Yamaha Audio mLAN User Manual

Owner’s Manual
Table of Contents
Introduction to mLAN Graphic Patchbay . 2
List View ............................................. 3
Using mLAN Graphic Patchbay
as a Plug-In ..................................... 4
Operational Flow.................................... 5
Starting mLAN Graphic Patchbay.......... 6
Menu Bar ................................................ 7
Tool Bar ................................................. 11
About Nodes ......................................... 13
Grayed-out Node............................... 14
Relocating a Node ............................. 15
Swapping a Grayed-Out Node ........... 16
Viewing Node Information ................ 18
Connector Information Window ........ 24
mLAN Connection Settings................... 25
Wordclock Settings ............................ 25
Connecting Node Inputs and Outputs 27
Disconnecting the Cable ................... 31
Saving and Opening an mLAN Graphic
Patchbay File or Template File...... 33
Viewing the mLAN Connection
Settings in List View ...................... 34
Connecting Connectors in List View .. 36
Disconnecting Connectors ................. 37
Keyboard Shortcuts............................... 38
Error Messages ...................................... 39
Using S200-compatible IEEE 1394
devices ........................................... 40
Troubleshooting.................................... 41


• The mLAN Graphic Patchbay software and this owner’s manual are the exclusive copyrights of
Yamaha Corporation.
• Duplication of the software or reproduction of this manual in whole or in part by any means is
expressly forbidden without the written consent of the manufacturer.
• Duplication of commercially-available music sequence data and/or digital audio files is strictly
prohibited, except for personal use.
•Yamaha makes no representations or warranties with regard to the use of the software or doc-
umentation and is not responsible for damages that result from the use of this manual or the software.
• The mLAN Graphic Patchbay software may be updated without notice.
You can download the latest version of the software from the following URL: http://www.yamahasynth.com/down/index.htm
• Screen displays in this owner’s manual are intended for instructional purposes only and may
appear different than screens displayed on your computer.
• Explanations of operations in this manual are primarily based on screens that are displayed on
Windows computer systems. However, the explanations also apply to Macintosh computers.
• Company and product names in this owner’s manual are the trademarks or registered trade-
marks of their respective companies.
This owner’s manual assumes that you are already familiar with basic Windows or Macintosh operations. If you are not, please refer to the owner’s manual that came with your Windows or Mac OS software before using mLAN Graphic Patchbay. For information on hardware requirements, device interconnections and the installation of the mLAN Graphic Patchbay software, refer to the separate “Installation Guide” as well as to the owner’s manual for the respective MIDI device.
©2004 Yamaha Corporation

Introduction to mLAN Graphic Patchbay

mLAN Graphic Patchbay software enables you to set up and manage connections between mLAN devices using a graphic computer interface to connect and disconnect virtual audio/MIDI connectors and to synchronize audio/MIDI signals between mLAN devices.
In this manual, setting up audio, MIDI, and wordclock routings is referred as to as making “mLAN connections.”
You can immediately grasp the connections in their entirety by viewing displayed mLAN system configuration graphics. You can also intuitively change audio and MIDI signal routing and wordclock settings, much as if you were connecting physical cables.

Graphic View

Menu and Tool bars
These bars enable you to use various functions by selecting menu options or clicking Tool bar buttons. (pages 7 and 11)
Computers and mLAN devices in an mLAN network are called “nodes.” These graphics provide information about connected nodes (page 13).
Input and output connectors
These connectors represent virtual audio/ MIDI/wordclock inputs and outputs for each node. You can route audio/MIDI/ wordclock signals on an mLAN network by using the graphic user interface to connect these connectors (page 25).
This virtual cable indicates connected nodes in an mLAN network.
You can also view a list that shows the status of connections in an mLAN network. The list indicates the status of audio and MIDI connections and enables you to modify these connections. For more information, see page 34.

List View

Audio Out and MIDI Out sections
Provide information on audio and MIDI output connectors on all nodes in an mLAN network.
Audio In and MIDI In sections
Provide information on audio and MIDI input connectors on all nodes in an mLAN network.
Destination Connector List
Indicates connections between connectors in the Audio Out and MIDI Out sections and input connectors.

Using mLAN Graphic Patchbay as a Plug-In

You can start mLAN Graphic Patchbay as either stand-alone software or as a plug-in for an Open Plug­in Technology compatible application.
Open Plug-in Technology (OPT) is a new software format that enables you to control MIDI devices from a music software sequencer. For example, OPT enables you to start and operate various parts of your music system, such as Plug-in Board editors and mixing control editors, directly from an OPT-compatible sequencer. OPT also makes it unnecessary to set MIDI drivers for each application, streamlining your music production system and making all operations more convenient and seamless.

About OPT Levels

The client application and its compatibility with OPT can be divided into three levels, as shown below.
Level 1 (OPT Panels) provides basic support for opening and displaying OPT control panels that can transmit data via a clients’ external MIDI connectors. Typically, this enables basic hardware editor control panels to operate properly.
Level 2 (OPT Processors) provides support for real-time MIDI processors and panel automation. Typically, this enables both real-time and offline MIDI effects (e.g., arpeggiators, transposers, etc.) to operate properly and supply automation to OPT panels.
Level 3 (OPT Views) provides support for edit views and MIDI processors and panels that require direct access to client sequencer storage structures. Typically, this enables support of sophisticated MIDI edit views (e.g., list editors, auto accompaniment, data checkers, etc.).

OPT Level Implementation for mLAN Graphic Patchbay

This chart shows OPT-compatibility of mLAN Graphic Patchbay.
mLAN Graphic Patchbay operation
OPT levels of client application
Operation support Operation limits
Views (Level 3)
Processors (Level 2)
Panels (Level 1)
All mLAN Graphic Patchbay functions work under the client applications of any OPT level (Panels (Level 1), Processors (Level 2), and Views (Level 3)).
Certain operations may not work as expected if there is no corresponding function in the client application (sequencer, etc.). The highest level of implementation for the client application is indicated in the OPT logo (which appears along with the version information in the application).
Yes None
Yes None
Yes None

Operational Flow

1. Connect the computer and mLAN devices using the IEEE1394 cables.
2. Start mLAN Graphic Patchbay (page 6).
3. Set up wordclock on the mLAN network (page 25).
4. Configure the routing of audio and MIDI signals on the mLAN network (page 25).
5. Specify the audio and MIDI inputs and outputs as per the owner’s manual for your DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), audio sequencer, and/or connected devices.
For subsequent steps, refer to the owner’s manual for the software and connected devices.

Page reference

•To change the sampling frequency (Sample Rate)..........................................................See page 19.
•To set the number of audio channels for mLAN transmission
.........................................................................................See page 19 and 21.
•To change the nickname for the mLAN devices (nodes) or connectors .......................See page 21.
•To set the mLAN Driver Setup parameters.....................................................................See page 20.
•To change the latency .....................................See the section regarding connecting the computer
and mLAN devices in the Installation Guide.
•If the computer and mLAN devices are unable to communicate .................................See page 41.

If multiple IEEE1394 interface cards have been installed on the computer:

mLAN Graphic Patchbay cannot simultaneously operate mLAN devices connected to multiple IEEE1394 interface cards.
• Windows
Before you start mLAN Graphic Patchbay, select in the mLAN Driver Setup window the IEEE1394 interface card you wish to use (page 20).
• Macintosh
Connect an mLAN device to a single IEEE1394 interface card. If multiple IEEE1394 cards have been installed in the computer, a computer node for each card will
be displayed in the Graphic Patchbay screen. However, you can make an mLAN connection (page 25) only for the node representing the card that is connected to an mLAN device.
To find out which IEEE1394 card (connected to an mLAN device) corresponds to which node, check the [Vendor] name displayed in [1394 Adapter Card ID] in “mLAN Driver Setup.” (page 20)
If you cannot make an mLAN connection for some reason, make sure that the IEEE1394 card (connected to the mLAN device) has been selected in the OMS Setup and ASIO mLAN Control Panel windows. (Refer to “Changing the Settings after Installation” and “OMS Setup” in the Installation Guide.)

Starting mLAN Graphic Patchbay

After you successfully install mLAN Graphic Patchbay, follow the steps below to start the application.

• For Windows Users

1. Right click the YAMAHA mLAN Manager icon ( ) in the Task bar to display a pop­up menu, then select [ON] in the menu.
2. Select [Graphic Patchbay] in the same menu.
Refer to the owner’s manual for the client application for details on starting the mLAN Graphic Patchbay when using it as a plug-in(page 4).
If the YAMAHA mLAN Manager icon does not appear in the Task bar, click the [Start] button, then select [Programs | mLAN Tools | mLAN Manager]. The Task bar now indicates the YAMAHA mLAN Manager icon.

• For Macintosh Users

Open the “mLAN Tools” folder, then click the “mLANGraphicPatchbay” icon. mLAN Graphic Patchbay will start.

Menu Bar

The Menu bar contains various editing and setup function commands. Click the desired menu name to display the appropriate pull-down menu, then choose the command you wish to apply. Unavailable commands are grayed-out.

File Menu

This menu enables you to store the current mLAN Graphic Patchbay settings in a file or template file and retrieve the stored settings. For more information on files and template files, refer to page 33.
Creates a new default mLAN connection configuration and updates the graphic information. Select this option to configure a new mLAN network.


Opens an existing mLAN Graphic Patchbay (*.ymp) file and retrieves the stored mLAN connection settings.
File names and template file names on Macintosh computers do not include an extension.


Saves the current settings by overwriting the current mLAN Graphic Patchbay file (*.ymp).

Save As

Saves the current mLAN connection settings in a new file under a new name. You can also save an existing file as a new file under a new name.

Open Template File

Opens an existing mLAN Graphic Patchbay template file (*.ymt).

Save Template File

Saves the current mLAN template file in a new template file under a new name. You can also save an existing template file as a new file under a new name.


Closes mLAN Graphic Patchbay. This option is unavailable if you are using mLAN Graphic Patchbay as a plug-in for the host application.

View Menu


Displays the current mLAN connection settings graphically (page 2).


Displays the current mLAN connection settings in a list (page 3).


Updates the information regarding mLAN devices (nodes) that are connected in the mLAN network.

Destination Connector List

Displays the connection status of virtual audio and MIDI inputs and outputs.

Node Information (available only in Graphic view)

Provides information on a selected node (marked by a solid black frame) and enables you to change various node settings (page 18).

Resource Information

Provides information on current IEEE1394 BUS bandwidth using a pie chart and a list. View this information to ensure that there is sufficient bandwidth for additional audio connections.
An error due to lack of bandwidth may occur even after you disconnect some mLAN routings. Always update the resource information before checking the available bandwidth.

Connection Menu

The Connection menu enables you to connect virtual audio, MIDI and wordclock inputs and outputs for each node, route audio and MIDI signals; and synchronize mLAN devices in an mLAN network (page 25).


Displays the Audio Connection window, which enables you to connect audio inputs and outputs between nodes.


Displays the MIDI Connection window, which enables you to connect MIDI inputs and outputs between nodes.

Wordclock (available only in Graphic view)

Displays the Wordclock Settings window, which enables you to connect wordclock inputs and outputs between nodes.

Single Master (available only in Graphic view)

Specifies the selected node (a node marked by a solid black frame) as the wordclock master, and the other nodes as slaves. Wordclock connections between nodes will be made automatically (page 25). Ty pically, you will use this function to specify the wordclock master in an mLAN network.

Input Connector/Output Connector (available only in Graphic view)

Displays the Input Connectors window or Output Connectors window for the selected node (a node marked by a solid black frame).
Click one of these connector numbers for each node to open the corresponding connector information window. If a node represents a computer, each connector number corresponds to an audio channel or MIDI connector number (that is, the number of the mLAN driver).
This input (or output) connector is connected to an output (or input) connector of another node.
This input (or output) connector is currently selected.
These input (or output) connectors are not connected.

Help Menu


Displays this PDF manual.


Displays mLAN Graphic Patchbay version information.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 K L9 J M N O P Q

Tool Bar

Clicking icons on the Tool bar enables you to use the same functions and commands that you can access from the Menu bar. Icons for unavailable functions are grayed-out.
Creates a new default mLAN connection configuration and updates the graphic information. Select this option to configure a new mLAN network.
You can also access this function by selecting [File], then [New] in the Menu bar.
Opens an existing mLAN Graphic Patchbay (*.ymp) file and retrieves the stored mLAN connection settings (page 33).
You can also access this function by selecting [File], then [Open] in the Menu bar.
Saves the current settings by overwriting the current mLAN Graphic Patchbay file (*.ymp) (page 33).
You can also access this function by selecting [File], then [Save As] in the Menu bar.
Open Template File
Opens an existing mLAN Graphic Patchbay template file (*.ymt) (page 33). You can also access this function by selecting [File], then [Open Template File] in the Menu bar.
Save Template File
Saves the current mLAN template file in a new template file under a new name. You can also save an existing template file as a new file under a new name (page 33). You can also access this function by selecting [File], then [Save Template File] in the Menu bar.
Displays the Audio Connection window, which enables you to connect audio inputs and outputs between nodes (page 25).
You can also access this function by selecting [Connection], then [Audio] in the Menu bar.
Displays the MIDI Connection window, which enables you to connect MIDI inputs and outputs between nodes (page 25).
You can also access this function by selecting [Connection], then [MIDI] in the Menu bar.
H Wordclock (available only in Graphic view)
Displays the Wordclock Settings window, which enables you to connect wordclock inputs and outputs between nodes (page 25).
You can also access this function by selecting [Connection], then [Wordclock] in the Menu bar.
I Change View
Switch the view of the current mLAN connection settings between Graphic view and List view.
J Single Master (available only in Graphic view)
Specifies the selected node (a node marked by a solid black frame) as the wordclock master, and the other nodes as slaves. Wordclock connections between nodes will be made automatically (page 25). Ty pically, you will use this function to specify the wordclock master in an mLAN network.
You can also access this function by selecting [Connection], then [Single Master] in the Menu bar.
K In (available only in Graphic view)
Displays the Input Connectors window of the selected node (a node marked by a solid black frame). You can also access this function by selecting [Connection], then [Input Connector] in the Menu
L Out (available only in Graphic view)
Displays the Output Connectors window of the selected node (a node marked by a solid black frame).
You can also access this function by selecting [Connection], then [Output Connector] in the Menu bar.
M Node Information (available only in Graphic view)
Provides information regarding a selected node (marked by a solid black frame) and enables you to change various node settings (page 18).
You can also access this function by selecting [View], then [Node Information] in the Menu bar.
N Destination Connector List
Displays the connection status of virtual audio and MIDI inputs and outputs. You can also access this function by selecting [View], then [Destination Connector List] in the Menu
O Update
Updates the information regarding mLAN devices (nodes) that are connected in the mLAN network.
You can also access this function by selecting [View], then [Update] in the Menu bar.
P Manual
Displays this PDF manual. You can also access this function by selecting [Help], then [Manual] in the Menu bar.
Q File name
This area indicates the name of the currently-opened file (*.ymp). Click the name to display the Open dialog box, which you can also access by selecting [File | Open] from the Menu bar.

About Nodes

6 78
Computers and mLAN devices that are connected in an mLAN network are called “nodes.” mLAN Graphic Patchbay displays node information in the graphics, including the number of node inputs and outputs, node names, and the current operating sampling frequency.
Audio node (Audio Setup window)
MIDI node (MIDI Setup window)
2 3
6 7
Wordclock node
(Wordclock Setup window)
2 3
2 3
A Node icon
Click a node icon to display and, if desired, change settings for the corresponding node (page 18). Clicking the icon in the audio and wordclock setup windows displays the Node Information (Audio) window. Clicking the icon in the MIDI setup window displays the Node Information (MIDI) window. You can also access this function via the [Node Information] option in the Menu and Tool bars.
B ID button
Click this button to flash the ACTIVE indicator on the corresponding mLAN device. This function is useful in mLAN networks that include multiple mLAN devices because it enables you to identify correspondences between nodes in the Graphic Patchbay screen and mLAN devices in the network.
Some mLAN devices do not feature an ACTIVE indicator. Refer to the owner’s manuals for your mLAN devices.
C Error indicator
Indicates whether the signal is being transmitted or received correctly.
: Signal is being transmitted or received correctly. : An error has occurred. Click the indicator to display details about the error.
D IN/OUT connectors
These connectors represent audio, MIDI and wordclock inputs and outputs in the Audio, MIDI and Wo rdclock Connection windows. To change connections, click a connector to display the corresponding Input or Output window (page 9). The window indicates the node connectors and magnified connectors to which virtual cable connectors are connected.
E Node nickname
You can assign nicknames to nodes (page 18). If a nickname is not assigned, the product model name (page 18) appears.
F Sample rate
Displays the current operating sampling (wordclock) frequency (44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, or 96 kHz).
G Master/Slave number
Displays the wordclock master or slave number.
H M(aster) button
The button indicator lights up when the node is operating as master. The button indicator turns off when the node is operating as a slave. To switch the node from slave to master, click this button to turn on the indicator (page 27).

Grayed-out Node

If mLAN Graphic Patchbay fails to detect a node that had been recognized before you updated the information, the node will be grayed-out and unavailable for settings adjustments. In this case, right­click the grayed-out node (on a Macintosh, click the node while holding down the <Ctrl> key) to display the [Delete] pop-up menu. Click the [Delete] button to delete the node.
+ 30 hidden pages