Xorcom Astribank PRI Quick Start Manual

Xorcom USA
2012 W. Lone Cactus Drive Phoenix, AZ 85027 USA Tel: 1-866-XORCOM1
Xorcom Ltd. Teradyon, POB 60 D.N. Misgav 20179, Israel Tel: +972-4-9951999
Continuous yellow
Indicates that the port is configured as NT
Two fast green blinks
Indicates that E1/T1 layer 1 is active
Single yellow blink
Indicates that ISDN PRI layer 2 is active
Astribank PRI - Quick Start Guide
Port PINs Layout
The Astribank PRI unit has two RJ-45 sockets for each PRI port. Both sockets are permanently active and can be used with any configuration parameters.
The lower socket provides typical E1/T1 TE (CPE) side wiring:
Rx pins: 1, 2 Tx pins: 4, 5
The upper socket provides typical E1/T1 NT (Network) side-wiring:
Rx - pins 4, 5 Tx - pins 1, 2
Port LED Indicators
The green LED of the lower socket indicates the line status when the port is configured as TE. The yellow LED of the upper socket shows the line status when the port is configured as NT.
Table 1: Port Status LEDs
More precisely, this indicates that there is some Layer 2 messages exchange.
Sometimes it doesn't mean that the Layer 2 connection has been established.
Astribank PRI - Quick Start Guide Page 2 of 4
Xorcom USA 2012 W. Lone Cactus Drive Phoenix, AZ 85027 USA Tel: 1-866-XORCOM1
Xorcom Ltd. Teradyon, POB 60 D.N. Misgav 20179, Israel Tel: +972-4-9951999
Port Parameter
Configuration File
Configuration Parameter
E1/T1 selection
Zaptel Init Configuration File
NT/TE selection
a) Zaptel Init Configuration File
b) zapata.conf
Clock source, framing type and line encoding
span (see Asterisk documentation)
Configuring an Astribank PRI
Each Astribank PRI port may be configured to work as E1 or T1, TE or NT by changing the Astribank driver and Asterisk parameters. No jumpers or DIP switches need to be changed. The following table shows where each Astribank ISDN PRI port parameter is configured.
Table 2: Astribank ISDN PRI Port Parameter Configuration
The Zaptel Init Configuration File is either:
/etc/default/zaptel (on Debian, Ubuntu, etc.) /etc/sysconfig/zaptel (on RedHat, CentOS etc).
The information defined in this file is used by Zaptel and some Zaptel utilities. For
example, the “genzaptelconf” utility uses information from XPP_PRI_SETUP for
automatic Asterisk and Zaptel configuration building. Also, the Astribank PRI driver initializes the ports for E1 or T1 functionality according to the XPP_PRI_SETUP parameter.
If the XPP_PRI_SETUP parameter is not defined, then each PRI port is assumed to be of default type E1 TE (CPE).
Format of the XPP_PRI_SETUP
The format of the XPP_PRI_SETUP parameter is as follows:
XPP_PRI_SETUP='<port_address=port_type> <port_address=port_type>'
The <port_address> and the <port_type> are explained in the following sections.
Port Address
The <port_address> may be represented by using either the Astribank XPP protocol logical XBUS number or the physical USB connector number.
When using the logical XBUS numbers in the <port_address> expression, use the following syntax:
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