Yani-Motors DS10-1V Operation manual

DS10-1V MultiFunction
(Version 2.0)
De a r Users:
Thank you fo r purch asi ng DS 10- 1 V serie s dig ital readouts . The dig ita l
readout i s app licable for the m ach ines such as mill ers , lathes, borin g machine s, gr inding machin es an d EDM, etc.. Read a ll th e instruction s in the manua l car efully before u sed a nd strictly fol low t hem. Keep the man ual for futur e ref erences.
Safety at tentio n :
Digital r ead out is a precise me asu ring device use d wit h an optical Linear Sc ale . When it is in use, if t he co nnection betw een t he Linear Scale and t he di gital readout i s bro ken or damaged ex ter nally, incorrect measuri ng va lues may be resul ted . Th ere fore, the user sh oul d be careful .
Do not try to r epa ir or modify the di git al readout, oth erw ise, failure, fault or in jur y may occur. In case o f any a bnormal condi tio n, please contact D elo s or distributo r.
If the opti cal L inear Scale use d wit h the digital rea dou t is damaged, do not use a Lin ear S cale of other bra nd. B ecause the perf orm ance, specifi cat ion and connect ion o f the products of d iffer ent a nd can not be connect ed wi thout the instr uct ion of speciali zed t echnical pers onn el, otherwi se, t rouble will be ca use d to the digital re ado ut.
1. Operation Instructions
1.1 Illustration of Panel and keyboard ..................2
1.2 General Operations.......................................2
1. Zeroing ...................................................2
2. Toggle Unit between inch and mm ..............2
3. Absolute / Incremental ..............................3
4. Enter coordinate .......................................3
5. Linear compensation ................................3
6. 1/2 Function ..............................................3
7. Toggle Between R/D display Mode...............3
2. Parameters settings
2.1 PA-00 Encoder type setting.............................4
2.2 PA-01 Resolution setting................................4
2.3 PA-02 Direction setting ..................................4
2.4 PA-03 UART mode setting ..............................4
2.5 PA-04 Accuracy of imperial unit ......................5
2.6 PA-05 Limit Enable / disable ...........................5
2.7 PA-06 Soft lower Limit value............................5
2.8 PA-07 Soft Upper Limit value ..........................6
2.9 PA-08 Restore Factory Settings ......................6
3. RS232 communication protocol.............................7
4. Relay output ........................................................8
5. Appendix ..............................................................9
1. Operation Instr uctions
1.1 Illustration of Panel and key boar d
8 9
Key to realize processing operation and parameter programming On the operation panel; According to different processing operations, the single key has double functions, some functions need to be two key combination for achieve different operation; Specific operation, please see the processing operation and parameter programming;
1.2 General Oper ations
1 2
1Z eroing
Press [CLS], Zeroing is to set the current point in normal display
2Toggle Unit between inches and mm Press [mm/inch], Display unit can be toggled between mm and inch, a mm/inch LED will be appear of the right at the same time; Light indicator is the inches unit; Otherwise, is mm;
3Absolute/lncremental Press [ABS/INC], Display coordinate can be toggled between ABS to INC coordinate, A ABS/INC LED will appear of the right; Light indicator is the ABS coordinate; otherwise, is the INC coordinate.
+ 8 hidden pages