Yamato VG3511-8F Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual
Thank you for having purchased the Model VG3511-8F. Before using your VG3511-8F, please read the instruction manual and understand the contents well. After reading the instruction manual, please keep it in a lo­cation where it is easily accessible to the operator.


Safety instructions ⅰ-ⅳ
1. Name of each part 1
2. Installation 2
2.1 Table cutting diagram 2
2.1.1 Table top type (Type A: standard) 2
2.1.2 Table top type (Type B) 3
2.2 Table top type 4
2.3 Motor, belt and pulley 5
2.4 Hanging belt 6
2.5 Belt cover 6
2.6 Eye guard and finger guard 7
2.7 Thread guide plate 7
2.8 Accessories 8
3. Sewing speed and rotating direction of pulley 9
4. Lubrication 10
4.1 Lubricating oil 10
4.2 Lubricating 10
4.3 Changing oil 11
4.4 Checking and replacing oil filter 11
5. Proper operation 12
5.1 Needle system 12
5.2 Installing needles 12
5.3 Threading 13
5.4 Adjusting thread tension 14
5.5 Pressure of presser foot 14
5.6 Adjusting position of presser foot 14
5.7 Adjusting movement of differential feed dog 15
5.8 Adjusting stitch length 16
5.9 Hemming guide(left) 17
5.10 Trimming width of fabric 17
5.11 Hemming guide(right) 18
5.12 Fabric guide(right) 18
5.13 Raising upper feed roller (with puller mechanism) 19
5.15 SP device and HR device 20
5.16 Cleaning the machine 20
Pressure of upper feed roller (with puller mechanism)
6. Adjustments 21
6.1 Needle thread tension 21
6.2 Top cover thread tension 23
6.3 Looper thread tension 23
6.4 Needle and spreader 24
6.4.1 Spreader 24
6.4.2 Top cover thread guide 25
6.4.3 Top cover thread eyelet 25
6.5 Distance between needle and looper 26
6.6 Using timing gauge 26
6.7 Height of needle 27
6.9 Needle and needle guard(rear) 28
6.10 Needle and needle guard(front) 29
6.11 Height of feed dog 29
6.12 Changing range of differential ratio 30
6.13 Presser foot lift 31
6.14 Replacing fabric presser 32
6.15 Feeding amount of puller (with puller mechanism) 33
Needle and back-and-forth position of looper
Pressure of clutch tension spring (with puller mechanism)
7. Trimming mechanism 34
7.1 Adjusting trimming position of fabric 34
7.2 Adjusting suction pipe(front) 35
7.3 Adjusting suction pipe cover 35
7.4 Removing and resetting lower knife 36
7.5 Removing and resetting upper knife 37
7.6 Adjusting upper knife stroke 38
7.7 Sharpening knives 39
8. Specifications 40
◇This instruction manual is designed mainly
for technicians, but it is advisable that also operators read the instructions with mark to use the machine properly.
◇The numbers in lower left corners of figures
are figure numbers. We use them in texts as needed for your reference.
The parts used for this product are subject to change without notice. If such a change is made, any part of the contents and illustrations of this instruction manual may not con­form to this product. In preparing the instruction manual, we have made our best efforts for making it free of any error or omission. If any error or omission should yet be found, it might not be recti­fied immediately.

Safety instructions

1. To ensure safe use
Always observe the following instructions to en­sure the safe use of the industrial sewing ma­chines and devices.
1-1 Application and purpose
The sewing machine is designed to improve pro­ductivity in the sewing industry and must not be used for other applications and purposes. Do not
use this sewing machine until it can be con󲶻rmed
that safety measures for the drive units have been taken.
1-2 Before use
Read all instruction manuals thoroughly before starting the use of this machine and follow them.
Also, read the instruction manual for the installed drive unit.
1-3 Working environment
- Place where atmosphere temperature and humid­ity give a bad influence the performance of sewing machines.
- Outdoors and place where the sewing machines are exposed to sunlight directly.
- Atmosphere containing dust, corrosive gases or
󲶼ammable gases.
- Place where voltage 󲶼uctuation exceeds ± 10 %
of the rated voltage.
- Place where power capacity necessary for the
used motor speci󲶻cations cannot be secured.
- Place where strong electric or magnetic 󲶻elds
are generated such as near large-output high frequency transmitters or high frequency weld­ing machines.
1-4 Unpacking and transportation
(1) Unpack from the top.
(2) Never hold the parts near the needle or
threading parts when removing the sewing ma­chine head from the buffer of box.
(3) When carrying the sewing machine head, have
an assistant.
(4) Pay attention not to get excessive impact or
shock when moving the sewing machine head with a pushcart.
2.Installation and preparation
2-1 Instruction and training
Operators and workers, who supervise, repair or maintain the machine head and machine unit, are required to have the adequate knowledge and op­eration skills to do the job safely. In order to establish such necessary conditions, it needs for the employer to plan and enforce the safety education and training to those workers.
2-2 Sewing table and motor
(1) Prepare a machine table that has enough
strength to withstand the weight of the sew­ing head and any reaction while operating.
(2) Maintain a comfortable working environment
with considering the lighting and the ar­rangement of sewing machine so that the op­erators can work smoothly.
(3) When installing the control box and the re-
lated parts on the sewing machine, take care about the posture of the worker.
(4) Install the drive unit correctly according
to the instruction manual.
2-3 Wiring
(1) Never connect the plug for power supply un-
til assembly is 󲶻nished.
(2) Fix the connectors securely to the sewing
machine head, motor, and electric apparatus.
(3) Do not apply excessive force to the connec-
tion cords.
(4) Connect the cords away from the driving
(5) Place the ground wire securely to the desig-
nated position on the machine head.
2-4 Before operation
(1) Take care not to attach lubricant, silicone
oil, and grease on the eyes or skin.
  Keep them away from children. (2) Be sure to 󲶻ll or drop lubrication oil be-
fore operating the sewing machine.
  Use the Yamato SF oil as speci󲶻ed.
(3) Never put your hand under the needle or near
the moving parts of the machine when turning on power supply switch.
Safety instructions
(4) When operating a new sewing machine, make
sure the rotating direction of pulley agrees with the rotating-direction mark.
2-5 During operation
(1) Be sure to operate the sewing machine with
the safeguards such as belt cover, finger guard, and eye guard.
(2) Never place the 󲶻nger, hair or objects un-
der the needle or close to the moving parts while operating the sewing machine.
(3) Be sure to turn off the power supply switch
when threading or replacing the needles.
(4) Never place your hands close to the knives
when operating the sewing machine with the trimming devices.
(5) Be sure to turn off the power supply switch
when terminating the sewing work or leaving the sewing machine.
(6) If the sewing machine malfunctions, abnormal
sound or smell something unusual while oper­ating, be sure to turn off the power supply switch.
2-6 Removal
(1) Turn off the power supply switch if removed
or replaced any parts or during adjustment of sewing machine.
(2) Do not pull the cord when removing the plug.
Be sure to hold the plug itself.
(3) A high voltage is applied inside the control
box. Turn off the power supply switch and wait more than 5 minutes before opening the cover.
supply switch.)
(4) Be sure to remove the gasket too, when the
cover removed at the maintenance, inspec­tion, and repair. If not removed, may be injured at the edge of gasket.
(5) Do not modify the sewing machine by the
customer's judgment.
(6) Be sure to use original replacement parts
for repairs or maintenance.
Caution signs and alert pictorial markings
This instruction manual contains the following caution signs and alert pictorial markings to prevent you from injuring yourself or the sew­ing machine from being damaged. Please follow the instructions.
4-1 Meanings of caution signs
WARNING indicates potentially hazardous situ-
ations which, if not heeded, could result in death or serious injury to you and others.
Caution indicates hazardous situations which, if not heeded, may result in minor or moderate injury to you and others, or may result in ma­chine damage.
NOTE is used to emphasize essential informa­tion.
3.Maintenance, inspection, and repair
(1) Follow the instruction manuals for mainte-
nance, inspection, and repair.
(2) Entrust the maintenance, inspection, and re-
pair to specially trained personnel.
(3) Be sure to turn off the power supply switch
and make sure the sewing machine and motor completely stop before the maintenance, in­spection, and repair. (If using a clutch mo­tor, take care that the motor keeps turning for a while even after turning off the power
Safety instructions
4-2 Alert pictorial markings
This mark indicates the warning which, if not heeded, could re-
sult in death or Serious injury.
This mark indicates the caution for high temperature.
This mark indicates the warning which, if not heeded, could re-
sult in death or Serious injury.
Hig h - volta g e appl i es in t h e
control box. This label indi­cates that electric shock may be caused.
Hi gh-voltage applies
in the contro l b o x . This labe l indicates that e l ec t ri c shock may be caused.
This label is af󲶻xed on the
safeguards. Considering the operation, it is not affixed on the finger guard and eye guard. Be su r e t o o p e r a t e
with the 󲶻nger guard and eye
guard in position.
Stepping motor and solenoid
may overheat if used con­tinuously. To prevent a burn, take care not to touch.
This mark indicates the caution which, if not grounded, the ma­chine or device could malfunc­tion and could result in per­sonal injury.
5.Warning labels on sewing machines
This label indicates that remova l o f t h e safeguards and works except for sewing per­f o rm an ce wh i l e t h e powe r s up p ly switc h is on are prohibited. (For details, see the next page.)
If not connected earth line, static el e c t r i ci t y may be generated and inflict injury on person. In addition, the malfunction of electric sys­tem may cause injury to per­son.
C h ec k t h e r o t at in g direction of machine pulley agrees with '
Safety instructions
Rotating direction symbol
. Name of each part
Thread guide plate
Oil sight window
Needle bar guard
Presser spring regulator
Needle thread take-up guard
Seal plug (lubricating)
Needle thread eyelet
SP device
Thread tension spring cap
Adjusting screw (differential feed)
Finger guard
Fig. 1-1
Eye guard
Suction pipe
Screw (draining oil)
Hemming guide(right)
Slide cover
Front cover
Main feed bar adjusting screw
Differential feed graduations
Oil sight gauge
. Installation
2.1 Table cutting diagram
2.1.1 Table top type(Tyep A : standard)
center of pulley
3- Φ 9.5
(installing hole for motor)
4-Φ 9 Φ 16 countersunk hole
Ttable dimensions: 1200×595×50
depth 16
Fig. 2-1
Section X-X
Refer to the instruction of the motor
for dimensions A, B, C, and D.
Section Y-Y
2.1.2 Table top type (Type B )
2. Installation
3- Φ 9.5
(installing hole for motor)
center of pulley
4- Φ 9 Φ 16countersunk
hole depth 16
Table dimensions: 1200×595×50
Fig. 2-2
Section X-X
Refer to the instruction of the motor
for dimensions A, B, C, and D.
2. Installation
2.2 Table top type
Install a machine correctly referring to Figs. 2-3 and 2-4.
② ③
Fig. 2-3
machine table
sewing machine
Fig. 2-4
machine table
2. Installation
2.3 Motor, belt and pulley
See the instruction manual for the motor used and install the motor properly.
64.5 ㎜
Clutch motor:
To install the clutch motor, align the center of the machine pulley with that of the motor pulley when the motor pulley shifts to the left with toeing down the pedal.
Note: Table 1 shows the outside diameter of the motor
pulley, rpm of the machine, and size of the belt when using the clutch motor of 3-phase, 2-pole, 400W(1/2HP).
The outside diameter on the table shows the near­est size to the calculated values based on the com­mercial available pulleys at intervals of 5 mm.
Use only those motor pulleys applicable to the machine. If not applicable, the sewing machine will be over maximum and it can cause the damage to the machine.
5.5 ㎜
10 ㎜
M-type of V-belt
Fig. 2-5
Outside diameter of pulley
90 4600 M40 M33
95 4850 M40 M34 100 5100 M41 M34 105 4550 5350 M41 M34 110 4750 M41 M35 115 5000 M42 M35 120 5200 M42 M35 125 5400 M42 M36
Sewing speed
of machine
50 Hz 60 Hz
Size of belt
Table 1
Calculate the outside diameter of a motor pulley from the formula as below. Or see Table 2 to select a proper motor pulley.
Outside diameter Usual sewing speed
= × 64.5 + 5 mm
of motor pulley Servomoter speed
Use a V-belt of M type. For belt size, refer to Table 1.
Sewing speed
of machine
4200 95 80 4500 102 86 4700 106 89 5000 113 95 5500 117 98 5500 123 104
Outside diameter
of motor pulley ( ㎜ )
rpm of servomotor
3000 rpm 3600 rpm
Table 2
2. Installation
2.4 Hanging belt
Before hanging belt, ALWAYS turn the power switch OFF and check that the machine has already stopped.
Use the M-type of V-belt.
(1) Hang the belt ① on the machine pulley ② , and then
on the motor pulley ③ while rotating the machine pul-
(2) Adjust the belt tension so that the belt has a slack of
10 - 20 ㎜ when its center is pushed with 10 N.
(3) Lock the motor with the adjusting bar ④ .
10 - 20 ㎜
Fig. 2-6
2.5 Belt cover
Be sure to install belt cover to prevent you from injuring and a material from being caught by the belt.
(1) Install the belt cover ⑤ . (Fig. 2-7) (2) Push the belt cover support ⑥ to the belt cover ⑤ to
install it.
(3) Fix the belt cover(lower) ⑦ on the machine table. (Fig.
see from back side of machine
Fig. 2-7
Fig. 2-8
Fig. 2-9
2. Installation
2.6 Eye guard and finger guard
To ensure safe use, always install the eye guard ① and the 󳞛nger guard ② on the prescribed position when operating.
Fig. 2-10
2.7 Thread guide plate
(1) Put the screws ③ into the hole of the thread
guide plate ④ and push it to the left.
(2) Fix the thread guide plate ④ with the screws ③ .
Fig. 2-11
2. Installation
2.8 Accessories
Install the accessories as the suction pipe(rear), the suction pipe support, the 󳞜exible hose and the speed con­troller on the machine as follows:
(1) Install the speed controller ⑧ in the screw hole on the bottom of the lower knife holder. (2) Insert the suction pipe(rear) ① into the hole of the bottom of the lower knife holder bracket ② and 󳞛x them
with the screw ③ . (3) Remove the screws ④ at the rear of the machine frame. (4) Install the suction pipe support ⑤ with the screws ④ at the place the screws ④ were located. (5) Install the suction pipe(rear) ① on the suction pipe support ⑤ . (6) Insert the 󳞜exible hose ⑦ 󳞛tted with the hose band ⑥ into the suction pipe(rear) ① . Then, 󳞛x them with
the hose band ⑥.
Fig. 2-12
If tightened the screw ③ excessively, the suction pipe(rear) ① may be deformed. That may be difficult to remove it when clogged with chips.
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