Yanmar 4TNV98, 4TNE98, D20S-5, D25S-5, D30S-5 Service Manual

Service Manual
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine
D20S-5, D25S-5, D30S-5, D33S-5, D35C-5 (4TNV98 : EM0Q3, EM0Q4, EM0Q5) D20S-5, D25S-5, D30S-5, D33S-5, D35C-5 (4TNE98 : EM0QC, EM0QD, EM0QE) D20G, D25G, D30G (4TNE98)
Important Safet y Information
Most accidents involvi ng product operation, maintenance and repair ar e caused by failure to observe basic safety rules or precaut ions. An ac cident can often be avoided by recognizing pot entially hazardous situati ons before an accident occurs. A person must be alert t o potenti al hazards. This person should also hav e the necessary training, skills and tools to perf orm these functions properly.
Read and understand all safety precautions and warnings before op erat in g o r performing lubrication, maintenance and repair on this product.
Basic safety precautions are listed in the “Saf ety” section of the Service or Technical Manual. Additional safety precautions are li sted in the “Safety” section of the owner/oper ation/maint enanc e publication. Specific safety warnings f or all these publi cati ons are provi ded i n the descri pti on of oper ations where hazards exist. WARNING labels have also been put on the product to provide instructions and to identify specific hazards. If these hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or other persons. Warnings in this publication and on t he pr oduc t labels are identified by the f ollowing symbol.
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could result in in jur y or de a t h. Do not operate or perform an y lubrication, main tenance or repair on this product, until you have read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.
Operations that may c ause product damage are identified by NOTICE l abels on the pr oduc t and in this publication.
DOOSAN cannot antici pate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The warnings in this publication and on the product are therefore not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method or operating tec hnique not specifically recommended by DOO SAN is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and others. You should also ensure that the product will not be damaged or made unsaf e by the operation, lubr ic ation, maintenance or r epair procedur es you c hoose.
The information, specifica tions, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis o f information available at the time it was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current information before starting any job. DOOSAN dealers have the most current information available.
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine 3 Index
Component Identif ication ......................................7
Location of Labels.................................................8
Engine Nameplate (Typical)......................8
Emission Control Regulations ...............................8
EPA / ARB Regulations - USA Only...........8
Emission Control Labels .......................................9
The 97/68/EC Directive Certified Engines..............9
Engine Family.......................................................9
Function of Major Engine Components................10
Function of Cooling System Components............11
Diesel Fuel..........................................................12
Diesel Fuel Specifications.......................12
Filling The Fuel T ank..............................13
Priming the Fuel System.........................15
Engine Oil...........................................................16
Engine Oil Specifications........................16
Engine Oil Viscosity................................16
Checking Engine Oil...............................17
Adding Engine Oil...................................17
Engine Oil Capacity (Typical)..................17
Engine Coolant...................................................18
Engine Coolant Specifications ................19
Filling Radiator with Engine Coolant .......19
Engine Coolant Capacity (Typical)..........20
Description of Model Num ber .................20
Engine General Specifications................21
Principal Engine Specifications............................22
4TNV98 EPA Tier 2 ..............................22
4TNE98 EPA Tier 3 ..............................23
Engine Service Standards...................................24
Tightening Torques for Standard Bolts and Nuts..25
Abbreviations and Sym bols .................................27
Unit Conversions................................................28
Unit Pre fi xes...........................................28
Units of Length.......................................28
Units of Volume......................................28
Units of Mass.........................................28
Units of Force.........................................28
Units of Torque.......................................28
Units of Pressure....................................28
Units of Power........................................28
Units of Temperature..............................28
Before You Beg in Se rvicing ................................ 29
Introduction ........................................................ 40
The Importance of Periodic Maintenance 40
Performing Periodic Maintenance........... 40
Yanmar Replacement Parts.................... 40
Required EPA / ARB Maintenance-USA Only
.............................................................. 40
EPA / ARB Installation Requirements-USA
Only....................................................... 40
Periodic Maint enanc e S c hedule.......................... 41
Periodic Maint enanc e P r oc edur es ...................... 43
Drain Fue l F il te r / Water Sepa r a to r......... 43
4TNE98 For D25S-5 Only...................... 43
Daily................................................................... 45
After Initial 50 Hours of Operation...........45
Every 50 Hours of Operation .................. 48
Every 250 Hours of Operation................51
Every 500 Hours of Operation................54
Every 1000 Hours of Operation..............59
Every 1500 Hours of Operation..............61
Every 2000 Hours of Operation..............62
Section 3. ENGINE
Before You Beg in Se rvicing ................................ 63
Introduction ........................................................ 66
Cylinder Head Specifications .............................. 66
Adjustment Specifications......................66
Cylinder Head........................................66
Intake / Exhaust Valve and Guide Cont... 67
Push Rod............................................... 68
Rocker Arm and Shaft............................ 68
V a l ve Spring........................................... 68
Camshaft and Timing Gear Train Specifications.. 68
Camshaft............................................... 68
Idler Gear Shaft and Bushing ................. 69
Tim ing Ge a r Backlash............................ 69
Crankshaft and Piston Specificati ons .................. 70
Crankshaft............................................. 70
Thrust Bearing.......................................70
Connecting Rod ..................................... 72
Tappet.................................................... 72
Cylinder Block Specificati ons .............................. 73
Cylinder Block........................................ 73
Special Torque Chart .......................................... 73
Torque for Bolts and Nuts.......................73
Special Service Tools.......................................... 75
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine 4 Index
Measuring Instruments........................................77
Cylinder Head.....................................................80
Cylinder Head Com ponents....................80
Disassembly of 4-Valve Cylinder Head ...82
4TNE98 Engine......................................87
Disassembly of Cylinder Head................89
Cleaning of Cyli nder Head Com ponents .92 Inspection of Cyli nder Head Com ponents93
Reassembly of Cylinder Head ................98
Measuring and Adjusting Valve Clearance.........104
4TNE98 Engine....................................105
4TNV98 Engine....................................106
Crankshaft and Camshaft Components.............109
Disassembly of Engine..........................111
Disassembly of Camshaft and Timing
Disassembly of Crank shaft and Piston
Components......................................... 116
Inspection of Cr ank shaft and Camshaft
Honing and Boring................................126
Reassembly of Crankshaft and Piston
Reassembly of Camshaft and Timing
Final Reassembly of Engine.................138
Section 4. FUEL SYSTEM
Before You Beg in Se rvicing...............................139
4TNV98 ENGINE..............................................141
Introduction .......................................... 141
Fuel Injec tion Pump..............................141
Stop Solenoid.......................................142
Cold Start Device..................................142
Trochoid Fuel Pump.............................142
Fuel Sys te m Specifica t io n s...............................143
Special Torque Chart ............................143
Test and Adjustment Specifications.......144
Special Service Tools........................................145
Measuring Instruments......................................145
Fuel Sys te m D ia g ra m.......................................146
Fuel System Components................................. 147
4-Valve Cylinder Head..........................147
Fuel Injec tion Pump..........................................148
Removal of Fuel Injection Pump...........148
Installation of Fuel Injection Pump........152
Checking and Adjusting Fuel Injection Timing....157
Determining t he Fuel I njec tion Timing
Specification......................................... 157
Checkin g Fuel Injection Timing............. 158
Adjustin g Fu e l Inje ction Ti min g............. 161
Fuel Injec to r s....................................................163
Removal of Fuel Injectors..................... 163
Testing o f Fue l Inje ctors....................... 164
Disassembly and Inspection of Fuel
Injectors............................................... 165
Adjustin g Fu e l Inje ctor Pressure........... 166
Reassembly of Fuel Injectors............... 167
Installation of the Fuel Injectors............ 167
4TNE98 ENGINE..............................................168
Fuel System Special Torque Chart........ 168
Measuring Instruments......................... 168
Fuel System Components.................... 169
Fuel System Components.................... 170
Structure And Operation Of Fuel Injection
Pump ................................................... 171
Overview.............................................. 172
Plunger Operation................................ 175
Process................................................ 176
Reverse Rotation Pr ev ention Mechanism
............................................................ 178
Fuel Injection Volume Adjustment
Mechanism .......................................... 178
Delivery Valve Assembly...................... 179
Delivery Valve Holder with Damping Valve
............................................................ 179
ll - Speed Governor........................................ 180
At Start of Engine................................. 182
During Idling......................................... 183
At Full-Load Maxim um Speed Control .. 184 At No-Load Maximum Speed Control ... 185 Full-Load Position Adjustment Mechanism
............................................................ 186
Stru c tu re And Ope r a tion Of Timer..................... 187
Standard Type Au to matic Timer............ 187
Magnetic Valve (Stop Solenoid)............ 188
Remova l O f Fue l In jec t io n Pu mp....................... 189
Installation Of The Fuel Injection Pump............. 192
Checking / Adjustment Of Fuel Injection Timing. 194
Servicin g Th e Fu e l In jec to rs.............................. 196
Removal of the Fuel Injectors............... 196
Inspection and Testing of the Fuel Injectors
............................................................ 197
Judgement Criteria on Atomization
Condition ............................................. 199
Installation of Fuel Injectors.................. 200
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine 5 Index
Before You Beg in Se rvicing...............................201
Cooling System Diagram ..................................203
Engine Coolant Pump Com ponents...................204
Engine Coolant System Check..........................205
Engine Coolant Pump.......................................205
Removal of Engine Coolant Pump........205
Disassembly of Engine Coolant Pump..207
Cleaning and Inspect ion.......................207
Reassembly of Engine Coolant Pump... 208
Installation of Engine Coolant Pump.....208
Before You Beg in Se rvicing...............................210
Oil Pump Service Information............................212
Lubrication Sy stem Diagr am .............................214
Checking Engine Oil Pressure...........................215
Trochoid Oil Pump............................................215
Oil Pump Components .........................215
Disassembly of Oil Pump......................216
Cleaning and Inspect ion.......................216
Reassembly of Oil Pump......................217
Before You Beg in Se rvicing...............................219
Starter Motor Information...................................221
Starter Motor Specifications...............................222
Starter Motor Troubleshooting...........................223
Starter Motor Components................................224
Starter Motor.....................................................225
Removal of Starter Motor......................225
Disassembly of Starter Motor................225
Cleaning and Inspect ion.......................227
Reassembly of Starter Motor ................232
Check Pinion Projec tion Length............233
No-Load Test........................................234
Installation of Starter Motor...................234
Special Service Tools .......................................235
Troubleshooting By Measuring Compression
Compression Pressure Measurement
Method................................................ 236
Quick Reference Table For Troubleshooting..... 239
Troubleshooting Charts..................................... 240
Wiring Diagram................................................. 243
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 7
Component Identification
Figure 4-1a, Figure 4- 1b shows where the major
engine components are locat ed.
Figure 4-1a
(1) Lifting Eye (Flywheel End). (3) Lifting Eye (Engine Cooling Fan End). (4) Engine Coolant Pump. (5) Engine Cooling Fan. (6) Crankshaft V-Pulley. (7) V-Belt. (8) Side Filler Port (Engine Oil). (9) Drain Plug (Engine Oil). (10) Fuel Injection Pump. (12) Engine Oil Filter. (13) Dipstick (Engine Oil) (14) Governor Lever. (15) Intake Manifold. (16) Fuel Filter. (17) Fuel Inlet. (18) Fuel Return to Fuel T ank. (19) Top Filler Port (Engine Oil). (20) Rocker Arm Cover. (21) Air Intake Port (From Air Cleaner). (22) Flywheel. (23)Starter Motor. (24) Exhaust Manifold. (25) Alternator.
Figure 4-1b
(1) Fuel Filter / Water Separator (2)Top Filler Port (Engine Oil) (3) Governor Lever (4) Fuel Injection Pump (5) Side Filler Port (Engine Oil) (6) Fuel Priming Pump (7) Drain Plug (Engine Oil) (8) Engine Oil Filter (9) Dipstick (EngineOil) (10) Engine Coolant Pump (11)
(12) Glow Plug (13) V-Belt (14) Crankshaft V-Pulley (15) Starter Motor
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 8
Locatio n of L ab els
Figure 4-2 shows the location of regulatory and
safety label s on Yanmar TNV & TNE series engines.
Figure 4-2
The typical locati on of the emission control information label shown (Fi gure 4-2 (2), (3)).
The typical locati on of the engine nameplate is shown (Figure 4-2 (1), (4)).
Engine Nameplate (Typical)
Emission Control Regulations
EPA / ARB Regulati ons - USA Only
Yanmar engines meet Environmental Protecti on Agency (EPA) (U. S. Federal) emission control standards as well as the Califor nia Air Resources Board (ARB, Calif or nia) r egulations. Only engines that conform to ARB regulations can be sold in the State of California.
Refer to the specific EPA / ARB installation (page
40) and maintenance ( page 40) i n the Peri odic Maintenance Sc hedule section of this manual.
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 9
Emission Control Labels
Since emission contr ol r egulations are being issued on a global basis, it is necessary to identify which regulati ons a particular engine complies with. We have listed sev er al diff erent types of labels you might find on your engine.
EPA / ARB Labels
(EPA) Greater than or Equal to 50 HP SAE (37kW)
(EPA and ARB)
The 97/68/EC Directive Certified Engines
The engines described i n this manual have been certifi ed by the 97/68/ E C Dir ec tive.
To identif y the engines that meet this certification, the 97/68/EC emission control label is affixed on the engines
Engine Family
The EPA / ARB labels and the 97/68/EC label all have an Engine Family field. The following is an explanati on of t he Engi ne Family desi gnation:
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 10
Function of Major Engine Components
Components Functions
Air Cleaner
The air cleaner prevents airborne contaminants from enteri ng the engine. Since t he air cleaner is application specific, it must be carefully selected by an applic ation engineer. It is not part of the basic engine package as shipped from the Yanmar factory. Periodic replacement of the air cleaner filt er elem ent is necessary. See the Periodic Maintenance Schedule on page 39 for the replac em ent f r equenc y.
Dipstick (Engine Oil )
The alternator is driven by a V-belt which is powered by the crankshaft V-pulley. The alternator supplies electrici ty to the engine systems and charges the battery while the engine is running.
Dipstick (Engine Oil )
The engine oil dipstic k is used to determ ine the amount of engine oil in the crankcase.
Electric Fuel Pump (If Equipped)
The electric f uel pum p makes sure there is a constant supply of diesel fuel to the fuel injec tion pump. The electric fuel pump is electro-magnetic and runs on 12 VDC. An electic fuel pump may be installed as an option or as standard equipment. Standard equipment may vary based on engine model and specification. If an electic fuel pum p is install ed, turn the key switch to the ON position for 10 to 15 seconds to prime the fuel system.
Engine Oil Filter
The engine oil filt er removes contaminants and sediments from the engine oil. Periodic replacement of the engine oil filter is necessary. See the Periodic Mai ntenance S c hedule on page 39 for the replacement frequency.
Engine Oil Cooler (If Equipped)
The engine oil cool er hel ps to keep the engine oil cool. Engine coolant from the cooling system is circulated through an adapt er at the base of the engine oil filt er assembly and then returned to the coolant pump inlet.
Fuel Filter
The fuel filter remov es contaminants and sediments from the diesel fuel. Periodic replacement of the fuel filter is necessary. See the Periodic Maintenance Sc hedule on page 39 for the replacement frequency.
Please note that the word “di esel” is implied throughout this manual when the word “fuel” is used.
Fuel Filter/ Water Separator
The fuel filter / water separator r emoves contaminants, sediments and water from the diesel fuel going to the fuel filter. This is a required component of the fuel system. This is standard equipment with every engine. The separator is installed between the fuel tank and the electric fuel pump. Periodically drain the water from the fuel filter / water separator.
Fuel Priming Lever (If Equipped)
If the unit has a mechanic al fuel pump, a fuel priming lever on the mechanical fuel pum p primes the fuel system. The fuel sytem needs to be primed before you start the engine for the first time, if you run out of fuel, or if fuel system servic e is performed. To prime the fuel system, operate the fuel primi ng lever until the cup in the fuel filter i s full of f uel.
Fuel Tank
The fuel tank is a reservoir that holds diesel fuel. When the fuel leav es the fuel tank it goes to the fuel filter / water separator. Next the fuel is pumped to the fuel filter by the electric fuel pump. Then the fuel goes to the fuel injection pump. Since the fuel is used to keep the fuel injection pump cool and lubricat ed, more fuel than necessary enters the i njec tion pump. When the injection pump pressure reaches a preset v alue, a relief valve allows the excess fuel to be returned back to the fuel tank. The fuel tank is a required engine component.
Side and Top Filler Port (Engine Oil)
You can fill the crankcase with engine oil f r om either the side or the top filler port dependi ng upon whic h one is most convenient.
Starter Motor
The starter motor is powered by the bat tery. When you turn the key switch in the operat or’s console to the START posi tion, the starter motor engages with the ri ng gear installed on the flywheel and starts the flywheel in motion.
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 11
Function of Cooling System Components
Components Functions
Cooling System
The TNV engine is liquid-cooled by means of a cooling system. The cooling system consi sts of a r adiator, radiator cap, engine cooling fan, engine coolant pump,thermostat, and reserve tank. Note that
all cooling system compo nents are required for proper engine operation. Since some of the components are application specific, th ey must be careful ly selected by an application engineer. The application specific items are not part of the basic engine package as shipped fro m th e Yanmar factory.
Engine Cooling F an
The engine cooli ng fan is driven by a V-belt which is powered by the crankshaft V-pulley. The purpose of the engine cooling fan is to circulate air through the radiator.
Engine Coolant Pump
The engine coolant pum p ci r c ulates the engine coolant through the cylinder bl ock and t he cylinder head and returns the engine coolant to the radiator.
The radiator acts as a heat exchanger. As the engine coolant circulates thr ough the cylinder block it absorbs heat. The heat in the engine coolant is di ssipated i n the radiator. As the engine cool ing fan circulates ai r thr ough the radiator, the heat is transferred to the air.
Radiator Cap
The radiator cap controls the cooling system pressure. The cooling system is pressurized t o r aise the boiling point of the engine c oolant. As the engine coolant t em per ature rises, the system pressure and the coolant vol um e increases. When the pressure reaches a preset value, the rel ease valve in the radiator cap opens and the excess engine coolant flows into the reserve tank. As the engine coolant temperature is reduced, the system pressure and volume is reduced and the vacuum valve in the radiator cap opens allowing the engine coolant to flow from the reserve tank back into the radiator.
Reserve Tank
The reserve tank contains the overflow of engine coolant from the radiator. If you need to add engine coolant to the system , add it to the reserve tank; not the radiator.
A thermostat is placed in the cooling system to prevent the engi ne coolant from cir c ulating into the radiator until the engine coolant temperature reac hes a preset temperature. When t he engine is cold, no engine coolant flows through the radiator. Once the engine reaches its operating tem perature, the therm ostat opens and allows the engine cool ant t o flow through t he r adiator. By letting the engine warm up as quickly as possible, the thermostat reduces engine wear, deposits and emissions.
Section 1. Componen t Iden tif ication 12
Diesel Fuel
Diesel Fuel Specifications
Diesel fuel should com ply with the following specifications. The table lists several worldwide specifications for diesel fuels. .
Diesel Fuel Specification
No. 2-D, No. 1-D, ASTM D975-94
European Union
ISO 8217 DMX International BS 2869-A1 or A2
Kingdom JIS K2204 Grade No. 2
Japan KSM-2610 Korea GB252 China
Additi ona l Techn ic a l Fue l Re q uir ements
• The fuel cetane number should be equal to 45 or higher.
• The sulfur content must not exceed 0.5% by volume. Less than 0.05% is preferred.
• Bio-Diesel fuels. See Bio-Diesel Fuels on page 4-9.
• NEVER mix kerosene, used engine oil, or residual fuel s with the diesel fuel.
• The water and sediment in the fuel should not exceed 0.05% by volume.
• Keep the fuel tank and fuel-handling equipment clean at all times.
• Poor quality fuel can reduce engine performance and / or cause engine damage.
• Fuel additives are not recommended. Some fuel additives may cause poor engine performance. Consult your Yanmar representative for more information.
• The ash content must not exceed 0.01% by volume.
• The carbon residue content must not exceed 0.35% by volume. Less than 0.1% is preferred.
• The total aromatics content should not exceed 35% by volume. Less than 30% is preferred.
• The PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) content should be below 10% by volume.
• The metal content of Na, Mg, Si, and Al should be equal to or lower than 1 mass ppm. (Test analysis method JPI-5S-44-95)
• Lubricity: The wear mark of WS1.4 should be Max. 0.018 in (460 μm) at HFRR test.
Bio-Diesel Fuel s
In Europe and in the United States, as well as some other countries, non-mineral oil based fuel resources such as RME (Rapeseed Methyl Ester) and SOME (Soybean Methyl Ester) , collectively known as FAME (Fatty Aci d M ethyl E sters), are being used as extenders f or mineral oil derived diesel fuels.
Yanmar approves the use of bio-diesel fuels that do not exceed a blend of 5% (by volume) of FAME with 95% (by volume) of approv ed mi ner al oil der ived diesel fuel. S uc h bio- diesel fuels are known in the marketplac e as B5 diesel fuels.
These B5 diesel fuel s must meet certain requirements.
1. The bio-fuels must meet the minimum
specifications for the country in which they areused.
• In Europe, bio-diesel fuels must comply with the European Standard EN14214.
• In the United States, bio-diesel fuels must comply with the American Standard ASTM D-6751.
2. Bio-fuel s should be purc hased onl y from
recognized and author ized diesel fuel suppliers.
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 13
Precautions and concerns regarding the use of bio-fuels:
1. Free methanol in FAME may result in corrosion of
aluminum and zinc FIE components.
2. Free water in FAME may result in plugging of fuel filters and increased bact er ial growth.
3. High viscosity at low temperatures may result in fuel deliv ery problems, injection pump seiz ures, and poor injection nozzle spray atomizati on.
4. FAME may have adverse effects on some elastomers (seal materials) and may result i n fuel leakage and diluti on of the engine lubricating oil.
5. Even bio-diesel fuels that comply with a suitable standard as deliv ered, wil l r equire additional care and attenti on to maintain the quality of the fuel in the equipment or other fuel tanks. It is important to maintain a supply of clean, fresh fuel. Regular flushing of the f uel system, and / or fuel storage containers, may be necessary.
6. The use of bio-diesel fuels that do not comply with the standards as agreed to by the diesel engine manufacturers and the diesel fuel injection equipment manuf actur er s, or biodiesel fuels that have degraded as per the precautions and concerns above, may affect the warranty coverage of your engine.
Filling The Fuel Tan k
Diesel fuel is flammable and explosive under certain conditions.
Only fill the fuel tank with diesel fuel. Filling the fuel tank with gasoline may result in a fire and will damage the engine.
NEVER refuel with the engine running. Wipe up all spills immediat ely. Keep sparks, open flames or any other form of
ignition (mat ch, cig arette, static electric source) well away when refueling.
NEVER overfill the fuel tank. Fill the fuel tank. Store any containers containing fuel in a well-ventilated area, away
from any combustibles or sources of ignition. Failure to comply will result in death or serious
Diesel fuel is flammable and explosive under certain conditions.
Be sure to place the diesel fuel container on the ground when transferring the diesel fuel from the pump to the container. Hold the hose nozzle firmly against the side of the container while filling it. This prevents static electricity buildup which could cause sp arks and ignite f uel vapors.
NEVER place diesel fuel or other flammable material such as oil, hay or dri ed grass close to the engine during engine operation or shortly after shutdown.
Failure to comply will result in death or serious injury.
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 14
Diesel fuel is flammable and explosive under certain conditions.
Before you operate the engine, check for fuel leaks. Replace ru bberized fuel hoses every two years or every 2000 hours of engine operation, whichever comes first, even if the engine has been out of service. Rubberized fuel lines tend to dry out and beco me brittle after two years or 2000 hours of engine operation, whichever comes first.
Failure to comply will result in death or serious injury.
Only use diesel fuels recommended by Yanmar for the best engine performance, to prevent engine
damage and to comply with EPA / ARB warranty requirements.
Only use clean diesel fuel. NEVER remove the primary strainer (if equipped)
from the fuel tank filler port. If removed, dirt and debris could get into th e fuel system causing it to clog.
Note that a typical f uel tank is shown. The fuel tank on your equipment m ay be different.
1. Clean the area around the fuel cap (Figure 4-3, (1)).
2. Remove the fuel cap (Figu re 4- 3, ( 1) ) from the fuel tank (Figure 4-3, (2)).
3. Observe the fuel lev el si ght gauge (Figure 4-3, (3)) and stop fueling when the gauge shows the
fuel tank is f ull. NEVER overfill the f uel tank.
4. Replace the fuel cap (Figure 4-3, ( 1) ) and hand tighten. Ov er-ti ghtening the fuel cap will damage it.
Figure 4-3
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 15
Priming the Fuel System
The fuel system needs to be prim ed under c ertain conditions.
Before starti ng the engine for the first time.
• After running out of f uel and fuel has been added
to the fuel tan k .
• After fuel system maintenance such as changing
the fuel filter and draining the fuel filter / water separator, or repl aci ng a fuel system component.
To prime the fuel system on engines equipped with an electric fuel pump:
1. Place an approv ed container under the air bleed port.
2. Loosen the air bleed port 2 or 3 turns.
3. Turn the key to the ON position for 10 to 15
seconds or until the fuel coming out of the air bleed port is free of bubbl es.
4. Tighten the air bleed port.
5. Wipe up any spills and properly dispose of fuel.
6. NEVER use the starter motor to crank the engine
in order to prime the fuel system. This may cause the starter motor to over heat and damage the coils, pinion and/ or ri ng gear.
To prime the fuel system on engines not equipped with an electri c fuel system :
1. Place an approv ed container under the air bleed port.
2. Loosen the air bleed port (F ig ure4-4, (1)) 2 or 3 turns.
3. Operate the fuel priming pump (Figure4-4, (2)) until the fuel coming out of the air bleed port is free of bubbles.
4. Tighten the air bleed port.
5. Wipe up any spills and properly dispose of fuel.
6. NEVER use the starter motor to crank the engine
in order to prime the fuel system. This may cause the starter motor to over heat and damage the coils, pinion and/ or ri ng gear.
Figure 4-4
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 16
Engine Oil
Only use the engine oil specified. Other engine oils may affect warranty coverage,
cause internal engi ne components to seize and / or shorten engine life.
Prevent dirt and debris from contaminating the engine oil. Carefully clean the oil cap / dipstick and the surrounding area before you remove the cap.
NEVER mix different types of engine oil. This may adversely affect the lubricating properties of the engine oil.
NEVER overfill. Overfilling may result in white exhaust smoke, engine overspeed or internal damage.
Engine Oil Specifications
Use an engine oil that meets or exceeds the following guidelines and classific ations:
Service Categories
• API Service Categories CD or higher
• ACEA Service Categor ies E-3, E-4, and E-5
• JASO Service Category DH- 1
• API Classification (American Petroleum Institute)
• ACEA Classifi c ation (Association des Constructeurs Européens d'Automobilies)
• JASO (Japanese Automobile Standards Organization)
• Be sure the engine oil, engi ne oil stor age containers, and engine oil filling equipment aref r ee of sediment and water.
• Change the engine oil after the first 50 hours of peration and then ev er y 500 hours ther eafter.
• Select the oil vi scosity based on the ambient temperature where the engine is being operated. See the SAE Service Grade Viscosity Char t (Figure 4-4a)
• Yanmar does not r ec ommend the use of engine oil “additives.”
Additional Technical Engine Oil Requirements:
The engine oil must be changed when the Total Base Number (TBN) has been reduced t o 1.0 mgKOH /g test method; JIS K-201-5.2-2 (HCI), ASTM D4739 (HCI).
Engine Oil Viscosity
Select the appropriate engine oil viscosity based on the ambient temperature and use the SAE Service Grade Viscosity Chart in Figure 4-4a.
Figure 4-4a
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 17
Checking Engine Oil
1. Make sure the engine is level.
2. Remove the dipstick (Figure 4-5, (1)) and wipe it
with clean clot h.
3. Fully reinsert the dipstick.
4. Remove the dipstick. The oil level should be between the upper (Figu re 4- 5, (2)) and lower (Figure 4-5, (3) ) li nes on the dipstick.
5. Fully reinsert the dipstick.
Figure 4-5
Adding Engine Oil
1. Make sure the engine is level.
2. Remove the oil cap (Figure 4-5, (4)).
3. Add the indicated amount of engine oil at the top or the side engine oil fill er por t (Figure 4-5, (5)).
4. Wait three minutes and check the oil level.
5. Add more oil if necessary.
6. Reinstall the oil cap (Figu re 4- 5, (4)) and hand-
tighten. Ov er-ti ghtening may damage the cap.
Engine Oil Capacity (Typical)
NOTE: These are the engine oil capacities
associated with a “deep standard” oil pan. The oil capacity will vary dependant upon which optional oil pan is used. Refer to the operation m anual provided by the driven machine manufacturer for the actual engine oil capacity of your m achi ne.
The following are the engine oil capacities for various Yanmar engines.
Engine Model
Dipstick Upper
Limit / Lower Limit
11.1 / 6.3 qt
(10.5 / 6.0 L)
9.7 / 7.6 qt
(9.2 / 7.2 L)
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 18
Engine Coolant
NEVER remove the radiator cap if the engine is hot. Steam and hot engine coolant will spurt out and seriously burn you. Allow the engine to cool down before you attempt to remove the radiator cap.
Tighten the radiator cap securely after you check the radiator. Steam can spurt out during engine operation if the cap is loose.
ALWAYS check the level of the engine coolant by observing the reserve tank.
Failure to comply will result in death or serious injury.
Wait until the engine cools before you drain the engine coolant. Hot engine coolant may splash and burn you.
Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.
Wear eye protection and rubber gloves when you handle long life or extended life engine coolant. If contact with the eyes or skin should occur, flush eyes and wash immediately with clean water.
Failure to comply may result in minor or moderate injury.
Only use the engine coolant specified. Other engine coolants may affect warranty coverage, cause an internal build up of rust and scale and / or shorten engine life.
Prevent dirt and debris from contaminating the engine coolant. Carefully clean the radiator cap and the surrounding area before you remove the cap.
NEVER mix different types of engine coolants. This may adversely affect the properties of the engine coolant.
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 19
Engine Coolant Specifications
Use a Long Life Coolant (LLC) or an Ext ended Life Coolant (ELC) that meets or exceeds the following guidelines and specifications:
Additi ona l Techn ic a l C oo la nt Specifications:
• ASTM D6210, D4985 (US)
• JIS K-2234 (Japan)
• SAE J814C, J1941, J1034 or J2036 (Int ernational)
Alternative Engi ne Coolant
If an Extended or Long Life Coolant is not available, alternativ ely, you may use an ethylene glycol or propylene gly c ol based conventional coolant (green).
• ALWAYS use a mix of coolant and water. NEVER use water only.
• Mix the coolant and water per the mixi ng instructions on the coolant container.
• Water quality is important to coolant performance. Yanmar recommends that soft, distilled, or demineralized water be used to mix with coolants.
• NEVER mix extended or long life coolants and conventional (green) coolants.
• NEVER mix different types and / or colors of extended life coolants.
• Replace the coolant every 1000 engine hours or once a year.
Filling Radiator with Engine Coolant
Fill the radiator and r eserve tank as follows. This procedure is for filling the radiator for the first time or refilling it after it i s flushed. Note that a typical radiator is illustrated (Figure 4-6).
Figure 4-6
1. Check to be sure the radiator drain plug isinstalled and ti ghtened or the drain cock(Figure 4-6, (1)) is closed. Also make sure thecool ant
drain plug (Figure 4- 7, (1)) in thecylinder block is closed or the oil cool ant hoses(Fi gure 4-8, (1)) are installed at the oil c ooler.
Figure 4-7
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 20
Figure 4-8
2. Remove the radiat or cap (Figure 4-6, (2)) by turning it counter - cl oc k wi se about 1/3 of a turn.
3. Pour the engine coolant sl owly into the radiator until it is even with the lip of the engine coolant filler port. M ak e sure that air bubbles do not develop as you fill the radiator.
4. Reinstall the radiator cap (Figure 4-6, (2)).Align the tabs on the back side of the radiator c ap with the notches on the engine c oolant filler port. Press down and turn the cap cloc k wise about 1/3 of a turn.
5. Remove the cap on the reserve tank (Figure 4-6, (3)), and fill it to the LOW (COLD) mark (Figure 4-6, (4)) with engine c oolant. Reinstall the cap.
6. Check the hose (Figure 4-6, ( 5) ) that connects the reserve tank (Figure 4-6, (3)) to the radiator. Be sure it is securely connec ted and there are no cracks or damage. If t he hose is dam aged, the engine coolant will leak out instead of going into the reserve tank.
7. Run the engine until it is at oper ating temperature. Check the level of engine coolant in the reserve tank. When the engine is running and the engine coolant is at normal temperature, the coolant level in the tank should be at the FULL (HOT) mark (Figure 4-6, (6)). If the engi ne c oolant is not at the FULL (HOT) mark (Figure 4-6, (6)), add additional engine coolant to the reserve tank to bring the level t o the FULL (HOT) mark.
Engine Coolant Capacity (Typical)
NOTE: The capacities listed are for the engineonly
without a radiator. Ref er to t heoper ation manual provided by the drivenmachine manufacturer for the actualengi ne c oolant capacity on yourmachine.
The following are the engine coolant capacities for various Yanmar engines.
Engine Model
Engine Coolant
4TNV98 4.4 qt (4.2 L)
4TNE98 4.4 qt (4.2 L)
Description of Model Number
When ordering parts or making an inqui r y about t he engine you are working on, be sure t o incl ude the complete model and serial numbers as shown on the engine namepl ate. See Location of Labels on page 8.
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 21
Engine General Specifications
Vertical In-line, Water Cooled, 4-Cycle Diesel Engine
4TNV98 Direct Injection
Combustion System
4TNE98 Indirect Injection
Starting System Electric Starting
Cooling System Radiator Lubricating
Forced Lubric ation with
Trochoid Pump PTO Position Flywheel End Direction of
Counterclock wise Viewed f r om
the Flywheel End
NOTE: The information described in Principal Engine Specifications is for a “standard” engine. To obtain the information for the engine installed in your driven machine, please refer to the manual provided by the driven machine manufacturer. Engine rating conditions are as follows (SAE J1349, ISO 3046/1):
• Atmospheric Condi tion: Room temperature 77°F
(25°C), Atmospheri c pr essure 29.53 in Hg (100 kPa, 750 mm Hg), Relativ e humi dity 30%
• Fuel Temperature at F uel Injector Pump Inlet:
104°F (40°C)
• With Cooling Fan, Air Cl eaner , Muff ler: Yanmar
• After Engine Break -In P eri od; Output Allowable
Deviation: ± 3%
• 1 PS = 0.7355 kW
• 1 hp SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) =
0.7457 kW
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 22
Principal Engine Specifications
4TNV98 EPA Tier 2
Engine Model 4TNV98 Version VM (SDF) Type Vertical In-line Diesel Engine Combustion System Direct Injecti on Aspiration Natural No. of Cylinders 4 Bore × Stroke 3.858 x 4.331 in. (98 x 110 mm) Displacement 202.502 cu in. (3.319 L)
RPM 2200
hp SAE 61.2
kW 45.6
Max. Rated Output (Net )
PS 62.0
High Idling RPM 2400±25 Engine Weight (Dry)
with Flywheel Housing
518.2 lb (235 kg)
PTO Position Flywheel End (Opti on) Direction of Rotation Counterclock wise Viewed f r om Fl y wheel E nd Cooling System Liquid-Cooled with Radiator Lubricating Sy stem Forced Lubric ation with Trochoid Pump
Normal Oil Pressure at Rated Engine Speed
42 - 57 psi (0.29 - 0.39 MPa, 2.96 - 3.98 kgf/cm²)
Normal Oil Pressure at Low Idle Speed
8.5 psi (0.06 MPa, 0.6 kgf/cm²)or greater
Electric Starting - Starter Motor: DC12V, 3.1 hp (2.3 kW)**
Alternat or: DC12V, 40A**
Starting System
Recommended Batter y Capacity : 12V, 64 Amp-Hour ( 5h rating)**
Dimensions (L × W × H)*
28.31 x 19.61 x 29.21 in. (719 x 498 x 742 mm)
Engine Oil Pan 11.1 / 6.3 qt (10.5 / 6.0 L) (Dipstick Upper Limit / Lower Limi t) Engine Coolant Capacit y 1.1 gal (4.2 L) Engine Onl y Standard Cooling Fan 16.14 in. (410 mm) O.D., 6 Blade P usher-Type**
* Engine specific ations without radiat or ** May vary depending on application. *** Engine oil capacity for a “Deep Standard” oil pan. Refer to the operat ion manual provided by the driven
machine manufactur er for the actual engine oil capacity of y our machine.
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 23
4TNE98 EPA Tier 3
Engine Model 4TNE98 EPA Tier 3 Version VM (BQDF(C)) Type Vertical Inline Diesel Engine Combustion System Indirect Injec tion, No Turbocharger Aspiration Natural No. of Cylinders 4 Bore × Stroke 3.86 x 4.33 in. (98 x 110 mm) Displacement 202. 5 c u in. (3.319 L)
hp SAE 58.6
kW 43.7
**Max. Rated Output (Gross)
PS 59.4
High Idling Speed (Bare Engine)
Low Idling Speed (Bare Engine)
850±25 rpm
Engine Weight (Dry) * 496 lb ( 235 k g) PTO Position Flywheel Side Direction of Rotation Counterclock wise Viewed From Flywheel Side Cooling System Liquid-Cooled With Radiator
Lubricating Sy stem
Forced Lubric ation With Trochoid Pump
At normal operating speeds, oi l pressure is: 42-57 psi
(0.29 - 0.39 MPa; 3.0 – 4.0 kgf/cm ²)
At idle, oil pressure is: No l ess than 18. 5 psi (0. 13 M pa; 1. 3k gf/cm²)
Electric Starting - Starter Motor: DC12V, 3.1 hp (2.3 kW)
Alternat or: DC12V, 80A
Starting System
Recommended Batter y Capacity : 12V, 622 CCA
(Cold Cranki ng Amps)
Dimensions (L × W × H)*
28.0 x 20.3 x 29.8 in.
(710 x 516 x 758 mm)
Engine Oil Pan Capacity
9.7 / 7.6 qt (9.2 / 7.2 L)
(Dipstick Upper Limit / Lower Lim it)
Engine Coolant Capacit y 1.11 gal ( 4.2 L) Engi ne Only
* Engine Specifications Without Radiator, Muffler, and Air Cleaner. ** The Intake and Exhaust conditi on of Max. Rated output are
Air Intake Restriction : 250mm A q
Exhaust Gas Restri ction : 1000mmAq
***The detail specific ations are refer to the Specification document which is agreed between both engineeri ng.
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 24
Engine Service Standards
Inspection Item Standard Limit
Intake / Exhaust Valve Clearance
0.006 - 0.010 in.
(0.15 - 0.25 mm)
See Measuring
and Adjusting
Valve Clearance
on page 104
4TNV98 See Checking and Adjusting Fuel Injection Timing on page 157.
Fuel Injection
4TNE98 8.5°±1° ATDC -
With Plunger Lifted
0.039 in (1mm)
4TNV98 See Test and Adjustment Specifications on page 144.
Fuel Injection
1711-1842 psi
(11.8 - 12.7 Mpa;
120 - 130 kgf / cm²
- -
483 - 513 psi
(3.33 - 3.53 MPa;
34 - 36 kgf / cm²)
384 - 414 psi
(2.65 - 2.85 MPa;
27 - 29 kgf / cm²)
By Measuring
Pressure on
page 236
Pressure at 250
rpm 250 min¯¹)
425 - 428 psi
(2.93 – 2.95 MPa;
29 - 31 kgf / cm²)
341 psi
(2.35 MPa;
24 kgf / cm²)
Deviation Bet ween Cyli nder s
29 - 43 psi
(0.2 - 0.3 MPa;
2 - 3 kgf/cm²)
- -
Oil Pressure Switch Operating Pressure
5.8 - 8.8 psi
(0.04 - 0.06 MPa;
0.4 - 0.6 kgf / cm²)
- -
Max.(when cold)
86 psi
(0.59 MPa;
6.0 kgf / cm²)
- -
At rated Output
42 - 57 psi
(0.29 - 0.39 MPa;
2.96 - 3.98 kgf / cm²)
- -
Lubricating Oil
When idling
8.5 psi
(0.06 MPa;
0.6 kgf / cm²) or greater
- -
Valve Opening
Full Opening Lift
157°F - 163°F
(70°C - 73°C)
0.32 in (8 mm) or Above
185°F (85°C)
176°F - 183°F
(80°C - 84°C)
0.39 in (10 mm) or
203°F (95°C)
See Thermostat
on page 207
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 25
Tightening Torques for Standard Bolts and Nuts
Use the correct amount of torque when you tighten the fasteners on the m ac hine. Applying excessiv e torque may damage the fastener or c omponent and not enough torque may cause a l eak or component failure.
The tightening torque in the Standard Torque Chart (see General Service Information section) should be applied only to the bolts with a “7” head. (JIS strength classification: 7T)
Apply 60% torque to bolts that are not list ed. Apply 80% torque when tightened to aluminum alloy.
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 26
Nominal Thread Diameter x Pitch
Tightening Torque Remarks
M6 x 1.0 mm
7 - 9 ft·lb (87 -104 in·lb,
9.8 -11.8 N·m,
1.0 -1.2 kgf·m)
M8 x 1.25 mm
17 - 21 ft·lb (200 - 251 in.·lb,
22.6 - 28.4 N·m,
2.3 - 2.9 kgf·m)
M10 x 1.5 mm
33 - 40 ft·lb (44.1 - 53.9 N·m,
4.5 - 5.5 kgf·m)
M12 x 1.75 mm
58 - 72 ft·lb (78.4 - 98.0 N·m,
8.0 - 10 kgf·m)
M14 x 1.5 mm
94 - 108 ft·lb (127.5 - 147.1 N·m, 13 - 15 kgf·m)
Hexagon Bolt (7T) and Nut
M16 x 1.5 mm
159 - 174 ft·lb (215.7- 235.4 N·m, 22 – 24 kgf·m)
Use 80% of the value at left when the tighteni ng part is aluminum. Use 60% of the value at left for 4T bolts and lock nuts.
1/8 mm
7 ft·lb (87 in.·lb,
9.8 N·m, 1.0 kgf·m)
1/4 mm
14 ft·lb (173 in.·lb,
19.6 N·m, 2.0 kgf·m)
3/8 mm
22 ft·lb (29.4 N·m, 3.0 kgf·m)
1/2 mm
43 ft·lb (58.8 N·m, 6.0 kgf·m)
Nominal Thread Diameter x Pitch
Tightening Torque Remarks
9 - 12 ft·lb (112 - 148 in.·lb,
12.7 - 16.7 N·m,
1.3 - 1.7 kgf·m)
14 - 19 ft·lb (173 - 225 in.·lb,
19.6 - 18.734 N·m,
2.0 - 3.5 kgf·m)
18 - 25 ft·lb (24.5 - 34.3 N·m,
2.5 - 3.5 kgf·m)
29 - 36 ft·lb (39.2 - 49. 0 N·m,
4.0 5.0 kgf·m)
Pipe Joint Bolt
36 - 43 ft·lb (49.0 - 58.8 N·m,
5.0 - 6.0 kgf·m)
NOTE: Torque values shown in t his manual are for clean, non-lubricated fasteners unless otherwise specified.
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 27
Abbre viations and S ym bo ls
A ampere AC alternating current ACEA Association des Constructeurs
Européens d’Automobilies
Ah ampere-hour API Americ an Pet r oleum Ins t itu te ARB Air Resources Board ATDC aft er top dead center BDC bottom dead center BTDC before top dead center °C degree Celsius CARB California Air Resources Board CCA cold cranking amp cfm cubic feet per minute cm centimeter cm³ cubic centimeter cm³/min cubic centimeter per minute cu in. cubic inch D diameter DC direct current DI direc t injectio n DVA dir ect volt adapter EPA Environmental P r otec t ion A gency ESG el ectroni c speed governo r °F degree Fahrenheit fl oz fl uid ounce (U.S.) fl oz/min fluid ounce (U.S.) per minute ft foot ft-lb f oot pound ft-lbf/min foot pound force per minute g gram gal gallon (U.S.) gal/hr gallon (U.S.) per hour gal/min gallon (U.S.) per minute GL gear lubricant hp horsepower (U.S.) hr hour I.D. in side d i ameter ID identification IDI indirect injection in. inch in.Aq inches Aqueous (water) in.Hg inches M ercury in.-lb inch pound j joule
Japanese Automobile Standards Organization
k kelvin kg kilogram
kgf/cm² kilogram force per square centim eter kgf/m kilogram force per meter km kilometers kPa kilopascal kW kilowatt L liter L/hr liter per hour lb pound lbf pound force m meter mL milliliter mm millimeter mmAq millimeter Aqueous (water) MPa megapascal mV millivolt N newton N·m newton meter No. number O.D. outside diameter oz ounce Pa pascal PS horsepower (metric) psi pound per square inch qt quart (U.S.) R radius rpm revolutions per minute SAE Society of Automot ive E ngin eers sec. second t short ton 2000 lb TBN total base number TDC top dead center V volt VAC volt alternating current VDC volt direct current W watt
plus or minus
4TNV98 & 4TNE98 Diesel Engine Section 1. General Service Information 28
Unit Conversions
Unit Prefixes
Prefix Symbol Power
mega M x 1,000,000 kilo k x 1,000 centi c x 0.01 milli m x 0.001 micro μ x 0.000001
Units of Length
Mile x 1.6090 = km ft x 0.3050 = m in. x 2.5400 = cm in. x 25.4000 = mm km x 0.6210 = mile m x 3.2810 = ft cm x 0.3940 = in. mm x 0.0394 = in.
Units of Volume
gal (U.S.) x 3.78540 = L qt (U.S.) x 0.94635 = L cu in. x 0.01639 = L cu in. x 16.38700 = mL fl oz(U.S.) x 0.02957 = L fl oz(U.S.) x 29.57000 = mL cm³ x 1.00000 = mL cm³ x 0.03382 =floz(U.S.)
Units of Mass
lb x 0.45360 = kg oz x 28.35000 = g kg x 2.20500 = lb g x 0.03527 = oz
Units of Force
lbf x 4.4480 = N lbf x 0.4536 = kgf N x 0.2248 = lbf N x 0.1020 = kgf kgf x 2.2050 = lbf kgf x 9.8070 = N
Units of Torque
ft-lb x 1.3558 = N·m ft-lb x 0.1383 = kgf/m in.-lb x 0.1130 = N·m in.-lb x 0.0115 = kgf/m kgf/m x 7.2330 = ft-lb kgf/m x 86.8000 = in.-lb kgf/m x 9.8070 = N·m N·m x 0.7376 = ft-lb N·m x 8.8510 = in.-lb N·m x 0.1020 = kgf/m
Units of Pressure
psi x 0.0689 = bar psi x 6.8950 = kPa psi x 0.0703 = kg/cm² bar x 14.5030 = psi bar x 100.0000 = kPa bar x 29.5300 =inHg(60°F) kPa x 0.1450 = psi kPa x 0.0100 = bar kPa x 0.0102 = kg/cm² kg/cm² x 98.0700 = psi kg/cm² x 0.9807 = bar kg/cm² x 14.2200 = kPa in.Hg (60°) x 0.0333 = bar in.Hg (60°) x 3.3770 = kPa in.Hg (60°) x 0.0344 = kg/cm² mmAq x 0.0394 = in.Aq
Units of Power
hp (metric or PS)
x 0.9863201 = hp SAE
hp (metric or PS)
x 0.7354988 = kW
hp SAE x 1.0138697 =hp(metric
or PS) hp SAE x 0.7456999 = kW kW x 1.3596216 =hp(metric
or PS) kW x 1.3410221 = hp
Units of Temperature
°F = (1.8 x °C) + 32 °C = 0.556 x (°F - 32)
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