Xray t1m Instruction Manual

The XRAY T1 Mini is more than just a high-performance 1/12th scale 4WD mini touring car. It is a scaled-down version of the highly-successful T1 touring car and includes all the greatest features of the T1 family. The design of the XRAY T1 Mini is focused on blending extraordinary materials with racecar lineage to offer a responsive ride, luxurious elegant design, finest quality, and of course best track performance.
The XRAY T1 Mini is a great car for fun racing. It is is much easier to drive than standard touring cars, it is much more affordable, and motor wear is reduced but the performance is outstanding! The XRAY T1 Mini has the racing pedigree of the XRAY T1 family and can be used for very high competition racing, but is also well suited for novice drivers who choose the XRAY T1 Mini as their entrance into the R/C hobby.
Even with the standard setup, the XRAY T1 Mini gives a very stable, predictable driving experience. However, you can adjust numerous settings on the T1M to tune it for maximum performance.
We have made every effort to make these instructions as easy to understand as possible. However, if you have any difficulties, problems, or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the XRAY support team at support@teamxray.com. Also, please visit our web site at www.teamxray.com to find the latest updates, setup information, option parts, and many other goodies.
As the proud owner of an XRAY T1 Mini, you are cordially invited to join Team XRAY. Use your Certificate of Authenticity to register your XRAY T1 Mini at world’s largest RC portal www.myTSN.com to get access to the special XRAY VIP ROOM --- we pride ourselves on really taking care of our customers.
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