Xils lab StiX User Manual

by Xils
User Manual
Table des matières
Installing StiX.................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
eLicenser drivers..............................................................................................................................................................................4
iLok drivers .....................................................................................................................................................................................4
Windows (XP, VISTA, Windows 7)................................................................................................................................................ 4
Mac (OSX 10.5 and later)................................................................................................................................................................5
Getting Started with StiX.................................................................................................................................................................6
StiX Overview................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
The Drum Pads & Drum Kit area.................................................................................................................................................. 10
Drumkits............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Managing Drumkits............................................................................................................................................................10
DrumPads Area...................................................................................................................................................................11
Editing Drum Sounds.....................................................................................................................................................................11
The Easy Edit Synthesis Page............................................................................................................................................ 11
The Drum Pad Name Zone and Display (8) :......................................................................................................... 13
The Advanced Edit Page................................................................................................................................................................15
The 3 Envelopes : VCA, VCF, and Pitch EV (1)............................................................................................................... 15
The Filter Section (6)..........................................................................................................................................................17
The Oscillators Section (4).................................................................................................................................................17
Samples management......................................................................................................................................................... 18
LFO Section........................................................................................................................................................................19
The Modulation Matrix Area..............................................................................................................................................19
The Macro Modulation Matrix Area.................................................................................................................................. 20
Pattern Management...................................................................................................................................................................... 20
The Time Signature : Number of beats per bar (4)................................................................................................. 21
The Song Panel.............................................................................................................................................................................. 22
The Sequencer : Creating and editing Patterns..............................................................................................................................23
The XoX MultiLine Sequencer Editor............................................................................................................................... 23
The Time Division Parameter (6)............................................................................................................................23
The Sequencer Single Lane Editor..................................................................................................................................... 24
The Position Parameter (1) : You can shift, and adjust in a very precise way, the position ( temporal position) of each step
of any sequencer line in StiX. You can therefore apply both swing and/or micro shifts to any sequencer line.. ..24
The Velocity Parameter (2) You can specify a different velocity for each step of the sequencer lane...................24
Gate Time Parameter (3).........................................................................................................................................24
The Step Matrix Modulation 1 & 2 Lines (4)......................................................................................................... 25
The Gang Mode (5) :...............................................................................................................................................25
The Mixer Area .............................................................................................................................................................................26
The FX Mixer Area........................................................................................................................................................................27
The Effect Area.............................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Reverb Unit ( Stereo )............................................................................................................................................. 27
Delay Unit............................................................................................................................................................... 28
Phaser : StiX Phaser emulates generic Stereo Analog Phasers models................................................................. 28
The Transport Area........................................................................................................................................................................ 29
Play Modes : Song and Pattern Modes...............................................................................................................................29
The Transport & MIDI OUT Buttons. The Live Keyboard Control Zone......................................................................... 29
Automation with Midi Controllers..................................................................................................................................... 30
Display options...................................................................................................................................................................30
Credits :..........................................................................................................................................................................................31
StiX by Xils
StiX is a virtual analog and multisynthesis Drum Machine coupled with a sophisticated Drum Sequencer, and incredibly deep control.
For each of its ten Drumpad StiX combines an Easy Synthesis Page populated with Macro Controls, making it fast and intuitive to operate, with an Advanced Synthesis Page, where you can have total control on the drumpad synthesis options.
In the same spirit, the XoX Sequencer offers two separate pattern grids, one to build quickly grooves, and the other to control each step of each drumpad with plethora of options.
Synthesis : StiX combines pristine Virtual Analog sounds with Sample Sounds, giving you the very best of both worlds. FM @ audio rate is possible between all oscillators. You can switch each analog oscillator to a sine + wave shaping type. CroSS Synthesis is also on board ( Intermodulation between samples and all synthesis parameters @ audio rate )
Sequencing : StiX offers you a next level XoX Drum Pattern edit and a Per DrumPad sequencer line edit with an incredible number of per step options : Step time Division MicroPlacement, Gate Time, Velocity, Modulation Matrix
Installing StiX
XILS-lab offers you the choice of using eLicenser, iLok and Soft Ilok. This first section describes the process for authorization for eLicenser. ¨Please note that the Soft Ilok Option doesn’t require a physical dongle
eLicenser drivers
StiX uses an eLicenser dongle. You must have this dongle connected to a USB port on your computer to run StiX work.
Important : Please take care of your dongle: you need it to run the StiX and it carries your license!
Important Note: Even if you have already installed the eLicenser drivers for a previous product, please update your eLicenser License Control to the latest version.
To download the latest eLicenser Control Center (eLC), please go to:
You’ll need a StiX Activation Code to load your license onto the dongle (This Activation code has been sent to you in the email confirmation of your purchase)
First, plug your dongle into a USB port of your computer. Then launch the License Control Center. Select “Enter authorization code” and Enter your Activation Code in the reserved field, and press Next.
Wait for the license to be downloaded and then check to see if the license is correctly loaded on the dongle in the main section of the License Control Center.
iLok drivers
With the iLok version of the StiX, you need to plug an iLok USB key into your computer or use the Soft-iLok (computer based protection) After you have downloaded and installed the latest PACE drivers, justLaunch the iLok License manager, login, and select “redeem iLok code” to create your license. Then drag your license to the location you want (iLok USB key or computer).
To download the latest PACE drivers, please go to: https://www.ilok.com/#!license-manager
Windows (XP, VISTA, Windows 7)
To install the StiX on Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7, launch the StiX installer file downloaded from the XILS-lab website. ( Please make sure you install the latest version)
Once you have accepted the license agreement, you will be asked to select the installation directory. A destination directory is provided as a default. Presets and various files, like this manual, used by the StiX will be stored in this directory. Please note that this location is different from the VST install directory, which you will need to specify in the next step of the installer.
Once the installation directory is specified, you will be asked to select the VST plug-in directory, with a suggested default location. Keep this default directory if you do not use the VST version.
Important notice for Vista or Windows 7: be sure to use a folder write enable and owned by the user (do not use “c:/program files” for
instance). Otherwise you will have to run your music application with “administrator rights”.
The RTAS plug-in and its table control management Pro-Tools are directly copied into the following directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Digidesign\DAE\Plug-Ins
Mac (OSX 10.5 and later)
To install the StiX on a computer equipped with Mac OSX 10.5 or later, download the latest version of either the iLok or eLicenser versions from the XILS-lab website to make sure you have the latest version of the software.
Then launch the install program, StiX by Xils.pkg, and follow the instructions. Warning: the install program will ask you for your system password. The various files of the StiX will be copied into the following directories:
Library/Application Support/Digidesign/Plug-Ins Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST Library/Application Support/Documentation/XILS-lab/StiX
Getting Started with StiX
The best way to become familiar with StiX is probably to watch the overview video & tutorials, then to try different Global Presets, then experiment, but before don’t forget one thing :
ALWAYS insert a LIMITER on your Master Audio outputs. StiX is capable of violent audio modulations. A clipper is inserted on each Drum Channel to prevent the most extreme distortion, but you will still experience overloads during the process of creating your own sounds, or when you randomize a drumkit for example . Protect your ears, and gear !
StiX overview : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyFHPUTL4X4 StiX R-Claps Envelopes : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2toH0SimEk StiX Wave Alchemy Drumkits : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0BED-MpM3I
A GLOBAL PRESET includes ALL StiX elements : Sequencer Pattern(s) or Song, all Drumpads, a Drumkit, All Mixer and effects settings. Global Presets can be browsed, and changed using the Preset Bar located at the top of StiX GUI. (A)
By default, Global Presets are sorted by TEMPO RANGE, then by GENRE. So, go straight to the tempo and /or genre you have in mind and try a few Global presets; until you find one you want to experiment with.
The drumpads you hear when you play the first pattern of a global preset are the ones whose Sequencer Lines are populated. In StiX, each of the 10 drumpads has its own sequencer line.
While the sequence is playing, click on the Solo Diode ( Located under each drumpad Mixer Channel) to hear each drumpad in isolation. To cancel the solo mode, just click on any active Solo Diode again. Now you know what does what in your pattern.
Let’s Change the sounds of the drums
First, you must select which sound you want to edit. Click on a Drum pad in the Drumpads area, OR on its name label in the Sequencer area or the Mixer area to select it. The selected Drumpad will become highlighted in blue.
Now turn each of the following knobs, and listen to the changes in the sound : Stretch, Cut-Off, Global Pitch, Rez, and Macro1&2. You should hear interesting changes in the sound. With StiX, it’s very easy to make from subtle to amazing changes to one drum sound with only the knobs of the Eazy Synthesis page.
Macro 1 and Macro 2 are different for each Drumpad, and were programmed by our Sound Designers. You can program your own Macros in the Advanced Synthesis Sound Page for each Drumpad you will create.
Repeat this process for each Drumpad, to get a feel of how you can change the sound of the other drumpads.
Note : At any moment, if you wish to revert to the original sounds of the Global preset, just reload it.
If you have moved a lot all these Macro Knobs, chances are that your rhythm now sounds vastly different from the original one. Macro Knobs might be all you’ll need to manipulate when editing or writing rhythms, and you can interact with sounds in a more powerful and interesting way than most vintage Drum Machines could. Yet, they are only the emerged side of the iceberg.
In StiX, each Drumpad is actually a whole complex synthesizer. To have a glimpse at this synthesizer, just click on the Advanced Synthesis Toggle Button, labelled Eazy : It’s all there ( Just one click away)
Let’s change all the sounds –With One Click-
Sometimes you’ll want the machine to really surprise you, and the two following functions just do that. Click on the Intelligent Random button to generate a new Drumkit. StiX will try to replace all drumpads sounds with equivalent Most of the time, this function will not bring you 100% satisfaction. So you can click again to get better results, keep the drumpads you like and change the other ones, or revert to the original sounds. It’s also a good way to create completely new drumkits. If you want the galactic type
surprise, just click on the Random button. This time, StiX will change all drumkits with total random : A snare can become a kick, or an FX, or anything else. This can lead to total chaos, or less.
The XoX sequencer.
Changing the rhythm of a sequencer line is very easy. Just click in an empty slot in any sequencer line to make a hit, and click again on it to delete it. It’s as simple as that.
Experiment a bit with the different sequencer lines to change the rhythms played by each Drumpad. You can change, or create, a rhythm in a minute with StiX
Some actions can be performed faster : Left Click on the Fill Button located at the left of each sequencer line will fill the entire line wih hits. This can be handy for HH patterns for example. Right Click on this button to completely erase a sequencer line.
Randomize a sequence line : Click on the Random Diode, located at the right of each sequencer Line to generate a naw sequence line. You can also Copy/Paste sequencer lines. This is useful for example to layer two or more sounds.
Let’s Play with StiX ( Live and Daw use )
In the pattern area, at the top right of StiX GUI, click on the copy button. Click on the Pattern B. Pattern B is now playing. Whether it is empty, or already populated, click on the Paste Button to copy the content of Pattern A in Pattern B.
Now experiment a bit ( Change rhythm, erase some sequencer lines, fill some others, make holes in the filled lines etc) so that you now have two different patterns. Repeat the process by copying Pattern B to C, and make another variation, or build a break, or a roll etc. You now have three patterns.
You can switch patterns live by pressing the keys of your midi Keyboard in the C2-B2 range while stix is running : C is pattern A, B is pattern B, aso. You can record pattern changes in your Daw, and build entire tracks very quickly.
No need to make another pattern just to add a few drum hits : Just play them live while StiX is running ! You can trigger the 10 Drum Sounds by playing them on your Midi keyboard in the C1-B1 range. C1 should be the Bass Drum, or the sound in the Bass Drum slot. D2 the Snare, aso.
So far you have learned that you can control StiX with the two first octaves. The third Octave is used to mute, and unmute drumpads. Press C3, and you’ll mute the Bass Drum, D3 the Snare. The sound will be muted as long as you hold the different keys pressed, and will come back as soon as a note off event message is received. Another way to make great variations, and build entire intros or outros out of a single pattern.
Effects : When you select a Drumpad, you can use its FX sends or FX insert buttons. So you can add Reverb, Delay, Phaser on any drumpad. And insert a Crusher with different settings for every drumsound if you wish.
StiX Overview
StiX UI is divided into 7 logical areas.
1/ The Global Preset bar : Where you can load, save, browse and sort Global Presets 2/ The Drumpads Area : Used to select the Drumpad to edit. Manage & randomize Drumkits Presets. 3/ Eazy and Advanced Synthesis area : Where you can load, save and edit the Drums Sounds using Synthesis parameters 4/ The Patterns & Song Area : Where you manage Patterns, SuperPatterns, and Song arrangement 5/ The Sequencer area : Where you create rhythms in the multiview or single line view editors 6/ Mixer & Fx : Where you mix your drums, and add effects 7/ Transport and Live Play area : You can change patterns, play drum sounds, or mute them via the virtual keyboard
All sections except the synthesis and sequencer pages are always visible. You can switch between two views to edit sequences and sounds.
You can edit drum sounds in two ways : In the Eazy Edit Page (as in the picture above –(3) with enough Macro Controls to fully change the sound, or in the Advanced Synthesis Page, with complete Synthesizer with plethora of parameters. (Image Below)
StiX Advanced Synthesis Page
To go back to the Eazy Synthesis page, just click on the Advanced Button at the right of the pane (1)
You can edit Sequences in two ways : In the MultiLine XoX editor, where all 10 sequences lines are visible, or in the Single Lane Editor, where you can customize controls for each Step of ONE sequence line
To go back to the MultiLine Editor, just click on the Toggle Sequencer Editors button (1)
With StiX, you’re never more than one click away from the task you wish to perform.
Now let’s detail the different parts of the instrument
The Drum Pads & Drum Kit area
A drum kit is comprised of 10 drum pads, and each drum pad can of course have a different sound. You can save load, create, save, rename, randomize drumkits. Drumkits have their own dedicated Preset file format.
Play drumkits : Right click on a drumpad (1) Load Kit : Load a DrumKit (3) Save Kit : Save your Kit and allows you to give it a name and a category (3) Intelligent Random Kit : Will replace current Drum Pads sounds with similar sounds ( Kicks will remain Kicks, Snare will remain
kits etc ) (4) Total Random Kit : Will replace all drumkits with random sounds ( A kick might be replaced by a percussion, etc ) Will give you very surprising results. (4)
Managing Drumkits
If you left click on the DrumKit name zone, the following dropdown menu will appear.
Load Drumkit : A list will appear with all available DrumKits (1) Select one drumkit in this list will load it. The DrumKit list will be sorted according to the criteria chosen with the ‘Sort By’ Option. (6)
Save (2) : Will save the current DrumKit with its current settings. ( It will erase the previous version )
Save As (3) : Will save the current drumkit with a new name. Previous version will remain unchanged.
Delete (4) : Will delete the current DrumKit ( Data is not lost until you select another drumkit )
Open Info (5) : Will allow you to edit DrumKit criteria ( Name, Synthesis, feeling etc )
Sort Drumkits (6) : You can filter the list of drumkits presets according to various criterias (Synthesis, Genre, Author etc)
+ 21 hidden pages