No response from starter motor
Possible Cause Possible Remedy
No battery voltage to starter Verify wiring and battery connection (power and ground)
Battery discharged Charge or replace battery, verify alternator charging
Tripped overcurrent protection Correct fault, replace or reset overcurrent protection
No signal from control system No power to control system (see Control System
Defective starter solenoid Replace starter solenoid
Defective starter motor Replace starter motor
Engine will crank but not start
Possible Cause Possible Remedy
Engine not getting fuel Check fuel level, filter, fuel pump, verify no air in fuel lines
ECU is not functioning See Engine Troubleshooting
Tripped overcurrent protection Correct fault, replace or reset overcurrent protection
No preheat (cold condition) See Preheat Troubleshooting
Engine runs and shuts down
Possible Cause Possible Remedy
ECU shutdown Use display to view ECU diagnostic codes, use ECU diagnostic tool for
more detailed
Circuit overload protection tripped Correct overload, keep control system from
overheating (over 167° F or
75° C)
Voltage transients (spikes) Add suppressor diodes, protect from nearby lightening
strikes, shield induced
spikes from other equipment, add electric motor control relay
Defective control system See Control System Troubleshooting
Alternator not charging battery
Possible Cause Possible Remedy
Broken or slipping alternator drive belt Adjust or replace alternator drive belt
Alternator not excited Verify excitation circuit connected, replace faulty regulator
Alternator output not connected Install charge wire
Alternator not grounded Clean or add ground connection
Alternator faulty Replace faulty alternator.
0 Data valid but above normal operational range
1 Data valid but below normal operational range
2 Data erratic, intermittent or incorrect
3 Voltage above normal or shorted high
4 Voltage below normal or shorted low
5 Current below normal or open circuit
6 Current above normal or grounded circuit
7 Mechanical system not responding properly
8 Abnormal frequency, pulse width or period
9 Abnormal update rate
10 Abnormal rate of change
11 Failure mode not identifiable
12 Bad intelligent device or component
13 Out of calibration

14 Special instructions
15 Data valid but above normal operational range (least severe)
16 Data valid but above normal operational range (moderately severe)
17 Data valid but below normal operational range (least severe)
18 Data valid but below normal operational range (moderately severe)
19 Received network data in error
31 Not available or condition exists