XSOUND Innovation Technologies T6L, T6R User Manual

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1.Product Component Name
Lights of earbuds
Lights of charging box
Type-C charg er
Charging box
Charger cable
The touch Hole of mic
2.First Time Pairing and Use
Open the charging box, wait for 2 seconds, the earbuds automatically en ters the pairing mode simultan eously
When the red and white lights of the left earbud flash alternately, meanwhile, the right earbud lights out and the white lights flash once for 10s, cellphone pairing successfully
Open the ce ll ph one Bluetoo th d irectly and
searc h “X -Buds” to mat ch and play
Set tings
Blu etoot h
Now dis cover able as“i phone” 。
X-B uds
11:1 4 AM
Bul etoot h
Not c onnec ted
When whit e li gh t flickered for 10s once o f the
left and right earb ud s, paired w it h the phone success fu ll y
Matching After The Second
Open the charging box and reconnect it automatically
3.Frequently Function
Turn on/Power off
turn on: Open the ch ar ging box or t ou ch 2s power off : Turn off the char ging box or t ou ch 10s
earbuds pair ing mode : Open the charging box or touch 2s cellphone conne ct succe ssfully: Open the cell phone and con nect it when the white light of the e arbud flicke red once f or 10s
Answer/reject calls:
answer: In an incomin g state, click the touch reje ct: In an incomin g state, touch 1s
Bouble- cl ic k th e right earbu d to c hange next song
Previ ou s
Bouble- cl ic k th e left e arbud to ch an ge previ ou s so ng
Activate voice ass is ta nt
In the conn ec ti on s tate, tri pl e- cl ick “the to uc h”
Mic switc hi ng
Mic in a call s ta te , double-cl ic k “t he touch” which can s wi tch mobile mi c an d ea rb uds mic
Low bat te ry indic at io n
When in low b at tery, r ed l ight will slow fl as h ever y 5s , please re ch arge in time
Clear pai ri ng list
When the le ft and rig ht e ar phones turn o n so le ly, click 5 tim es t o en ter the pai ri ng mode and the n click 7 tim es a ga in , the red li gh t wi ll b e on for one second be fo re shutdo wn
Note:Before the operation, make sure there is no connection
between the left and right earbuds
Red light on Red light
went out
White light flashing White light on
5.Technical Specification
Bluetooth Specification
Bluetooth Profile
RF Range
Talking Time
Standby Time
Charging Time
Batte ry Type
Frequ ency Response
Disto rtion
Charging Box
Charging Times 4 Times
Charging time
Battery type
About 1.5H
Polymer li-ion battery3.7V/45mah
(20HZ-10KHZ 1mW)
About 2H
Polymer li-ion battery3.7V/500mah
6.Customer Ser vice Support
If you need t o return or cha ng e th e goods, please contact c us tomer serv ic e :s upport @xsound.com .c n
1) Why does an earbud silent? Ans: Please turn off or clear the pairing list of
earbuds and reconnect them.
2) How to use the earbuds separtely? Ans: The left earbuds can be connected with the BT of the cellphone when it turns on. The right earbuds can be connected with the BT of the cellphone after clicking the touch for five times when the connection is cut off between the left earbuds with the right earbuds.
3) Why does the earphone stuck suddenly? Ans:Bluetooth signal is vulnerable to electromagnetic interference, which leads to stuck .
Warm tips: The left earphone is the main earphone,
put the cellphone in the left pocket or hold in the left
hand for a more stable connection experience
8.Harmful Substances
Hazardous Substance
Circu it Board
The form is c om pi le d accordi ng t o SJ/T11364 Indicat es t ha t this hazard ou s substance c on ta in ed in all homogen eo us m aterials of t his part is below the lim it requi re ment in GB/T 26 57 2. Indicat es t ha t this hazard ou s substance c on ta in ed in at least one o f the homogeneo us m aterials of t hi s part i s above the l im it requirem en t in GB/T 26572
Ten years environ mental prot ec tion ser vi ce l ife
This prod uc t meets RoH S environ me nt al prote ct ion requi re ments. it wil l no t af fe ct the healt h of users under norm al u se . (At pre sent, there i s no m at ure tec hn ol ogy in the world t o replace or re du ce lead conte nt i n electro ni c ceramics, opt ic al g lass, steel a nd copper al lo ys .)
NOTE: This equip me nt h as been teste d an d found to comply wi th t he l im its for a Class B d ig it al device, pursuant to p ar t 15 of the FCC R ul es. These lim it s are designe d to p rovide re as onable prot ec tion agains t harmful i nt er fe rence in a re si de ntial install at io n. This equipme nt g en er ates uses and c an r ad iate radio frequ en cy e nergy and , if n ot i ns talled and us ed i n accorda nc e with the inst ru ct io ns, may cause h ar mf ul inter fere nc e to radio comm un ic at ions. Howev er, there is no guaran te e th at interferen ce w il l not occur in a particular in st al la tion. If this e qu ip me nt does cause harmful i nt er fe rence to ra di o or television r ec eption, which can b e de te rmined by tur ni ng t he equipment of f and on, the u se r is e nc ouraged to tr y to correct th e inter fere nc e by o ne or more of t he followin g me as ures:
-Re or ient or rel oc ate the rec ei vi ng a ntenna.
-Increa se t he separa ti on b etween the eq ui pm en t and recei ve r.
-Connec t th e eq ui pment into an o ut le t on a circui t differe nt f rom that to w hi ch the rece iv er i s connected .
-Consul t th e de al er or an experi en ce d ra dio/TV techn ic ia n fo r help
Changes o r mo di fi cations not e xp ressly approv ed by the party respo ns ib le for complian ce c ou ld void the use r's authori ty t o op erate the e qu ip me nt. This devi ce c om pl ies with Pa rt 1 5 of the FCC Ru les. Operati on i s su bj ect to the fo ll ow in g two conditi on s: (1)this d ev ic e ma y not cause har mf ul i nter ference , an d (2)this d ev ic e mu st accept any i nt er fe rence rec ei ved, includi ng i nt er fe rence tha t ma y ca us e undesired operati on .
The left earbud F CC ID:2AALP T6 L The right e ar bu d FCC I D: 2A AL PT6R
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R 1 . 0初版 R 2 . 0修改 排 版 R 3 . 0修改 充 电盒 灯 图标
文件抄送:IQC [X2] 文控[X1] 供应商 [X1]
2019-5-21 删除西柚LOGO
RoHS Rea ch
设计承认 客户承认