Yamaha ZV54660 Owner's Manual

PRECAUTIONS .................................................................. 3
HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE LOCKING NUT (If applicable) .......... 7
SETTING THE STRING ACTION ......................................... 8
VIBRATO SYSTEM Vintage Type ....................................... 9
VIBRATO SYSTEM Locking Type ..................................... 10
TRUSS ROD ADJUSTMENT ............................................. 13
PICKUP HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT ...................................... 13
Thank you for purchasing a Yamaha electric guitar. In order to obtain maximum performance and enjoyment from this instrument, we urge you to read this Owner’s Manual thoroughly before using the instrument. After read, we recommend that you keep it in a convenient place for future reference.
Information for Users on Collection and Disposal of Old Equipment and used Batteries
Thes e symbo ls o n the p rodu cts, pa ckag ing, an d/or accomp anyi ng docu ment s mean that used e lect rical a nd e lectron ic p roducts and batter ies should not be mixe d wi th gene ral hou seho ld wast e. For proper trea tment, reco very an d re cycling of old pro duct s and u sed batteri es, plea se take the m to ap plic able co llec tion po ints , in ac cord ance wi th y our nat iona l legi slation and the Di rect ives 20 02/9 6/EC an d 20 06/66/E C.
By d isposin g of these prod ucts an d ba tteries cor rectly, y ou w ill hel p to sa ve v aluable reso urces a nd p revent any potenti al n egative effects on human h ealth and t he envi­ronm ent whi ch c ould ot herw ise ari se f rom ina ppro priate wast e handl ing.
For more in form ation a bout collec tion and re cycl ing of old product s an d batte ries , plea se cont act your lo cal municip alit y, your w aste dispos al serv ice or the poin t of sa le wher e you p urch ased th e it ems.
[For bu siness users in t he Europea n Union]
If y ou wish to discard ele ctrical and electr onic equipm ent, please con tact yo ur d ealer or s upplier for furthe r in formati on.
[Inform ation on Disposal in other Countries outside th e European Union]
These symb ols a re only valid in the European Union. If you wish to di scard thes e ite ms, pleas e con tact your local authorities or dealer and ask for the corre ct me thod of di sposa l.
Note fo r the battery sym bol (botto m two symb ol example s):
This symbol mig ht be u sed in comb inat ion wit h a chemica l sy mbol. I n th is case it comp lies wi th t he requ irem ent set by the Dir ecti ve for the chemica l in volved.
Informatie voor gebruikers van inzameling en verwijdering van oude apparaten en gebruikte batterijen
Deze tekens op de prod ucte n, verp akki ngen en /of bijgaan de d ocument en b etekent dat gebruik te e lektris che en elek tron ische p rodu cten en bat terijen nie t mogen wor den geme ngd met alg emeen h uish oudelij k af val. Breng alst ublie ft voor de juiste behandeling, herwinning en herg ebrui k van oude pro­ducte n en gebru ikte batterijen deze naar daarvoor bestemde verza melpu nten, in o ver­eenst emming met uw nationale wetgeving en de i nstru cties 2002/96/EC en 2006/66/EC.
Door deze produ cten en batterijen juist te rangschikken, helpt u het redde n van waar de­volle rijk domme n en voorkomt u mogelijke negatieve effe cten op de menselijke gezond­heid en de omge ving, welke zich zou kunnen voordoen door ongepas te af valve rwerk ing.
Voor meer inform atie over h et i nzamele n en hergeb ruik van ou de p roducte n en bat­teri jen kun t u contact opn emen me t uw plaats elij ke geme ente , uw af valv erwerki ngs­bedr ijf of het verkoop punt waar u de artikel en h eeft ge koch t.
[Voor zak elijke geb ruikers in de Eur opese Unie ]
Moch t u elek trische en elek tron isch apparatuur wil len wegg ooie n, neem dan als tubl ieft cont act op met uw deal er o f lever anci er voor mee r infor mati e.
[Inform atie over verwijd ering in a nder lande n buiten d e Europese Unie]
Deze symbol en z ijn all een geldig in d e Europ ese Unie. M ocht u arti kele n weg w ille n gooi en, nee m da n alstu blie ft cont act op met uw p laatsel ijke overhe idsi nstanti e of deal er en v raag naar d e ju iste ma nier van ve rwij deren.
Opmerki ng bij het batter ij teken ( onderkant twee teken s voorbeelden):
Dit teken wordt mogelijk gebruikt in combinatie met e en chemisch teke n. In dat geval voldo et het a an de eis en de richtlijn, welke is opgesteld voor het betr effende chemisch product.
Please keep this manual in a safe and handy place for future reference.
Always follow the basic precautions listed below to avoid the possibility of serious injury or even death from electrical shock, short-circuiting, damages, re or other hazards. These precautions include, but are not limited to, the following:
 Waterwarning
• Do not expose the instrument to rain, use it near water or in damp or wet conditions, place on it any containers (such as vases, bottles or glasses) containing liquids which might spill into any openings.
 Battery
• Follow the precautions below. Failure to do so might result in explosion, re, overheating or battery uid leakage.
- Do not tamper with or disassemble batteries.
- Do not dispose of batteries in re.
- Do not attempt to recharge batteries that are not designed to be charged.
- Keep the batteries separate from metallic objects such as necklaces, hairpins, coins, and keys.
- Use the specied battery type only.
- Use new batteries, all of which are the same type, same model, and made by the same manufacturer.
- Always make sure all batteries are inserted in conformity with the +/­polarity markings.
- When the batteries run out, or if the instrument is not to be used for a long time, remove the batteries from the instrument.
• Keep batteries away from small children who might accidentally swallow them.
• If the batteries do leak, avoid contact with the leaked uid. If the battery uid should come in contact with your eyes, mouth, or skin, wash imme­diately with water and consult a doctor. Battery uid is corrosive and may possibly cause loss of sight or chemical burns.
Always follow the basic precautions listed below to avoid the possibility of physical injury to you or others, or damage to the instrument or other property. These precautions include, but are not limited to, the following:
 Location
• To avoid damage to your instruments wood, nish, or electronic compo­nents, DO NOT expose this instrument to direct sunlight, high tempera­tures/humidity or leave stored in an automobile.
• Do not use close to electronics such as speakers, TV, and radio. The instrument’s electronic circuits may cause noise in the TV or radio.
• Do not place the instrument in an unstable position where it might acciden­tally fall over.
 Connections
• Before connecting the instrument to other electronic components, turn off the power for all components. Before turning the power on or off for all components, set all volume levels to minimum.
• To prevent the possibility of electrical shock or re, we recommend using great caution when using this instrument in high humidity or wet weather environments. We also recommend that you read all Owner’s Manuals for the external equipment that you connect this musical instrument to.
 Handlingcaution
• Never hold the instrument close to your face when adjusting or replacing strings. A string may unexpectedly break damaging your eyes.
• If you cut the strings when replacing, do so after sufciently loosening the pegs. Sudden loss of string tension may damage the neck and the rebounding strings may cause serious injury.
• After changing the strings, cut off the leftover string ends. String ends are sharp and can cause injuries.
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