Checking the Engine Oil .................................. 24
Adding Engine Oil .......................................... 24
Marine Gear or Sail-Drive Oil ................................... 25
Marine Gear Oil Specifications .......................... 25
Sail-Drive Oil Specifications - SD20 .................... 25
Checking Marine Gear Oil ................................ 25
Adding Marine Gear Oil ................................... 26
Checking and Adding Sail-Drive Oil .................... 26
Cranking the Engine Manually ................................. 26
Cranking the Engine Electrically ............................... 27
Recheck the Engine Oil ................................... 28
Daily Checks ....................................................... 28
Visual Checks ............................................... 28
Checking Diesel Fuel and Engine Oil .................. 29
Checking and Refilling Marine Gear Oil ............... 29
Checking the Battery Electrolyte Level ................ 29
Checking the Alternator Belt ............................ 29
Checking the Throttle and Shift Console .............. 29
Checking the Warning Indicators ....................... 29
Preparing Fuel, Oil and Coolant in Reserve .......... 29
Engine Operation ...................................................... 31
Starting the Engine Electrically ................................. 32
Starting the Engine Manually ............................ 33
Restarting After Starting Failure ......................... 34
Starting at Low Temperatures ........................... 34
After the Engine Has Started ............................. 34
Throttle and Shift Lever Operation ............................ 36
Acceleration and Deceleration .......................... 36
Shifting the Engine ......................................... 36
Precautions During Operation .................................. 37
Shutting Down the Engine ....................................... 38
Checking the Engine After Operation ......................... 39
Periodic Maintenance ................................................ 41
Safety Precautions ................................................ 41
Precautions ......................................................... 43
The Importance of Periodic Maintenance ............. 43
Performing Periodic Maintenance ...................... 43
The Importance of Daily Checks ........................ 43
Keep a Log of Engine Hours and Daily Checks ..... 43
Yanmar Replacement Parts .............................. 43
Tools Required .............................................. 43
iv GM Series Operation Manual
© 2007 Yanmar Marine International