Yard Machines 429 User Manual

Operator’s Manual
21” Rear Dischar ge
Push Mower
Model Series
410 through 429
IMPORTANT: Read safety rules and instructions carefully before operating equipment.
covered, brush-covered or grass-covered land unless the engine’s exhaust system is equipped with a spark arrester meeting applicable local or state laws (if any). If a spark arrester is used, it should be maintained in effective working order by the operator. In the State of California the above is required by law (Section 4442 of the California Public Resources Code). Other states may have similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal lands. A spark arrester for the muffler is available through your nearest engine authorized service dealer or contact the service department, P.O. Box 368022 Cleveland, Ohio 44136-9722.
ECO # 2844
770-10110B.fm (1/2001)
Content Page
Important Safe Operation Practices ..................................................................3
Slope Gauge .....................................................................................................6
Assembling Your Lawn Mower...........................................................................7
Know Your Lawn Mower ....................................................................................10
Operating Your Lawn Mower .............................................................................11
Making Adjustments ..........................................................................................12
Maintaining Your Lawn Mower...........................................................................13
Off-Season Stoarge...........................................................................................15
Parts List............................................................................................................16
Shroud Chart .....................................................................................................18
This Operators Manual is an important part of your new lawn mower. It will help you assemble, prepare and maintain the unit for best performance. Please read and understand what it says.
Before you start assembling your new equipment, please locate the model plate on the equipment and copy the information from it in the space provided below. The information on the model plate is very important if you need help from our Customer Support Department or an authorized dealer.
You can locate the model number by standing at the operating position and looking down at the rear of the deck. A sample model plate is explained below. For future reference, please copy the model number and the serial number of the equipment in the space below.
(Model Number)
(Serial Number)
Copy the model number here:
Copy the serial number here:
If you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regarding the controls, operation or maintenance of this unit, please call the Customer Support Department.
Call 1- (330) 220-4MTD (4683) or 1- (800)-800-7310 to reach a Customer Support representative. Please have your units model number and serial number ready when you call. See previous section to locate this information. You will be asked to enter the serial number in order to process your call .
WARNING: This symbol points out important safety instructions which, if not followed, could endanger
the personal safety and/or property of yourself and others. Read and follow all instructions in this manual before attempting to operate this machine. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in personal injury. When you see this symbolHEED ITS WARNING.
WARNING: Engine exhau st, some of its constituents, and certain v ehi cle c om pon ents c onta in o r e mit
chemicals known to State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
DANGER: This machine was built to be operated according to the ru les fo r s afe o pera tio n i n this m an ual . As wi th
any type of power equipment, carelessness or error on the part of the operator can result in serious injury. This machine is capable of amputatin g hands a nd feet and thr owing object s. Failure t o observe the following saf ety instru c­tions could result in ser ious inj ury or death.
General Operation
1. Read this operators manual carefully in its entirety before attempting to assembl e this mac hine. Read , understand, and f ollow all instructi ons on th e machi ne and in the manual(s) before operation. Be com pletely familiar with the controls and the p roper use of this machine before operating it. Keep this manual in a safe place for future and regular refe rence and for orderi ng replacement parts.
2. This machine is a precision piece of power equipment, not a plaything. Therefore , exercise extreme caution at all times. Your unit has been designed to perform one job: to mow grass. Do not use it fo r any othe r purpose.
3. Never allow childre n under 14 y ears old to operate this machine. Children 14 ye ars old and over should read and understand the op eration in struction s and s afety r ules in this manual and s hould be trained an d superv ised by a parent. Only responsibl e individuals wh o are familiar with these safe operatio n rules s hould us e this m achine.
4. Thoroughly inspect the area wh ere the equipment i s to be used. Remove all stones, sticks, wire, bones, toy s and other foreign obje cts which could b e tripped over or picked up and throw n by the b lade. Thro wn obje cts can cause serious personal inj ury. Plan your mowing patt ern to avoid discharge of materi al toward ro ads, sid ewalks, bystanders and the like. Also, avoid discha rging mat erial against a wall or obst ruction which may ca use discharged material to ricochet b ack toward the operat or.
5. To help avoid blade contact or a thro wn object injury, stay in the operator zo ne behin d the han dles and keep bystanders, helpers , childre n and pet s at leas t 75 feet from the machin e while it is in op eration . Stop mac hine if anyone enters the a rea.
6. Always wear safet y glasses or safety goggles during operation and while p erforming an adju stment or repair to protect your eyes. Thrown objects which ricochet can cause serious inj ury to the eyes.
7. Wear sturdy, rough-sol ed work shoes a nd close-fi tting slacks and shirts. Sh irts and pants tha t cover the arms and legs and steel-toed shoes are recommen ded. Never operate this machine in bare feet, sa ndals, slippery or light weight (e.g. canvas) shoes.
8. Do not put hands o r feet near rotating p arts or und er the cutting deck. Contact with the blade can amputate hands and feet.
9. A missing or damaged discharg e cover can cause b lade contact or thrown o bject in juries.
10. Many injuries occur as a resul t of the mower being pul led over the foot duri ng a fall caused by slip ping or tri pping. Do not hold on to the mow er if you are falling; release the handle immediatel y.
11. Never pull the mowe r back to ward yo u while y ou are walking. If you must back the mower away from a wall or obstruction first look do wn and beh ind to av oid trippi ng and then follow th ese step s:
a. Step back from the mower to fu lly exte nd your
arms. b. Be sure you are well balance d with sure footing. c. Pull the mower back slowly, no more than half way
toward you. d. Repeat these steps as neede d.
12. Do not operate the m ower whi le under t he influe nce of alcohol or drugs.
13. Do not engage the self-prope lled mec hanism on units so equipped while starting engine.
14. The blade control handle is a safety device. Never attempt to bypas s its operat ion. Doi ng so m akes the safety device inoperat ive and may result in per sonal injury through contact with the rotating blade. The blade control handle m ust opera te easily i n both di rections and automatically return to the di sengaged positio n when released.
15. Never operate the mow er in wet gra ss. Always be sure of your footing. A s lip and fa ll can c ause se rious person al injury. If you fee l you are lo sing yo ur footi ng, releas e the blade control han dle immedi ately an d the bla de will stop rotating within three second s.
16. Mow in daylight o r good arti ficial l ight. Walk, never r un.
17. Stop the blade wh en crossin g gravel drives, wa lkways or roads.
18. If the equipment should start to vibrate abnormally, stop the engine and check immedia tely for the cause . Vibration is gener ally a warn ing of tro uble.
19. Shut the engine off and wa it until t he bla de come s to a complete stop before removi ng the grass catcher or unclogging the c hute. The cutting blade co ntinue s to rotate for a few second s after th e engine is shut off. Never place any part of the body in the blade area until you are sure the blade has stopped rot ating.
20. Never operate mower w ithout pr oper trail shield , discharge cover , grass c atcher, blad e cont rol handl e or
other safety protec tive dev ices in p lace and working. Never operate mower with damaged sa fety devices. Failure to do so, ca n result i n persona l injury .
21. Muffler and engine beco me hot and can cause a burn. Do not touch.
22. Only use parts and accessories made for this machine by the original equi pment manuf acturer (O.E.M). Failu re to do so can result in personal inju ry.
23. If situations occur which are not covered in this manua l, use care and good judgment. Cont act your dealer for assistance. Tel ephone 1- 800-800-731 0 for the name of your nearest dealer.
Slope Operation
Slopes are a major f actor re lated to slip and fall accid ents which can result in seve re inju ry. Opera tion on s lopes requires extra cauti on. If you feel une asy on a slope, do not mow it. Before opera ting this unit on a slope or h illy ar ea, use the slope gauge on page 6 to measu re slopes . If the s lope is greater than 15 de grees, do not mow it.
1. Mow across the face of sl opes; never up and down. Exercise extreme cauti on when changing d irection on slopes.
2. Watch for holes, ru ts, rocks, hidden ob jects, o r bumps which can cause you to s lip or tri p. Tall grass c an hide obstacles.
3. Always be sure of your footi ng. A slip and fall can ca use serious personal in jury. If y ou feel y ou are lo sing yo ur balance, release the blade c ontrol han dle imm ediately , and the blade w ill stop rotating wi thin 3 se conds.
Do Not:
1. Do not mow near d rop-offs, d itches o r embank ments, you could lose your foot ing or bal ance.
2. Do not mow slopes greater th an 15 degre es as shown on the slope gauge.
3. Do not mow on wet grass. U nstable footing c ould cau se slipping.
Tragic accident s can occu r if the o perator is not al ert to the presence of childre n. Chil dren are of ten attrac ted to the mower and the mowi ng activ ity. They do not unde rstand the dangers. Never assum e that c hildren wil l remain where you last saw them.
1. Keep children out of t he mow ing area a nd under the watchful care of a responsi ble adul t other than the operator.
2. Be alert and turn mower off if a child enters the area.
3. Before and while moving backw ards, look behin d and down for small ch ildren.
4. Use extreme care when approaching blind corners, doorways, shrubs, tree s, or othe r objects th at may obscure your vision of a child who may run into the mower.
5. Keep children away fro m hot or runni ng engin es. They can suffer burns from a hot muffler.
6. Never allow childre n under 14 y ears old to operate a
power mower. Child ren 14 ye ars old a nd over shou ld read and understand t he ope ration inst ructions a nd safety rules in this manual and sho uld be tra ined and supervised by a parent.
Safe Handling Of Gasoline:
1. To avoid personal injury or pro perty damage use extre me care in handling gasolin e. Gasol ine is e xtremely flammable and the v apors are explosiv e. Serious personal injury c an occur w hen gas oline is spilled o n yourself or your c lothes which can ignit e.
2. Wash your skin and chan ge clothe s imme diatel y.
3. Use only an appro ved gaso line con tainer.
4. Never fill contain ers insi de a veh icle or o n a truck or trailer bed with a p lastic liner. Al ways place containers o n the ground away from your v ehicle b efore filli ng.
5. If possible, remo ve gas-p owered equi pment fro m the truck or trailer and re fuel it on the groun d. If this is not possible, then re fuel such e quipment on a trailer with a portable container, ra ther than from a gasoli ne dispenser nozzle.
6. Keep the nozzle i n contact w ith the rim of the fuel tank or container opening a t all times until fue ling is complete. D o not use a nozzle l ock-open device.
7. Extinguish all ciga rettes, c igars, pip es and othe r sources of ignition.
8. Never fuel machin e indoors becaus e flammable vapors will accumulate in the area.
9. Never remove gas ca p or a dd fuel wh ile the e ngine is hot or running. Allow e ngine to c ool at l east two m inutes before refueling.
10. Never over fill fue l tank. Fi ll tank to no mor e than ½ inch below bottom of fil ler neck to provi de space for fuel expansion.
11. Replace gasoline cap and tighten s ecurely.
12. If gasoline is spi lled, wi pe it off the engin e and equipment. Move unit to a nother area. Wait 5 minute s before starting the en gine.
13. Never store the machine or fuel cont ainer inside whe re there is an open flame, spark or pilot light as on a w ater heater, space heater , furnace, cloth es dryer or other g as appliances.
14. To reduce fire hazard, k eep mower free of gras s, leav es, or other debris bui ld-up. C lean up o il or fue l spillage and remove any fuel soaked debris .
15. Allow a mower to coo l at least 5 minutes before stori ng.
General Service:
1. Never run an engine indoors or in a poorly ven tilated area. Engine exhau st conta ins carb on monox ide, an odorless and dea dly gas .
2. Before cleaning, re pairing, o r inspec ting, mak e certain the blade and al l moving p arts hav e stopped . Disconn ect the spark plug wir e and ground aga inst the engine to prevent unintended starting .
3. Check the blade a nd engine mountin g bolts at frequ ent intervals for proper tightne ss. Also, visual ly inspect blade for damage (e.g., b ent, crac ked, worn) Re place bl ade with the original equip ment manufactures (O. E.M.) blade only, listed in this manual. Use of parts whi ch do no t
meet the original equipment specific ations m ay lead to improper performance and com promise sa fety!
4. Mower blades are s harp and can cut. Wrap the b lade or wear gloves, and u se extra caution when se rvicing the m.
5. Keep all nuts, bolts, and screws tight to be sure the equipment is in safe work ing cond ition.
6. Never tamper with safety devices. Check their proper operation regularly.
7. After striking a foreign o bject, stop the engine, dis connect the spark plug wire and grou nd agains t the engine. Thoroughly inspect the mower for any da mage. R epair the damage before st arting and operat ing the mow er.
8. Never attempt to ma ke a w heel or c utting hei ght adjustment while the engin e is runn ing.
9. Grass catcher componen ts, discharge cover, and trail shield are subject to wear and dama ge which could
expose moving pa rts or allo w objec ts to be thrown. For safety protection, frequentl y check componen ts and replace immediatel y with original equipm ent manufacturers (O.E.M.) p arts only , listed in this ma nual. Use of parts which do not m eet the ori ginal eq uipment specifications ma y lead t o imprope r performan ce and compromise safety!
10. Do not change t he engine governor setting o r overs peed the engine. The go vernor co ntrols th e maxim um safe operating speed o f the engi ne.
11. Maintain or replac e safety and ins truction labels, a s necessary.
12. Observe proper disp osal law s and regulation s. Improp er disposal of flui ds and mate rials ca n harm th e environment.
Your Responsibility
Restrict the use of this power machine to persons who read, understand and follow the warnings and instru ctions in this manual and on the machine.
1299 AC
feet). On steeper inclines, a riding mower could overturn and cause serious injury. If operating a walk-
behind mower on such a slope, it is extremely difficult to maintain your footing and you could slip, resulting
Do not mow on inclines with a slope in excess of 15 degrees (a rise of approximately 2-1/2 feet every 10
in serious injury. Operate RIDING mowers up and down slopes, never across the face of slopes.
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