Xiaomi Yi Home Camera User Manual

YI Home Camera
Instruction х 1
YI 1080P home camera 2 х 1
Adapter х 1
Description of the status of the indicator
firmware u pdating
1. Camera complectation
Camera settin gs : remove the back cover ( s ee. Next section), press and hold the start button unti l y ellow light.
Front View
2. Introdu ct ion to the camera
Yellow light
Power On
Flashing yellow
WiFi search
Flashing blue
WiFi connection
Blue light
Connection succeed
Slow flashin g y ellow
1. Light indicator 2. Microphone
3. Removing the back cover
Side view:
Detail Name / Des c r iption
For best result s , do not cover.
Squeeze the left and right bott om groov es and s lide the cover up.
Remove the back cover and insert a Micro-SD card to slot on t he s ide, as shown below.
Back view:
To remove t he bac k cover, squeeze a left and right botto m grooves and slide the cover up.
4. Installing MicroSD card
Micro-SD Card Slot To enable local video recording, insert a
Micro-SD card to slot as s hown in the picture. * Support Class 4 or higher of Micro-SD card, format 8GB -64GB, file system FAT32.
Reset button To launch the camera, press and hold the start but ton until the indicator lights
1. Reset butt on 2. Micro-SD card slot 3. Dynamic
yellow. Dynamic
The speak er is us ed f or 2-way audio.
5. Installing the App
Download the app by searchin g "Y I Homon the App St or e or Google Pla y. As an alternative, you can open th e app for scanni ng QR and scan Yi Home QR-code, shown below. to ins tall the application.
YІ Home App QR-code
6. Registra t ion and log in
1. Open Yl Home App and select "North America" as a point of entry into t he system.
2. Enter your login credentia ls . If you do not have a private page, you can cr eate one by clicking "Regis ter" and fol low the instructions in the applic ation to creat e an YI account. Also in order to log, you can use your Fac ebook page.
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