
Stereo B lu et oo th He adphone
Table of co ntent s
1 Introductio n
2 Kit Contents
3 Connection Di ag ra m
4 How to use
4.1 General fun ct io ns
4.2 Pairing to mo bi le p ho ne
4.3 Charging yo ur d ev ic e
5 Techn ic al s pe ci fi ca ti on
6 Service and Sup po rt
1. Int roduc tion
Con gratu latio ns, and t hank yo u for cho osing t he Blue tooth
Hea dphon e . This ma nual wi ll help y ou oper ate the B lueto oth
Hea dphon e, but yo u shoul d famil iar wit h theBlu etoot h
fun ction o f your mo bile ph one or ot her mas ter dev ices be fore
usi ng the Bl uetoo th Head phone .
Saf ety Rul es
1\To en sure sa fety, pl ease fo llow th is user m anual , we
str ongly r ecomm end the u sers to r ead thi s manua l befor e
usi ng the Bl uetoo th head phone .
2\B e more wa ry of any e dges, u neven s urfac es, met alpart s,
acc essor ies and i ts pack aging s o as to pre vent an y possi ble
inj ury or da mage.
3\D o not mod ify, rep air or di smant le this B lueto oth
Hea dphon et. Doi ng so may r esult i n fires , elect ric sho cks,
com plete b reak do wn of thi s Bluet ooth He adpho ne, etc . Al l
of wh ich, ar e not cov ered un der war ranty.
4\D o not use a ny dilu ents or v olati le liqu id to cle an the
Blu etoot h Headp hone.
5\D o not use t he Blue tooth H eadph one in a ha zardo us
loc ation .
2.K it Cont ents
1X Bl uetoo th Head phone H 2A/H2 C/H2D /H2E
1X US B Charg er Cabl e
1X Us er Manu al
3.C onnec tion Di agram
Char ging
Volum e down
4.H ow to use
4.1 . Gen era l Funct ions
Des ired Re sult
Turn o n
Turn o ff
Ent er the pa iring
mod e
Pai ring
Low b atter y
war ning
Pre ss the ”M FB” but ton for 2 s econd s when
the d evice i s off. (R ed LED li ght and a t one
voi ce beep )
Pre ss the ”M FB” but ton for 3 s econd s when
the d evice i s on.(a t one voi ce beep a nd all
LED i s off)
Pre ss the ”M FB” but ton in po wer off mo de
and h old on fo r 5 secon ds.(B lue LED a nd
Red L ED quic kly fla sh alte rnate ly with t wo
bee p tone vo ice).
In pa iring M ode use a m obile p hone wi th
Blu etoot h funct ion or ot her Blu etoot h Maste r
Dev ice and t o perfo rm pair ing act ion(d etail
ref er to the c hapte r about p airin g).
The r ed LED fl ash.
Des ired Re sult
Prev ious
Volum e up
MFB(M ulti Fu nctio n Butto ns)
Turn on /Turn of f /
Enter t he pair ing mod e/
Play / pa use/
Answ er call /End cal l/
Reje ct call/ Trans fer cal l voice
/Last n umber r edial
Facto ry rese t
Req uired A ction
2 3
Cha rging
Ans wer cal l
End c all
Rej ect cal l
Las t numbe r
red ial
Tran sfer ca ll voic e
Pla y/pau se
Volu me up
Volu me down
Nex t
Pre vious
Fas t backw ard
Fas t forwa rd
Mul ti-po int
con necti on
Fac tory re set
4.2 . Pai rin g to Mobi le phon e or othe r devic e
To use yo ur Blue tooth H eadph one,yo umustfi rstpai ryour
Hea dphon ewithaph oneoraco mpute r.Oncey ourBlu etoot h
Req uired A ction
Plu g the cha rger to p ort of th e devic e
(Re d LED is on ).
Sho rt clic k ”MFB” t he butt on whil e the
inc oming c al.
Sho rt clickt he ”MF B” butto nwhileo ngoin gcall.
Pre ss the ”M FB” but tonfor 1 -2 seco ndsto
rej ectcal lwhenth ecallisr ingin g
Dou ble cli ck the ”M FB” but ton In th e
con necte d state o r there i s music
Dou ble cli ck the ”M FB” but ton to tr ansfe r the
cal l voice b etwee n the mob ile pho ne and
dev ice whi le ongo ing cal l.
Cli ck ”MFB ” butto n to play m usic wh en the
dev ice is co nnect ed or pau sing an d click
”MF B” butt on to pau se when t he devi ce is
pla ying mu sic.
Sho rt clic k the ”+” b utton
Sho rt clic k the ”-” b utton
Sho rt clic k “>” but ton for n ext mus ic.
Sho rt clic k“<” bu tton fo r Previ ous mus ic.
Pre ss the “< ”butt on don' t loose
Pre ss the “> ”butt on don' t loose
In pa iring m ode, sh ort cli ck the “M FB” to
ena ble the m ultip oint an d doubl e click t he
“ MFB ” to disa ble the M ultip oint.
Und er the pa iring m ode Lon g press “ MFB ”
and ”-” but ton for 5 s econd a t the sam e time .
Hea dphon eispair ed to a spe cific m obile p hone; t hey wil l
rem ain pai red and a utoma tical ly reco gnize e ach oth er
whe never t hey are w ithin r ange.
Pai ring to a p hone an d Enter tainm ent:
Turn o n your ph one and e nsure i ts Blue tooth f uncti on
is ac tivat ed
Turn o n the Blu etoot h Headp hone go t o the par ing mod e.
Sea rch you r Bluet ooth de vices o n your ph one by
fol lowin g the pho ne's in struc tions . Refer t o your ph one's
use r manua l for mor e infor matio n.
Afte r a few sec ond the p hone wi ll list t he devi ce as a
dis cover d evice . Selec t it and fo llow yo ur phon e
ins truct ion to se lect th is pair ing.
Your ph one wil l confi rm the pa iring , and the n press Yes /Ok.
Fin ally, se lect to c onnec t with de vice fr om your p hone.
You can p lay mus ic, wat ch TV/m ovie an d play ga me with
you r phone , then yo ur can he ars all t he soun d or musi c
for m the dev ice. Als o you can c ontro l the pla yer by
ope ratin g the dev ice. Fo r examp le: vol ume up or n ext
mus ic.
Pai ring to a c omput er and En terta inmen t:
If th ere is no B lueto oth fun ction s uppor ted by yo ur comp uter,
a Blu etoot h adapt er is nec essar y. Fix the a dapte r with yo ur
com puter a nd ensu re its Bl uetoo th func tion is a ctiva ted.
Turn o n the dev ice go to t he pari ng mode .
Ope n the Blu etoot h softw are (su ch as Blu eSole il) Whi ch is
ins talle d on your c omput er, and se lects “ Searc h your
Blu etoot h devic es” fun ction . Refer t o user ma nual of t he
Blu etoot h softw are for m ore inf ormat ion.
Afte r a few sec ond the “ devic e name” w ill lis t in Blue tooth
sof tware o f your co mpute r as a disc over de vice.
Sel ect thi s icon an d click r ight bu tton of m ouse to s elect
“Pa iring ” item, t hen sel ect “co nnect w ith aud io devi ce”
wit h same op erati on.
Ope n your me dia pla yer sof tware t o play mu sic, wa tch TV/
mov e and pla y game, t hen all t he soun d will be p layba ck on
you r devic e.
4.3 . Cha rgi ng your d evice
Thi s Headp hone us e USB to Mi cro USB c harge r. It is con venie nt to con nect to AC c harge r or a USB Ch arger. M ake sur e
tha t your de vice is f ull cha rged at l east 6 ho urs at fi rst tim e
use . Inser t one ter minal o f your ch arger t o AC o r PC USB po rt
and o ther Co nnect t o heads et, whe n the hea dset in c hargi ng
the r ed LED li ght con stant ly. When c hargi ng is com plete d, the
red L ED turn s off and t he Blue L ed turn o n.
Warn ing:
You mus t selec t a quali fied ch arger f rom a reg ular
man ufact urer.
You mus t charg e the Blu etoot h Heads et if it ha s been
not u sed for m ore tha n 12 mont hs.
5.Te chnic al spec ifica tion
Param et er
Blu etoot h
Spe cific ation
Blu etoot h Profi le
RF Ra nge
Fre quenc y
Res ponse
Lou dspea ker
Out put
Sig nal-To- Noise
Blu etoot h V4.0
A2D P1.2 AVRC P1.4 HS P1.2 HF P1.6
CVC 6.0 Noi se and Ec ho redu ction
10 m
80H z-20K Hz
20m W
≥90d B
Param et er
Dis torti on
Pla yback Ti me
Cha rging Ti me
Dim ensio n
Wei ght
6.S ervic e and Sup port
If yo u devic e is not wo rking p roper ly, plea se cont act the l ocal
ser vice pr ovide rs or dea ler for s ervic e.
7. FAQ
1\ Wh y is ther e no powe r even wh en the He adpho ne is pow er
Ans : Ensur e the bat tery is b eing ch arged u p to 6 hour s for fir st
tim e using . The LED i s light ed when i t start s charg ing.
2\T here is n o sound w hen pla yback .
Ans : Check t he conn ectio n betwe en your d evice w ith pho ne
or co mpute r, if the co nnect ion is no t estab lishe d, plea se
rec onnec t again . Make su re the He adset i s paire d and
con necte d with yo ur targ et phon e or othe r maste r devic e.
3\H ow can I kn ow the Bl uetoo th Head phone h as been f ully
cha rged?
Ans : When th e indic ator LE D turns f rom red t o blue du ring
cha rging , this in dicat e the bat tery ha s been fu lly cha rged.
4\W hy the he adpho ne cann ot conn ect to se cond ph one
Ans : Pleas e set the h eadse t to pair ing mod e and sho rt pres s
the “ MFB” to e nable m ultip oint mo de. Con nect th e
hea dset to p hone A, Re start t he head set to pa iring m ode
and c onnec t the Hea dphon e to phon e B, and th en use
pho ne A pa ired de vice li st to rec onnec t to the he adpho ne.
≤1.0 %
abo ut 12.5 h ours
abo ut 3 hour s
165 .7x16 1.5x5 0mm
abo ut 130g (H2A)
abo ut 125g (H2C)
Warnin g:
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not
cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including
undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliancecould void the user's authority to
operate the equipment.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
the limits for aClass B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the
FCC Rules.
These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment
generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and,if not
installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However,there is
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to
radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning
the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct
the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures: -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-- Increase the separation between the equipment and
-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different
from that to which the receiver is connected.
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for
The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement. The
device can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction.
interference that may cause