XILINX XC1765EPC20C, XC1765ELVO8I, XC1765ELVO8C, XC1765ELSO8I, XC1765ELPD8I Datasheet

DS027 (v3.1) July 5, 2000 www.xilinx.com 1 Product Specification 1-800-255-7778
© 2000 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. All Xilinx trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at http://www.xilinx.com/legal.htm.
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One-time programmable (OTP) read-only memory designed to store configuration bitstreams of Xilinx FPGA devices
Cascadable for storing longer or multiple bitstreams
Programmable reset polarity (active High or active Low) for compatibility with different FPGA solutions
XC17128E/EL, XC17256E/EL, XC1701 and XC1700L series support fast configuration
Low-power CMOS Floating Gate process
XC1700E series are available in 5V and 3.3V versions
XC1700L series are available in 3.3V only
Available in compact plastic packages: 8-pin SOIC, 8-pin VOIC, 8-pin PDIP, 20-pin SOIC, 20-pin PLCC, 44-pin PLCC or 44-pin VQFP.
Programming support by leading programmer manufacturers.
Design support using the Xilinx Alliance and Foundation series software packages.
Guaranteed 20 year life data retention
The XC1700 family of configuration PROMs provides an easy-to-use, cost-effective method for storing large Xilinx FPGA configuration bitstreams.
When the FPGA is in Master Seri al mode, it generates a configuration clock that dr ives the PROM. A short access time after the rising clock edge, data appears on the PROM DAT A output pin that is connected to the FPGA D
pin. The FPGA generates the appropriate number of clock pulses to complete the configuration. Once configured, it disables the PROM. When the FPGA is in Slave Serial mode, the PROM and the FPGA must both be clocked by an incoming signal.
Multiple devices can be concatenated by using the CEO output to drive the CE input of the following device. The clock inputs and the DATA outputs of all PROMs in this chain are interconnected. All devices are compatible and can be cascaded with other members of the family.
For device programming, either the Xilinx Alli ance or Foun­dation series development system compiles the FPGA design file into a standard Hex format, which is then trans­ferred to most commercial PROM programmers.
XC1700E and XC1700L Series Configuration PROMs
DS027 (v3.1) July 5, 2000
Product Specification
Figure 1: Simplified Block Diagram (does not show programming circuit)
Address Counter
XC1700E and XC1700L Series Configuration PROMs
2 www.xilinx.com DS027 (v3.1) July 5, 2000
1-800-255-7778 Product Specification
Pin Description
Data output is in a high-impedance state when either CE or OE
are inactive. During programming, the DATA pin is I/O.
Note that OE
can be programmed to be either active High or
active Low.
Each rising edge on the CLK input incr ements the inter nal address counter, if both CE
and OE are active.
When High, this input holds th e address counte r reset and puts the DATA output in a high-impedance state. The polar­ity of this input pin is programmable as either RESET/OE
. To avoid confusion, this document describes
the pin as RESET/OE
, although the opposite polarity is pos­sible on all devices. When RESET is active, the address counter is held at "0", and puts the DATA output in a high-impedance state. The po larity of this input is program­mable. The default is active High RESET, but the preferred option is active Low RESET
, because it can be driven by the
The polarity of this pin is controlled in the programmer inter­face. This input pin is easily inverted using the Xilinx HW-130 Programmer. Third-party programmers have differ­ent methods to invert this pin.
When High, this p in disables the inter nal address coun ter, puts the DATA output in a high-impedance state, and forces the device into low-I
standby mode.
Chip Enable output, to be c onnect ed to th e C E input of the next PROM in the daisy chain. This output is Low when the CE
and OE inputs are both active AND the internal address counter has been increm ented beyond its Termi nal Count (TC) value. In other words: when the PROM has been read, CEO
will follow CE as long as OE is active. When OE goes
inactive, CEO
stays High until the PROM is reset. Note that
can be programmed to be either active High or active Low .
Programming voltage. No overshoot above the specified max voltage is permitted on th is p in . For normal read oper ­ation, this pin must be connected to V
. Failure to do so may lead to unpredictable, temperature-dependent op era­tion and severe problems in circuit debugging. Do not leave V
Positive supply and ground pins.
PROM Pinouts
Pin Name
DATA 112402 CLK 2 3 4 43 5 RESET/OE
38 6 1319
4 10 8 15 21 GND 5 11 10 18, 41 24, 3 CEO
61314 2127 V
71817 35 41 V
82020 38 44
Devices Configuration Bits
XC1704L 4,194,304 XC1702L 2,097,152
XC1701/L 1,048,576
XC17512L 524,288
XC1736E 36,288
XC1765E/EL 65,536 XC17128E/EL 131,072 XC17256E/EL 262,144
XC1700E and XC1700L Series Configuration PROMs
DS027 (v3.1) July 5, 2000 www.xilinx.com 3 Product Specification 1-800-255-7778
Xilinx FPGAs and Compatible PROMs
XC4003E 53,984 XC17128E
XC4005E 95,008 XC17128E XC4006E 119,840 XC17128E XC4008E 147,552 XC17256E XC4010E 178,144 XC17256E XC4013E 247,968 XC17256E XC4020E 329,312 XC1701 XC4025E 422,176 XC1701
XC4002XL 61,100 XC17128EL
XC4005XL 151,960 XC17256EL
XC4010XL 283,424 XC17512L XC4013XL/XLA 393,632 XC17512L XC4020XL/XLA 521,880 XC17512L XC4028XL/XLA 668,184 XC1701L
XC4028EX 668,184 XC1701
XC4036EX/XL/XLA 832,528 XC1701L
XC4036EX 832,528 XC1701 XC4044XL/XLA 1,014,928 XC1701L XC4052XL/XLA 1,215,368 XC1702L XC4062XL/XLA 1,433,864 XC1702L XC4085XL/XLA 1,924,992 XC1702L
XC40110XV 2,686,136 XC1704L XC40150XV 3,373,448 XC1704L XC40200XV 4,551,056 XC1704L +
XC40250XV 5,433,888 XC1704L+
XC1702L XC5202 42,416 XC1765E XC5204 70,704 XC17128E
XC5206 106,288 XC17128E XC5210 165,488 XC17256E XC5215 237,744 XC17256E
XCV50 559,232 XC1701L XCV100 781,248 XC1701L XCV150 1,041,128 XC1701L XCV200 1,335,872 XC1702L XCV300 1,751,840 XC1702L XCV400 2,546,080 XC1704L XCV600 3,608,000 XC1704L XCV800 4,715,648 XC1704L +
XCV1000 6,127,776 XC1704L +
XCV50E 630,048 XC1701L XCV100E 863,840 XC1701L XCV200E 1,442,106 XC1702L XCV300E 1,875,648 XC1702L XCV400E 2,693,440 XC1704L XCV405E 3,340,400 XC1704L XCV600E 3,961,632 XC1704L XCV812E 6,519,648 2 of XC170 4L
XCV1000E 6,587,520 2 of XC170 4L XCV1600E 8,308,992 2 of XC170 4L XCV2000E 10,159,648 3 of XC1704L XCV2600E 12,922,336 4 of XC1704L XCV3200E 16,283,712 4 of XC1704L
1. The suggested PR OM is determined by compatibility w ith the higher configuration frequency of the Xilinx FPGA CCLK. Designers using the default slow configuration frequency (CCLK) can use the XC1765E or XC1765EL for the noted FPGA devices.
XC1700E and XC1700L Series Configuration PROMs
4 www.xilinx.com DS027 (v3.1) July 5, 2000
1-800-255-7778 Product Specification
Controlling PROMs
Connecting the FPGA device with the PROM.
The DATA output(s) of th e of the PROM(s) drives the D
input of the lead FPGA device.
The Master FPGA CCLK output drives the CLK input(s) of the PROM(s).
output of a PROM drives the CE in put of the
next PROM in a daisy chain (if any).
/OE input of all PROMs is best driven by
the INIT
output of the lead FPGA device. This connection assur es that th e PROM address counter is reset before the start of any (re)configuration, even when a reconfiguration is initiated by a V
Other methodssuch as d riv in g RESE T
/OE from LDC or system resetassume the PROM internal power-on-reset is always in step with the FPGA’s internal power-on-reset. This may not be a safe assumption.
input can be driven from either the LDC or DONE pins. Using LDC avoids potential contention on the D
The CE
input of the lead (or o nly) PROM is driven by the DONE output of the lead FPGA device, provided that DONE is not permanently grounded. Otherwise, LDC
can be used to drive CE, but must then be
unconditionally High during user operation. CE
can also be perm anently t ied Low, but this keeps the DATA output active and causes an unnecessary supply current of 10 mA maximum.
FPGA Master Serial Mode Summary
The I/O and logic functions of the Con figurable Logi c Block (CLB) and their associated interconnections are established by a configuration program. The program is loa ded either automatically upon power up, or on command, depend ing on the state of the three FPG A mo de p ins. In M aster Se rial mode, the FPGA automatic ally lo ads th e con figuration pro­gram from an external memory. The Xilinx PROMs have been designed for compatibility with the Master Serial mode.
Upon power-up or reconfiguration, an FPGA enters the Master Serial mode whenever all three of the FPGA mode-select pins are Low (M0=0, M1=0, M2=0). Data is read from the PROM sequentially on a single data line. Syn­chronization is provided by the rising edge of the temporary signal CCLK, which is generated during configuration.
Master Serial Mod e provides a simple configuration inter­face. Only a serial data line and two control lines are required to configure an FPGA. Data from the PROM is
read sequentially, accessed via the internal address and bit counters which are inc remented on every valid ris ing edge of CCLK.
If the user-programmable, dual-function D
pin on the FPGA is used only for configuration, it must still be held at a defined level during normal operation. The Xilinx FPGA families take care of this automatically with an on-chip default pull-up resistor.
Programming the FPGA With Counters Unchanged Upon Completion
When multiple FPGA-con figurations for a single FPGA are stored in a PROM, the OE
pin should be tied Low. Upon power-up, the internal address counte rs are re set and c on­figuration begins wit h the first program stored in memor y. Since the OE
pin is held Low, the address coun ter s ar e le ft unchanged after configuration is complete. Therefore, to reprogram the FPGA with another program, the DONE line is pulled Low and config uration begins at the last value of the address counters.
This method fails if a user applies RESET
during the FPGA configuration process. T he FPGA abor ts the configuration and then restar ts a new configuration, as inten ded, but the PROM does not reset its address counter, since it never saw a High level on its OE
input. The new configuration, therefore, reads the remaining data in the PROM and inter­prets it as preamble, length count etc. Si nce the FPGA is the master, it issues the necessary number of CCLK pulses, up to 16 million (2
) and DONE goes High. However, the FPGA configuration will be completely wrong, with potential contentions inside the FPGA and on its output pins. This method must, therefore, never be used when there is any chance of external reset during configuration.
Cascading Configuration PROMs
For multiple FPGAs configured as a daisy-chain, or for future FPGAs requiring larger configuration memories, cas­caded PROMs provide additional memo r y. After the last bit from the first PROM is read, the next clock signal to the PROM asser ts its CEO
output Low and disables its DATA line. The second PROM recognizes the Low level on its CE input and enables its DATA output. See Figure 2.
After configuration is complete, the a ddress coun ters of all cascaded PROMs are reset if the FPGA RESET
pin goes Low, assuming the PROM reset polarity option has been inverted.
To re program the FPGA with another program, the DONE line goes Low and configuration begi ns where the add ress counters had stopped. In this case, avoid contention between DATA and the configured I/O use of D
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