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XXNNEETT NNeettwwoorrkk BBooxx CCaammeerraa IInnssttaallll GGuuiiddee
1. About XNET
11..11.. AAbboouutt XXNNEETT
XNET is an internet based security and surveillance system that is compatible with various network conditions
through easy installation and user interface as well as multi-functional compressor Codec such as MJPEG and
H.264. XNET provides stable real-time surveillance by real time video/ audio at 1080P level, local storage for
any network problems, and hybrid IP technology that can be used with existing analog CCTV devices.
11..22.. FFeeaattuurreess ooff XXNNEETT
z Most advanced Video/ Audio compression technology (MJPEG/H.264, G.711)
z Progressive technology - Progressive scan makes the image sharp and clear without ghost effect.
z Hybrid IP Technology - CCTV analog video output can be used for existing analog CCTV devices.
z Transmission of Multi-Codec stream - Live video signal can be compressed to MJPEG or H.264 and sent to
meet various applications of network or user.
z 2-way Audio Communication (Bi-directional voice communication between Client’s PC and XNET)
z Smart Event feature - On the top of motion detection and sensor/alarm feature, pre- and post- alarm
feature allows automated surveillance without an attendant’s monitoring.
z Install/ Operation Wizard - Install/ Operation Wizard not only makes it easy for installers and users, but
also offers a unified installation setup for massive scale installations.
z Up to 3 motion detection areas
z Motion Detection – Alarm output and Video/ Audio data transmission to FTP site or e-mail upon detecting
a motion.
z Supports Various resolutions - 1080P(1920x1080), SXGA(1280x1024), 720p(1280x720), D1(720x480),
VGA(640x480), CIF(352x240)
z RS-485 interface for Remote Pan/Tilt control
z Remote Control over the network for software upgrade
11..33.. AApppplliiccaattiioonnss
z Surveillance (Building, store, factory, parking lot, financial institutions, government buildings, military
facilities, etc.)
z Remote video monitoring (Hospital, kindergarten, traffic monitoring, remote branch office, weather,
environment preservation, and illegal disposal of trash, etc.)
z Real time broadcasting over the internet (Resort facility, parties, festivals, etc), remote business meetings,
and educational trainings, etc.