Assembling Your Snow Thrower........................................................................6
Know Your Snow Thrower .................................................................................9
Operating Your Snow Thrower...........................................................................11
Making Adjustments ..........................................................................................13
Maintaining Your Snow Thrower........................................................................14
Parts List............................................................................................................19
This Operator’s Manual is an important part of your new Snow Thrower. It will help you assemble, prepare
and maintain the unit for best performance. Please read and understand what it says.
Before you start assembling your new equipment, please locate the model plate on the
equipment and copy the information from it in the space provided below. The information on
the model plate is very important if you need help from our Customer Support Department or
an authorized dealer.
•You can locate the model number by standing behind the unit in the operating position and looking
down at the dash panel. A sample model plate is explained below. For future reference, please copy
the model number and the serial number of the equipment in the space below.
(Model Number)
(Serial Number)
Copy the model number here:
Copy the serial number here:
If you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regarding the controls, operation or
maintenance of this unit, please call the Customer Support Department.
Call 1- (330) 220-4MTD (4683) or 1- (800)-800-7310 to reach a Customer Support
representative. Please have your unit’s model number and serial number ready when you
call. See previous section to locate this information. You will be asked to enter the serial
number in order to process your call.
For more details about your unit, visit our website at
WARNING: This symbol points out important safety instructions which, if not followed, could
endanger the personal safety and/or property of yourself and others. Read and follow all instructions in
this manual before attempting to operate this machine. Failure to comply with these instructions may
result in personal injury. When you see this symbol - heed its warning.
WARNING: Engine Exhaust, some of its constituents, and certain vehicle
components contain or emit chemicals known to State of California to cause cancer
and birth defects or other reproductiv e harm.
: This machine was built to be operated according to the rules for safe operation in this
manual. As with any type of power equipment, carelessness or error on the part of the operator can
result in serious injury. This machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects.
Failure to observe the following safety instructions could result in serious injury or death.
1.Read, understand, a nd follow all in struction s on the
machine and in the manual(s ) before a ttempting to
assemble and o perate. Keep this ma nual in a safe pl ace
for future and regular re ference a nd for orde ring
replacement parts.
2.Be familiar with all controls and their prope r operation.
Know how to stop the mach ine and d isengage them
3.Never allow childre n under 14 y ears old to operate this
machine. Children 14 years old and over should rea d and
understand the op eration in struction s and sa fety rules i n
this manual and should be trained and sup ervised b y a
4.Never allow adults to operate this machine without
proper instruction.
5.Thrown objects can cause seriou s personal injury . Plan
your snow throwin g pattern to avoid di scharge of mat erial
toward roads, bystanders and the like.
6.Keep bystanders, hel pers, pets and chi ldren at l east 75
feet from the machin e while it is in operatio n. Stop
machine if anyo ne enters the area.
7.Exercise caution to avoid s lipping o r falli ng, espe cially
when operating in reverse.
1.Thoroughly inspect the area wh ere the eq uipment i s to
be used. Remove all door mat s, newspa pers, sle ds,
boards, wires and o ther foreig n object s which c ould be
tripped over or throw n by the auger/imp eller.
2.Always wear safet y glasses or eye s hields d uring
operation and while performing an adjustment or repair to
protect your eyes. T hrown ob jects whi ch ricochet can
cause serious inj ury to the eyes.
3.Do not operate wit hout wearing adequate winter outer
garments. Do not wear jewelry, long scarves or other
loose clothing which cou ld becom e entang led in m oving
parts. Wear footwear w hich wi ll improve footing on
slippery surfaces.
4.Use a grounded three wire ex tension cord and receptac le
for all units with electric start engi nes.
5.Adjust collector housing height to clear gravel or crus hed
rock surfaces.
6.Disengage all cl utch levers before st arting the engin e.
7.Never attempt to m ake any adjustme nts while engine i s
running, except where spec ifically recomm ended in the
operator’s manual.
8.Let engine and m achine adju st to outd oor tem perature
before starting to clear snow.
9.To avoid personal injury or pro perty damage use extre me
care in handling gasolin e. Gasol ine is e xtremely
flammable and the v apors are explosiv e. Serious
personal injury c an occur w hen gas oline is spilled o n
yourself or your c lothes which c an ignit e. Wash y our skin
and change clot hes immedi ately.
a. Use only an approved gasoline container.
b. Extinguish all cigarettes, cig ars, pipes and other
sources of ignition.
c. Never fuel machine indoo rs.
d. Never remove gas cap or add fue l whil e the
engine is hot or running.
e. Allow engine to cool at leas t two minu tes before
f.Never over fill fuel tank. Fil l tank to no more tha n
½ inch below bottom of fill er neck to provide space
for fuel expansi on.
g. Replace gasoli ne cap an d tighten secu rely.
h. If gasoline is sp illed, wip e it off th e engine and
equipment. Move machine to another area . Wait 5
minutes before start ing the e ngine.
i.Never store the machine or fuel containe r inside
where there is an o pen flam e, spark or pilot l ight
(e.g. furnace, water heater, space heate r, clothes
dryer etc.).
j.Allow machine to cool at least 5 mi nutes bef ore
1.Do not put hands o r feet near rotating p arts, in the a uger/
impeller housing o r disc harge chu te. Cont act wit h the
rotating parts can am putate ha nds and feet.
2.The auger/impelle r clutch lev er is a safety de vice. Nev er
bypass its operati on. Doing so, makes the ma chine
unsafe and may cause p ersonal i njury.
3.The clutch leve rs must o perate easily in both d irections
and automatically retu rn to the disenga ged position when
4.Never operate with a missing or da maged di scharge
chute. Keep all safe ty devic es in pl ace and working.
5.Never run an engine indoors or in a poorly vent ilated
area. Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide , an
odorless and dea dly gas .
6.Do not operate mac hine while under the influenc e of
alcohol or drugs.
7.Muffler and engine be come hot and c an cause a burn. D o
not touch.
8.Exercise extreme ca ution when operating on or cro ssing
gravel surfaces. Stay alert for hidden hazards or traffic.
9.Exercise caution w hen changi ng directi on and w hile
operating on slop es.
10. Plan your snow t hrowing pat tern to av oid disc harge
towards windows, wa lls, cars e tc. To avoid prope rty
damage or personal injury caus ed by a ricochet.
11. Never direct disc harge at c hildren, b ystander s and pet s
or allow anyone in front of t he machi ne.
12. Do not overload machine capa city by attemptin g to clear
snow at too fast of a rate.
13. Never operate this mac hine without good visi bility or light.
Always be sure of your footi ng and k eep a firm hold on
the handles. Walk, n ever run.
14. Disengage power to t he aug er/impeller w hen
transporting or not in use.
15. Never operate mach ine at hi gh transp ort speeds on
slippery surfaces. Look down and b ehind an d use ca re
when in reverse.
16. If the machine shoul d start to vibrate abn ormally, stop the
engine, disconnect the spark plug an d grou nd it agai nst
the engine. Inspect thoroughly for dam age. Repair any
damage before starting and ope rating.
17. Disengage all cl utch lev ers and st op engin e before y ou
leave the operating position (be hind the handles). Wai t
until the auger/im peller come s to a complete stop befo re
unclogging the d ischarge chute, m aking an y
adjustments, or inspecti ons.
18. Never put your hand in the d ischarge or colle ctor
openings. Always use a cl earing to ol to unc log the
discharge opening.
19. Use only attach ments a nd acce ssories approved by the
manufacturer (e.g. wheel weigh ts, tire c hains, cabs etc.) .
20. If situations occur which are not covered in this manua l,
use care and goo d judgme nt. Contac t your dea ler or
telephone 1-800-800-7 310 for assistance and the name
of your nearest serv icing de aler.
Maintenance And Storage
1.Never tamper with safety devices. Check their proper
operation regularly.
2.Disengage all cl utch lev ers and stop engi ne. Wait u ntil
the auger/impelle r come to a complet e stop. D isconn ect
the spark plug wi re and grou nd again st the en gine to
prevent unintended starting before cl eaning, repairi ng, or
3.Check bolts, and sc rews for pro per tig htness at frequent
intervals to keep t he ma chine in safe worki ng condi tion.
Also, visually inspe ct mach ine for an y damag e.
4.Do not change the engi ne governor settin g or over-speed
the engine. The gov ernor contro ls the max imum safe
operating speed o f the eng ine.
5.Snow thrower shave plates an d skid shoes are subj ect to
wear and damage. F or your s afety protecti on, freque ntly
check all compon ents and replace with origin al
equipment manufac turer’s (O .E.M.) parts only. “Use of
parts which do not m eet the ori ginal eq uipment
specifications may lea d to imp roper perfor mance an d
compromise safety!”
6.Check clutch co ntrols period ically to verify they engage
and disengage prope rly and adjust, if ne cessary. Refer to
the adjustment s ection i n this op erator’s man ual for
7.Maintain or replace safety and instruction labels, as
8.Observe proper disposal laws and regulations for gas, oil,
etc. to protect the environmen t.
9.Prior to storing, run machine a few minutes to clear snow
from machine an d prevent freeze up of auger/i mpeller.
10. Never store the machine or fuel c ontainer i nside whe re
there is an open flame, spark or pilot light such as a wate r
heater, furnace, clothes dryer etc.
11. Always refer to the operator’s ma nual for p roper
instructions on off-season storage.
Your Responsibility:
Restrict the use of this power machine to persons who
read, understand and follow the warnings and
instructions in this manual and on the machine. The
safety labels are given below for your reference.
Lay out the hardware according to the illustration for identification purposes. Part numbers are shown in
parentheses. (Hardware pack may contain extra items which are not used on your unit.)
Hex Bolts
5/16-18 x 1-3/4”
Hex Bolts
Carriage Bolts
5/16-18 x 1-1/2”
Cupped Washers
5/16” I.D.
Hex Nuts
5/16” Thread
5/16-18 x 3/4”Handle Tabs
Lock Washers
5/16” I.D.
Hex Bolts
1/4-20 x 3/4”
Chute Flange
Flat Washers
3/8” I.D. x 5/8” O.D.
Hex Lock Nuts
1/4-20 Thread
Hair Pin Clip
NOTE: The augers are s ecured to the sp iral sh aft with two sh ear b olts and hex loc k nuts. If you h it a ha rd fo reign
object or an ice jam, the snow thrower is des igned so that the bolts may shear. Two replacement sh ear bolts and
nuts are provided for your convenience. Store in a safe place until needed.
Flat Washers
3/8” I.D. x 5/8” O.D.
Shear Bolts
Hair Pin Clip
Hex Lock Nuts
5/16” Thread
Eyebolt Not Shown
Track Control Triggers
Hex Nut
5/16” Thread
Cupped Washers
5/16” I.D.
NOTE: Reference to right or left side of the snow
thrower can be deter mined from behind the unit in the
operating position.
•Remove staples or break glue on the top flaps of
the carton. Remove any loose parts included with
unit (i.e., operator’s manual, etc.).
•Cut corners and lay end of carton down flat.
Remove packing material.
•Roll unit out of carton. Check carton thoroughly for
loose parts.
Attaching Handle Assembly
(Use Hardware A)
•Place right handle in position so the flat side of the
handle is against the snow thrower. Secure bottom
hole in handle to snow thrower using hex bolt 3/4”
long and lock washer. Do not tighten at this time.
See Figure 1.
Handle Tab
Lock Was her
washers (cupped side against handle panel) and
hex nuts.
•Secure the left side of the handle panel in the same
•Tighten the four hex bolts used to attach the bottom
of the han dles t o th e snow throw er fr ame.
Hex Nut
Figure 2
Hex Bolt
Hex Bolt
Figure 1
•Place handle tab over the upper hole in handle, so
the curve in the handle tab matches the curve in the
handle. Secure to the snow thrower using 1-3/4”
hex bolt and lock washer. Do not tighten at this
•Attach the left handle in the same manner and do
not tighten at this time.
•Place the handle panel in position between the
handles. To hold the handle panel in place, depress
both controls against the handles. While continuing
to hold the right control, release the left control (the
auger control lock will keep left control engaged).
See Figure 2.
•Fasten right side of the handle panel by inserting
two carriage bolts through handle and handle panel
(bolts must go through both the plastic and metal
parts of the handle panel). Secure with cupped
Attaching Chute Assembly
(Use Hardware B)
•Place chute assembly over chute opening, with the
opening in the chute assembly facing the front of
the unit.
•Place chute flange keepers beneath lip of chute
assembly with the flat side down. Insert hex bolt up
through chute flange keeper and chute assembly.
Secure with hex lock nut. See Figure 3.
•After assembling all three chute flange keepers,
tighten all nuts and bolts. Do not overtighten
hardware as it will restrict movement of the
discharge chute.
Hex Bolts
Hex Lock
Chute Flange
Figure 3
Attaching Chute Directional Contr ol
(Hardware C)
•Thread one hex nut about halfway onto eye bolt on
the chute directional control. Insert eye bolt through
the hole provided in the left handle. See Figure 4.
•Secure with cupped washer (cupped side against
the handle) and other hex nut. Do not tighten until
after attaching the other end of the chute directional
Hex Nut
Lower Chute
Figure 6
Eye Bolt
Figure 4
•To align the spiral on the chute directional control, it
may be necessary to loosen the carriage bolts and
hex lock nu ts whic h secu re the lower chute brac ket
to the extension on the left side of the chute
assembly. See Figure 5.
Attach the shift rod and clutch cables as
follows. Check adjustments as instructed and make any
necessary adjustments before operating your snow
thrower. Failure to follow the instructions may cause
damage to the snow thrower.
Attaching Shift Rod
(Use Hardware D)
•Place the shift lever (on the handle panel) in the
sixth (6) speed position (all the way forward).
•Place the bent end of the shift rod into the hole in
the shift arm assembly. Secure with flat washer and
hairpin clip. See Figure 7.
•Start threading the ferrule onto the other end of the
shift rod. Push down on the shift rod (and shift arm
assembly) as far as it will go.
Shift Rod
Lower Chute
Figure 5
•Place one flat washer on the end of the chute
directional control, then insert the end of the control
into the hole in the plastic bushing in the lower
chute bracket. Place another flat washer on the end
of the chute directional control, and insert hairpin
clip into hole in the end of control. See Figure 6.
•Adjust the chute bracket so that the spiral on the
chute directional control fully engages the teeth on
the chute assembly. Tighten the nuts on the lower
chute bracket securely. Tighten the hex nut on the
eye bolt on the chute directional control.
Hex Lock
Shift Arm
Figure 7
•Thread the ferrule onto the shift rod until the ferrule
lines up with the upper hole in the shift lever
(beneath the handle panel). Insert the ferrule into
the upper hole in the shift lever from the left side
when adjustment is correct. Secure with flat washer
and hairpin clip. See Figure 7.
•Make certain to check for correct adjustment of the
shift rod as instructed in the Final Adjustment
section before operating the snow thrower.
Attaching Control Cables
The Z-end of the control cables are hooked into the
control grips on each handle. Attach cables as follows:
•Thread the hex jam nuts all the way up the
threaded portion of the Z-ends of the control
•Make certain each cable is in groove of cable roller
guides. Place the control grip in the raised position.
•Thread the cable onto the threaded portion of the Zend until there is no slack in the cable, making sure
cable is straight. Do not overtighten cable.
See Figure 8.
•When correct adjustment is reached, tighten the
hex jam nut against the bottom portion of the cable
to lock it in position.
Right Track
Figure 9
•Secure the track control cables to the inside of the
lower handle using the cable ties provided. Pull the
cable ties tight and trim the excess ends of the
cable ties. See Figure 10.
Cable Ties
Hex Jam
Make Sure
Cable is Straight
Figure 8
WARNING: If cable is tighten so there is
tension on the cable with the control grip
released, the safety fea tures of the snow
thrower may be overridden.
Attaching Track Controls
(Use Hardware F)
•Remove the screw from the top of the right hand
track control. Be careful not to lose the flat weld nut
that is inside the control.
•Place the right track control in position underneath
the right handle. Secure with screw previously
removed. See Fi gure 9.
•Secure the left track control in the same manner.
•Attach track control cable to track control handle by
inserting cable ball into slot on track control handle.
Pull cable down and up until it snaps into front of
track control handle. Repeat on other side.
Figure 10
Auger Control Adjustment
Check the adjustment of the auger control as follows:
•Push forward on the auger control until the small
rubber bumper contacts the upper handle. There
should be slack in the cable. See Figure 8.
•Release the auger control. The cable should be
straight. Make certain you can depress the auger
control against the left handle completely.
If adjustment is necessary, proceed as follows:
•Loosen the jam nut and thread the cable in (for less
slack) or out (for more slack) as necessary. See
Figure 8.
•Recheck th e adjustm ent bef ore reti ghtenin g the
jam nut against the cable.
Skid Shoe Adjustment
The space between the shave plate and the ground can
be adjusted by repositioning the skid shoes found on
either side of the snow throwers auger housing. For
close snow removal, place skid shoes in the low
position. Use middle or high position when area to be
cleared is uneven. See Figure 11.
thrower be operated on a gravel surface, as loose
stones can be easily picked up and thrown by the
machine. If you must operate on a gravel surface,
ALWAYS adjust the skid shoes into the HIGH position
to allow the shave plate maximum clearance.
Adjust skid shoes as follows:
•Loosen, but do NOT remove, the three hex nuts
which fasten the skid shoe to the auger housing.
•Raise or lower the skid shoe to desired position.
NOTE: Make certai n t he en t ir e ba s e of bo th skid s hoe s
are against the ground to avoid uneven wear on the
skid shoes. When one side does wear out, the skid
shoes are reversible.
•Retighten the hex nuts loosened earlier.
•Repeat this adjustment on the skid shoe found on
the opposite side of the snow thrower.
It is NOT recommended that this snow
Hex Nuts
Figure 11
Traction Control and Shift Lever Adjustment
To check the adjustment of the traction control and shift
lever, proceed as follows:
•Move the shift lever into sixth (6) position.
a. With the traction control (refer to Figure 12)
released, squeeze in triggers and gently
push the snow th rower fo rward, th en pull it
back. Disregarding the overall weight of the
snow thrower, the machine should otherwise
move freely.
b. Engage the traction control and attempt to
move them m achi ne bot h for ward and
rearward. You should experience resistance
as the tracks should not be turning.
•Move the shift lever in to the f ast revers e (R2)
position and repeat the previous steps (a & b).
If you experienced resistance either when repositioning
the shift lever from 6 to R2 or when attempting to move
the machine forward or rearward with the traction
control rel eased, yo ur snow t hrower’s traction control is
in need of adjustment and you should NOT operate the
machine before completing the adjustment as follows:
•Loosen the jam nut on the traction control cable
and UNTHREAD the cable one full turn.
•Recheck the adjustment.
•Retighten the jam nut to secure the cable when
correct adjustment is reached.
If the machine can be moved freely both forward and
rearward when the traction control fully depressed,
proceed as follows:
•Loosen the jam nut on the traction drive cable and
THREAD the cable in one full turn.
•Recheck the adjustment and repeat adjustment as
•Retighten the jam nut to secure the cable when
correct adjustment is reached.
NOTE: If you are uncert ain that you have rea ched the
correct adjustment, refer to Traction Control Adjustment in Adjustment Section.
WARNING: Read, understand, and follow
all instructions and warnings on the
machine and in this manual before
Traction Control / Auger Control Lock
The traction control is located on the right handle.
Squeeze the traction control to engage the track drive.
Release to stop. See Figure 12.
This same lever also locks the auger control so you can
turn the chute directional control without interrupting the
snow throwing process. If the auger control is engaged
along with the traction control, the operator can release
the auger control (on the left handle) and the augers will
remain engaged. Release the traction control to stop
both the augers and track drive (auger control must
also be released).
Auger Drive Control
The auger drive control is located on the left handle.
Squeeze the control grip to engage the augers.
Release to stop the snow throwing action. (Traction
control must also be released.) See Figure 12.
Traction Control /
Auger Control Lock
Shift Lever
Track Steering
Auger Drive
Chute Directional
Skid Shoe
Figure 12
Shift Lever
The shift lever is located in the center of the handle
panel and is used to determine both ground speed and
direction of travel. It can be moved into any of eight
positions. See Figure 12.
Your snow thrower has six forward (F) speeds. Position
number one (1) is the slowest. Position number six (6)
is the fastest.
Your snow thrower has two reverse (R) s peeds. R1 is
the slower, while R2 is the faster of the two.
changing speeds.
Always release tractional control before
Chute Directional Contr ol
The chute directional control is located on left side of
the snow thrower. See Figure 12.
To change the direction in which snow is thrown, turn
chute directional control as follows:
•Crank clockwise to discharge to the left.
•Crank counterclockwise to discharge to the right.
Ignition Key
NOTE: It is easier to maneuver a non-running snow
thrower with both track steering controls held in
Headlight ( If Eq uipped)
The headlight is on whenever the engine is running.
Skid Shoe
The position of the skid shoe is determined by the
condition of the ground from where snow has to be
removed. See Figure 12.
Throttle Control
The throttle control is located on the engine. It regulates
the speed of the engine and will shut off the engine
when pushed down completely. See Figure 12.
Safety Ignition Key
The safety ignition key must be fully inserted in the
switch before the unit will start. Remove the ignition key
when the snow thrower is not in use. See Figure 12.
Do NOT attempt to turn the key.
Track Steering Controls
The left and right track steering controls are located on
the underside of the handles and are used to assist in
steering the snow thrower. Squeeze the right track
control when turning right and squeeze the left control
when turning left. Operate your snow thrower in open
areas until you become familiar with these controls.
See Figure 12.
Fuel Shut-off Valve
The fuel shut-off valve, located under the fuel tank,
controls fuel flow from the tank. Always make certain it
is in the Open (vertical) position before attempting to
start the engine. See Figure 12.
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