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This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights
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The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Please contact
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damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
MN5-0281-002iiRevision B
About this manual
XTS-200C Outdoor Solid State Amplifier Operation and Installation Manual
This manual provides operators and technicians with a set of
tools for operating and maintaining the Outdoor Unit Family of
Xicom Solid State Power Amplifiers.
This Prefix contains a Table of Contents that applies to the
entire manual and a Record of Changes page that applies only
to this Prefix.
Each Chapter has its own Part Number, Revision Level, Record
of Changes page, Table of Contents, List of Figures, and List of
Chapter One — Provides an overview of the manual; delineates
who should use the manual; how to contact Xicom Technology.
Chapter T wo — Describes safety information that pertains to
Xicom Technology products. It also provides information about
Warnings, Cautions and Notes that are found throughout the
Chapter Three — Provides general installation information,
communication interface switch settings and cable pinouts.
Chapter Four — Provides the operating instructions for the
power amplifier.
Chapter Five — Provides communication protocols used with
Xicom Technology amplifiers
Chapter Six — Provides the information necessary to update the
amplifier firmware and describes the preventive maintenance
requirements for Xicom Technology power amplifiers.
Chapter Seven — Provides information regarding service and
repair of Xicom Technology power amplifiers, including
instructions on obtaining RMA (Return Maintenance
Authorization) Numbers.
List of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and CE Symbols — Lists the
abbreviations, acronyms, and CE symbols that may be found in
Xicom Technology documentation.
Appendices — The Appendices provide operators and
technicians with information and specifications that are specific
to their particular version of Xicom Technology Power Amplifier.
MN5-0281-002iiiRevision B
XTS-200C Outdoor Solid State Amplifier Operation and Installation Manual
Who should use this manual
This manual is designed for use by trained operators and
technicians who have a thorough knowledge of satellite
transmitting and receiving equipment.
Persons using this manual should familiarize themselves with
the information in the Appendices before reading the main
MN5-0281-002ivRevision B
XTS-200C Outdoor Solid State Amplifier Operation and Installation Manual
Record of Changes
Revision ECODescriptionDateInitiated By
1Preliminary Release07/15/2003 A.L. Crozier, Jr.
A12136 Original release05/13/2004 A.L. Crozier, Jr.
B12257 Update Table of Contents06/30/2004 A.L. Crozier, Jr.
MN5-0281-002vRevision B
XTS-200C Outdoor Solid State Amplifier Operation and Installation Manual
Table of Contents
ParagraphTitlePage Number
List of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and CE SymbolsMNC-0000-010
Chapter 1OverviewMNC-0100-007
Chapter 2SafetyMNC-0200-004
Chapter 3Unpacking and InstallationMNC-0300-011
Chapter 4OperationMNC-0400-012
Chapter 5Solid Sate Amplifier ProtocolMNC-0500-010
Chapter 6Firmware Update Procedure, SSPAMNC-0500-014
Outline, SSPA DC P/S with External Switch304-0270-001
Outline, XTS, C-Band304-0242-001
Appendix CInterconnect Drawings
RF Unit Interconnect307-0655-002
Electrical Interconnect307-0656-002
Power Supply Unit Interconnect307-0785-001
Appendix DSSPA Power Supply Removal ProcedureMNC-0000-039
Appendix ESSPA M&C Termination ConnectorMNC-0000-003
Appendix FProtocol Addendum, BUCMNC-0000-002
Appendix G Operation Addendum, Block UpconverterMNC-0000-015
MN5-0281-002viRevision B
List of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and CE Symbols
List of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and CE Symbols
Record of Changes
Revision ECODescriptionDateInitiated By
A9735Original Release04/17/2002 A.L. Crozier, Jr.
A110179 Add numerous abbreviations08/21/2002 A.L. Crozier, Jr.
A210646 Add more abbreviations; CE symbols01/14/2003 A.L. Crozier, Jr.
A311044 Add more abbreviations05/15/2003‘ A.L. Crozier, Jr.
A411802 Add more abbreviations01/13/2004 A.L. Crozier, Jr.
A512050 Add more abbreviations03/19/2004 A.L. Crozier, Jr.
A612808 Add more abbreviations02/23/2005 A.L. Crozier, Jr.
MNC-0000-0101Revision A6
MNC-0000-0102Revision A6
List of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and CE Symbols
List of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and CE Symbols
The following documents are used as reference material for this
• International Standard ISO-7000: 1989. Graphical symbols for use on
equipment — Index and synopsis
• International Standard CEI/IEC 60417-2: 1998. Graphical symbols for
use on equipment — Part 2: Symbol originals
• Society of Exploration Geophysicist. 1980. The SI Metric System of
Units And SEG Tentative Standard.
• The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. November 1999.
ASME Y14.38-1999. Abbreviations and Acronyms.
• Wachal, Robert S. 1999. Abbreviations Dictionary: A practical
compilation of today’s acronyms and abbreviations. Boston/New York:
Hougton Mifflin Company.
• Franklin Covey. 1999. Franklin Covey Style Guide: FORBUSINESSAND
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Abbreviation or
ACalternating current
ADCanalog-to-digital converter
AFCautomatic frequency control
AGCautomatic gain control
ALCautomatic level control
amp (A)ampere
ATPAcceptance Test Procedure
AVCautomatic volume control
BAbuffer amplifier
MNC-0000-0103Revision A6
List of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and CE Symbols
Abbreviation or
BDELIMband elimination
BITbinary digit
BUCBlock Upconverter
°Cdegree Celsius
CATEcomputer aided test equipment
CBcomponent board
CCTWTCoupled Cavity Traveling Wave Tube
commsatcommunications satellite
CPUcentral processing unit
CRCCyclic Redundancy Check
CTRFcenter frequency
CTSClear to Send
CWcontinuous wave
DACdigital-to-analog converter
dBcDecibels referenced to carrier
Decibels referenced to Amperes or Decibels referenced to
Isotropic Gain
dBmdecibels referenced to one milliwatt
dBWdecibels referenced to Watts
DCdirect current
DCDDate Carrier Detect
DSRData Send Ready
DTRData Terminal Ready
Effilament voltage
EIKExtended Interaction Klystron
Ekcathode voltage
EMIelectromagnetic interference
ETXEnd of Transmission
MNC-0000-0104Revision A6
List of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and CE Symbols
Abbreviation or
Ewhelix voltage
°Fdegree Fahrenheit
FATFirst Article Test
FETfield-effect transistor
FGIPAFixed Gain Intermediate Power Amplifier
FTDFilament Time Delay (TWTA, KPA)
GGiga (one billion)
GHzGiga Hertz
Process using a high voltage power supply to verify high voltage
insulation leakage.
HPAHigh Power Amplifier
HVHigh Voltage
ICintegrated circuit
IESSIntelsat Earth Station Standards
IFIntermediate Frequency
IPAIntermediate Power Amplifier
IrDAInfrared Data Association
Iwhelix current
kkilo (one thousand)
kHzkilo Hertz
KMTKlystron Microwave Tube
KPAKlystron Power Amplifier
kVkilo Volt
KVAHkilovolt-ampere hour
KVAHMkilovolt-ampere hour meter
KVAMkilovolt-ampere meter
kWkilo Watt
KWHMkilowatt-hour meter
LCDliquid crystal display
MNC-0000-0105Revision A6
List of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and CE Symbols
Abbreviation or
LDALine Driver Amplifier
LEDLight Emitting Diode
LOLocal Oscillator
LPALow Power Amplifier
MMega (million)
M&CMonitor and Control
mAmilli Ampere
MSDCMultistage Depressed Collector
MHzMega Hertz
MPSModular Power Supply
MSDCMulti-Stage Depressed Collector
MSLmean sea level
MTBFmean time between failures
MTTRmean time to repair
mVmilli Volt
MWMega Watt
mWmilli Watt
NAKnegative acknowledgement
ODUOutdoor Unit
OEMother equipment manufacturer
ovvover voltage
PBITparity bit
PCBprinted circuit board
PFpower factor
PFCpower factor correction
PSpower supply
PSUpower supply unit
PWMpulse-width modulation
RFRadio Frequency
RMAReturned Material Authorization
RMSroot mean square (.707)
RTSReady to Send
MNC-0000-0106Revision A6
List of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and CE Symbols
Abbreviation or
In a standard 19-inch rack, a set of four mounting holes spaced
as follows:
.625 inches between holes 1, 2, and 3.
.5 inches between holes three and four.
RU = 1.75 inches.
RXDReceived Data
SLINLinearizer with an integrated variable gain SSA
SSASolid State Amplifier
SSPASolid State Power Amplifier
STXStart of Transmission
TDTime Delay (SSPA)
Thermal Electric Cooling. This is a technique used to regulate
the operating temperature environment of a device.
TPSTest Performance Sheet
TWTTraveling Wave Tube
TWTATraveling Wave Tube Amplifier
TXDTransmitted Data
UMBCumbilical cord
UPSuninterrupible power supply
VACVolts alternating current
VDCVolts direct current
VGAvariable gain amplifier
VGIPAVariable Gain Intermediate Power Amplifier
VPCVariable Phase Combiner
VSWRvoltage standing wave ratio
WHMwatthour meter
wmwatt meter
WVworking voltage
XTXicom Technology Analog Outdoor Amplifier
MNC-0000-0107Revision A6
List of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and CE Symbols
Abbreviation or
XTCXicom Technology Controller
XTDXicom Technology Digital Outdoor Amplifier
XTKXicom Technology Klystron Amplifier
XTKDXicom Technology Klystron Amplifier with Flat Display
Xicom Technology Klystron High Efficiency Amplifier — Flat
Display with Multistage Depressed Collector
XTRDXicom Technology Rack Mount Digital Amplifier
XTRD-LDAXicom Technology Rack Mount Line Driver Amplifier
XTRSXicom Technology Solid State Rack Mount Amplifier
XTSXicom Technology Solid State Outdoor Amplifier
XTUXicom Technology Outdoor Amplifier with Block Upconverter
MNC-0000-0108Revision A6
CE Symbols
List of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and CE Symbols
Alternating Current (AC)
CE Marking symbol for equipment and documentation meeting
European Quality Standards.
Earth Ground
OFF for a part of equipment
ON for a part of equipment
MNC-0000-0109Revision A6
List of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and CE Symbols
Power OFF
Power ON
Protective Earth Ground
Transmitted Power Monitor
MNC-0000-01010Revision A6
Record of Changes
Revision ECODescriptionDateInitiated By
1Preliminary Release04/02/2002 A.L. Crozier, Jr.
A9869Original Release06/05/2002 A.L. Crozier, Jr.
B10033 Update to reflect amplifier improvement 08/05/2002 A.L. Crozier, Jr.
This manual is for the Xicom Technology Solid State ODU Power
Amplifier with microprocessor control. The ODU may be mounted
on an antenna or other outdoor location without the need for an
additional watertight enclosure. The standard amplifier consists of:
• a SSPA (Solid State Power Amplifier).
• a SSA (Solid State Amplifier) driver.
• a forward power monitor.
• a reverse power monitor.
• a Power Supply.
• an M&C (Monitor & Control) system.
• serial control interfaces (COM1 and COM2).
• a forced air cooling system.
The following options are available:
• a Block Upconverter.
• a 1:1 redundant waveguide switch controller.
• a 1+1 controller.
The COM1 interface is RS-232 only; the COM2 interface is
configured for RS-422/RS-485 operation. There are hardwired
summary fault and external interlock circuits available for user
defined functions.
Refer to Figure 1, on page 4 for a typical block diagram of the
Power Amplifier.
Refer to Appendix titled Specifications for the details of your
amplifier. Refer to the appendix titled Interconnect Drawings for
specific diagrams of your amplifier.
Control and Status Interface
The amplifier is controlled from an external controller or M&C
system. Refer to the Operation and Communication and Protocol
Chapters to operate the power amplifier in the Remote Mode.
MNC-0100-0073Revision C
Figure 1, Typical Solid State Power Amplifier ODU Antenna Mount Block Diagram
MNC-0100-0074Revision C
Physical Characteristics
Refer to Appendix titled Mechanical Drawings for the Physical
Characteristic Specifications of your amplifier.
The Xicom Solid State ODUs are air cooled where the outside
cooling air does not pass through the SSPA and power supply
enclosure. The SSPA and power supply are conduction cooled.
They are mounted on a finned aluminum plate. A fan pushes
outside air through the fins keeping moist cooling air separate from
the electronics and power supply.
The power supply is field replaceable. See the appendix titled
Mechanical Drawings for a detailed drawing illustrating removal.
The appendix titled SSPA Power Supply Removal Procedure
contains step by step instructions for removing the power supply
Environmental Specifications
Table 1, Environmental Specifications, lists the typical amplifier
environmental specifications.
Refer to the appendix titled Specifications for the environmental
specifications unique to your amplifier.
The amplifier is designed to operate in rain and snow. However, in
high snow load conditions it is advisable to provide a snow shroud
to prevent a buildup of snow at the air inlet causing a blockage that
will reduce air flow.
Table 1, Environmental Specifications
10,000 feet MSL maximum
(2 °C/1000 ft derating)
SHOCK AND VIBRATIONNormal transportation
COOLINGForced air
MNC-0100-0075Revision C
Refer to the Appendix titled Specifications for the specifications of
your amplifier.
Contacting Xicom Technology
If you need to contact Xicom Technology for assistance with your
product you may use one of the following:
Xicom Technology
3550 Bassett Street
Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA
Telephone: 408-213-3000
Facsimile: 408-213-3001
Technical Support —
Telephone:408-213-3109 (24 Hours)
Xicom technology wants to receive customer feedback concerning
the format, content and accuracy of the documentation that is
shipped with the products. We also want customers to submit
comments and suggestions or request assistance in solving
problems with any of our products.
Please access our web site at
and click
on Customer Feedback Forms to go to the Customer Feedback
Page. You may download the appropriate form and submit your
requests and comments using the forms on this page.
MNC-0100-0076Revision C
Record of Changes
Revision ECODescriptionDateInitiated By
1Preliminary Release04/02/2002 A.L. Crozier, Jr.
A9869Original Release06/05/2002 A.L. Crozier, Jr.
B12217 Add Fuse and Power Receptacle
C12707 Added German Translation 12/03/2004 A.L. Crozier, Jr.
This chapter identifies the safety requirements to be applied when
performing any of the procedures specified in this manual. It is the
responsibility of the user to follow all applicable safety regulations
when using this manual. This chapter contains safety summaries
consisting of general safety and health precautions.
Equipment of this nature has inherent hazards. Only trained
Operators and Service Personnel should work on or operate this
The general safety requirements identified in this chapter are
applicable to anyone doing the procedures included in this manual.
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
Warnings, cautions, and notes are used in these procedures to alert
the user to special conditions regarding safety or correct
performance of a particular step or steps. They are placed
immediately prior to the procedural step to which they apply, or
immediately prior to the procedure itself if they apply to the entire
Warnings and cautions are constructed in three parts or sentences.
First, the hazard is stated; second, the correct action to be
performed is stated; and, third, the result of failing to comply with
the action is stated. Notes, however, can be in any form necessary
to convey the needed information. The definitions below show how
warnings, cautions, and notes are used.
MNC-0200-0043 of 14Revision C
WARNING — A procedure, technique, restriction, etc., if not
followed exactly, could result in injury or death to personnel.
This symbol denotes an ELECTRICAL SHOCK
HAZARD WARNING in a procedural step and is used
whenever death or injury to personnel could result
from electrical shock.
This symbol denotes a RADIO FREQUENCY BURN
HAZARD WARNING in a procedural step and is used
whenever death or injury to personnel could result
from radio frequency burns.
This symbol denotes a LADDER FALL HAZARD
WARNING in a procedure step and is used whenever
death or injury to personnel could result from improper
use of a ladder.
This symbol denotes a GENERAL HAZARD
WARNING in a procedural step and is used whenever
death or injury to personnel could result from improper
preparation or performance.
Caution — A procedure, technique, restriction, etc., if not followed
exactly, could result in damage to equipment.
This symbol denotes a CAUTION in a procedural step.
A CAUTION is used whenever equipment damage
could result if the procedure is not correctly followed.
MNC-0200-0044 of 14Revision C
Note — A procedure, technique, restriction, special interest, etc.,
that requires emphasis or consideration for the performance of a
procedural step or steps.
This symbol denotes a NOTE in a procedural step. A
NOTE is used whenever emphasis or consideration
for the performance of a procedural step or steps is
General Warnings and Cautions
High V olt age Hazards
Some models of the Solid State ODU use external
fuses that utilize neutral fusing. Personnel servicing or
maintaining equipment should be thoroughly familiar
with safety precautions related to DOUBLE POLE/
NEUTRAL FUSING. Failure to comply could result in
serious injury or death.
The Solid State ODU power amplifier is not equipped
with internal safety interlock switches. Turn OFF
primary power and disconnect power cord before
removing amplifier enclosure cover. Failure to comply
could result in serious injury or death.
The power amplifier uses high voltage that may be
lethal if contacted. When the amplifier’s power supply
cover is removed multiple high voltage points are
exposed. Use extreme care when operating the
amplifier with the cover removed. Failure to comply
could result in serious injury or death.
MNC-0200-0045 of 14Revision C
The AC Prime Power receptacle on the Solid State
ODU should be located close to a socket outlet and be
easily accessible to service personnel. Failure to
comply could result in serious injury or death.
To prevent electrical shock the amplifier should not be
operated with the cover removed unless service
personnel are thoroughly familiar with its operation
and are experienced with high voltage. Failure to
comply could result in serious injury or death.
When required to measure voltages in a High Volt age
Power Supply:
• turn the equipment OFF.
•use shorting probe to ensure capacitors are discharged.
•ensure meter probes are properly insulated and capable of
handling voltages of 1 kv or more.
•attach probes using one hand.
•ensure probes are not touching other contacts.
Failure to comply could result in serious injury or
Ladder Hazards
When required to use a ladder ensure that:
•the ground in the area where the ladder will be used is free of
objects that could cause the ladder to be unstable.
•Y ou have read and underst and ALL the labels that are affixed
to the ladder.
•you are wearing all appropriate safety equipment such as
hard hat, safety harness, etc.
Failure to comply could result in serious injury or
MNC-0200-0046 of 14Revision C
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