Xmark VH2R Users Manual

Contents: VeriChip H2 Reader Assembly Part Number
600-000515-000 (includes all of the following):
The VeriChip H2 Reader is indicated for use as a portable instrument that non-invasively reads the ID number of an implantable VeriMed Microtransponder that is inserted into the arm of the patient. When activated, the VeriMed Microtransponder transmits a unique identification number that will be displayed by the VeriChip H2 Reader and may be used to access the patient’s identity and authorized health information from a secure database.
Description Part Number
VeriChip H2 Reader (1) 600-100313-000
with lanyard and instruction card attached
Instructions for Use (1) 981-000302-000
Batteries AA (1 set of 4) 303-000014-000
Test Microtransponder (1) 670-000001-000
Bluetooth Receiver (1) 672-000001-000 with related Driver CD (1)
Folder Poster (1) 420-000025-000
Instructional CD (1) 672-000002-000
USB Cable (1) 301-000025-000
VeriChip H2™ Reader Activation with Manufacturer Settings
1. Press Button F1 and release to power on the Reader.
2. The Reader will enter a self diagnostic mode displaying the following on the LCD screen:
a. “Initializing” b. “VeriChip H2 Reader”
“BT Master Rev x.xx” c. All Pixels active on the two line screen display d. The number “8” will display in all positions
Check for missing segments. If segments are missing, do not use and r
e. “Battery OK” f. “BT Connecting - Inquiry Done - Please Wait”
3. Screen will display “PRESS F1 TO SCAN”
4. Press the F1 button and “SCANNING” will be displayed.
5. Perform the scanning process as described on page 3. When a V
6. be heard and the VeriMed ID number will be displayed on the top line of the LCD and on the second line the
truction “PRES
To initiate a new scan session press F1 again. To scan for a different VeriMed Microtransponder press the F1 button
ear the pr
o cl
eturn Reader immediately for repair or replacement.
eriMed ID number is f
S F1 TO SCAN” is displayed.
vious ID number and to restart the scanning mode.
ound, an audible chirp will
Prior to Scanning Patient
Scan test Microtransponder provided with VeriChip H2 Reader to verify unit functionality prior
anning Procedure for
ating an Implanted
to use (photo)
VeriMed Microtransponder
To scan/locate a Microtransponder first activate the Reader as described above. Press and release the F1 button when instructed on the
DO NOT hold down F1 button
LCD. during scan operation. Place the Reader next to the skin, parallel and along side the area to be scanned (see photo). Starting about 2 inches above the elbow, move the scanner slowly up the rear part of the arm. The injection site may vary but it typically will be between the elbow and shoulder of the triceps area of the upper arm. When a VeriMed Microtransponder is located, the VeriChip H2 Reader will emit an audible chirp and display the 16-digit ID number on the LCD screen.
Depending on which communication configuration is established, the VeriMed ID number will be entered via USB or Bluet web enabled VeriMed Patient Registry. If no communication is es used to manually enter the ID number.
ooth int
o the designat
tablished, the PC keyboard can be
3 4
ed entry field in the
Turning the Reader Off
The Reader can be turned off manually at any time by simultaneously pressing and holding down the F2 and F3 buttons.
If the Authorization Code is enabled and an incorrect Authorization Code be entered, the unit will immediately power-off.
The Reader will automatically power down should it remain idle for 5 minutes.
Use of VeriMed Reader with Passive Microtransponders of Different RFID Frequencies
The VeriMed H2 Reader is capable of reading the VeriMed Microtransponder frequency of 134.2 kHz as well as 125 KHz. Place the Reader within the effective range of the passive RFID Microtransponder (no more than 2.5 inches) to obtain the ID number from the Microtransponder.
Installing/Replacing the Batteries
Remove the battery compartment door by pressing the tab and sliding towards the base of the Reader case. Insert 4 AA alkaline batteries into the battery compartment as indicated (see photo). Replace the battery compartment cover and test the Reader using the provided test RFID Microtransponder.
When the Reader battery power level drops to a point insufficient to read a VeriMed Microtransponder the Reader will automatically shut off. The Reader will display “LOW BATTERY” followed by “REPLACE BATTERY”. When these messages appear on the LCD, replace batteries immediately.
Authorization Code Option
To provide a means of securing the VeriMed H2 Reader against unauthorized use, an optional start-up Authorization Code function is provided. This modality consists of 8 entries of the two auxiliary buttons, F2 (left) and F3 (right) in a predefined sequence. The factory default setting is ‘disabled’, i.e. the unit will not prompt the user to enter an Authorization Code, but rather will immediately proceed to scan mode and establishing a link with the host computer. This feature can be enabled or disabled through the Configuration Mode (see configuration mode section below).
If enabled, the Authorization Code is entered after the Reader is turned on and self-tests are complete. The user must press the two auxiliary buttons a total of 8 times in predefined sequence. This sequence can be customized and stored in the EEPROM. The default sequence (programmed at the time of manufacture) is:
Enabling Authorization Code
To enable authorization process, the user must send the ‘?’ character from the HyperTerminal to the unit via a serial link in Configuration Mode. To disable authorization process, the user must send the ‘!’ character from the HyperTerminal to the unit via a serial link in Configuration Mode.
Changing the Authorization Code
Maintain a record of the Authorization Code for future reference. Loss of Authorization Code
s will r
To change this sequence, the user must power up the unit and go into Configuration Mode. To enter the new
equire a call to customer service.
sequence, the user must send the ‘#’ character to the VH2R over the serial link. Immediately after that the unit will accept exactly 8 characters ‘l’ for F2 and ‘r’ for F1 (“l” for left and “r” for right button locations in lowercase only) in the user defined sequence and the new key is stored in the Reader EEPROM. If the Code becomes lost, call customer service for assistance. If the key sequence is entered incorrectly, the unit displays ‘ACCESS DENIED’ on the LCD and shuts down after 1 second. If the sequence is entered correctly, the unit immediately tries connecting to the host according to the set communication mode.
Configuration Mode
To operate in this mode the user should perform the following actions:
• Connect the USB cable from the host computer to the
VH2R Reader.
• Turn on the VH2R Reader by pressing the F1 (large
center) and F2 button. The VH2R Reader will go through its self-test procedure. Enter the Authorization sequence as described later in this document if you are prompted to “Enter Code” by the message on the unit’s LCD.
• Start the appropriate communication program on the
host computer system. For example, the user may launch the HyperTerminal program and connect to the serial port created by the USB driver. The VH2R reader will stay in this idle mode for up to 5 minutes. The user has two choices – to initiate a scan (normal operation)
er the c
or ent until the timeout, the unit will po communication program (HyperTerminal) should be set to 9600 Baud, 8 data bits, one stop bit, no parity (8-N-1).
ation mode. If no choice is made
wer down. The
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