User’s guide
1. System requirements
2. Installing the Software
3. Connecting to the processor
3.1 Connection via RS232
3.2 Connection via Network Interface
4. Managing the processor
4.1 Layout
4.2 Menu
4.3 Toolbar
5. Going Online
6. Launching a Panel
7. Parameter Synchronisation
8. Progress Bar
9. Navigation
10. Selecting a Device
11. Device Context Menu
The minimum hardware requirements necessary for acceptable performance are a Pentium processor 450MHz and 128MB of RAM.
Network Controller has been created for Microsoft Windows© 32-
bit (NT, 98*, ME*, 2000, XP, Vista) operating systems.
*Note: In theory it should be possible to run Network Controller using Windows 98 or
Millennium Edition operating systems; however we do not recommend using these versions as they have limited resources. If you do use these versions remember to close all
the other applications before running Network Controller.
Network Controller has been developed using the most modern
technology in software development, in particular it has been developed using the .NET Framework. Therefore, before installation,
.NET Framework is required. To verify whether .NET Framework is
installed on your PC, from Start go to the Control Panel, open Application Installation and verify that Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
or Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 is included in the list of programs
already installed.
12. Control Panels
13. Monicons
14. Controls
14.1 Drop-Down Selector boxes
14.2 Spin boxes
14.3 Buttons
14.4 Radio buttons
14.5 Faders
14.6 Filter Response Panels
14.7 Copy Graphics
14.8 Copy/Paste Settings
15. Offline Operation
16. Saving Data
17. Loading Factory Settings
18. Cloning a Device
19. Presets
20. Device Properties
21. Device Firmware
If .NET Framework is not on the list of programs installed, it can be
downloaded for free from:
A copy of the .NET Framework installation file can be found in the
DotNetV2 folder on the attached CD.
22. Keyboard Shortcuts
User’s guide
To install Network Controller, from the CD, double click on the file
The following window will appear:
Click on Next> to start installation.
Choose whether you want to install the software for all the users of
the PC or only for the current user and click on Next> to continue.
Select I Agree to accept the software licence conditions, click on
Next> to continue with installation. Wait a few moments:
Click on Close to end installation.
A window like this will appear:
Once installation is completed the following icon can be found on
the pc desktop:
Double click to run Network Controller. When running for the first
time the authorisation code will be requested:
The code can be found in the “READ Authorisation Code.txt” file on
the attached CD. Enter the code and click on Done to confirm.
Connection to the processor can be done in two ways.
1) By using the serial port (RS232);
2) By using XT-NETINT external device (shown below).
3.1 Connection via RS232
If you choose to connect to the processor via the RS232 connector, you must ensure that the Personal Computer has a serial port,
otherwise (as with the majority of portable PCs) you will have to use
a USB to Serial adapter. In this case, we should point out that before
making the connection you must ensure that the adaptor is correctly
installed and that the serial port (a “virtual COM”) is visible to the
operating system. In order to verify this, from the Control Panel open
the System Management.
User’s guide
Select the Hardware device and select Peripheral management:
In this case the system recognises the USB to Serial adapter as
COM2. This port must be used to connect to the processor.
Fig. 2 Connection via serial port
Verify that there is a COMx communication port and that it functions correctly (COM1 in this example). If there is no COMx physically
present, install a “USB to Serial” adaptor and verify the number of the
serial port with which the adapter is recognised by the system.
Fig. 1 Two different model USB to RS232 adapter
Proceed as above to arrive at the list of hardware on the PC, if installation has been carried out correctly you should be able to see the
new hardware.
Fig. 3 Connection via USB/Serial adapter
Run the Network Controller software by double clicking on the
XT-NET PodWare icon.