CalMAN Setup Guide: X-Rite i1DisplaY
CalMAN supports the X-Rite i1 Display colorimeter (Retail and OEM) for
measuring many display types, including CCFL, LED, plasma, and also front
and rear projectors. Renowned for its low light reading ability and its speed,
the X-Rite i1 Display is a good value for those on a budget.
Meter Diffuser
The i1 Display includes an attached white disk diffuser for use when taking
ambient light measurements or measuring direct light sources such as a
projector in direct view mode. In all other modes, the diffuser is not used.
The diffuser pops slightly away from the meter body and swings away from
the lens.
Meter Positioning
Flat Panels / Rear Projectors
The i1 Display should be positioned with the face of the meter squarely in
contact with the center of a flat panel or rear projector screen, to block
ambient light. The cable counterweight can be draped over the top of the
display to facilitate this.
Front Projectors
The i1 Display has a tripod mount (Figure 1) for use in non-contact mode, to
measure front projector screens. The i1 Display should be placed about three
feet (1 meter) back from the screen.