Xtant P500 User Manual

x•tant (ikst`ænt, e`kstent) 1. adj.
still in existence, especially. of
enduring excellence.||e.g. of xtant quality that stands the test of time and the passing of fads. 2. adj.
Standing out or above, as in out­standing, the quality or state of
being original. [from. L. xstans (xstantis) n present participle of xstare, to stand forth. ||Second origin; Prescott AZ. U.S.A. Ntl. Frst. Cmp. 1994 v. to xtantify = to stand up and be heard] 3. noun /X
TANT applied creativity esp. a
company of people united to apply original thinking to continually advance the spectrum of extraordi­narily vivid sound reproduction,
to apply innovative thought and action to questions previously considered resolved.||
Xtant Technologies
7676 South 46th Street Phoenix, Arizona 85040 (602) 431-8686 FAX (602) 431-8600
We would like to personally thank you for choosing Xtant Technologies equip­ment. Our mission is to continually provide you with the best mobile audio – any­where. Our goal is to exceed your expectations. Our driving concepts are superior­ity through simplicity, flexibility, compatibility, reliability, efficiency, and ease of system expansion. We began with a clean slate. We challenged all the assumptions. We enlisted a dream team of audio specialists; manufacturers, installers, designers and audiophiles. We all became excited about the possibilities. We listened. We are still listening.
We Listen to your recommendations, opinions, and needs.
We Listen to our fellow supporting manufacturers to ensure that our products
interface well with a wide variety of products.
We Listento our equipment with sensitive and critical ears to provide the finest mobile audio components on the planet.
We have created Xtant because we respect the music, and the people who want to really listen. The result has expanded the expectations of extraordinarily vivid mobile audio. Vivid mobile audio, a continuing evolution of the art of listing and hearing, well. We believe that music deserves the maximum accuracy in reproduc­tion. We have united the art of the technology and the technology of the art to cre­ate the magic. Xtant is only available through the finest specialized mobile audio retailers. Your Xtant Select Dealer was chosen by us because of their passion for excellence and their commitment to expanding their expertise. Please remember, exceptional audio requires professional installation. Your Xtant Dealer will opti­mize your system and your level of satisfaction.
Whether you are a professional competitor in auto sound or a privately passion­ate connoisseur of fine music, we salute you, and appreciate your investment in quality mobile audio. If you have a problem or a suggestion please give us a call or write us. Thanks for having the faith in the music and the faith in us.
We look forward to a long and enduring relationship!
Welcome to Xtant!
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