The BP80 is a wood block trigger pad developed for electronic drum systems.
A sleek and compact design with two separate pads allows for dynamic
percussion performance. Furthermore the BP80 is perfect for program changes
(INC-DEC) with the DTX drum trigger module.
Bei dem BP80 handelt es sich um ein Holzblock-Trigger-Pad für elektronische
Schlagzeug-Systeme. Das schicke und kompakte Design mit zwei getrennten
Pads ermöglicht ein dynamisches Percussion-Spiel. Darüberhinaus kann das
BP80 für Programmwechsel (INC-DEC) mit dem DTX-Drum-Trigger-Modul
eingesetzt werden.
Le BP80 est un pad wood block pour batterie électronique.
Peu encombrant, il comprend deux pads séparés qui autorisent des exécutions très
dynamiques. En outre, le BP80 est idéal pour les changements de programme
(INC-DEC) lorsqu'il est utilisé conjointement au module de batterie DTX.
El BP80 es un pad activador de bloque de madera desarrollado para sistemas
de batería electrónica. Su diseño elegante y compacto con dos almohadillas
separadas permite ejecución dinámica de percusión. Además,
el BP80 es perfecto para cambios de programa (INC-DEC) con el módulo de
percusión DTX.

¡o Spec ReJ
■ Setting up the BP80
As seen in the diagram, use the attached clamp to
connect to the RS80. the DTX rack system. (O)
NOTE: When using the BP80 with the DTX. connect to
INPUT 9/10 or INPUT 11/12,
■ Adjusting the Output Level
Before playing, the output level should be adjusted
in the following ways: The trigger output levels for
both BP80 pads should be adjusted separately. To
adjust the trigger output use a small slotted
screwdriver. The output increases when the knob
is turned to the right (+) and decreases when the
knob is turned to the left (-). Adjust the pad
sensitivity and dynamic range to your preference
and playing style. (O)
NOTE: When using the BP80 with the DTX and perfornning
at double forte ff. set the input level between 90-95% on the
fourth page [PAD Gain] in the DTX TRIGGER MODE. If the
output is too high, it may restrict the dynamic range and cause
problems such as cross talk.
NOTE: Be careful when adjusting the output level knob, an
excessive surge of power can cause damage.
NOTE: Cross Talk
The BP80 has two pads in the same unit, therefore if the output
is too high and a pad is hit hard, there is the possibly that
cross talk will occur. (Cross talk is the phenomenon when
vibration from a played pad adversely effects the unplayed pad.
This results in a sound that is a mix of two signals from both
pads) To prevent cross talk when using the DTX. in addition to
turning the knob to the ieft to decrease the output on each pad.
the following procedures can be taken. First adjust both pads
output as explained above, then enter the [Spec Rej] in the DTX
TRIGGER EDIT MODE and strike one of the pads. On the right
side of the screen under INPUT, set the input number where
cross talk is being received (the pad that is triggered even
though it is not hit). To the right of from '. set the input number
of the pad that is producing the cross talk signal. Then,
increase the Reject value (next to the equal sign) to prevent
cross talk. (O)
In the display, if the number following the equal sign ( in this
case a 4") is increased, it becomes difficult for the sound
assigned to INPUT 11 to accidentally occur when the pad
connected to INPUT 12 is hit.
Increasing the Volume
When using the DTX take the following steps to change the
volume assigned to the BP80. After adjusting the output
level as explained above, change the volume in the DTX
VOICE EDIT MODE. (Push the VOICE Key to enter the
VOICE EDIT MODE, then push the PAGE
access the second page[Volume]. Use the +1/YES. -1/NO
keys or the JOG DIAL to adjust the value.)
key once to
The input number of the pad that
IS producing the cross talk signal
Die Eingangsnummer des Pads,
das das Ubersprechsignal
Numéro du pad qui produit la
Número de entrada de
almohadilla que produce la señal
de diafonta.
Reject value (higher values make if
more difficult for cross talk signals
to be received)
Reject-Wert (höhere Werte
erschweren den Empfang eines
Valeur de la réjection (plus cette
valeur est élevée, moins le pad
peut être excité par diaphonie).
Valor "Reject" (cuanto más altos
son los valores, más difícil es
recibir las señales diafónicas.
The input number of the pad that is
being triggered by the cross talk signal.
Die Eingangsnummer des Pads, das
durch das Übersprechsignal ausgelóst
Numéro du pad qui est excité par
Número de entrada de almohadilla
activada por la señal diafónica.
Replacing Worn-out Parts
Using a product day in and day out means that the
performance of parts such as the rubber pad. volume
switch, and jacks inevitably deteriorate over time. The
amount of time these parts last will depend on the degree
of use and the environment in which they are used.